jquery functions to get dynamic controls - jquery-selectors

I am added json object data and three buttons for every li tag in my webpage.
My requirement is , I want to get that dynamically added button . But i am not getting that button by using script below
alert("hi iam getting dynamic added button");
So please give me some suggession to acheive this.

$('#selector').live('click', function(){} )
Since they don't exist, you need to use live or delegate

You need the live() method for dynamic generated elements:
$("#but1").live('click', function(){
alert("hi iam getting dynamic added button");
Description: Attach a handler to the
event for all elements which match the
current selector, now or in the


GTM Tagging Question - Only Unique item on two buttons is the url

I have two buttons with everything identical except the url. I would like to track clicks on each button separately. Any idea how I need to setup my trigger to get this to fire and track separately?
Trigger? I would use the same trigger for both buttons, but then in tag config, I would reference a custom JS variable in the field where I want the URL to go.
The CJS variable would look something like this:
return {{Click Element}}.getAttribute("href");
Or try using the default click URL var.
If it doesn't work out, then add your actual html surrounding the buttons and we'll give you the actual code and selectors to use in the trigger.

Google Closure add onclick to button after adding this button with custom editor plugin

I am making a custom plugin for the editor provided by Google Closure. The plugin makes it able to add a button.
I am having problems by setting an onclick on the button, the other values are nicely set.
button.innerHTML = event.label;
button.className = event.initialClass;
var extraClasses = event.extraClasses;
if (extraClasses)
button.className += ' ' + extraClasses
button.onclick = function() { event.onclick };
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong and how I can fix this?
After creating a button it is added to the editors SeamlessField. A second problem that I currently have is that after creating the button, my pointer is inside the button and I can't seem to get it out of there.
I've got the follow piece of code for handling this at the moment. The var button is the created button. button contains: <button class="orange">test</button>
// We want to insert the button in place of the user's selection.
// So we restore it first, and then use it for insertion.
var range = this.fieldObject.getRange();
button = range.replaceContentsWithNode(button);
// Done making changes, notify the editor.
// Put the user's selection right after the newly inserted button.
goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(button, false);
// Dispatch selection change event because we just moved the selection.
Any ideas about how I could fix this second problem aswell?
For the first, it does not look like you have begun using Google Closure event code. Wiring up the button to the 'click' event in Google Closure would be as follows:
goog.events.listen(button, goog.events.EventType.CLICK, event.onclick)
You should also be investigating the goog.dom and goog.dom.classes namespaces if you'd like to use Google Closure's wrappers around standard CSS class and text DOM manipulation.
For the second, were you testing in Chrome? If so, you might have ran into a range issue in Webkit, documented within the Closure code itself:
I have gotten around this in the past by inserting an empty <span> element as a sibling after the offending element (the button, in your case), and placing the cursor next to the <span> instead. However, there's nothing stopping the user from moving the cursor back inside your button. You'll have to add more logic to prevent a user from placing the cursor within the button's text.

jquery live click event stopPropagation

I have a dropdown menu which contains a input and several buttons. The dropdown should hide when I click one of the buttons or somewhere else, but don't hide when keypress on the input. I use the following code, it doesn't work. Though it works when I use
$('.dropdown input').click(function(e){
instead of live.
But I do need live, so is there any solution for this?
/* dropdown menu */
$('.dropdown input').live('click', function(e) {
if(e.isPropagationStopped()) return; //important, check for it!
e.stopPropagation() will do no good for you in .live(), because the handler is bound to the document, so by the time the handler is invoked, the event has already bubbled.
You should stopPropagation from a more local ancestor of the element being clicked.
Since you were using .live(), I assume there are some dynamic elements being created. If so, the proper element to bind to will depend on the rest of your code.
Side note, but you never "need" .live(). There are other ways to handle dynamically created elements.
did you try:
$('.dropdown').on('click', 'input', function(e) {
$('.dropdown').delegate('input', 'click', function(e) {
NOTE: e.stopPropagation(); is not effective for live event
According to you question I have a dropdown menu which contains a input and several buttons. The dropdown should hide... means that dropdown is already exists within you DOM. If it already exists then you don't need live event.
what version of jQuery are you using? > 1.7 then:
//do your work, only input clicks will fire this
}},".dropdown input",null);
properly paying attention to event.target should help out with overlapping 'click' definitions using .on();

google wave: how did they make divs clickable

As we are facing GWT performance issues in a mobile app I peeked into Google Wave code since it is developed with GWT.
I thought that all the buttons there are widgets but if you look into generated HTML with firebug you see no onclick attribute set on clickable divs. I wonder how they achieve it having an element that issues click or mousedown events and seemingly neither being a widget nor injected with onclick attribute.
Being able to create such components would surely take me one step further to optimizing performance.
ps: wasnt google going to open source client code too. Have not been able to find it.
You don't have to put an onclick attribute on the HTML to make it have an onclick handler. This is a very simple example:
<div id="mydiv">Regular old div</div>
Then in script:
document.getElementById('mydiv').onclick = function() {
They wouldn't set the onclick property directly, it would have been set in the GWT code or via another Javascript library.
The GWT documentation shows how to create handlers within a GWT Java app:
public void anonClickHandlerExample() {
Button b = new Button("Click Me");
b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// handle the click event
This will generate an HTML element and bind a click handler to it. However, in practice this has the same result as using document.getElementById('element').onclick() on an existing element in your page.
You can hook functions to the onclick event using JavaScript. Here's an example using jQuery:
/* Do something */
If you're interested in optimizing performance around this, you may need to investigate event delegation, depending on your situation.
A click event is generated for every DOM element within the Body. The event travels from the Body down to the element clicked (unless you are using Internet Explorer), hits the element clicked, and then bubbles back up. The event can be captured either through DOM element attributes, event handlers in the javascript, or attributes at any of the parent levels (the bubbling or capturing event triggers this).
I'd imagine they've just set it in a .js file.
Easily done with say jQuery with $(document).ready() for example.

SIMPLIFIED: jqtouch mobile app ajax loading issue

In jqtouch and iui, what do you do if you want to follow a link like This is a FEED AND dynamically load the content of the <div id="feed-49"></div>?
I've tried bind/live a click handler onto the "a" and onto a parent "div" but it never gets fired, just the event for actually following the link. Thanks.
This is a simplified version of my other question:
jqtouch mobile app ajax loading issue
It depends whether you want the page pre-loaded or load-on-demand.
If you want it pre-loaded, you might want to fill in the page upon, say, $(document).ready:
If you want it to load on-demand, you can listen to the pageAnimationStart event:
$('#feed-49').bind('pageAnimationStart', function(event, info){
if (info.direction == 'in')
You may want to read the jQTouch's documentation on callback events.
I just went through what you are going through and know exactly how to solve it. You need to turn that XML into JSON objects, which will be numbered [0],[1], etc.
This JQuery plugin works and rocks : http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/xml-to-json/ Add that JS to your app. Your parse XML function will then convert the XML nodes you want (like item nodes within a channel) into JSON objects and then numbers the items.
So look how I then empty the current list of items, build a list of the items and add a custom CLICK function to the list items with a class of "sun" (i love jquery). That function then will add it's parent node title and desc to the divs that need it. The href will push it to the new jqtouch DIV which will handle all the detail info. Cool 'eh? Vote me up if this works. It did for me, like a charm.
function parseXml(xml)
var rss = $.xml2json(xml);
$.each(rss.channel.item, function(i, item)
$('#feedList').empty().append('<li class=sun'+i'><a href=#contentDiv>'+item.title+'</a></li>');
$('.sun'+i).click(function() {