Why won't the Baskerville font display on an iPhone 3G running OS 3? - iphone

I'm testing our app on a few different platforms, and for some reason the Baskerville font doesn't seem to show on an iPhone 3G running OS 3.1.3. Does anyone know why this might be? The systems I've tested which work okay are:
iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.0
iPad, iOS 3.2.1
iPod touch 3rd Gen, iOS 4.0.2
Stumped here!
Thanks... Joe

Baskerville Family of fonts was not added until iOS 3.2 and iOS 4.0 inherited the APIs and additions to 3.2, which explains the results in your testing.


Restrict app for iPhone devices lower than iPhone 5 with iOS 8 or 7 in AppStore

I planned to develop application with targeted devices iPhone 5/5S, iPhone 6/6+ . I don't want my application to be runnable on iPhone 4S. Can i able to achieve that?
I googled some sites , they were mentioned that we can restrict older version mobiles like iPhone 3GS using front camera or other new features.
But in my case iPhone 4S is capable of upgrading OS version upto 8, Is there a way to restrict application for iPhone 4S ?
Need your help!
No there is not. if your app supports iOS8 it must run on all devices which support that OS. iPhone 4S included.

Xcode Set Compatible Devices

I have released my first app on the iOS App Store a few days ago and told my friends to download it. However, they have told me that it is not compatible with the iPod Touch 2G running iOS 4.2.1. Why is this? And how do I fix this?
I am using Xcode 4.2 with iOS SDK 5.0, but my deployment target is iOS 4.0, so it should work.
On the iTunes page for my app, it says: Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.
How do I include the iPod Touch 2G in this list? I have an iPod 3G as one of my testing devices and my app works perfectly on it.
Thanks in advance for your help,
The most likely cause is that you did not build for armv6. This is a common issue usually caught in debugging, but since you did not test on these devices you did not catch it.
If you want to add support for armv6 devices, like iPod touch 2nd gen & iPhone 3g, then in addition to setting your deployment target like you have done you must also:
1) Add armv6 to the Architectures field:
2) Remove armv7 from the requirements in the info.plist:
3) Test to ensure compatibility with these devices. Please do not ignore this step.

Air 2.6 iOS - cannot install on Device

I am struggling to get an Air app installed on my iPod. If I follow this tutorial:
I get the error
The app "Hello World iOS" was not installed on the iPod "Davids iPod" because it is not compatible with this iPod"
I have no problem if I use packager for iPhone, with the same certificates etc.
Does anybody know what might be the problem?
It turned out my device is not supported - see my answer below
just found:
Supported iOS devices
As part of supporting the latest and most powerful Flash runtime features on iOS, we have chosen to drop support for the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G, along with iPhone OS 3. AIR 2.6 supports building apps for the following iOS 4 devices:
iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4
iPod Touch (3rd Generation and 4th Generation)
source: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/whats-new-in-air-26.html
Im developing for 2nd Gen Ipod Touch +
Did you check the minimum SDK required for that app? WHich Xcode Version are you using? Xcode4 doesnt even show connected devieces that do not have th eminimum SDK installed. As far as I rememeber in the previous xCode versions you have to adjust the minimum SDK for which the app can be installed

Can't debug on Simulator 3.2 anymore

I have recently updated XCode (3.2.4) and the SDK (4.1).
When debugging I can only debug using:
iPad Simulator 3.2
iPhone Simulator 4.0
iPhone Simulator 4.0
How do I use the iPhone Simulator for 3.2? Is it available?
iOS 3.2 never ran on the iPhone. It was iPad-only. And Apple considers iOS 3.1 too old to maintain support for.
There is no iOS 3.2 for iPhones. Only iPhone OS 3.1.x and lower, and iOS 4.0 an up.
To test on iPhone OS 3.1.3 (or earlier), you will need an actual device running that OS version. Many developers buy a used older model iPod Touch for just this purpose.
Apple is no longer accepting apps that run on iPhone OS versions prior to 3.0.

Core Text availability

What platforms is Core Text available on from my understanding it is:
iPad 3.2 & iPhone 4.0+
Is this correct and it is not available in 3.2+ for iPhone?
There is no iOS 3.2+ for iPhone/iPod
The last 3.x version for iPhone/iPod is 3.1.3
SDK 3.2.x is for iPad.
4.x is only iPhone/iPod for now.
It seems that iPad will be getting the iOS 4, in November/2010 with the release iOS 4.2. (You can Google it).