I would like to have my user scroll inside a CPXYGraph. I have a CPXYGraph as part of a CPHostingLayer, like in the tutorials. I enabled allowsUserInteraction, which is cool and allows scrolling. But I don't want to allow my user to scroll to 'infinity', which it seems like it allows-you can keep dragging further and further away from where the data is on a plot.
How do I constrain this so that the user can only scroll within a certain bounds?
I also enabled masksToBorder, and set the outerBorderPath and innerBorderPath to something arbitarily small, but I saw no changes, so I am not sure how those are supposed to work.
I could not set maskingPath and subLayerMaskingPath because they seem to be read only(no setters), though i feel like these two properties might be what I am looking for.
Anyone has run into this situation? Would be glad if someone could shed some light. Thanks!
The masking properties only affect the drawing. You need to use the globalXRange and globalYRange properties of your plot space. These define the maximum range that can be scrolled into view. See the example in CPTestApp.
Anybody know how to make progress indicator of doing something like on a screenshot?
There are mainly two way to do this:
Create and save many images with the progress indicator in various positions. Then use UIImageView to display it, changing the image accordingly to the current progress. This is a easy solution, however it requires you to create (manually) the various images. Besides it's not continuos (even if it can be smooth enough, according to the number of images you save). However, it can give a good effect (according to your needs).
Draw the indicator at runtime. In your case it should not be so hard since your progress indicator is very simple. Take a look at CGContext, it will provide all the method to draw a circle, draw lines and fill a path with a color. This will give a better result than the previous solution, however it requires the indicator to be redrawn every time.
Check out TKAProgressCircleView. Does exactly what you need, I use it myself in couple of apps.
I have an infinite scrollview in which I add images as the user scrolls. Those images have varying heights and I've been trying to come up with the best way of finding a clear space inside the current bounds of the view that would allow me to add the image view.
Is there anything built-in that would make my search more efficient?
The problem is I want the images to be sort of glued to one another with no blank space between them. Making the search through 320x480 pixels tends to be quite a CPU hog. Does anyone know an efficient method to do it?
It seems that you're scrolling this thing vertically (you mentioned varying image heights).
There's nothing built in to UIScrollView that will do this for you. You'll have to track your UIImageView subviews manually. You could simply maintain the max y coordinate occupied by you images as you add them.
You might consider using UITableView instead, and implementing a very customized tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: in your delegate. You would probably need to do something special with the actual cells as well, but it would seem to make your job a little easier.
Also, for what it's worth, you might find a way to avoid making your solution infinite. Be careful about your memory footprint! iOS will shut your app off if things get out of hand.
Ok, now I understand what you're going for. I had imagined that you were presenting photographs or something rectangular like that. If I were trying to cover a scroll view with UILeafs (wah wah) I would take a statistical approach. I would 'paint' leaves randomly along horizontal/vertical strips as the user scrolls. Perhaps that's what you're doing already? Whatever you're doing I think it looks good.
Now I guess that the reason you're asking is to prevent the little random white spots that show through - is that right? If I may suggest a different solution: try to color the background of your scroll view to something earthy that looks good if it shows through here and there.
Also, it occurred to me that you could use a larger template image -- something that already has a nice distribution of leaves -- with transparency all along the outside outline of the leaves but nowhere else. Then you could tile these, but with overlap, so that the alpha just shows through to the leaves below. You could have a number of these images so that it doesn't look obvious. This would take away all of the uncertainty and make your retiling very efficient.
Also, consider learning about CoreAnimation (CALayer in particular) and CoreGraphics/Quartz 2D ). Proper use of these libraries will probably yield great improvements in rendering speed.
If your images are all 150px wide, then split your scrollview into columns and add/remove based on those (as discussed in chat).
Good luck!
I want to create a bar chart diagram. I already have a diagram component, I just need to adapt it to a bar chart. When touching one of the bars, the value shold pop up in small view.
As I can see there are several different strategies that can be applied here. What I want to know is which strategy should I use? Any of these or perhaps there are other better ideas?:
Bar is a UIButton.
Bar is a touch enabled UIImage.
Bar is a UIView.
Bar is just painted graphics and I have to transcode the touched coordinates and make some calculations in order to know what bar was touched. I don't don't believe in this strategy but perhaps there are reasons to rethink this that you can provide for me...
I assume that a UILable is the way to present the data associated with the bar?
Thanks in advance for your advice!
In my humble opinion, and having written many bar charts (and other charts)... #4 is actually the correct choice for performance and my personal preference. Creating the virtual graph in memory to map touches to bars is not difficult at all, as you are simply storing rectangles in arrays and checking to see if points are inside that rect.
CGRectContainsPoint(CGRect, CGPoint);
Now, having said that, if you want to introduce animations in to your chart, which is pretty cool stuff... then I could create a UIView composed of several UIViews (one for each bar, or bar segment), this way you can animate each bar individually without writing your own animation loop.
just my two cents.
my thoughts are that #2 and #3 are kind of the same since you'd display an image using a UIImageView. UIButton is a pretty thin layer on UIView that makes the event handling easy, but it might do things visually you don't want (or maybe you do?). Either way, it's so easy to try these variations I'd just play with it. I can't see a specific reason for #4 unless your overall strategy drives you in this direction, like maybe you start doing some drawing that is rich/complex enough that you have too many views being created.
AFA the popup display, it really depends what you mean by "pop up". Like once it pops up, do you need a way to dismiss that popup?
Have you checked out Core Plot? It is an active and powerful library that is pretty flexible and should meet all your needs.
I'm trying to figure out if I can get what I want out of UIScrollView through some trickery or whether I need to roll my own scroll view
I have a series of items in row that I want to scroll through. One item should always be centered in the view, but other items should be visible to either side. In other words, I want normal scrolling and edge bouncing, but I want the deceleration when the user ends a touch to naturally settle at some specified stop point. (Actually now that I think of it, this behavior is similar to coverflow in this respect.)
Take a look at this project: SwipeView
Good luck
I'd check out https://github.com/nicklockwood/iCarousel, it's awesome.
You should take a look at the "pageingEnabled" property of a UIScrollView. Basically you can define a size of a segment and the number of segments. Then it will automatically stop to adjust to that specific segment like you want. If you set the segments to be smaller than the actual width of the screen I think you should get the behaviour you are looking for.
Please pardon my lack of Photoshop skills, but I'm curious what type of strategy Apps like Facebook and AP Mobile News are using for the 'label slider' in their applications. Here's a quick snippet outlining what I'm talking about as I'm sure the name I'm labeling the utility as is being butchered: http://dl-client.getdropbox.com/u/57676/slider.jpg
Essentially the user can touch the label and glide it along the X axis. It has a smooth bounce effect also once it hits the edges. This gives quite a bit more real estate if you need to present more on the screen than what your portrait mode allows for and is thus very valuable.
Is it a matter of just creating a UILabel that's wider than the screen with a bit of Touch API + Core Animation? Would love insight on how to start tackling this thing.
You'll most likely want to use a UIScrollView, with a UILabel as its content view. Size the label appropriately to your content, and then set the contentSize property of the scrollview to that size.
I created a similar control, and it's much easier than you think. It's just a UIScrollView with a series of UIButtons added to it. You could use labels instead of buttons - just depends on the feel you want. I think Facebook is probably using labels for theirs.
In any case, you'll probably want to use a series of components rather than one component (which is what Ben suggested) in the event that you want to, say, style the "selected" label differently from the others. It also makes hit detection a little easier.
You get the bounce effect for free by default - you may have noticed that most scroll views in iPhone apps do the same thing. It can be turned off as well.