Facebook Connect doesn't redirect upon login - facebook

I know this is a question that has been asked several times, but I'm receiving an error that I haven't found any documentation on and am not making any progress on this.
I have the Facebook Connect feature working on my blog, however, not everything is working. Upon clicking the 'Login' button a popup is displayed that allows me to enter user/pass information. After clicking 'Login' the page doesn't refresh and I receive a javascript error.
Error: this._opts.channelUrl is null
Source File: http://www.facebook.com/widgets/comments.php?api_key=XXXX&channel_url=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.gnucom.cc%2Fxd_receiver.htm&xid=http%253A%252F%252Fblog.gnucom.cc%252F2010%252Ffacebooks-connect-on-wordpress%252F&width=550&url=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.gnucom.cc%2F2010%2Ffacebooks-connect-on-wordpress%2F&title=Facebook%E2%80%99s%20Connect%20on%20Wordpress.&numposts=10&css=&simple=&reverse=&quiet=&publish_feed=1&locale=en_US
Line: 2
If I refresh the page manually, I see that I actually was logged in.
Can anyone suggest a solution or point me to another post? If this is actually a duplicate post please point me to the other post, and I'll close this one.
Edit: I'm adding resources that I've found so far, but am not sure if they will resolve the issue.

This error is occuring because
"a.frameName" is set to
"iframe_canvas", but "a.channelUrl" is
set to NULL. So when you call
"indexOf" on a NULL property, you get
that JavaScript error.


Can anyone help, why google page speed said "Client site redirect" and my domain has a google selected chronical "http://ww82.gooogleapi.com"?

Search Console Error
Google Page Speed Error
My domain www.tanviralamhira.com is not indexing and also I cannot even check google page speed. problems are shown in the screenshot. Can anybody help, how can I solve it?
I have tried several time to check and index request but it failed.
Had the same issue!
The problem was in the string
script src='https://ajax.gooogleapi.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.35/jquery.min.js
Remove this string or change a link to jquery library and check wether redirect disappears. Interestingly, the link looks legit and thus doesnt warn one at all, nevertheless...
Good luck!

Using m.me links with ref param

I'm trying to deeplink users into my facebook messenger bot, and I need to pass some data in at the same time. Supposedly this can be done by using m.me links, along with a query param.
My bot's page is https://www.facebook.com/Willy-1610141399078870/
The m.me url would be something like this. https://m.me/Willy-1610141399078870?ref=somedatagoeshere
The m.me link works to a degree on desktop, but the data isn't passed to the bot. I don't particularly need it to work on desktop.
However, when I try to open that link on ios or android, I get an error message.
This user name doesn't exist. Try another code or link
Username was not found
The bot hasn't been published yet, so it won't be visible to anyone else. I need to be able to test this functionality before I publish, so I hope that's not what is causing the failure.
Has anyone else been able to use this feature?
It seems that the facebook-generated username can't be used for m.me links. It requires you to register an explicit username.
My page's generated name was Willy-1610141399078870, so https://m.me/Willy-1610141399078870 wasn't a valid url.
To register a username for your page, go to your page > About > Create Page #username.
Then, you can attempt to pick a username that isn't already taken. Somehow, #willy-the-test-page is already taken (?), so I got this incredibly confusing error message:
Taking the error message at face value, I decided to create another page and try again. This time, realizing that the message didn't mean what it said. Picking an available username clears the error message, and allows registration.
Just kidding! It will tell you again that the page isn't eligible.
The solution was to create a totally new page, and go through the #username creation flow again. It worked for me on the second attempt.
It's rumored that a page needs at least 25 likes to become eligible for an #username, but this isn't true in all cases.

Stopped Working: FB.ui with method: 'feed' suddenly quit working

This question is similar to: Facebook Error 191 on canvas app using FB.ui() for the 'feed' dialog (worked before, stopped working last week) which was never answered.
Starting today, after the user likes the page and enters the contest, the share dialog which presented itself stopped working and gave:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
when logged in as an admin and just an error occurred for other users. This tab has been running well for a while now. I have confirmed it with an associate of mine. They did make a change to another part of the app (yesterday and today) but the sharing was still working until this afternoon. They did not change the part that generates the dialog.
The tab is: https://www.facebook.com/MedjoolDates/app_355398587864294
Anyone have any insight? Feel free to use 'cancel' rather than sharing and fake data to sign up, then unlike the page if you wish.
Thanks in advance.
Same problem here, there is a bug posted on Facebook Developes here:
Can't help much without seeing your code.
One thing to check, make sure your redirection_uri is exactly as your domain registered with FB and that you include a trailing / ie http://www.myurl.com/ rather than http://www.myurl.com
I can't answer why it changed, but I had that error fixed by the above change before.
I am having the same issue. Am developing a new app with FB.ui feed functionality, which worked OK yesterday and today it gives the same error as OP.
Went back and checked an > 1 year old app with the same functionality; same error. I cannot see any other solution, than the FB dev team has changed something and not given notice.

Facebook Send Dialog fails to send links to Facebook itself -- why?

I'm trying to use Facebook Send Dialog in a WinForms frame with a browser control and direct URI (you can repro just by clicking the links below). It works fine with link=http://www.foo.com, sending the message properly if you enter a message and click "Send":
However, this fails with link=http://www.facebook.com or any path under it. Clicking "Send" just gets you "Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can.":
The aim is to write a script to make it easier to send messages asking all users in a particular group to a page (prepopulating the recipient list). Since Facebook has restricted groups larger than 500 members, our organization has to move to a Facebook Page, and I want the Send Dialog to link the new Facebook Page. Why won't this work? Is there a workaround? Are there other criteria for what links Send Dialog will and won't send?
Also, is there a way I can determine whether the send occurred or not, for example an event to catch? Whether you send or cancel, the Navigated event is still redirect_uri/#_=_.
Once I have Send Dialog working, I will add Show-FBSendDialog to Facebook PowerShell Module, which already has numerous capabilities to automate Facebook from PowerShell.
ran some tests and it seems it is blocking any fb domain http://on.fb.me/91S2P8, sometimes this is temporary otherwise need to rethink...
I see your second link isn't working... but if you add your company page id or name to link it should work. following link works for me:
hope this helps
I got solution. I also had same problem. No post helped me. Solving error for 2 days.
There were posibility of two mistakes(that was done by me).
Link Parameter given in url should be working. I have linked to api namespace but not given SSL url. So it was giving problem. You can given your web site address.
And redirect_uri parameter should be working. Try to give redirect_uri to same page most probably.

Database Down error while posting a comment through comment box in facebook iframe application

I have an iframe application. I have comment box functionality. It is displayed well but the problem comes when i click on post iam getting this error:
Database Down
Sorry, a temporary error has occurred. Please try again.
How can i resolve this please help me on this?
It may be a facebook issue...give it a couple of hours and try again. More importantly make sure you are using the recent comment tags as can be found here
Use the form to generate your code and try it out.
In my experience, this is likely due to not using the xid parameter. Check that it is there, and if not - adding it should solve your problem.