Writing autocomplete plugin for IDE's - plugins

As of now , other than visual studio , and netbeans , very few IDE's have given me satisfactory auto complete(or code suggestion?) features. Yeah they do perform to an extent , but i would atleast like to try my hand at making one , that suits to my taste.
I have experience in java , c , C++ , C# and have learnt the basics of wxwidgets(with the intention of writing a plugin for Code::Blocks) . But , where do i start with the basics of creating and writing plugins?


Making a DSL and an interpreter in Eclipse?

i have to do a DSL and an interpreter of it using Eclipse modeling framework i think so , because i dont have a lot of information about it . I have four months to do it and i am very lost .
The DSL have to read files from sensors , and with the DSL you can make complex math operations . Anyone one know any free resource/book/tutorial/guide where i can read about that ( i can't find anything useful) or anyone can tell my some clues to follow and how start . Thank you so much.
I try to find some examples doing someting like that and i can't find anything.
Eclipse Modeling Project: A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Toolkit and EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition) are two great books on this topic that you can get used for about five dollars each. While not free, they are well worth the small price. There is also a newer reference Implementing Domain Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend that seems very relevant but I have not had the pleasure of reading it yet, so can't vouch for it.
There are also many free talks on these subjects on youtube and all the EMF, Xtext, etc. websites have quite a bit of tutorials.
Also, based on this question: Interpreter vs. Code Generator Xtext , Xtext does not appear to support interpreters but Xbase may.
There are examples of using XText to build an interpreter / interpreted language (eg. https://eclipse.org/Xtext/documentation/202_scripting.html).
For me, it took a while to get all plugins configurations correct, but it is well documented, on Xtext web and in github / tutorials.
Also, look at XTend (http://www.eclipse.org/xtend/) as this is a major birck in XText framework.

Can you create a GUI in Eclipse?

I am learning Java and my IDE is Eclipse Mars. I was wondering if there was a way to create a GUI in Eclipse?
I researched it and the only half decent way I can find was pretty complex, any ideas?
Eclipse includes WindowBuilder, a "bi-directional Java GUI designer." Whether you have it installed in your Eclipse depends on which package you downloaded; if you downloaded Eclipse IDE for Java Developers then it's already included. If you got a different package, you can install WindowBuilder via these instructions.
Eclipse itself has only the coding function when it comes to GUIs.
If you really want to know your way around GUIs I recommend you learn it by programming it.
If you just want to try it out one time or start with easier lessons and then go into programming it yourself I recommend the IDE "Netbeans". It has a drag-and-drop kinda GUI builder implemented with which GUIs are very easy to implement.
Especially if your are just learning Java I recommend learning the basics in Java first, insert your functions into an easy to build GUI with Netbeans and later on go into fully programming GUIs.
Netbeans is also free and pretty much the same as eclipse. Maybe less customizable features, but for beginners and people who want to know how GUI works its perfect.

internationalization plugin Eclipse

I have a small Question regarding Eclipse Internationalization plugin ..
which is described here
I am able to add the different locales/ languages ..
What i want to know is , Will i have to translate everything myself , or eclipse will do the translation itself,
So if i added 10 languages and each language have 100 words,will i have to find the translation of these 100 words for the 10 languages my self and put them in properties files , or is there any other easy way??
Automatic machine translation still leads to very low quality translations nowadays. So independent of Eclipse or any other tool, the localization of programs is almost always done by actual human beings. Otherwise the resulting product has a bad usability.

How does Eclipse identify Keywords

Eclipse - Code Assist, I want to know how to update the Eclipse code Assist.
ie. Keywords like instanceof , for , etc. Using Ctrl + Space will automatically insert corresponding words in Workspace.
If i want to create new Language support means. What should i do for keywords?
For support content Assist for a new language, I would recommend XText
The framework supports the development of language infrastructures including compilers and interpreters as well as full blown Eclipse-based IDE integration.
It includes code completion (as well as syntax highlighting, and many other Editor features).

Writing custom IDE on top of Eclipse

I wish to write my own Python IDE (just for the heck of it). I was wondering if I could use Eclipse as a foundation. This will save me from coding a whole lotta things (code editor, intellisense and so on).
To understand what I mean, please take a look at Visual Studio Isolated Shell. I'm essentially looking for something equivalent. Searching on Google hasn't helped. Is there anything like this available in Eclipse's case?
Yes. Eclipse is designed to have additional languages added and there is extensive support for this kind of plugin development. I'm surprised Googling didn't help - there's an entire site dedicated to a tutorial on the basics and a toolkit for developing such things