Enterprise library Validation block - enterprise-library

I have a web application project. I want to add Configuration Source and keep Validation block, Caching and Logging config files separate. But as soon as I go to the UI of enterprise Lib and add a configuration Source, it combines everything in a single file. Is there a way to separate all these ?.

Yes you can separate the configuration files. This article gives some directions.


Does Next.js have plugins?

Imagine you want to produce a specific static asset for your Next.js web app. An image collage for example, or perhaps a web manifest or site map.
My current strategy for this kind of scenario is to make a script that can produce the desired output directly in my /public folder, but then I have to push the built file along with my source files in my repo, which is less than ideal.
Or, I have to set up a separate parallel asset pipeline to re-create the asset when the source files change and which I would launch whenever I launch next dev. I would also need to run the script when next build is called.
In either case, I then also need to ignore the built file so it's not pushed along with the other files in /public…
This kind of solution feels like I'm reinventing the wheel and losing the zero-config ideal around which the Next.js ecosystem revolves.
I'd much rather provide Next.js with my custom script and just hook into the existing asset pipeline, dev server lifecycle, and build script, letting Next.js do the heavy lifting for me, hence my question:
Does Next.js have a plugin architecture, extensions, or perhaps lifecycle hooks I could tap into to implement a custom asset pipeline?
I see some pluggable loaders exist for Next.js, such as the MDX loader, but it's not clear to me whether this is the way to go for what I'm trying to do, and I'm not finding any documentation about how to write my own loader, so I'm afraid this might not be a recommended approach…

Adding data files to SBT project

I would like to add a data file or a configuration file along with my application (such as sample.conf). This file should be available to user so that he/she can edit the sample configuration to further customize the application.
How can I add such files to my project such that
This file becomes part of distributable, and
How can I link it in my source documentation, so that its purpose can be doucmented, and
This is file is goes into a special directory (such as conf)
Or is there any such predefined task available.
SBT Native Packager provides support for doing what you want, though you'll have to dig through the docs a bit. The universal packager is probably the best approach for you.
I think what you're looking for is the typesafehub/config https://github.com/typesafehub/config project. It uses the HOCON format (Human Optimized Config Object Notation).

Auto upload files in included path using Netbeans

I have a NetBeans javascript project with several included paths for plugins. I do not want to include the plugins in my core repository, so I have created separate, external folders for each and am including them via an include path. Because I test across many devices, I need my changes to upload on save and this works fine for the main code base, however, I would like to be able to edit a plugin via the include path and see those changes auto uploaded as well. Is this possible?
As of right now, the only alternative I see is to create separate projects for each plugin, which I am willing to do if this is the only option. The single project workflow is very preferable to me and I might be willing to switch IDE's if this is possible in another environment.
I would be happy to elaborate if my intentions are unclear.
I don't think it's possible. What about creating one single "umbrella" project for all plugins and simply manage it the same way you do the main project?
Personal note: What you have is basically several projects and the uploading is focused always on single project. So what you want is like "I want to treat them as projects but not to at the same time" :) Btw, how do you edit a plugin? I guess open it as a project in NetBeans or use some text editor. So again you basically treat it as a project.

How to use mergelocales.py for GWT across Multiple Projects

I have some projects:
WebShared (Java Library project)
WebExternal (GWT Web Application)
WebInternal (GWT Web Application)
I have UI Binder's which are shared between WebExternal and WebInternal, and I organize those under the "WebShared" project.
I am now adding i18n support, and I want to use UI Binder's <ui:msg> tags, and consolidate them using the GWT-P mergelocales.py script.
Mergelocales.py works by running against a GWT app that was GWT compiled using the -extra parameter. Since WebShared is not a GWT app, running the script against it produces no output. Additionally, running mergelocales.py against WebExternal or WebInternal does not produce a file that includes the messages from the WebShared project.
I believe it would work if I converted the WebShared project into a GWT project, but then I would still have two separate properties files to send to the translation service, and I don't want to deal with combining files or managing multiple files.
What is the best way to handle this scenario using the available tools, OR do I need to create my own script?
Thanks in advance for the help.
This actually works by default. When the GWT Compiler runs, it generates .property files for the UI Binders that are localized, even if used from a dependent project, and the mergelocales.py script runs against those property files.

Is multi-value ANT property builds possible?

The problem we have are as follows:
We are using ANT to build our application. However, the application is built multiple times, once for each client (they have different skins / cms / i18n etc). Up to now, we had no need to compile them all at once (usually just work on one client at a time). Now, we want our build server to build all permutations for all clients in all languages. In other words, we need to create a war file for each client, each containing their own compilation.
At the moment, the client name is read in from the application's .properties file.
My question is this. Is there any way that the client.name property (from the application's .properties) be overridden in the build.xml used by ant? Or is the only way to create a different target for each client and hard-coding the name?
If you use Hudson to do your build, and have more than one parameter to change, you should be able to do a Matrix Build. There is more detail in this answer.
If it is just one parameter, you should be able to do a properties file and use Ant to read this properties file and iterate through it - I'm not sure precisely how, but you won't be the first person to have this problem, and if you are it wouldn't be difficult to create your own task. Or if not use Macros.