ExportLifetimeContext<T> - mef

Why does the ExportLifetimeContext<T> exist? What is it for? And why is it necessary to call Dispose on this objec at all? Do I really need to bother calling it? It doesn't feel very managed if I have to spend time thinking about resource managment, it doesn't feel very managed to me.
Is this dispose in anyway tied to the Value property? Is there a specific problem with just going CreateExport().Value?

When you ask an ExportFactory to create a new object, MEF might actually also create dependencies, and the dependencies of those dependencies, etcetera. Many objects might be created because you asked for a single object.
Some of these extra objects might be IDisposable, and the container is responsible for disposing those when they are no longer necessary.
To signal to the container that you are done using your object, you call ExportLifetimeContext<T>.Dispose(). The MEF container will then take care of disposing the requested object and its dependencies if necessary. If you don't do this, MEF will keep references to these objects forever, waiting for a signal that it can dispose them.
In Autofac 2, a very similar mechanism exists. Instead of ExportFactory, they use Func<Owned<T>> and you need to call Owned<T>.Dispose() to clean up.
edit: The MEF documentation has a Parts lifetime section where it is described in which cases exactly the container keeps references to exports. It does not yet mention ExportLifetimeContext.Dispose but I imagine this is similar to CompositionContainer.ReleaseExport.
edit: note that ExportFactory is intended for cases where you have a clearly defined lifetime. If this is not the case (or you know that clean-up is never necessary), then you should create your own factory implementation. Of course, it is then your responsibility to make sure that nothing IDisposable is created, since it would be impossible to clean it up properly.
Here is an example of a custom factory import/export using Func<T>.
public class SomeClass
private readonly Func<Foo> fooFactory;
public SomeClass(Func<Foo> fooFactory)
this.fooFactory = fooFactory;
public void DoStuff()
Foo newFoo = fooFactory();
public class FooFactory
public void CreateFoo()


Avoiding the service locator with inversion of control while dynamically creating objects

I have a WPF application based on MVVM with Caliburn.Micro and Ninject. I have a root viewmodel called ShellViewModel. It has a couple of dependencies (injected via constructor) which are configured in Caliburn's Bootstrapper. So far so good.
Somewhere down the line, there is a MenuViewModel with a couple of buttons, that in turn open other viewmodels with their own dependencies. These viewmodels are not created during creation of the root object, but I still want to inject dependencies into them from my IoC container.
I've read this question on service locator vs dependency injection and I understand the points being made.
I'm under the impression however that my MenuViewModel needs to be able to access my IoC container in order the properly inject the viewmodels that are being made dynamically..which is something I'm trying to avoid. Is there another way?
Yes, I believe you can do something a bit better.
Consider that if there was no on-demand requirement then obviously you could make those viewmodels be dependencies of MenuViewModel and so on up the chain until you get to the root of the object graph (the ShellViewModel) and the container would wire everything up.
You can put a "firewall" in the object graph by substituting something that can construct the dependencies of MenuViewModel for the dependencies themselves. The container is the obvious choice for this job, and IMHO from a practical standpoint this is a good enough solution even if it's not as pure.
But you can also substitute a special-purpose factory instead of the container; this factory would take a dependency on the container and provide read-only properties for the real dependencies of MenuViewModel. Accessing the properties would result in having the container resolve the objects and returning them (accessor methods would also work instead of properties; what's more appropriate is another discussion entirely, so just use whatever you think is better).
It may look like that you haven't really changed the status quo, but the situation is not the same it would be if MenuViewModel took a direct dependency on the container. In that case you would have no idea what the real dependencies of MenuViewModel are by looking at its public interface, while now you would see that there's a dependency on something like
interface IMenuViewModelDependencyFactory
public RealDependencyA { get; }
public RealDependencyB { get; }
which is much more informative. And if you look at the public interface of the concrete MenuViewModelDependencyFactory things are also much better:
class MenuViewModelDependencyFactory : IMenuViewModelDependencyFactory
private Container container;
public MenuViewModelDependencyFactory(Container container) { ... }
public RealDependencyA { get { ... } }
public RealDependencyB { get { ... } }
There should be no confusion over what MenuViewModelDependencyFactory intends to do with the container here because it's so very highly specialized.

Autofac and Quartz.Net Integration

Does anyone have any experience integrating autofac and Quartz.Net? If so, where is it best to control lifetime management -- the IJobFactory, within the Execute of the IJob, or through event listeners?
Right now, I'm using a custom autofac IJobFactory to create the IJob instances, but I don't have an easy way to plug in to a ILifetimeScope in the IJobFactory to ensure any expensive resources that are injected in the IJob are cleaned up. The job factory just creates an instance of a job and returns it. Here are my current ideas (hopefully there are better ones...)
It looks like most AutoFac integrations somehow wrap a ILifetimeScope around the unit of work they create. The obvious brute force way seems to be to pass an ILifetimeScope into the IJob and have the Execute method create a child ILifetimeScope and instantiate any dependencies there. This seems a little too close to a service locator pattern, which in turn seems to go against the spirit of autofac, but it might be the most obvious way to ensure proper handling of a scope.
I could plug into some of the Quartz events to handle the different phases of the Job execution stack, and handle lifetime management there. That would probably be a lot more work, but possibly worth it if it gets cleaner separation of concerns.
Ensure that an IJob is a simple wrapper around an IServiceComponent type, which would do all the work, and request it as Owned<T>, or Func<Owned<T>>. I like how this seems to vibe more with autofac, but I don't like that its not strictly enforceable for all implementors of IJob.
Without knowing too much about Quartz.Net and IJobs, I'll venture a suggestion still.
Consider the following Job wrapper:
public class JobWrapper<T>: IJob where T:IJob
private Func<Owned<T>> _jobFactory;
public JobWrapper(Func<Owned<T>> jobFactory)
_jobFactory = jobFactory;
void IJob.Execute()
using (var ownedJob = _jobFactory())
var theJob = ownedJob.Value;
Given the following registrations:
A job factory could now resolve this wrapper:
var job = _container.Resolve<JobWrapper<SomeJob>>();
Note: a lifetime scope will be created as part of the ownedJob instance, which in this case is of type Owned<SomeJob>. Any dependencies required by SomeJob that is InstancePerLifetimeScope or InstancePerDependency will be created and destroyed along with the Owned instance.
Take a look at https://github.com/alphacloud/Autofac.Extras.Quartz. It also available as NuGet package https://www.nuget.org/packages/Autofac.Extras.Quartz/
I know it a bit late:)

Entity Framework 4 ObjectContext Lifetime

Ive just started using EF4 with the repository pattern. Im having to call the dispose method after every use of context or wrap code arround in the using block. Can I use the ObjectContext without doing this in every method I write or is there a better way of handling this in the repository.
Also I dont want to pass the ObjectContext to the repository from the UI as well.
To do this as resource effectively as possible without dependency injection, I would suggest that you implement a private, lazy-loading property for the object context.
private ObjectContext _context;
private ObjectContext Context
{ get
return _context ?? (_context = new ObjectContext());
Next, make your repository implement IDisposable and take care of the object context in your dispose method:
public Repository : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
Then, you just use the property in all your methods, and wrap usage of your repository in using statements.
To decrease traffic to the database, you could also factor out the saving to a separate method on the repository, which just forwards the call to the object context. That way you get more control of when data is saved in the UI layer, even though you don't control how. That means you could do
using (var repo = new Repository())
repo.AddSomeStuff("this", "is", true);
repo.ChangeSomethingElse("yes, please");
and there would only be one call from EF to the database. On the other hand, if you do
using (var repo = new Repository())
repo.AddSomeStuff("this", "is", true);
repo.ChangeSomethingElse("yes, please");
nothing happens, which might be confusing.
The general pattern for using an object context is:
public BusinessObject GetSomething(){
using (MyObjectContext context = new MyObjectContext()){
//..do fun stuff
Which hopefully is the pattern you are using. Calling dispose seems a little overkill when you can just use a "using" statement.
Another option is if you are going to be doing multiple DB queries in a flow. I have seen a pattern where you can reuse the same context within the thread. People basically implement a Thread based singleton pattern and pass around the context. Advantages to this is not having to rebuild the context, as well as some in memory caching. Downside is you could run into concurrency issues. Someone updating something that you have cached internally in EF.
I am guessing the second case doesn't really apply because it sounds like you are writting a small app. (that statement was based on your comments about passing a context from UI...a statement which will scare any good code architect).
If you are interested in a thread based singleton. First learn about the Singleton pattern, and then check out this blog about "DataContext" threads. You will have to change the "DataContext" type to the ObjectContext class but it would work.
I will say I overlooked an obvious solution and that would be the below ;). Just using a property based Object Context and playing your repository in a using statement. It would be the same as the using example above, but you would implement IDisoposable.

ServiceContainer, IoC, and disposable objects

I have a question, and I'm going to tag this subjective since that's what I think it evolves into, more of a discussion. I'm hoping for some good ideas or some thought-provokers. I apologize for the long-winded question but you need to know the context.
The question is basically:
How do you deal with concrete types in relation to IoC containers? Specifically, who is responsible for disposing them, if they require disposal, and how does that knowledge get propagated out to the calling code?
Do you require them to be IDisposable? If not, is that code future-proof, or is the rule that you cannot use disposable objects? If you enforce IDisposable-requirements on interfaces and concrete types to be future-proof, whose responsibility is objects injected as part of constructor calls?
Edit: I accepted the answer by #Chris Ballard since it's the closest one to the approach we ended up with.
Basically, we always return a type that looks like this:
public interface IService<T> : IDisposable
where T: class
T Instance { get; }
Boolean Success { get; }
String FailureMessage { get; } // in case Success=false
We then return an object implementing this interface back from both .Resolve and .TryResolve, so that what we get in the calling code is always the same type.
Now, the object implementing this interface, IService<T> is IDisposable, and should always be disposed of. It's not up to the programmer that resolves a service to decide whether the IService<T> object should be disposed or not.
However, and this is the crucial part, whether the service instance should be disposed or not, that knowledge is baked into the object implementing IService<T>, so if it's a factory-scoped service (ie. each call to Resolve ends up with a new service instance), then the service instance will be disposed when the IService<T> object is disposed.
This also made it possible to support other special scopes, like pooling. We can now say that we want minimum 2 service instances, maximum 15, and typically 5, which means that each call to .Resolve will either retrieve a service instance from a pool of available objects, or construct a new one. And then, when the IService<T> object that holds the pooled service is disposed of, the service instance is released back into its pool.
Sure, this made all code look like this:
using (var service = ServiceContainer.Global.Resolve<ISomeService>())
but it's a clean approach, and it has the same syntax regardless of the type of service or concrete object in use, so we chose that as an acceptable solution.
Original question follows, for posterity
Long-winded question comes here:
We have a IoC container that we use, and recently we discovered what amounts to a problem.
In non-IoC code, when we wanted to use, say, a file, we used a class like this:
using (Stream stream = new FileStream(...))
There was no question as to whether this class was something that held a limited resource or not, since we knew that files had to be closed, and the class itself implemented IDisposable. The rule is simply that every class we construct an object of, that implements IDisposable, has to be disposed of. No questions asked. It's not up to the user of this class to decide if calling Dispose is optional or not.
Ok, so on to the first step towards the IoC container. Let's assume we don't want the code to talk directly to the file, but instead go through one layer of indirection. Let's call this class a BinaryDataProvider for this example. Internally, the class is using a stream, which is still a disposable object, so the above code would be changed to:
using (BinaryDataProvider provider = new BinaryDataProvider(...))
This doesn't change much. The knowledge that the class implements IDisposable is still here, no questions asked, we need to call Dispose.
But, let's assume that we have classes that provide data that right now doesn't use any such limited resources.
The above code could then be written as:
BinaryDataProvider provider = new BinaryDataProvider();
OK, so far so good, but here comes the meat of the question. Let's assume we want to use an IoC container to inject this provider instead of depending on a specific concrete type.
The code would then be:
IBinaryDataProvider provider =
Note that I assume there is an independent interface available that we can access the object through.
With the above change, what if we later on want to use an object that really should be disposed of? None of the existing code that resolves that interface is written to dispose of the object, so what now?
The way we see it, we have to pick one solution:
Implement runtime checking that checks that if a concrete type that is being registered implements IDisposable, require that the interface it is exposed through also implements IDisposable. This is not a good solution
Enfore a constraint on the interfaces being used, they must always inherit from IDisposable, in order to be future-proof
Enforce runtime that no concrete types can be IDisposable, since this is specifically not handled by the code using the IoC container
Just leave it up to the programmer to check if the object implements IDisposable and "do the right thing"?
Are there others?
Also, what about injecting objects in constructors? Our container, and some of the other containers we've looked into, is capable of injecting a fresh object into a parameter to a constructor of a concrete type. For instance, if our BinaryDataProvider need an object that implements the ILogging interface, if we enforce IDispose-"ability" on these objects, whose responsibility is it to dispose of the logging object?
What do you think? I want opinions, good and bad.
One option might be to go with a factory pattern, so that the objects created directly by the IoC container never need to be disposed themselves, eg
IBinaryDataProviderFactory factory =
using(IBinaryDataProvider provider = factory.CreateProvider())
Downside is added complexity, but it does mean that the container never creates anything which the developer is supposed to dispose of - it is always explicit code which does this.
If you really want to make it obvious, the factory method could be named something like CreateDisposableProvider().
(Disclaimer: I'm answering this based on java stuff. Although I program C# I haven't proxied anything in C# but I know it's possible. Sorry about the java terminology)
You could let the IoC framework inspect the object being constructed to see if it supports
IDisposable. If not, you could use a dynamic proxy to wrap the actual object that the IoC framework provides to the client code. This dynamic proxy could implement IDisposable, so that you'd always deliver a IDisposable to the client. As long as you're working with interfaces that should be fairly simple ?
Then you'd just have the problem of communicating to the developer when the object is an IDisposable. I'm not really sure how this'd be done in a nice manner.
You actually came up with a very dirty solution: your IService contract violates the SRP, wich is a big no-no.
What I recommend is to distinguish so-called "singleton" services from so-called "prototype" services. Lifetime of "singleton" ones is managed by the container, which may query at runtime whether a particular instance implements IDisposable and invoke Dispose() on shutdown if so.
Managing prototypes, on the other hand, is totally the responsibility of the calling code.

Library assembly IoC setup

I am working in a project that has two main parts: a class library assembly and the main application. Both are using Castle Windsor for IoC and both manually setup their list of of components in code (to aid refactoring and prevent the need for a config file). Currently the main application has code like this:
public static void Main()
// Perform library IoC setup
// Perform application IoC setup
IoC.Register<IXyz, Abc>("abc");
// etc, etc, ...
// Start the application code ...
However the call to initialise the library doesn't seem like a good solution. What is the best way to setup a class library that uses an IoC container to decouple its internal components?
Lusid proposed using a static method on each public component in the library that would in turn make the call to initialise. One possible way to make this a bit nicer would be to use something like PostSharp to do this in an aspect-oriented way. However I was hoping for something a bit more elegant ;-)
Lusid also proposed using the AppDomain.AssemblyLoad event to perform custom steps at load time, however I am really after a way to avoid the client assembly from requiring any setup code.
I'm not sure if I'm understanding exactly the problem you are trying to solve, but my first guess is that you are looking for a way to decouple the need to call the Init method from your main application.
One method I've used in the past is a static constructor on a static class in the class library:
static public class LibraryComponent {
static LibraryComponent() {
If you have multiple class libraries, and would like a quick and dirty way of evaluating all of them as they are loaded, here's a (kinda hairy) way:
static void Main()
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += new AssemblyLoadEventHandler(CurrentDomain_AssemblyLoad);
static void CurrentDomain_AssemblyLoad(object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args)
IEnumerable<Type> types = args.LoadedAssembly.GetTypes()
.Where(t => typeof(IMyModuleInterface).IsAssignableFrom(t));
foreach (Type t in types)
The Where clause could be anything you want, of course. The code above would find any class deriving from IMyModuleInterface in each assembly that gets loaded into the current AppDomain, and then I can do something with it, whether it be registering dependencies, maintaining an internal list, whatever.
Might not be exactly what you are looking for, but hopefully it helps in some way.
You could have a registration module. Basically LibraryComponent.Init() function takes an IRegistrar to wire everything up.
The IRegistrar could basically have a function Register(Type interface, Type implementation). The implimentor would map that function back to their IOC container.
The downside is that you can't rely on anything specific to the container your using.
Castle Windsor actually has a concept called facilities that are basically just ways of wrapping standardised pieces of configuration. In this model, you would simply add the two facilities to the container and they would do the work.
Of course, this wouldn't really be better than calling a library routine to do the work unless you configured the facilities in a configuration file (consider binsor). If you are really allergic to configuration files, your current solution is probably the best.