How can I populate UITableView with XML? - iphone

I have a tab bar application. In one of my tabs, there is a search bar and a table view below that. When you enter something into the search bar, it returns parsed xml. I need to put this parsed information into the tableview below. The class inherits from UIViewController. I declared a UITableView object in the header file and linked it in interface builder, and adopted the UITableViewDelegate protocol.
I'm not sure If i'm going about this the correct way. Any help?

That sounds about right. You will need to also have your UIViewController implement UITableViewDataSource, and add the methods from that protocol to populate the table.

There are various tutorials available which guide you step-by-step to create a simple tablview. Google them. You can follow these steps for connecting your tableView outlets:
Select your viewController where you are displaying the tableview to be your "File's Owner" in Identity Inspector.
Drag your view's outlet to your File's owner.
For tableView inside view, drag its outlets to File's owner again so that your datasource and delegates are up. And in the same view, drag your referencing outlet to the IBOutlet you have created in your viewController class.


Is it possible to create a table view without subclassing tableView UITableViewController

I already have a view controller, is it possible to attach a table view on top of the current view, without the needed to create a subclass of UITableViewController?
Yes, just set up the table view like any other view and connect it to your viewcontroller by setting the delegate (reference) and dataSource (reference) - properties. See the references on which method you have to implement in your viewcontroller in order to get things working.

UItableView + UItabbar

UItableView style not changing. I have a tableView controller as one of the tabs of my tab bar controller. I am not able to change the style of UItableView to grouped.
Please help,
You must specify the Tableview's style upon creation. Either in IB or by using the method
tableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,416) style:UITableViewStyleGrouped];
I would create a new tableViewController and make sure to enable the "also create xib"-like option when giving the tableviewcontroller a name. Copy paste all youre old tablviewcontroller code to the new one and add the xib to the tab window..
You can probably do that in your UITableViewControllers -viewDidLoad method. = UITableViewStyleGrouped;
It seems the style property is actually read only, so the above won't work.
It looks like the table view controller has to be created with -initWithStyle:, but I don't know how to do that from Interface Builder. I'm not at my Mac right now, but will have a look later.
Edit 2:
Here's what I did in Interface Builder:
Add an instance of UITableView and set it up as required, including the style
Hook up your UITableViewController as the delegate and data source of the UITableView
Connect the UITableView with the view outlet of the UITableViewController. I'm not sure if there is a tableView outlet - if there is, then probably connect it with that one instead.
So, basically, instead of letting the UITableViewController create its own table view, you provide one in the xib and set up the required connections (delegate, data source, outlet) manually.

UITableView and UIImage inside a UIView

I am developing an application that currently has a View Controller (call it ViewControllerX). The MainWindow.xib file contains the following:
File's Owner UIApplication
First Responder UIResponder
AppX App Delegate myAppDelegate
myViewControllerX myViewControllerX
Window UIWindow
When I look at the MainWindow.xib in Interface Builder it shows View Loaded from "myViewControllerX". The myViewControllerX.xib file for this contains the following:
File's Owner UIApplication
First Responder UIResponder
MainView UIView
Image View (image1.jpg) UIImage View (Inside MainView)
Rounded Rect Button UIButton (Inside MainView)
Rounded Rect Button UIButton (Inside MainView)
Table View UITableView (Inside MainView)
On the Table View, I have the Outlets set to dataSource = File's Owner and Delegate = File's Owner. The Referencing Outlet is set to mTableView which is defined using IBOutlet in XCode. When I run this all works fine and the table gets populated.
When the users clicks an Item within the Table View I want a new view to slide into place, which also contains a TableView (basically the first View Controller shows an overview list, when the user clicks on an Item I want it to show the details of the choice). In the myViewControllerX.m file, I have the following code:
- (void)tableView:(UITableView*)theTableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)theIndexPath
[self.navigationController pushViewController:self.mViewControllerY animated:YES];
I have created a ViewControllerY and have the following files:
ViewControllerY.xib, ViewControllerY.m and ViewControllerY.h.
In the .xib file for ViewControllerY, I have:
File's Owner UIApplication
First Responder UIResponder
Table View UITableView
When I run this it works (so the code and the hook-ups in Interface Builder are ok). The Problem is it takes over the whole of the view whereas want I want it to have an Image (and other UI objects) as well as a Table View. I've tried changing the UITableView of ViewControllerY to be of type UIView and then adding an UIImageView and UITableView inside of the UIView in a similar way to ViewControllerX but I can't get it to work and now I'm not sure what to do! So, my question is, how do I go about Implementing this? I'd like to be able to have it setup in Interface Builder, so how to I change it to handle this? e.g How do I hook up the dataSource, Delegate and Outlets etc.
Thanks in Advance for any help in this. I've tried all kinds of things but I just can't seem to get it to work. I'm sure I'm almost there and must be missing something that is very obvious!
All the Best
Your UINavigationController uses a content view that more or less completely covers your device screen. And this view is used for your main view. If you ask this UINavigationController to push another view, he uses this very same view to swap in the ViewControllerYs view which also covers the complete screen.
To gain the behavior you need, you should create a second "embedded" Navigation Controller instance which is responsible only for that part that is initially by your table view. Display your table view as the main view and then ask this Navigation Controller to swap in your other views into this part of the screen.
After taking a step back and doing a bit more digging, I came up with the answer.
High Level Explanation.
ViewControllerY needs to be of class UIViewController, not UITableViewController. The ViewControllerY : UIViewController definition in the .h file should include the Table View Delegate and the Data Source protocols. A member of the ViewControllerY has to hold the UITableView* - call it mTableView and should be defined as an IBOutlet.
The table view delegate methods should then use self.mTableView to access the table.
In Interface Builder, the UIView Object needs to have an Outlet "view" hooked up to the File's Owner and the Table View inside the UIView needs to have the dataSounce and the Delegate set to File's Owner and the mTableView Outlet also needs to be hooked to the File's Owner.
Low Level Explanation.
in ViewControllerY.h do the following:
#interface ViewControllerY : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource>
UITableView* mTableView;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITableView* mTableView;
In ViewControllerY.m, in the Table View Delegate methods, access the mTableView like so:
myNewCell = (UITableViewCell*)[self.mTableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:myCellIdentifier];
(obviously you need to define and handle all the other Table View Methods in the normal way.
ViewControllerY.xib should have the following in it:
File's Owner ViewControllerY
First Responder UIResponder
View UIView
Image View UIImageView
Table View UITableView
Control Drag from the File's Owner to the View and select "view".
Control Drag from the Table View to the File's Owner and select Data Source.
Control Drag from the Table View to the File's Owner and select Deligate.
Control Drag from the File's Owner to the Table View and select mTableView.
That's it! You can then add other UI objects inside the UIView and hook them up as appropriate in the normal way. I'm not sure if this is the only or best solution but is works and I'm happy with it.
Hope this helps someone with the same or similar problems. It's a bit confusing til you get the hang of it.

iPhone Advanced table view cells example

I have been going through and re-creating Apple's "Advanced Table View Cells" example to better understand everything. I have done everything, but somehow missed one detail and I can't figure it out.
If you launch their example ( and open up the RootViewController.xib file, they have a "tableView" outlet on the inspector that is linked to File's Owner. For whatever reason, I can't get that to show up on my version.
My code is almost verbatim of Apple's, so what am I missing? Did I not declare that somewhere or doesn't that get taken from the RootViewController.m file?
Did you set File's Owner to the class of the object you are trying to link to?
To check if you did so, open your xib file, and see if the File's Owner type is the class you want to link to.
If it doesn't and reads something else like NSObject, open the inspector, go to the Identity tab (Cmd+4), click File's Owner and in the Class Identity section, there's a dropdown menu with the list of classes in your project. Select your UITableViewController subclass and then try to make the link.
Their RootViewController subclasses UITableViewController. It is this that generates the tableView outlet.
So after being bugged by this problem for a while... I figured out a workaround. Please note that all of my code was exactly the same as Apple's and yet IB would never show a tableView outlet (as if it wasn't subclassing UITableView properly in my UINavigation Controller).
Essentially all I did was change the subclass from a UITableViewController to a UIViewController and then called the delegate and datasource protocols. After doing that and creating my own tableView outlet, I was finally able to hook up the tableView and get it working as it should.
#interface RootViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource> {
used to be
#interface RootViewController : UITableViewController {

UITableView uses all available space in Interface Builder

I'm having trouble creating a UIView (in Interface Builder) that contains a UITableView with some other object, such as a UIButton or UILabel. The UITableView always takes up the maximum amount of space in the UIView, regardless of the size of the UITableView object itself. The File Owner is a standard UITableViewController.
Here's how to do this easily:
1) Create a table view controller with xib.
2) Change the inherited type in the .h file from UITableViewController, to UIViewController.
3) Add the protocols UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate to the .h file.
4) Open the xib, add in a view.
5) drag the table view in the xib under the view, resize as desired.
6) Wire the "view" property of the File's Owner to the View instead of the UITableView. The datasource and delegate properties of the table view should still be wired to File's Owner.
7) (optional) if you want to be able to reload or otherwise access the table outside of table view controller delegate methods that pass in a table view, make a UITableView * IBOutlet named "myTable" or the like, and wire the table in IB to that.
An alternate approach is to make a new UIViewController with xib, add a table to the xib, wire datasource/delegate to the file's owner, and make a new UITableViewController class which you use to copy the methods from into your view controller, then delete.
Unfortunately, creating a UITableView in Interface Builder (IB) is was very problematic for me. I ran into the same problems as you as a beginning developer and, after much frustration, just ended up abandoning IB for UITableViews.
The best solution for me was to just implement the UITableViewController (and the UINavigationController that you use as a header) programmatically. Once you figure out the whole Model-View-Controller paradigm, it is actually fairly straightforward.
Some good resources for dealing with them programmatically can be found in Apple's documentation with these names:
"Table View Programming Guide for iPhone OS"
"View Controller Programming Guide for iPhone OS"
Cocoa with love has an article about Recreating UITableViewController to increase code reuse. This is useful if you can't use a UITableViewController, but want to make sure that your UIViewController will behave the same way.