How to use local dictionary to my app? - iphone

In My application, how should i find meaning of the word, it should work both online and offline? Please help me out also is there any possiblilite to take local dictionary from iphone?

As far as I am currently aware, you aren't able to query the iPhone's built in dictionary.
Even if you could, I am not sure that it contains any definitions. Rather it looks for spelling correction on "close" words.
If you are wanting to replicate storing a dictionary inside your app, like the many dictionary apps currently out there, you would have to store the data in your iPhone app somehow.
Wikitionary provides free "dumps" of it's data which you could grab, and put into a form that would be usable in your app.
You would need to store the data in some form of plist, an SQLite database or CoreData.
For taking data from the internet, you would need to look at transferring the data using JSON, XML or PLIST.


Manage downloaded contents in iPhone apps

I am writing an iPhone app which would download articles (UTF8 text files) from my server. The app is then supposed to produce a listing of the filenames. Upon clicking the filename, the file contents would be displayed. It is very similar to an email program or RSS reader.
My question is, what is the best way of saving / retrieving the content on the device? One option is to put it all into a sqlite db. The other option could be to download the contents and save it in a new file. Any other solutions?
Any advantages/disadvantages for these approaches?
Thanks in advance
For some rather small amount of data in a simple structure you could store it in an NSMutableDictionary and use its methods for writing the content to file and for reading from a file.
Your data structure seems to be simple enough for that. If the amount of data is small enough I cannot say. If your list may grow endless then you shoud go for sqlite or for core data rather than a simple dictionay. A dictionary will be stored completely in RAM. With sqlite ore core data you can utilize RAM more efficiently by loading not much more records as are curently displayed.

What is the best way to store (possibly hundreds) of strings in iPhone app?

There is a possibility that a user of my app may enter tens/hundreds/thousands of pieces of information into the app. For example, they may enter names, addresses, phone numbers of various people.
What would you recommend is the best way to store (a potentially large amount) these strings?
Ideally, I'd like to be able to export the inputted data as a text delimited file or a spreadsheet.
You should consider either CoreData or sqlite. CoreData can be over an xml or sqlite database. If you use sqlite, you should consider the fmdb wrapper on github
But, a lot depends on the access patterns. Sqlite is very fast but it also offers querying capabilities.
Sqlite3 is a great way to store a large amount of data.
Failing that you could always use NSUserDefaults

Pre-existing Core-Data data

I've looked around for this but haven't found what I'm looking for. I need some data to basically come pre-loaded in the app. I know that I could just put it all in on the first launch but would like to stay away from a long load time on the first launch and have it already loaded.
Is it possible to insert entities into core-data so that they are hard-coded in?
Yeah, you include a a pre-filled data store in your app bundle and copy it from the bundle to the documents directory as part of the app launch process - check if the data store exists and, if not, do the copy. You do this prior to accessing the Core Data stack for the first time.
There are a few ways you could do this. The lazy programmer way is to enter your default data into the app, either on the phone or in the simulator, grab the data store file, and include it in your Xcode project. The downside is it doesn't work well if you need to go back and edit the data model later.
The other option is to create an editor app on the Mac that uses the same Core Data model as your iPhone app (they're compatible) and edit the data in your Mac app. Jeff Lamarche talks a bit about this in one of his blog postings. I've done something similar, except I wrote a command line tool to download the latest data from a web site (in my case, XML data) and parse the XML into NSManagedObjects.
This StackOverflow post talks about a bit more complex option of having two data stores - one for your system data and one for your user data - and letting Core Data use both stores at runtime.

How to manage the data to fill a Core Data database with a lot of data (Edit: changed title)

I hope all of you have had a good Christmas :-)
In my app i have a database, using Core Data, that requires a lot of data, at least 1.500 records consisting of 6 fields. That means at least 9.000 lines of data. All data is pure text.
During the development phase i have 250 records to test on.
The way i do populate the DB at this point is that i have a text (.txt) file, which i edit in Word and then reads into my database. This is very inconvenient for many reasons such as if i save it, by mistake, in the wrong format it all screws up (i have Swedish characters that changes).
Given the amount of records i will need i would like to ask for advice how people do these things and what to use? Is there some sort of (free) database available that i could use etc.
For editing use notepad, notepad++, or gedit. You won't have issues with MS Word specific characters.
I am not too familiar with Core Data, but I believe it uses SQlite on the backend.
I have implemented SQLite directly into a few developments that I have worked on. It might be worth your time to take a look.
Can you give more details about your app? Platform, how often data is accessed, how often it is modified, etc.
Hmm, one way to get started on this might be to fill the Core Data store a single time, and then, whenever you need to run your tests, just copy this store file out of your application bundle into your documents directory. I maintain a "Reset All" function in a game I've worked on using this method, and it works great for very quickly populating Core Data.
currently I am developing an app with very similar requirements - a prepopulated Core Data database with 1200+ entries with more or less the same amount of fields.
The data I receive is in xml format. I've written a small mac app which features the same core data model as the iphone app does - it will read the xml and create core data entries accordingly. I then take the database file my mac app created and add it to my iphone apps bundle, from where it will be copied to the documents folder on the first launch (or whenever a reset to the factory data is required).
This is working perfectly, I think you could do something very similar. The only difference would be that, instead of parsing xml, you'd need to write something that reads your textfile. Fear not, it's easy to do!
I've taken the approach to add a unit test that determines if the database exists. If the database doesn't exist, the test creates it from a text file (usually a plist or csv).
This approach enables me to: alter the underlying data via text, "clean" the database by simply deleting it, and run tests against the data. Since you're using CoreData, there might be some additional benefits by ensuring your schema matches the dataset; I once found I'd accidentally set an attribute to not allow nil.

How do I create a development tool to create custom object instances for iphone os

I'm setting out to create an app where it will use 7-10 instances of a custom class, lets call them "books" each class will consist of a number of pages, a title, a int of how many pages a book contains and possibly some notes of the author associated with a specific page.
My question is what is the best way of creating these objects. it seems weak to just hard-code all the books together programatically, and if there are more added after the initial release I'd almost like to have the author be able to construct them with a simple desktop app.
So I guess what I'm looking for is a way to a create a small app to create instances of a custom class on a desktop, then bring those instances into the iphone app.
I only have an iphone dev license as far as I know. Obviously you don't have to be super specific but I'm looking for ways to accomplish this type of task. Maybe if there is a good way to go about hard coding them I would like to hear about that as well.
I guess an equivalent would be a game developer making like a level editor for his game so he doesn't have to create the boards programatically.
Provide your data in XML or JSON
format (or whatever flavour of file
format you prefer), this is to transfer data to/from application.
Parse your data file (xml/json) and store in permanent storage (file,sqlite,core data) on phone. This is the data that your application will regularly use from now on.
Offer user the option to get updates over network
If user selects to get updates, download updated xml/jason file over network, parse and update your permanent store
Use SQLite. You could easily create a sqlite database editor, or use some of the free ones out there. The iPhone can read a sqlite database natively, just include the library.