Blackberry encode MD5 different from MD5 in C# - encoding

I have my passwords encoded in MD5 in C# and inserted in my DB.
MD5 MD5Hasher = MD5.Create();
byte[] PasswordHash = MD5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(PasswordText.Value));
PasswordHash is inserted as is and look like 0x09C09E5B52580E477514FA.......... for example.
In the blackberry app, I get the password, want to encode it to pass it to a web service that will compare both hashed password. The problem is my result is different from the MD5 I create in my Blackberry app.
password = Crypto.encodeStringMD5(password);
Then below my function:
public static String encodeStringMD5(String s) throws Exception {
byte[] bytes = s.getBytes();
MD5Digest digest = new MD5Digest();
digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
int length = digest.getDigestLength();
byte[] md5 = new byte[length];
digest.getDigest(md5, 0, true);
return convertToHex(md5);
private static String convertToHex(byte[] data) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
int halfbyte = (data[i] >>> 4) & 0x0F;
int two_halfs = 0;
do {
if ((0 <= halfbyte) && (halfbyte <= 9))
buf.append((char) ('0' + halfbyte));
buf.append((char) ('a' + (halfbyte - 10)));
halfbyte = data[i] & 0x0F;
} while(two_halfs++ < 1);
return buf.toString();
So it returns something like this: 07054da3aea1cc98377fe0..........
Any idea how I can get the same hashed password that I create with my C# function in the Blackberry?
Thank you!

The getBytes() method of java String returns a different encoding than the Encoding.Unicode in .NET. You need to specify unambiguous encoding algorithms. Use UTF-8 for both platforms and you should be ok. You can also try providing a charset name to the getBytes method on the Java side; try getBytes("UTF-16")

GregS answered your question directly; but as an aside I would recommend against having the client create the MD5 sum. If the server manages creating the MD5sum, you can further ensure that the password can't be reverse engineered (eg rainbow table) by adding a "salt" value to the password before encoding it on the server. If you do that on the client, you must expose the salt to the client which is less secure.

Do you check the format? Many languages create the same hashes but in different formats.
For example:
Try checking for both formats when converting to a string.


Check if values are those same objects

I'm pretty new to Dart and I got some problems with understanding what is going on under the hood. I've simple code like this:
void main() {
String s1 = "test1";
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
String s2 = sb.toString();
print(identical(s1, s2));
print(s1 == s2);
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
print(identical(a, b));
result of this code is 3x true
Which is little tricky for me. As I understands all variables refers to some values, and since == operator is expected to return true, I'm little confused why identical also return true. If I would use code like:
String s1 = "test1";
String s2 = "test1";
Then I would expect that there is compiler optimization for immutable strings. But since I combine it via StringBuffer I would expect that I got two different values in memory. I suspect that identical uses == operator internally... Why I'm curious: I'm working on app which will use sets of tags. And I'm not sure If should I create some pool of strings and checks if some strings are already created and reuse it or just spawn strings and Dart has it's own string pool?

PKCS#11 C_Encrypt fails with Bad Arguments for 128 bit AES key

I generate a 128-bit AES object using "C_CreateObject".
I then do the following to encrypt a piece of data and get a "Bad Argumnents" error on the call to "C_Encrypt" to get the encrypted data length.
char clear[] = "My name is Eric!";
buf_len = sizeof(clear) -1;
rv = pfunc11->C_EncryptInit(session, pMechanism, hObject);
if (rv != CKR_OK)
printf("ERROR: rv=0x%08X: initializing encryption:\n", (unsigned int)rv);
return false;
rv = pfunc11->C_Encrypt(session, (CK_BYTE_PTR)clear, (CK_ULONG)buf_len, NULL, pulEncryptedDataLen);
if (rv != CKR_OK)
printf("ERROR: rv=0x%08X: derror getting encryption data buffer length:\n", (unsigned int)rv);
return false;
What am I doing wrong here ?
Here is my mechanism definition -
CK_MECHANISM myMechanism = {CKM_AES_CBC_PAD, (CK_VOID_PTR)"01020304050607081122334455667788", (CK_ULONG)16};
CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism = &myMechanism;
Your pulEncryptedDataLen is probably NULL which causes CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD.
It is better to use e.g.:
CK_ULONG ulEncryptedDataLen;
rv = pfunc11->C_Encrypt(session, (CK_BYTE_PTR)clear, (CK_ULONG)buf_len, NULL, &ulEncryptedDataLen);
The number of bytes sufficient to store encryption result of a single-part encryption gets stored into ulEncryptedDataLen.
Also please note that your way of passing IV value is not correct as "01020304050607081122334455667788" results in an ASCII string (giving IV as 30313032303330343035303630373038 -- which is probably not what you want).
To get correct IV use "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88" instead.
Good luck!

Shiros Sha256Hash and alternative algorithms

Is Sha256Hash from Apache Shiro based upon a common specification like PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256?
The following example proves, Shiros Sha256Hash doesn't create a valid PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256 hashes.
public static byte[] getEncryptedPassword(
String password,
byte[] salt,
int iterations,
int derivedKeyLength
) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
KeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(
derivedKeyLength * 8
SecretKeyFactory f = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256");
return f.generateSecret(keySpec).getEncoded();
public void testHashing(){
byte[] salt = new SecureRandomNumberGenerator().nextBytes().getBytes();
byte[] hash1 = new Sha256Hash("1234", salt, 1024).getBytes();
byte[] hash2 = getEncryptedPassword("1234", salt, 1024, 32);
Is there a common way to use PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256 with shiro, or do I have to implement my own CredentialMatcher?
Per the Shiro user list on nabble no, Shiro does not provide PBKDF2 (or BCrypt or SCrypt).
Note that Java 8 does have PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-512 available now as PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 - use that instead. SHA-512 in particular has 64-bit operations that reduce the advantage GPU based attackers have. Use more iterations than just 1024, as well - see what your system can handle comfortably under load!

Support for basic datatypes in H5Attributes?

I am trying out the beta hdf5 toolkit of ilnumerics.
Currently I see H5Attributes support only ilnumerics arrays. Is there any plan to extend it for basic datatypes (such as string) as part of the final release?
Does ilnumerics H5 wrappers provide provision for extending any functionality to a particular
ILNumerics internally uses the official HDF5 libraries from the HDF Group, of course. H5Attributes in HDF5 correspond to datasets with the limitation of being not capable of partial I/O. Besides that, H5Attributes are plain arrays! Support for basic (scalar) element types is given by assuming the array stored to be scalar.
Strings are a complete different story: strings in general are variable length datatypes. In terms of HDF5 strings are arrays of element type Char. The number of characters in the string determines the length of the array. In order to store a string into a dataset or attribute, you will have to store its individual characters as elements of the array. In ILNumerics, you can convert your string into ILArrray or ILArray (for ASCII data) and store that into the dataset/ attribute.
Please consult the following test case which stores a string as value into an attribute and reads the content back into a string.
Disclaimer: This is part of our internal test suite. You will not be able to compile the example directly, since it depends on the existence of several functions which may are not available. However, you will be able to understand how to store strings into datasets and attributes:
public void StringASCIAttribute() {
string file = "deleteA0001.h5";
string val = "This is a long string to be stored into an attribute.\r\n";
// transfer string into ILArray<Char>
ILArray<Char> A = ILMath.array<Char>(' ', 1, val.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < val.Length; i++) {
A.SetValue(val[i], 0, i);
// store the string as attribute of a group
using (var f = new H5File(file)) {
f.Add(new H5Group("grp1") {
Attributes = {
{ "title", A }
// check by reading back
// read back
using (var f = new H5File(file)) {
// must exist in the file
// check size
var attr = f.Get<H5Group>("grp1").Attributes["title"];
Assert.IsTrue(attr.Size == ILMath.size(1, val.Length));
// read back
ILArray<Char> titleChar = attr.Get<Char>();
ILArray<byte> titleByte = attr.Get<byte>();
// compare byte values (sum)
int origsum = 0;
foreach (var c in val) origsum += (Byte)c;
Assert.IsTrue(ILMath.sumall(ILMath.toint32(titleByte)) == origsum);
StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(attr.Size[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < titleChar.Length; i++) {
Assert.IsTrue(title.ToString() == val);
This stores arbitrary strings as 'Char-array' into HDF5 attributes and would work just the same for H5Dataset.
As an alternative solution you may use HDF5DotNet ( wrapper to write attributes as strings:
Uri destination = new Uri(#"C:\yourFileLocation\FileName.h5");
//Create an HDF5 file
H5FileId fileId = H5F.create(destination.LocalPath, H5F.CreateMode.ACC_TRUNC);
//Add a group to the file
H5GroupId groupId = H5G.create(fileId, "groupName");
string myString = "String attribute";
byte[] attrData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(myString);
//Create an attribute of type STRING attached to the group
H5AttributeId attrId = H5A.create(groupId, "attributeName", H5T.create(H5T.CreateClass.STRING, attrData.Length),
//Write the string into the attribute
H5A.write(attributeId, H5T.create(H5T.CreateClass.STRING, attrData.Length), new H5Array<byte>(attrData));

How to calculate Amazon's MD5 hash for http request

Does anyone know how to calculate the MD5 hash that is needed to be used with Amazon's SubmitFeed API? I am using ColdFusion and every time I calculate the MD5 hash on my end it never matches what Amazon calculates.
Amazon responds with this error:
the Content-MD5 HTTP header you passed for your feed (C7EF1CADB27497B46FCD6F69516F96E0) did not match the Content-MD5 we calculated for your feed (x+8crbJ0l7RvzW9pUW+W4A==)
I am using the built-in function that ColdFusion uses for hashing (example hash(myStr)). Is there a step I am missing?
public any function EncryptSignature(required string argValue,required string publicKey) hint="I create my own signature that I will matching later." {
var jMsg=JavaCast("string",arguments.argValue).getBytes("iso-8859-1");
var thisSecretKey = getDAO().getSecretKey(local.filters).apiSecretKey;
var jKey=JavaCast("string",thisSecretKey).getBytes("iso-8859-1");
var key=createObject("java","javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec");
var mac=createObject("java","javax.crypto.Mac");
return lCase(binaryEncode(mac.doFinal(),'Hex'));
//return Encrypt(arguments.argValue,getapiUsersDAO().getSecretKey(arguments.publicKey),'HMAC-SHA1');
The problem is that Feed must have preceding
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
Even adding it as a Declaration is not enough
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
XDocument doc = new XDocument(
new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
new XElement("AmazonEnvelope",
if you are using XmlWriter:
using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(memoryStream))
You have to save XDocument to file and then get stream from file. Only in this case XDocument preserves declaration (designed behaviour of Save() and WriteTo() methods):
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
var file = Path.GetTempFileName();
using (var fileStream = File.OpenWrite(file))
var buffer = memoryStream.GetBuffer();
fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, (int)memoryStream.Length);
return File.Open(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
I checked this online tool and you just need to send that MD5 in base64 encoding. It is currently just hexadecimal encoded.
I'm afraid I don't know what the ColdFusion way to do that is, maybe this:
SHA or MD5 Digests in ColdFusion
Here is what I did to get this to work:
<cfset getMD5 = ToBase64(binaryDecode(hash(xmlRequest),'hex'))>
And bang it matched Amazons MD5 hash.
Here is an alternative java-way
found on
public static String computeContentMD5HeaderValue(FileInputStream fis)
throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
DigestInputStream dis = new DigestInputStream(fis,
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
while ( > 0)
String md5Content = new String(
// Effectively resets the stream to be beginning of the file via a
// FileChannel.
return md5Content;
This will give your desire output.
<cfset binaryValue = binaryDecode( 'C7EF1CADB27497B46FCD6F69516F96E0', "hex" )>
<cfset base64Value = binaryEncode( binaryValue, "base64" )>
<cfdump var="#base64Value#">