Licensing implications of calling 7-Zip from within proprietary application [closed] - lgpl

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to use 7-Zip within my proprietary application.
7-Zip is LGPL
Consider that within my application I call via its command line interface using system() something like this: system( "7-Zip -blah -blah" );
If I use 7-Zip this way do I have any obligations under the LGPL?
If I want to distribute 7-Zips' 7z.dll and 7z.exe with my application so that the user does not need to install 7-Zip separately do I have any obligations under the LGPL?

If the user is providing 7zip, no.
Yes, you would need to provide the 7zip source if requested as you are distributing binaries.
You can also use the 7zip DLL directly without issue as it is LGPL - once again you would need to offer the 7zip source code.

Use the lzma SDK directly, that code was placed in the public domain (see the headers if you don't believe me) so you are fine to incorporate it into your app without having to worry about the LGPL.


Should I write a cross-platform service in Go? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking into writing a cross-platform (Windows/Debian/Darwin/Red Hat) service and am comparing language options. I really appreciate Go's cross-platform threading abilities and easy cross-compiling, but I want to make sure I'll be able to easily reach any native (eg. Windows Service) APIs when needed.
What sort of things should I be considering to drive my language decision?
Go has full support for calling into arbitrary Win32 API's via its core syscall package.
While calling out to raw Win32 via syscall is not exactly pretty to write (mostly because you're crossing the managed/unmanaged boundary, and back) and has no support from the compiler (akin to, say, that of Delphi), this works just OK, and generation of wrapper functions for such API calls can be automated—the Go core packages use this facility for themselves, other popular examples include the odbc package.
Note that there already exists winsvc—a library which interfaces Go with the Windows SCM and event log.
Also look at service which provides unified API for turning your program into a daemon/service using platform-native tools (it uses winsvc on Windows, IIRC).

MATLAB Compiler Licensing [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am planning to deploy a MATLAB application using the MATLAB compiler.
My plan is to compile the code using the toolbox, install the runtime in a web server, and create a website that calls this application and retrieve some results.
My question is regarding the licenses required:
I already know that MCR is royalty free for desktop applications. What about web aplications?
I do NOT need to buy "MATLAB Production Server", right?
obs: I already have MATLAB Compiler license
With regard to licensing, that's correct. The MCR can be redistributed and used royalty-free, and you don't need to buy MATLAB Production Server.
Technically, however, this is unlikely to be a good solution unless your web application is very small scale, and is OK to be very slow. Each time your web application needs to make a call to the MATLAB component, it will need to start up the MCR, which can take rather a long time. In addition, if you need to support multiple people using the web application simultaneously, multiple copies of the MCR will start up at once, and you may run out of memory fast.
You may like to consider using either one of the MATLAB Builder products, which enable you to integrate better with web applications, or MATLAB Production Server, which will enable you to scale better.

Instead of java script why can't we use perl script? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need explanation of Perl script why didn't using in web pages as java script?
What different between two script, can any one explain this?
I want something write to in web pages by Perl script,
am not mean CGI script, Perl script ,
because why I asking this questions, Perl simplest method using in there.
suppose we can't work with Perl script... Why?
Can you please explain briefly?.......
Java script:
<script language="JScript"> </script>
can you explain... in Perl
You can only execute client side code if the browser can pass that code off to a suitable interpretor or compiler.
The only Perl engine supported by browsers was ActiveState's PerlScript which was IE/Windows only, required a plug-in to be installed, and (as far as I know) has been discontinued.
In short: You can't use Perl client side because browser vendors haven't done the work needed to support Perl.
Well, Perl is just not embedded into web browser, so there's no way to get a Perl script on client side for that very simple reason...

How to bundle LGPL libraries into commercial Eclipse-based application? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm going to bundle several LGPL libraries into commercial Eclipse-based application as plug-ins (I generate plug-in from an existing Jar for each library). My application is not LGPL, and it's closed source app. After reading point (6) of the LGPL license I've understood that I have either to include source plug-ins for every LGPL library or provide a link to the source code of these libraries (BTW, where these links must be provided, in About dialog?). Am I correct? Is there an example for such an application?
I don't know of an example, but yes you are correct. I don't think the LGPL specifies the exact means that the software should be published in. EPL has a similar requirement for publishing the source code if you have modified their stuff, and I have heard that a standard thing for IBM to do for example is have a zip file of the sources available somewhere on their site or with the product distribution.
So long as it's clear where to find the source, I don't think it matters much exactly how you publish it. And if you have not modified the LGPL source, then you can refer to some place where it is published. You only need to actually publish it if you have modified it in some way (or its not published elsewhere).

Code License that allows for Redistribution but No Compiling then Redistributing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Essentially, I have an interesting Perl script that I want to put on Github / other places that I want to be re-distributable but I do not want anyone compiling it and then redistributing it (yes I know the source would be included with certain licenses - but I don't want it to ever be compiled at all).
Those who can figure out how to use CPAN, etc, to set it up - I want them to be able to use it and redistribute it in source format but is there a way of restricting the compilation and then redistribution. I only want to allow users to redistribute in source.
Your requirements are at odds with each other. The first step of running a Perl 5 program is compiling. Your best bet is the GPLv3, it requires anyone who distributes a compiled version to also provide a method to retrieve the source.
Most of the methods of making a binary out of a Perl 5 script (which I think you are confusing with compiling) aren't actually compiling. They are packaging. The source is still present in the binary and is compiled at run-time by an included copy of the perl binary.