Extension/plugin development tools - integrated into the IDE or separate? - plugins

Part of our application is a fairly extensive plugin development kit allowing third parties to write extensions and add-ons that can be added to the product.
In addition to the standard libraries, project templates etc, there are a number of tools that are shipped that speed up development. For instance a custom resource editor that allows people to localize their plugins using the in-house resource framework.
Currently these tools are standalone applications that are installed as part of the PDK. We've had a suggestion to integrate them into the development environments that customers can use to write plugins, including Visual Studio and MonoDevelop.
As developers, what would your preference be? Would you prefer to stay within the IDE and have another window docked to the side allowing you manage resources, or an entirely separate application that doesn't require the IDE?


Eclipse - window builder distribution license

I planning to use eclipse as my software to complete my java learning and project. I also planning to handle freelancer project by using eclipse as the coding software.
I understand that eclipse is free and I have gone through the term and condition - Eclipse Public License (EPL)
As far as I know it is free to distribute my project using eclipse.
However, I planning using eclipse plugin - window builder, will this affect me when I wish to distribute my project for business purposes?
If it is off topic, remind me and I will close this question ASAP.
When putting a product in production, it should not matter what tools / plugins you use. These license you talk about mainly deal with modifying and distributing the IDE or plugin itself. You don't need to pay royalties or anything else because you used their plugin to develop with.

Netbeans Platform Installer I18N

When downloading the Netbeans IDE (7.3/7.4), the choice of official languages is severely crippled. Furthermore, it appears that community translations are no longer available at all.
In particular, I am interested to know if it is possible to create a Netbeans platform installer that is multi-lingual. Currently, it seems that the generated installers are always only in English (or any of the languages one downloaded the IDE for).
In case, that there is no "official" way to do this - is there another way to create the installer for a target language, or has Oracle effectively killed Netbeans RCP products?

Share java and android sdk versions in intellij

We have IntelliJ project and module files checked into version control. They great, but if we switch java or android sdks, everyone needs to do something on their own machine (update the sdk, add it to IntelliJ, etc.).
I found http://leolabs.org/blog/making-intellij-portable/, which explains how to set up configuration paths in IntelliJ, which allows us to share things like SDKs. My current plan is to follow that guide and check the IntelliJ install directory into our version control so everyone can run it from there, and it will have sdks all set up.
The problem I see with this technique is then other options are shared as well. That's great for coding style (though you can make coding style project specific, so that's not a real win), but not as good for things like visible white-space.
So my question is: Is there a more granular way to share java and android SDKs and have IntelliJ correctly point to them? Thanks.
SDKs and Global Libraries are referenced in the project files by names, like 1.7 for Java or Android 4.2.2 Platform for Android SDK.
The easiest solution is to agree about the common names for the SDKs and ask all the developers to configure the SDKs using these names (needs to be done only once and when you have to switch to the new major version of the SDK).
This configuration allows the developers to have actual SDK installations in different locations and is also OS independent.
If you decide to share global IDE configuration files (like jdk.table.xml), all the team members will need to have SDKs installed in the same place and it will fail between different operating systems.

What are the differences between plug-ins, features, and products in Eclipse RCP?

What are the differences? What gets used for which purpose?
As the RCP tutorial details
Plugins are the smallest deployable and installable software components of Eclipse.
Each plugin can define extension-points which define possibilities for functionality contributions (code and non-code) by other plugins. Non-code functionality contributions can, for example, provide help content.
The basis for this architecture is the runtime environment Equinox of Eclipse which is the reference implementation of OSGI. See OSGi development - Tutorial for details.
The Plugin concept of Eclipse is the same as the bundle concept of OSGI. Generally speaking a OSGI bundle equals a Plugin and vice-versa.
The Feature Tutorial mentions
A feature project is basically a list of plugins and other features which can be understood as a logical separate unit.
Eclipse uses feature projects for the updates manager and for the build process. You can also supply a software license with a feature
Finally, a product is a stand-alone program built with the Eclipse platform. A product may optionally be packaged and delivered as one or more features, which are simply groupings of plug-ins that are managed as a single entity by the Eclipse update mechanisms.
plugins can be grouped into features which can be packaged as one executable unit called product.

TFS and RTC - can both be used for both Java and .NET development

Both Microsoft's Team system and IBM's Rational Team Concert have similar features and functions. Both claim to be able to support either Java or .NET developers with their favorite IDE. Do you have any experience that shows one is better than the other for a one solution that works for all? Is there any key differences (features) between them that makes you favor one over the other? How good is the interoperability for either one?
Just trying to separate the marketing from the reality with people that have lots of knowledge and experience with both products.
Team Explorer Everywhere (for Eclipse)
Team Explorer
TFS version control can manage any files you want.
TFS build server can build anything you want, you can use it to launch Ant or Maven or javac.exe if you want.
TFS work items are language agnostic.
TFS test cases are language agnostic. You don't have to use MSTest.
There is no reason why you couldn't use the whole suite of TFS for developing Java in Eclipse. (Microsoft has even bent over backwards to enable the scenario.)