iPhone - Add annotation to My own Map - iphone

I have an image plan of stores of exhibitors hall. So I need to add annotation to each store in the plan, which is a jpg file.
iPhone MapKit looks like supports only world map. Are there any way I can add my own picture and add annotation to it like google map annotation.

I don't think you can do that.
What you can do is using a UIScrollView to scroll and zoom in/out your jpg plan and use subviews to simulate annotations. That's what I would do.

MapKit does not support custom tiles, so your only option is to implement your own map using UIScrollView (and potentially CATiledLayer if the map is large / has many zoom levels).


Create custom map with annotations in Swift

Is there a way with Swift to realise something similar like this http://www.dayzdb.com/map Can I load an UIImage, that I can pinch and zoom and place annotation or images on specific locations. Or is there a way with the MapKit?
Thanks in advance

Custom Map View

Here is the scenario...
I have a image of a map in jpeg format... I want to add it to my iPhone application and mark the coordinates in certain places (just like annotation in map kit ) and also when i move from one place to another place the current location should change and the new location should be marked in the image.
Is that possible ? How to achieve this instead of using the mkmapview ?
I found this tutorial how to add custom google maps, maybe you could use your image (.jpeg) as a overlay.
Sounds like you want to use an MKOverlay.
Essentially it boils down to looking at the TileMap sample code from WWDC 2010. It'll still load the Google Map in the background and your map over the top

Fit Images in MKMapview

I am using MKMapView , i want in my map the background image will display instead of map
i have some local images and i want that images will be shown instead of original map on
any help please?
You should be using CATiledLayer and a UIScrollView if you want to roll your own solution and need something pretty simple, or use https://github.com/route-me/route-me a native open source map library that enables you to use custom map tiles.

Use an Image as an MKOverlayView (iPhone MKMapKit)

We want to use MapKit / MKOverlayView to create a map that looks totally customized. We would create a PNG that has the local streets / points of interest, and match that up to MapKit map.
I am finding some info that seems to infer that this is possible, but all the tutorials and examples I find are dealing with drawing lines and polygons, which is not what we want.
I have also considered the possibility of creating the PNG, grabbing the user's location and mathematically calculating their position on the image... but that seems like a bigger task than potentially using a MKOverlayView
Any ideas about how to get started would be much appreciated.
You could start by looking at Open Maps I believe you can customise their maps by creating your own XML file (different styles of roads etc..) You can then download the map tiles as PNGs or lazy load them in your app.
Google maps on the other hand you are not allowed to modify or store in you application.
However if you choose the open maps approach you have to effectively roll your own MapKit. This is tricky but very much possible. Start by looking at the apple developer videos on tiled scroll views.

MKMapView tile-based overlay

I want to draw a tile-based overlay on top of a MKMapView, but there's no obvious way to do this.
This appears to be tricky since you can zoom to any level with MKMapView (unlike Google Maps).
Has anyone attempted to do this?
Incase this question is still getting views readers should check out the HazardMap and TileMap demo code from WWDC2010.
I'm working on a game where I need to overlay objects on the map and have them scroll and zoom with the map.
Using annotation views I've been able to solve the first problem and partially solve the second problem. Annotations automatically move with the map. For scaling them, I use the mapView:regionDidChangeAnimated: delegate method to resize my annotations after a zoom event. The problem is that the annotations don't rescale until after the zoom gesture is complete.
I can think of two approaches other than filing a bug with Apple requesting that they provide an API for map overlays:
Put a (mostly invisible) view over the top of the MKMapView that intercepts zoom and scroll events, handles them, and passes them on to the map view.
Customize the open-source RouteMe library with tiles from Open Street Map or CloudMade (the former is slow, the latter costs money). But it's fully open source so you should be able to do overlays to your heart's content. You could also run your own tile server that does the tile overlays on the server.
Something I discovered later:
Not quite a tile-based solution, but interesting nonetheless.