A Link for Facebook Likes (no button) - facebook

I have a quiet and minimal site that I'd like to add a "share on Facebook" link to. My preference would be for a simple text link. Is this possible anymore?

You have very good documentation on this topic.
Regardless of the implementation,
Share always uses the url format below
to show the user the preview. Feel
free to create your own implementation
based on this.
http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=&t= We also
provide an API to query data on shared

Something like this:
Share on Facebook
You may also consider using window.open() to provide a appropriately sized window.


Multiple Facebook share button/link on the same page refering different TITLE & LINK

I need to create a "contest" page where user will be asked to submit picture.
After that, they should be able to share their picture on FB, Twitter, G+, Pinterest, etc for other people to come and vote.
I want the page to be displayed as a jQuery gallery and whenever people select a thumbnail, the bigger picture open with the associated vote and "share" button.
When a user share an image, I want a specific TITLE & URL associated with that particular image... something like "http://www.mysite.com/contest.html#picture1"... or "http://www.mysite.com/contest.html#picture2"
How is this possible if I only have one page?
I wouldn't have problem if I could use the old "facebook.com/sharer.php" with parameters... but it seems that the Open Graph Protocol is "overiding" the sharer.php parameters....
Works fine with Twitter and Pinterest... I might have the same problem with Google+.
Excuse my bad english, thanks!
Well, set up a (“dummy”) page for each picture, and fill it with the appropriate OG tags … and have your users like that. And then put a JS redirect into that page, so that users following the link when it’s shared on Facebook will get to the “real” address you want them to end up at.
(Btw., IMHO this is what happens too often these days when people think doing everything client-side and client-side only is so “fancy” and that a “good” and “modern” site requires all that AJAX/one-page-only nonsense instead of a real good and working URL structure, and then are not able to handle all that this implies properly …)

Share bought products from order on buyer's Facebook wall

The company I'm currently working for wants to create a button that lets people share their order on Facebook after they've paid, but with the deprecation of the "Share" button I don't really know how to do it.
The "Like" button does not seem fit for this. Any ideas, anyone?
There are a few ways to go about this.
You can use the standard sharer. This is good for one-off sharing or in cases where you don't have control or don't want to control how the share is rendered and you want Facebook to handle it.
http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=<url to share>&t=<title of content>
It won't require you to have an app ID but you also won't get a nice control panel for your applications sharing history/insights. You can query and get some information about the URL your sharing though by looking through the open graph.
You can set the URL and Title of the content. The sharer will then look at the metadata on the webpage your sharing to determine the contents of the share. More below.
You can also use the Feed dialog. Which comes with more customization options. The Feed dialog is the best option if your integrating sharing as an integral part of the application. I think at minimum you need to include the app_id,redirect_uri and link property. Look through the properties here. You will need an app ID to use this feed dialog and if your using the JS api you need to authenticate the user too. You can also invoke the dialog directly through a direct url where you don't need to pre-authenticate the user.
With either sharing method, you may wish to include custom open graph metatags on your webpage. This way you can influence how the Facebook scraper makes your share. You can set some default (pre-accepted by Facebook) open graph metatags on your page. Or you can create your own set now in the dashboard. In the Open Graph dashboard on Facebook you can customize how Facebook is supposed to read and interact with your metatags.
You can debug your pages open graph metatags by passing your URL through the debugger.
This will give you, for example, JSON or an HTML representation of how FB sees the page.

Is it possible to Facebook LIKE URL without knowing OBJECT_ID and without the facebook API?

Basicly I want to do the same what Facebook API does but without the API. Any ideas?
If all you want s to add a facebook like button to your website, then you can use the "like button generator" here http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
Use the "get code" button at the bottom.
If you need to like different pages, then it's easy to grab the code (as per above) and just programmatically substitute in your URL for the one you put in the code above.
If you need anything more than this, you will need to provide us more information. Starting with what language you use, what you've already tried and what form you'd like the "LIKE URL" to be in when you're done.

Is the Facebook "Share" button being deprecated?

I have a business requirement to add a Share on Facebook button to a site. There are a lot of links on the web that point to this page but that just points to the page about the like button. Considering there really isn't any talk of a Share button on that page, makes me think it's going away.
This blog post from 2009 talks about the Share button. I didn't see, when I searched, any mention about the Share button being phased out.
I'm unclear on whether I should implement this with sharer.php or whether I should tell the business that "Share" is on the way out and we should just implement "Like".
I have seen some blog posts that suggest Share is deprecated, but nothing official from Facebook.
It is not deprecated per se, but we do want developers to move the Like button.
Official word from Facebook on the sharer.php being deprecated and not supported: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/share/
The Share button has been deprecated in favor of the Like button, and will no longer be supported. Please use the Like button whenever possible to drive maximum traffic to your apps.
2014: The sharer.php has been well..undeprecated. It figures, as this method has been used on millions of sites and was still being used even when the docs were previously saying that it was deprecated. Links in the old format will use the new share button functionality:
This new Share Button works with a new version of our web-based Share Dialog. When using the sharer.php method of invoking the Share Dialog, this dialog will also display the new version without any changes required.
Can I use the Share Dialog without using the Share Button?
Yes, although we recommend using the Share button to offer the
simplest and most consistent experience for people using your site,
you can invoke the Share Dialog using a link:
I believe it has been deprecated in favor of an improved Like button that has similar functionality. The language can be tweaked to 'Recommend', but I found these articles when doing similar research.
Hope it helps.
I don't know of any plans to deprecate the share bookmarklet (which is sharer.php). The deprecation I think you're thinking of is the deprecation of the <fb:share> tag, an XFBML tag which basically did the same thing as <fb:like> before <fb:like> came into existence. Now, they're redundant, so I think <fb:share> is gradually being phased out.
Using the Like button is probably the right way to go in most cases, but if you don't want to make an app id and want a simple quick method, just do this:
Share on Facebook
You can replace the Share on Facebook with an image or whatever you want. Facebook docs reference: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/share-links/

When should use use "FB.Connect.showShareDialog" instead of "FB.Connect.streamPublish"?

It looks like they do virtually the same thing for simple posts. Do they show up in different place in Facebook? Any ideas?
Using FB.Connect.streamPublish you are allowed to specify attachments (image, flash, mp3), action_links, and a user_message_prompt. The posting to their Profile may be more engaging if you go this route.
The FB.Connect.showShareDialog is mainly just a url that you pass in. Facebook loads that url to get the page title, and see if there are suitable thumbnail images specified on that page.
The main advantage of showShareDialog is that you can ask the users to click on "Send as Message instead" to send the link to specific friends. The default behavior is to "Post to Profile instead".
For basic uses, the two calls can be very similar, but they each have their own distinct capabilities too. I'm finding that I have a need for both in different cases.