How to add Filter to my Combo? - eclipse

I have a SWT combo box which has items more than 100.
For more efficient selecting, I want to add filter on combo box.
I have searched for this, but I cannot find appropriate comments.
Please let me know what is the best way for this.

I know it's not pure SWT, but if JFace is okay I find ComvoViewer API gives me the appropriate points, allowing me to to implement my filters. See the ContentProvider API, and specifically the inputChanged lifecycle.

As far as I know, SWT uses a simple model of adding an array of Strings as items using the setItems() method, but does not allow filtering like the JFace viewers.
So I think, the only solution is to filter the elements either before adding it using the setItems(), or using the add()/remove() methods (either based on indexing or Strings).


Instantsearch filter by custom function

Due to certain limitations I am not able to index categories and subcategories so I need a way to be able to filter a list of manually created items. It's actually a two part thing:
1: I am filtering the visible results via a toggle switch
2: I now have a submenu (also manually created) with multiple items which need to be sortable as well.
So when I click on any item it filters. The behavior should be the same as in this demo.
This part, to be specific:
The issue I'm facing is that I don't know if this is possible at all. Yes, I looked at the obvious places but could not find anything helpful. Again, the list is created manually so I'd need some custom function to highjack the instantsearch results, I guess.
Any help is much appreciated.

Can I search multiple indices using the InstantSearch Library?

My search objects in Algolia contain a field called SOURCE where I store which of our content silos I'm getting the content from.
I've used the InstantSearch library to create a nice search interface that uses the refinementList widget to let the user filter by the source system. This works well enough.
Now I realize that I'd prefer to store each silo in a unique Algolia index, but I still want a single search UI.
I'm not seeing that the instantSearch library supports this. Can it? Can anyone point me to some sample code?
One way to let your users select the source would be to use a sortBySelector which lets you select different indices.
You can find more information about it in the InstantSearch documentation.

Is it possible to add a combobox as column in a listbox in VBA?

Using a VBA form, is it possible to add a Listbox control that has columns which contain Combo box controls?
No not possible with Standard VBA; Standard VBA will not allow this! You may be able to create a custom ActivX control or load another 3rd party control as suggested elsewhere but a standard ListBox cannot hold a ComboBox.
Other Workarounds may be usable if you can provide more details...
If you insist in doing that using User Forms, the only way is that when you click a list item, it should pop a different form containing the combo box, it will be too much work to create and difficult to maintain.
I am sure with spreadsheet itself you can come up with better solutions. I am still not sure what ultimately you want to achieve, but to me this is just a dependent list so you can use sth like this in the spreadsheet itself:

What is the best way to present multiple options in a form for section 508?

I will need to provide a way for a user (who will be using a screen reader) to select multiple options within a form. Currently, these options are laid out in a two column table with checkboxes in the first column and spans with the label for the option in the second column. This isn't section 508 compliant, but it will need to be for this site. I'm trying to figure out the best way to replace this form with something better.
The options I have are to either
Use ul/lis with labels for the checkboxes
Use a multi-select drop down list.
Does anyone have a preference or a better idea?
I've decided to use a muli-select dropdown. In case anyone was wondering. It seems to work fairly well with the screen reader I'm using. I did find that IE seems to be the best browser to work with and most screen readers aren't working very well with Chrome or other browsers unfortunately. I can only assume then that most people who visually disabled are probably using IE because of this.

Customizing IMarker behavior

I'm trying to make an Eclipse plugin that will highlight certain lines certain colors based on outside input. Is there any way to specify the behavior of a new IMarker rather than rely on basic implementation of bookmarks, problems, etc?
I don't have the complete solution, but I think, I can give you some starting points.
The basic idea is to create custom annotations for your custom markers. You can define your own marker types, and register constant formatting rules for it (the latter one is a shameless link to one of my own blog posts). In this case, if your code creates the correct marker types, you can add the different formatting regarding the output.
On the other hand, if you have only a single problem type, I don't know the correct answer, but the Annotation Model Creation extension seems to be the answer. For details look at the Eclipse help.