Zend Framework: Need help setting up Routing - zend-framework

how do i set up routing as follows
these work with the standard routing
/posts => index action (listing)
/posts/view => view action (individual post)
/posts/add => add action
/posts/edit => edit action
what abt these?
/posts can by filtered based on 1 or more query strings, in any order. eg.
/posts/tagged/tag1/timeframe/1w => fyi. 1w means 1 week
/posts/timeframe/1w/tagged/tag1 => can be in any order
/posts/sortby/dtposted => more options maybe added
how can i handle these? i tried
$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
'controller' => 'posts',
'action' => 'index'
$router->addRoute('postsIndex', $route);
but of cos, all routes to posts/* goes to the index controller. not what i want

You dont need to use a route for those url's if your using proper naming conventions it should naturally.
class PostsController extends Zend_Controller_Action{
public function viewAction(){
public function editAction(){
public function addAction(){
public function indexAction(){
I suggest going back to basics and learning how controllers models and views work in the zend framework before trying to understand routing :)


CakePHP route redirect with parameters

I need to keep SEO links active so I'm trying to 301 redirect google trafic to new CakePHP route.
I go to:
And I want it to 301 redirect to:
So I tried with route::redirect but I can't make it work. Doc on this is also non existent :(
['controller' => 'Catalog', 'action' => 'product'],
['status' => 301, 'pass' => ['item']]
My Catalog::product looks like:
public function product($productId) {
I always get error that no parameter was passed to the action.
What am I missing? :(
The option for retaining parameters in redirect routes isn't pass (that's for regular routes and defines which parameters to pass as function arguments), it's persist, ie your route would need to be something like:
['controller' => 'Catalog', 'action' => 'product'],
['status' => 301, 'persist' => ['item']]
This should work fine, assuming you have a proper target route connected that has a parameter named item, something like.
['controller' => 'Catalog', 'action' => 'product'],
['pass' => ['item']]
Generally you may want to consider doing such redirects on server level instead (for example via mod_rewrite on Apache), performance wise that's much better.
ps. Browsers do cache 301 redirects, so when making changes to such redirects, make sure that you clear the cache afterwards.
See also
Cookbook > Routing > Redirect Routing
So it turns out this is quite simple. I use this to dynamically generate a list of redirects based on what admins enter in the control panel. We use this to keep google traffic when the URL changes and is not rescanned by the google bot yet.
$builder->redirect('/from-url', '/to-url', ['status' => 301]);
Try this ways it is working for me:
Example request like: localhost:08080/get-username?id=%3Cid%3E
Routes :
$routes->connect('/get-username', ['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'getUserName']);
Controller :
class UsersController extends AppController {
public function initialize() {
public function beforeFilter(Event $event) {
$this->set('_serialize', false);
public function getUserName() {
$id = $this->request->getQuery('id');

how to make optional parametres in zendframework URL

I am new to Zend, but very very keen to learn. This is really just a quick question on routing in Zend Framework.
I understand the basic of it but I am still confused about how I can create some optional parameters at the end of my URL. For example, I have the following default page URL:
I now want to add two additional parameters to it i.e:
userid= 6
location= 12
So, the eventual URL should look like:
Will get you to the same page.
I am not clear. How do it do this? I mean, this is not a bespoke URL. so, I don't need to create a custom route. It basically just the last two parameters that need to be added to the page.
How do I do this?
First 2 parameters are controller and action name, the named params.
Here you are:
or you can define your own route like this:
$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('accounts/enquiry/:userid/:location);
and then add it to router:
$router->addRoute('accounts', $route);
You could add a custom route inside your Bootstrap.php, e.g. (untested):
protected function _initRoutes()
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$router = $frontController->getRouter();
$accounts = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
'userid' => '[0-9]{2}',
'location' => '[0-9]{2}',
'controller' => 'accounts',
'action' => 'enquiry',
$router->addRoute('accounts', $accounts);

Have a default controller in Zend

I have a module-based arhitecture in Zend Framework 1.11 (site.com/module/controller/action).
I've setup my site to have a default module, so that if I have the site module as default, and you go to site.com/something1/something2, it will actually take you to site.com/site/something1/something2.
I want to achieve the same thing 1 level further: say if you go to site.com/something, it should take you to site.com/site/index/something. I'm not talking about a redirect, just a re-routing.
Would something like this be possible?
If I understand correctly, it is possible and here is an example you can put in your Bootstrap:
protected function _initControllerDefaults()
$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
// set default action in controllers to "something" instead of index
// You can also override the default controller from "index" to something else
If you need the default action name to be dynamic based on the URL accessed, then I think you are looking for a custom route. In that case try:
protected function _initRoutes()
$router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter();
// Custom route:
// - Matches : site.com/foo or site.com/foo/
// - Routes to: site.com/site/index/foo
$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
'module' => 'site',
'controller' => 'index',
array(1 => 'action')
$router->addRoute('actions', $route);

Full dynamic router in Zend Framework

By default you have the following URL-syntax in ZF: /module/controller/action. What i want, is to build an menu-system where i can use any URL I want.
Lets say I make an menu-item called 'news'. When i call http://www.site.com/news i want to have the folowing loaded:
module: news
controller: frontpage
action: display
These config-values must be configured in the database-record for the menu-item.
How can I do this in zend? I spend a lot of time searching for it, but I still can't figure out how to. Does anybody?
I'd suggest using a front controller plugin to scan your database for all the entries, create routing rules based on those entries and add them to the router (see this).
Of course caching strategy is recommended so that you don't do a lot of processing on every request.
You can create a plugin and in routeStartup define something that intercept your request and route /module/controller/action to /action, but for this all your action names must be unique :
class My_CustomRouterPlugin extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function routeStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$fc = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$action =$fc->getRequest()->getActionName();
$router = $fc->getRouter();
$model= new myModel();
$myPage = $model->getPageByAction($action);
$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('/action', array(
'module' => $myPage->getModule();
'controller' => $myPage->getController();
'action' => $action;
$router->addRoute($action, $route);
return $router;
In myModel define a method can get you an object(or an array) that contains module, controller names (from you DB ).
and register this plugin in your bootstrap:
$front->registerPlugin(new My_CustomRouterPlugin());

Zend_Navigation url generation issue

I use Navigation component for site menus. I also use let zend figure-out the selected menu item from request parameters - I guess this is done automatically. The only problem is, that for this to work, action and controller have to be specified in navigation configuration for every node. This also means that when zend generates links from route, action and controller information to appended to the generated link automatically.
Anyone had the same problem?
Zend manual section, explaining the Mvc navigation page features.
some route defined in bootstrap:
$router->addRoute('user_profile_tab', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
'action' => 'profile',
'controller' => 'user',
'user' => ($user ? $user->id : 0), //change later
'location' => 0 //inject appropriate value later
navigation container object:
$container = .....
'label' => tr('Privileges'),
'id' => 'user-profile-perms',
'type' => 'Zulu_Navigation_Page',
'controller' => 'user',
'action' => 'profile',
'route'=> 'user_profile_tab',
'params' => array('tab'=>Main_Lib_Common::NAVI_USER_TAB_PERMS)
the result when using
$page = $container->getById('user-profile-perms');
WHY action and controler params in the navigation container object you ask. The $page->isActive() check needs this data to make a perfect match.
extend mvc navigation page and provide an alternative getHref() method ... one that removes action, controller and module params when a route does not define them.
I have done this to fix this weird behaviour:
extend mvc navigation page
provide an alternative getHref() method
check for routes, not having action , controller and module parameters and remove them from params array before href generation.
This way the isActive matching will still work, as we didnt modify the route or navigation nodes in any way.