Get all IPv6 addresses on all interfaces (Windows) - windows-xp

I have a solution using WMI, unfortunately only on Windows Vista and above. On WinXP/2003 WMI will only return IPv4 adresses. Is there any way to get all assigned addresses including IPv6 ones on WinXP?
Adt: No .NET, just WMI or WinAPI please.

Well, after some more hours of googling, I finally found GetAdaptersAddresses() in the MSDN library.
Sometimes you just use the wrong search terms it seems.


How to access devices with IPV6 link local address from browser(like IE,firefox etc)?

Both my device and the host through which i'm trying to access are in the same subnet.
I have a switch and a server in same subnet. I have to access switch using ipv6 link local address from the browser in my server.
Can anyone pls tell me the exact syntax??
To give an answer specific to browsers: for most common browsers, you can't.
There is a proposed standard format, as Sander Steffann pointed out, for specifying the interface for a URL, which is in RFC 6874.
The developers of both Chromium and Firefox, and seemingly most other browsers, have decided to intentionally not support this. Firefox has actually had ipv6 link-local support intentionally removed. Bug reports are closed as WONTFIX. See Chromium bug 70762, and Firefox bug 700999. Furthermore, WHATWG also rejected implementation of RFC 6874. This has been the case for years, so I doubt anything short of a patch or fork will result in link-local addresses working. It appears that a number of people are quite set on not allowing link-local address support.
One workaround, however, is to use SSH forwarding. For example,
ssh -L '8080:[FE80::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX%wlp4s0]:80' localhost
A link local address can be valid on multiple links. If for example your system has both Ethernet and Wi-Fi those might be connected to different networks. Therefore you need to add a scope identifier to a link-local address. The syntax for that is to add % and the scope to the IPv6 address. The score is usually the name of the interface, for example eth0 or ens192 on Linux, or 13 on Windows. The value is different on each system, so you'll need to check what to use in your case.
That gives you for example fe80::1111:2222%eth0. The problem is that % has special meaning in URLs, so you need to escape it. The escape for % is %25.
The correct URL syntax is http://[fe80::1111:2222%25eth0]/. The official standard for this is RFC 6874. Unfortunately many browsers don't follow the standard, so it might not work for you. In that case please file a bug report. There need to be more people complaining to get this fixed.
For those who have no sshd server set up on their laptop and find it would be troublesome to set up one --- try finding port-forward scripts.
Here is a usable python script, without external dependencies.

How to find the public ip of another computer or server on my local network?

I've googled this a bit, and all I find are tips on how to find the public IP of my current machine.
I have: The target computer's local IP address and computer name; log-in credentials on the target computer.
I'm using Windows on all local machines. Ideally, I'd like a solution that I can batch (like a set of powershell commands or something).
You can do the third party server method. All computers know how to access the server, the server delivers information to each to tell the other how to communicate with each other.
If implemented well, you can use this for Hole Punching and expand the usefulness of the method.
Aside from a third party server, this info is pretty interesting (though not tested by me):

How to capture loopback traffic in Windows Server 2008

I have client C connecting to server S
Both C and S are on the same machine
In C the server address is hardcoded to Likewise, in S the client address is hardcoded to
I want to be able to sniff the traffic between the client and the server.
Due to the configuration, I cannot move the client nor the server to different locations (the address are hardcoded)
Installing the loopback interface and using tools like Wireshark+WinPcap doesn't lead anywhere (was actually already known but was worth a try)
RawCap, suggested in another topic, doesn't work. IP is listed, but does not record any traffic.
Using rinetd to route the traffic elsewhere, as suggested here doesn't work (cannot bind on
Not interested in using a HTTP local proxy, such as Fiddler, because I'd like to capture also other protocols
Two commercial tools work, specifically CommView and Local Network Monitor, which means it must be possible to do that ;)
How can I do to capture the traffic?
Any pointer on functions I should use or documentation I should read?
Basically you need to write a TDI filter driver to achieve that... for some pointers see:
Another option is to write a WinSock LSP.
Since Windows 8 it is strongly encouraged to use WFP (Windows Filtering Platform) for this sort of thing...
Although it might be more cost-effective to just use/buy an existing solution - esp. if you are not a very experienced driver developer...
Use RawCap, which can solve your concerns, see this

gethostbyname() only returns the address of local host on linux

I'm trying to portably (Windows & Linux) find all of the IP addresses of the local machine. The method I am using is to first call gethostname(), and then pass the result of that to gethostbyname(), which returns an array of ip addresses.
The problem is that on linux, the only address I get back is This works on Windows, and I've seen a few people state that this will not work on Linux if your network was configured by DHCP (don't know if that's a true statement).
Is this not the correct way to do this on Linux?
It is not the correct way on unix/linux. The correct way involves ioctls to pull the necessary information.
struct ifreq ifc_buffer[MAX_NUM_IFREQ];
ioctl(s, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) # Interface list
num_ifreq = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq);
struct ifreq *ifr = &ifc.ifc_req[cnt]
ioctl(s, SIOCGIFADDR, ifr); # get ip address
There are also more modern methods involving:
Doing a SO search for if_nameindex and SIOCGIFCONF will yield a number of questions similar to this one.
This happens because on most distributions you have this in /etc/hosts: localhost.localdomain localhost aiur
gethostbyname simply resolves the hostname (aiure in this example) to an address. If it finds it in /etc/hosts it's more than happy to give you that.
Back to the question. Unfortunately I don't believe you can get all the addresses of your machine in a portable way. You can do it in a Unix-portable way, like ifconfig does. Open a socket s and do an ioctl(..., SIOCGIFCONF, ...).
By the way, gethostbyname is obsolete if you believe and deprecated if you believe MSDN.

How can I find the IP of a network service from the iPhone

I want to use some sort of nmap-like functionality to autodiscover a ASP.NET web server (running on port 443) somewhere on the network. This way users don't have to find and enter the IP manually. Is there a good/clean way to do this?
Thanks to #ceejaoz's comment above, I was able to do this pretty easily in Bonjour.
I used Mono.Zeroconf, a .NET/Mono Bonjour library, to advertise the service, and the default iOS NSNetService stuff to resolve it on the iPhone. (There's plenty of tutorials on how to do this around the nets).
I made a Windows Service in Visual Studio to actually run the code that advertises the ip and port, since a web service isn't really a good place for that.
One big caveat (as of December 2010): the Bonjour DLLs that come with Mono.Zeroconf are totally broken (no errors, they just don't do anything). Steal the ones from Pidgin instead.