Single package to allow signing in with oauth through several social networks? - facebook

I'm looking for a way to allow users to sign in to my site using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google. A good example of a site that does this is, on the homepage they have a set of buttons, and each button gives a simple pop up window to confirm the connection.
I know that I can implement each connection individually, but I want to know if there is a single package that provides all of this functionality for the different social networks.
Edit: I'm looking for a package in PHP.

Those sites, just like this one, implement OpenID or OAuth. So just do a search for OpenID PHP or OAuth PHP and you'll find a bunch of information. (I have not implemented either in PHP, but we are considering implementing OpenID in .NET.)


Make own authorization page to access Google Apps

I hope you can direct me with my query.
I wish to create my own authentication method for users in my Google Apps for Work account. Currently I am using built in Google Authentication, however I wish to build my own authentication method in PHP, Phyton or .NET; language doesn't matter really. So I want users to go to the page I will create, then they will need to pass authentication and be logged to Google Apps.
I know SSO is the way to do it but after my research I found very little about how to achieve it with Google Apps. I mean there is tones of third party platforms like OneLogin etc but I would like to have something I build myself. Ideally I would like to have some examples of SSO which works with GAFW so I could figure out the rest myself. I read somewhere that building own SSO portal it's not a piece of cake and also found an article that you can create something based on oAuth2.0 instead. So tried research about oAuth2.0 but all documentation I found is about authenticating to the application that I build using Google Apps Credentials, where I want the opposite; to be able to access Google Apps using the app that I build.
Hope someone could direct me to some examples or documentation or explain the process of learning curve to get my head around this project of building SSO for GAFW.
If you want to write your own Auth system and become the Identity Provider (IdP), you need to use SAML as that is the only supported method for now.
Here are the step by step instructions

Best way to enable sign in to my website using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Yahoo, etc.?

We're creating a new website and we want to simplify the sign in process. I see that a lot of sites let you sign in through Facebook, Twitter, etc..
We're looking for something that is fast, simple to implement, and cheap.
What's the best way to do it?
I've come across and Any comments on them?
Also, general comments on the wisdom of doing this at all are welcome. Are there any downsides? Our website is a SAAS B2B-oriented site which aims to take a complicated, expensive software product and present it in a cheap, easy, and consumer-ish way.
Most of the websites you mentioned supports OpenID or OAuth.
OpenID providers:
Google and Yahoo are OpenID providers. Google, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn supports OAuth as well.
Understanding this, it is your business decision to rollout your own implementation base on available libraries (there are enough libraries to this job I believe) of your technology, or use some third-party service like or
For me, I will prefer to use my own implementation as there is one less dependency and I like to control authentication process myself.
You might want to try the EmpowerID. It lets you federation your application with all the major identity providers including Facebook, Twitter, Salesforce, Yahoo, MSN Live etc. etc.

Login on site with other site creadentials in

I have developed MVC social networking site. I do not want to keep credentials at my database. Its user choice like stackoverflow (this forum). When we saying login the there should be option that to login with google/yahoo/facebook credentials, if user has account over there. What I have to do? is there any webservice provided by sites (google/yahoo/facebook) or what is remedy over this ? this topic in totally new for me . I expecting help from you gems..
You could implement OpenID. DotNetOpenAuth is implementation for .NET.
Sounds like OpenId would work for you (click, and more).
Library's to use in your apps.
For Facebook you want to use Facebook Connect. There is an implementation for .net on codeplex that you may want to have a look at. You may also want to look at this question.
Google uses OpenId. You can use DotNetOpenAuth to connect to google (and any other OpenId provider, such as Yahoo and twitter).
If you want to connect with Microsoft's LiveId, you may want to read this tutorial.
There is also the option of using JanRain, a single provider that consolidates a large number of login providers. But note that JanRain is only free up to 1000 users.
There are solutions that enable authentication and features (like status updates, friends etc) from all mentioned sites, one of them is RPX from JanRain. I've experience with RPX personally and it's a great product, however, it will cost you money. They charge you per registered user etc.. I do not know of an open source solution that can compete with RPX.
If you are not interested in paying for a product you can always implement support for the mentioned sites yourself. All of them provide open API's and examples for how to do this. For Facebook it's very easy to implement Facebook Connect. Google and Yahoo both support Open ID and there are plenty of open source resources available for .NET (like
Good luck with your community!

Example of good login/registration integration with social networks and openid?

We are at the early stages of creating a new website, at the point where we need to build the login/registration module.
I want to be looking forward to the future, so I want to allow my users to register and login using all sorts of accounts, such as OpenID, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc ...
My users are not all tech savvy, do you have an example of a site that managed to successfully implement a user-friendly "universal" login system?
The only confusing this is the box where you can type in any provider. (Dig that one away under an other heading).

How can I implement Facebook Chat on my site?

I'm developing a site with something similar to the Digg bar at the top. One of the features requested is a live chat using Facebook. Is it even possible to implement Facebook Chat on my site by using Facebook Connect or other methods? And if so, how?
[update] I've seen that it works with Pidgin and Adium, but what I'm looking for is a site based implementation (think AJAX & HTML living at the top of the page).
It appears that the Facebook team has at least begun, if not finished, implementing an xmpp/jabber interface for Facebook Chat. This would allow you to use any XMPP enabled client to connect to Facebook. That said, there's at least one javascript jabber client library available that I can find. Although, you may have to implement a proxy on your web server to allow the JS client to talk to the Facebook server.
Also, I'm not sure how they're doing it, but Meebo has managed to enable Facebook chat integration on their site with Facebook Connect. I haven't found anything mentioning it, but this functionality may be easily available through the Facebook Connect API (documentation).
To answer your question: Yes, it's possible.