Passing DTOs around in the domain model - dto

I see DTO types being created within and passed between types in the domain model. Is this good practise?
I always thought DTOs were to be used principally at context boundaries (i.e. at the edge of the object graph) to decouple context implementations (e.g. at the domain / ui boundary).

Your question is sort of subjective, but that's ok. As with most "hard and fast rules", there really are no hard and fast rules. There are only guidelines. There is always an exception, or some special case where the best course of action is to do something against best practices (like using a goto statement to instantly break out of multiple nested loops).
That being said, no, passing around DTO types withing your domain model is not a good practice. DTO stands for data transfer object, the transfer typically meaning transport across some boundary. If you're staying inside your domain model, you shouldn't be converting to DTO types and then back to domain types.

Creating a DTO hierarchy that parallels your domain model, just for the sake of layering purity, seems like an anti-pattern to me. I'd argue against it every time.
EJB 1.0 encouraged using DTOs this way, because passing entity EJBs that were chatty was inefficient. People would load the data into DTOs to avoid network traffic. I think it's unnecessary now.


Using ViewModels instead DTOs as the result of a CQRS query

Reading a SO question, I realized that my Read services could provide some smarter object like ViewModels instead plain DTOs. This makes me reconsider what information should be provided by the objects returned by the Read Services
Before, using just DTOs, my Read Service just made flat view mapping of a database query into hash like structure with minimum normalization and no behavior.
However I tend to think of a ViewModel as something "smarter" that can have generated information not provided by the database, like status icon, calculated values, reformatted values, default values, etc.
I am starting to see that the construction of some ViewModel objects might get more complicated and has potential downsides if I made my generic ReadServiceInterface return ViewModels only:
(1) Should I plan some design restriction for the ViewModels returned by my CQRS? Like making sure that their construction is almost as fast as a plain DTO?
(2) DTOs by nature are easily serialized and ready to be sent to an external system in a SOA architecture or embedded into a message. Does this mean that using ViewModels will have a negative impact on my architecture?
(3) Which type of ViewModels should I keep outside my Read Services?
(4) Should I expect all ViewModels to be retrieved from Read Services?
In the past I implemented some ViewModels that needed more than one query. In a CQRS I suppose, that is a design smell, since everything they provide, should be in only one query.
I am starting a new project, where I thought that any query will return either aggregate objects or DTOs. Since now ViewModels come into play. I am wondering:
(5) Should I plan that queries within my architecture will yield two type of objects (ViewModels+Aggregates) or three (+DTO)?
View Models (VM) serve a single master: the View. We're usually consider the VM a pretty dumb object so in this regard, there's no technical difference between a VM and a DTO, only their purpose and semantics are different.
How you build a VM is an implementation detail. Some VM are pre generated and stored in a VM repository. Others are built in real-time by a service (or a query handler) either by querying the db directly or querying other repos/services then assembling the results. There's no right or wrong and no rules about how to do it. It comes down to preference.
In CQRS the important part is separation of commands from queries i.e more than one model. There's no rule about how many queries you should do or if you should return a view model or dto. As long as you have at least one read model dedicated for queries, it's CQRS.
Don't let technicalities complicate your design. Proper design is more about high level structure and not low level implementation. Use CQRS because having a read model simplifies your app, not for other reasons. Aim for simplification and clean code, not for rigid rules that dictate a 'how to' recipe.

Persistence ignorance and DDD reality

I'm trying to implement fully valid persistence ignorance with little effort. I have many questions though:
The simplest option
It's really straightforward - is it okay to have Entities annotated with Spring Data annotations just like in SOA (but make them really do the logic)? What are the consequences other than having to use persistance annotation in the Entities, which doesn't really follow PI principle? I mean is it really the case with Spring Data - it provides nice repositories which do what repositories in DDD should do. The problem is with Entities themself then...
The harder option
In order to make an Entity unaware of where the data it operates on came from it is natural to inject that data as an interface through constructor. Another advantage is that we always could perform lazy loading - which we have by default in Neo4j graph database for instance. The drawback is that Aggregates (which compose of Entities) will be totally aware of all data even if they don't use them - possibly it could led to debugging difficulties as data is totally exposed (DAO's would be hierarchical just like Aggregates). This would also force us to use some adapters for the repositories as they doesn't store real Entities anymore... And any translation is ugly... Another thing is that we cannot instantiate an Entity without such DAO - though there could be in-memory implementations in domain... again, more layers. Some say that injecting DAOs does break PI too.
The hardest option
The Entity could be wrapped around a lazy-loader which decides where data should come from. It could be both in-memory and in-database, and it could handle any operations which need transactions and so on. Complex layer though, but might be generic to some extent perhaps...? Have a read about it here
Do you know any other solution? Or maybe I'm missing something in mentioned ones. Please share your thoughts!
I achieve persistence ignorance (almost) for free, as a side effect of proper domain modeling.
In particular:
if you correctly define each context's boundary, you will obtain small entities without any need for lazy loading (that, actually becomes an antipattern/code smell in a DDD project)
if you can't simply use SQL into your repository, map a set of DTO to your db schema, and use them into factories to initialize entity classes.
In DDD projects, persistence ignorance is relevant for the domain model itself, not for repositories, factories and other applicative code. Indeed you are very unlikely to change the ORM and/or the DB in the future.
The only (but very strong) rational behind persistence ignorance of the domain model is separation of concerns: in the domain model you should express business invariants only! Persistence is an infrastructural concern!
For example without persistence ignorance (and with lazy loading) the domain model should handle possible exceptions from the db, it's complexity grows and business rules are buried under technological details.
Personally I find it near impossible to achieve a clean domain model when trying to use the same entities as the ORM.
My solution is to model my domain entities as I see fit and ensure that any ORM entities don't leak outside of the repositories. This means that my repositories accept and return domain entities.
This means you lose "most of your ORM goodness" and end up "using your ORM for simple CRUD operations".
Both of these trade-offs are fine for me, I would rather have a clean domain model that I can use, rather than one polluted with artefacts from my DB or ORM. It also cuts down the amount of time I spend "wrestling with my ORM" to zero.
As a side-note, I find document databases a much better fit for DDD.
Once you will provide persistence mapping in you domain model:
your code depends on framework. If you decided to change this framework, you want to change persistence layer and model layer source code - more work, more changes, more merging of code etc.
your domain model jar file depends on spring/nhibernate jars etc.
your classes become larger and larger how business code and persistence related code grows
I've to admit that I dont understand harder and hardest option.
We used separated interfaces and implementations for domain entities. Provide separated mapping files using Hibernate along with repositories.
Entities are created using factory (or repository later), identifier is generated within persistence layer, entity does not need it until it's being persisted.
Lazy loading is provided by special implementation of List once:
mapping of an entity contains it
entity/aggregate is fetched from persistence layer
The only issue is related to transaction as when you use lazy-loaded collection out of transaction scope, it fails.
I would follow the simplest option unless I ran into a stone wall. There are also pitfalls such as this when you adopt pi principle.
Somtimes some compromises are acceptable.
public class Order {
private String status;//my orm does not support enum
public Status status() {
return Status.of(this.status);
public is(Status status) {
return status() == status;//use status() instead of getStatus() in domain model

ORM Entities vs. Domain Entities under Entity Framework 6.0

I stumbled upon the following two articles First and Second in which the author states in summary that ORM Entities and Domain Entities shouldn't be mixed up.
I face exactly this problem at the moment as I code with EF 6.0 using the Code First approach. I use the POCO classes as entities in the EF as well as my domain/business objects. But I find myself frequently in the situation where I define a property as public or a navigation property as virtual only because the EF Framework forces me to do so.
I don't know what to take as the bottom line of the two articles? Should I really create for example a CustomerEF class for the entity framework and a CustomerD for my domain. Then create a repository which consumes CustomerD maps it to CustomerEF do some queries and than maps back the received CustomerEF to CustomerD. I thought EF is all about mapping my domain entities to the data.
So please give me some advice. Do I overlook an important thing the EF is able to provide me with? Or is this a problem which can not completely solved by the EF? In the latter case what is a good way to manage this problem?
I agree with the general idea of these posts. An ORM class model is part of a data access layer first and foremost (even if it consists of so-called POCOs). If any conflict of interests arises between persistence and business logic (or any other concern), decisions should always be made in favor of persistence.
However, as software developers we always have to balance between purism and pragmatism. Whether or not to use the persistence model as a domain model depends on a number of factors:
The size/coherence of the development team. When the whole team knows that properties can be public just because of ORM requirements, but should not be set all over the place, it may not be a big deal. If everybody knows (and obeys) that an ID property is not to be used in business logic, having IDs may not be a big deal. A scattered, unexperienced or undisciplined team may need more stringent segregation of code.
The overlap between business logic concerns and persistence concerns. Object oriented design thrives when a class model sticks to SOLID principles. But these principles are not necessarily at odds with persistence concerns. I mean that although the concerns are different, in the end their resultant requirements may be quite similar. For instance, both concerns may require valid object state and correct associations.
There can be use cases, however, in which objects temporarily need to be in a state that absolutely shouldn't be stored. This may be a reason to work with dedicated domain classes. Another reason may be that the entity model just can't fulfill the best segmentation of responsibilities. For instance, a business process "blacklisting customer" may require data that is scattered over so many entity objects that new domain classes must be designed that can encapsulate the data and the methods working on them. In other words: doing this by entities would violate the Tell Don't Ask principle.
The need for layering. For instance, if the data access layer targets different database vendors it may have to consist of interchangeable parts that are vendor-specific (e.g. to account for subtle differences in data types between Oracle and Sql Server or to exploit vendor-specific features). Using the persistence model as domain model would probably bleed vendor-specific implementations into the business logic. That would be really bad. There the data access layer should be precisely that, a layer.
(Very trivial) The amount of data. Creating objects takes time and resources. When "many" objects are involved in a business case it may just be too expensive to build both entity objects and domain objects.
And more, undoubtedly.
So I would always try to be a pragmatist. If entity classes do a decent job, go for it. If the mismatch is too large, create a business domain for appropriate parts of the business logic. I would not slavishly follow a (any) design pattern just because it is a good pattern. Contrary to what is said in the post, it requires a lot of maintenance to map an entity model onto a business model. When you find yourself creating myriads of business classes that are almost identical to entity classes it's time to rethink what you're doing.

What is a domain model ? Why is it preferred than a dataset in .net?

I was wondering, in assignments I have been using datasets. Now when I started working in this software company people are using something called DTO - data transfer object. Where does domain model come in ? What is it really ?
DTOs are simple data structure objects that serve only to transfer data out of a database (often via an ORM) and make those data available to higher layers of the application. If a DTO is used to feed into a proper domain model layer, this is architecturally valid (though perhaps redundant). If you treat your DTOs as a domain model layer (in other words, you have no domain logic separate from the user interface), then you are using your DTOs as an anemic domain model, which is a severe architectural anti-pattern.
DTO = Data Transfer Object are as it sounds. Object that transfer data between system layers. The purpose is often to adapt the request and response data so it suits the use case. Example can be that you request a CV through a HR system's CandidateService in application layer. The Candidate Service loads information than spans over different domain entities: WorkExperince, Education, Personal Letter etc. To avoid a complex and massive response object graph we can flatten the repsponse by building a DTO object that is exactly design for what the client (GUI) needs.
There are a lot to say about DTO. But I do not want to write a novel :) But DTO do not belong in the Domain Model, in the Core. DTO is mostly refered in DDD as tool for communication between application services to clients, especially if you use web services (WCF etc). Then DTO is a perfect way of serializing part of your domain into a web service message (serialized DTO).
Hopefully you can ask your collegue/co-workers as well what they intended to accomplish with DTO's. There are several drawback with DTO's, usually it gives you an extra layer and that means more to do during maintenance phase...
(almost a novel by now) I use DTO's only when there is a really benefit and thats when you can deliver a complex responses with DTO that matches the clients needs exactly. Otherwise the client usually need to call different services or methods to gather enough information.

Can a DTO have instance methods returning derived values?

Is it ever acceptable for a DTO to have instance methods which return derived values based on the DTO's data? Or should DTOs be pure data containers with no additional methods (other than getters/setters)?
The purist in me says that it is far to easy for business logic to creep into such methods. However, if (for example) a DTO is shared across application layers, then maybe there is an argument for having such methods on the DTO.
What are your views on this? Are there ever situations where it is acceptable, or should this sort of thing be avoided? And why/why not?
DTOs should not have behaviour, they are mere containers for transporting data across process boundries and should consist of setters/getters only.
It should be avoided at all costs otherwise it would be construed as misapplication of the DTO pattern.