Eclipse: Files opened by multiple searches using same editor tab - eclipse

When using the "file search" function in eclipse to find a bit of text in a ".java" file, I may get a list of several search results. Let's say I double click on the file "" which then opens in a new editor tab. If I then use the "file search" function again to find some other bit of text and this time double click on the file "", this file will replace "" in the editor.
I'd like Eclipse to open a new editor for so that both and are available in my editor tabs. Is this possible? I've had a look around in the preferences but I'm not sure what option would give me this bit of functionality.

Disable the option
Preferences > General > Search > Reuse editors to show matches

Above is the best answer. But since I don't always want to open the search result in a new tab I usually use something like this.
right click on the result -> Show In -> Package Explorer ->(file is now automatically selected)->Press 'Enter'
More simply
Select the result -> alt + shift + w -> Package Explorer -> press 'Enter' twice


Eclipse Short Cut: File Search

I have looked and looked but I cannot find a shortcut for "File Search" in Eclipse.
I even downloaded the mousefeed plugin. (It is pretty cool whenever you do something with the mouse. A little popup comes up and tells you how you could have done that with a shortcut. Not super useful but somewhat useful.)

ctrl + H opens the search dialogue box. Click on customize and check the option 'Remember last used page'. First time you have to select the tab file search and perform a search. After that if you press ctrl + H , it will automatically point to file search tab.
There is none, but if you go to Windows - Preferences - General - Keys, and type File search in the filter text box, you'll then be able to select the File search action, and type your own key binding.
You can change all shortcut keys in eclipse for instance:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys -> search: File Search -> Binding -> *what ever key combination you like.

Is there a "Find in Files" shortcut in Eclipse?

Is there a "Find in Files" shortcut in Eclipse, as there is in Visual Studio (Ctrl+Shift+F)?
I have looked in these two lists:
Eclipse Shortcuts
"Show All Shortcuts" shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+L.
select workspace and press Ctrl-H
Which dialog is selected, depends on which file type is selected in the Project Explorer view. For example, if you selected a .js file and press Ctrl-H, it will bring up the dialog with the "Javascript Search" tab selected. If you want to search all files, you can press Ctrl-F7 to select the Project Explorer view, use arrow keys to select a folder above your files, then press Ctrl-H (or select a file, whose type doesn't trigger a custom dialog tab).
Thanks to the other two solutions, but here is the complete answer I was looking for, which addresses how I search all the text within the files, not just types, methods, packages, constructors, and fields:
Ctrl+H to open the "Search" dialog box
"File Search" tab, if it does not appear, expand the window or use the left/right arrows
type in the text to search for
Use "*.java", in my case since I am coding in Java, to search just these files
Click "Search"
If you are using only the File Search, you can Disable all other Searches in the Search Panel (Customize... lower left Corner). Then you have the File Search everytime you Press Ctrl+H
Ctrl+H to bring up the search box
Click 'Customize' in the lower left
Checkmark 'Remember last used page'
Click OK.
Select the file search tab and do a search
If you want to use the type-specific search (Java, Javascript ...etc) you can use Ctrl+H, which opens the search dialog, then click the Search button.
If you simply want to search for all text occurrences in the whole the workspace click the word (or select the text) you want to search then hit Ctrl+Alt+G. You will directly get all the found occurrences without even using a dialog box.
I find Ctrl+Alt+G is the best solution because it shows the variable name in different by related files (e.g. Java and XML, or Javascript and HTML) while still having the type-specific search feature available through Ctrl+H
You can rebind the Ctrl+Alt+G to finding text in a project or a working set instead of the whole workspace if that's more appealing to you.
Yes, there is shortcuts for searching Eclipse, these shortcuts are very useful when we search for particular html, jsp , xml, java, properties ,class, jar,search file with keywords.
Ctrl+H is used open Tag, in that you can select type of file Remote Search, File search, git search, java search, javascript search , etc
Ctrl+Shift+R is used to search all files in the current project
Ctrl+Shift+T is used to search all files in the workspace
press Ctrl + H . Then choose "File Search" tab.
additional search options
search for resources press Ctrl + Shift + R
search for Java types press Ctrl + Shift + T
Source: Eclipse: Default to "File Search" Tab in Search Dialog
Go to your key bindings Windows > Preferences > General > Keys
Unbind the Shorcut "Ctrl+H" for the "Open Search Dialog"
Filter/Search for "File Search" and use the "Ctrl+H" here instead.
I believe adding plug-ins power your needs.
If you install Plug-in named InstaSearch it makes your searching faster inside current active working projects.
It shows the result as you type.
As pointed out, CTRL + H opens the Search dialog.
Since I use only Find in Files (and set File name patterns when needed), I clicked on Customize... button on the bottom of the Search dialog. It opens Search Page Selection dialog, where I turned off all other options.
You can also click on Remember last used page in the same dialog.
Ctrl+Alt+F (Find Text in Project -Customized Key)
Note - Ctrl+Alt+G is for Find text in a workspace, not in a project
How to customize this Key
Window->Preferance->General->Keys-> Search for 'Find Text in Project'->Type 'Ctrl+Alt+F' in binding ->Apply
Note - this will be helpful if the developer is working on multiple project simultaneously.

How do I show an open file in eclipse Package Explorer?

When a file (.java for example) is open in Eclipse, how do I get the Package Explorer to show the file that I am working on?
There is a button in the Package Explorer view that looks like two yellow arrows pointed at left and right. The tooltip is "Link with Editor". Click that.
I've found that constantly syncing package explorer with editor causes package explorer view eventually to grow too long, especially with large projects. I've instead mapped a keyboard shortcut to sync package explorer with the editor. If you are using mylyn this is of course a smaller problem.
Key mappings are available at Window ⟶ Preferences ⟶ General ⟶ Keys ⟶ Show In (Show In Target Id: Package Explorer). Mine is Ctrl+Alt+⟵, be welcome to copy.
In Luna Command name has changed a little. Instead of Show In (Show In Target Id: Package Explorer) command is now Show In (Package Explorer).
From this site:
How to use Show In functionality from the popup menu
Press Alt+Shift+W while you’re in an editor. This pops up a menu with a number of choices. The choices will vary depending on what plugins you have installed. Select the option you want and press Enter.
The fastest way to select an option is to use the first letter of the option, eg. to go to the Package Explorer, press P (you may have to do this 2 or 3 times depending on how many other options start with P). The press Enter. You could also use the arrow keys.
Invoke "Show In" faster with a keyboard shortcut
If you frequently use one of the options (eg. Package Explorer), you can map a single keyboard shortcut to invoke it.
Go to Windows > Preferences > General > Keys.
Search for Show In. Eclipse will list a number of Show In options. In
our case we want Show In (Show In Target Id: Package Explorer).
Select the command you want, enter a key in Binding and you’re done.
Always link active source file with package explorer
If you like this feature, you can open the package editor and click on the double yellow arrows to always show the currently selected source file in the package explorer.
There is a double arrow icon at the top of the Package Explorer that toggles this behaviour. click on It
In your Eclipse .java file editor, right-click anywhere, then "Show In-> Package Explorer".
As shown:
As you can see, you can also open file in Navigator, Outline and so on with this.
Above project explorer window you will see the below image in the red circle , just clicked on this one mean when clicked any file in the project will showing you in project explorer.
If you want to show only one file you can
1 - Click right on the file .
2 - Select show-in .
3 - Select show in project explorer .
4 - Done.
The below image explain more about it .

How do I compare two files using Eclipse? Is there any option provided by Eclipse?

How do I compare two files using Eclipse?
(Currently I am using WinMerge.)
To compare two files in Eclipse, first select them in the Project Explorer / Package Explorer / Navigator with control-click. Now right-click on one of the files, and the following context menu will appear. Select Compare With / Each Other.
Just select all of the files you want to compare, then open the context menu (Right-Click on the file) and choose Compare With, Then select each other..
If one or both of the files you wish to compare isn't in an Eclipse project:
Open the Quick Access search box
Linux/Windows: Ctrl+3
Mac: ⌘+3
Type compare and select Compare With Other Resource
Select the files to compare → OK
You can also create a keyboard shortcut for Compare With Other Resource by going to Window → Preferences → General → Keys
Other than using the Navigator/Proj Explorer and choosing files and doing 'Compare With'->'Each other'... I prefer opening both files in Eclipse and using 'Compare With'->'Opened Editor'->(pick the opened tab)...
You can get this feature via the AnyEdit eclipse plugin located here (you can use Install Software via Eclipse->Help->Install New Software screen):
If your compairing javascript you might find it not displaying.
Here is a workround...
Window > Preferences > Compare/Patch > General Tab
Deselect checkbox next to "Open structure compare automatically"
Compare with Other Resource – The Easy Way using Eclipse (no additional plugin required)
To assign a keyboard shortcut to the feature, go to Window > Preferences > General > Keys, look for the command Compare with Other Resource and assign it to a keyboard shortcut of your liking. See How to manage keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse for more details on configuring shortcuts.
Tip: Alternatively, you could press Ctrl+3 (for Quick Access) and search for Compare with Other Resource. This way you don’t have to configure a shortcut but you’ll have to search for the command every time in Quick Access.
Once the shortcut is assigned, you need to select the source file from the Package Explorer, Project Explorer or Navigator. The easiest way to do this from an open editor is to assign a shortcut to instantly show the file in the Package Explorer or, if it’s not open, to open it quickly using the keyboard.
Now press the keyboard shortcut you assigned to Compare with Other Resource and the following (non-modal) dialog should appear:
Troubleshooting: If the dialog doesn’t appear, it’s probably because you haven’t selected a file in either the Package Explorer or another view that allows file selection. Make sure a file is selected and make sure you haven’t selected the class in the Package Explorer rather than the actual Java file.
Now you can select the second file in the Package Explorer and drag and drop it onto the dialog. Click OK and the comparison editor should display, comparing the two selected files.
Tip: See the post on using shortcuts for common SVN commands for tips on how to navigate the comparison editor with the keyboard.
Comparing External Files
Using the Compare with Other Resource dialog, you can compare a workspace file with an external file or even compare two external files with each other.
Comparing a workspace file with an external file is easy: Once you’ve opened the dialog from a selected file, instead of dragging and dropping another workspace file, tick External File in the Right pane and then Browse to a file on your filesystem.
To compare two external files, you have to start the dialog again from a selected workspace file (choose an arbitrary file). Once open, select External File in the Left pane and Browse to your file then do the same for the Right pane.
Please refer this page for more details:
If you have Beyond Compare installed, the ContextQuickie eclipse plugin has an option to enable it to be selected from the context menu displayed when you right-click a file.
Install from:
After install, activate Beyond Compare menu items via Window->Preferences->Context Quickie->check 'Enable Beyond Compare'.

Change or switch to different editor quickly in eclipse ? ( not tabs)

Hi i many html editors in eclipse. each one provides different features.
Is there a way i can quickly switch the editor of current opened tab, ( other than open with option in the project explorer).
Lets say abc.html is currently open. but i want to open it in different editor. Now i have to search that file in the project explorer and then right click > open with. option.
I use ctrl+shift+r to open any resource , it always opens in default editor. But i want to choose there which editor to open with" option there. :(. is there any shortcut for that?
I can well understand wanting to open stuff just using the keyboard.
I can think of 2 solutions:
1: CTRL + SHIFT + R (select file as normal) then (still in the Open Resource dialog) TAB, TAB, ENTER and then press the down arrow key until you get the right editor
2: Keep the Project Explorer 'Link with Editor' toggle on (a button on the top right of the Project Explorer View)
Now you can easily get from the file open in the editor to the correct place in the Project Explorer view (so you can right click on it).
Hope this helps!
(I also find CTRL + F7 a useful way of switching to the Project Explorer view from an editor)