Working with tiff's in matlab - matlab

How do find out what bit a file is? I have a tiff and convert it to class double to work with the values in the command line. When I do that though the histogram (256 bins) looks like it is binary when that isn't the case for the original file. Why is that? How do I correct that? Another odd thing is the image that I get isnt binary, you can actually see different shades of gray.

Im not sure I understood the problem but to get a detailed information of an image file, use the IMFINFO function

I assume that you converted the image to double using IM2DOUBLE. This rescales the image so that its values are distributed between 0 and 1 (for example, the pixel values of an 8-bit image would be divided by 255).
If you were to plot the histogram with hist(img(:),(0:255)/255), where img is the converted image, you'd see the 256 bins as you'd expect them.


MATLAB imread() wrong gray scale

I made a simple grayscale image with
Then I simply read the image using MATLAB imread() and got something like this (same thing for Octave):
I checked the background value and it's 55 instead of 255.
I then tried the same thing in Python using pyplot.imread() and get the expected result:
I saw this a couple of times even when I was reading something like Lena in MATLAB -- the gray scale was totally messed up. Does anyone know what's wrong with imread in MATLAB (and Octave)?
Your PNG image is an RGB image, not a gray-value image. It was saved as an indexed image, meaning that 56 different RGB values were stored in a table, and the image references those RGB values by specifying an index for each pixel.
The image you're seeing consists of the indices into the color table, not the actual RGB values saved.
You need to read both the indices and the color map as follows:
[img,cm] = imread('');
Next, you can recover the original RGB image using ind2rgb, or, given that you are looking for a gray-value image, you can recover the gray-values using ind2gray:
img = ind2gray(img,cm);

Gaussian kernel isn't showing up [duplicate]

I have imported an image. I have parsed it to double precision and performed some filtering on it.
When I plot the result with imshow, the double image is too dark. But when I use imshowpair to plot the original and the final image, both images are correctly displayed.
I have tried to use uint8, im2uint8, multiply by 255 and then use those functions, but the only way to obtain the correct image is using imshowpair.
What can I do?
It sounds like a problem where the majority of your intensities / colour data are outside the dynamic range of what is accepted for imshow when showing double data.
I also see that you're using im2double, but im2double simply converts the image to double and if the image is already double, nothing happens. It's probably because of the way you are filtering the images. Are you doing some sort of edge detection? The reason why you're getting dark images is probably because the majority of your intensities are negative, or are hovering around 0. imshow whe displaying double type images assumes that the dynamic range of intensities is [0,1].
Therefore, one way to resolve your problem is to do:
This shifts the display so that range so the smallest value is mapped to 0, and the largest to 1.
If you'd like a more permanent solution, consider creating a new output variable that does this for you:
out = (im - min(im(:))) / (max(im(:)) - min(im(:)));
This will perform the same shifting that imshow does when displaying data for you. You can now just do:

im2double yields different results

I am trying to get RGB matrices for an image. When my image is 1200x1600, the following code
yields a 1200x1600x3 matrix and I can get RGB matrices but when the image is a screenshot of a part of this image, the code below
yields 167x228 matrix and I can't get the RGB matrices.
Likely, when I write
lines give me a 1200x1600 matrix.
My question is why can't I get a 3-dimensional matrix with the png or the smaller-sized jpg and how do I get it?
It is all about the way the images were saved.
Check wikipedia for some extra info about png pixel formats. To avoid this issue you can try to use MATLAB itself to write your images, that way you have control over pixel formats (imwrite)

YCbCr to RGB conversion MATLAB using ycbr2rgb results in pink picture

I'm trying to convert an YCbCr image to RGB ysing MATLAB's function ycbcr2rgb. My resulting picture ends up being pink, and converting back again afterwards (should give me the original picture?) creates yet another image mostly grey.
For reference I tried to convert each channel individually by formula and it ends up the same.
I'm using a bigtiff format because of large filesize and if any help the imfinfo shows compression using JPEG.
Here is my code:
x=imread('picture.tiff','Index',9); %(9 subresolutions)
Can it be because of MATLABs function using the originial definition of YCbCr using ranges from 16-235 while my image is ranging from 0-255? If so is there any means of correcting this using the inbuild function?
I have added the pictures here, first image is showing imshow(rgb), while the second image is the original ycbcr. What I noticed is that in the Windows image viewer it actually shows it correct, it's just MATLAB's imshow that displays it pink after conversion.
Is there any chance you could point me in the right direction?
Apparently imread reads YCbCr images as RGB when loading it, which is why the problem occured.
Thanks for the help to all of you.
imread documentation
This link gives all the conversion formulae:
The below code converts image from RGB space to YCbCr space and back.
rgb = imread('board.tif');
ycbcr = rgb2ycbcr(rgb);
rgb2 = ycbcr2rgb(ycbcr);
Use MATLABs built in functions only. Also, if you're facing issues while converting from ycbcr to rgb you should probably try to convert the image to other form and then convert that form to RGB. (a dirty hack)
Just divide the image by 256 before converting it back to RGB.
y = ycbcr2rgb(z/256); % z holds the YCbCr image.
Worked for me.
Hope that helps :)

Image Conversions in Matlab

I converted an RGB image (which is in double format) to a gray scale image of the same format using rgb2gray in Matlab. Now I want to convert the same image from gray to RGB. I used gray2rgb in Matlab but it's giving an error. So how can we convert a grayscale image to an RGB image using Matlab?
Short answer: you can't. Not perfectly at least.
As Sean says, this is because you have dropped some information when converting to grayscale. In other words, converting back from grayscale to RGB is an under-determined inverse problem, so there is no easy solution.
Now this doesn't mean you can't try. If you have some prior on the image, you can use it in addition to the information you have left to compute an estimate of the original RGB image.
For example if you know (or suppose) that the original image was already grayscale (in an RGB container) then you can reverse the process exactly. This is what the gray2rgb function Sean mentions is doing.
Most of these are open problems, so it's probably beyond what you want.
I'm sorry to say it's not possible.
By converting the image to grayscale you've reduced the amount of information (3 dimensions at each pixel down to 1) and this can't be recovered.
The rgb2gray function is one included in Matlab and works fine.
The gray2rgb function is not a standard Matlab function. If you are referring to this function on Matlab central, it's documentation states it doesn't do anything useful but just creates a 3d matrix from the 1d matrix; the image will still be grayscale.