itunesconnect iphone app status - invalid binary - iphone

Whenever I submit my app to itunesconnect, after about 10 minutes, the status changes to "Invalid Binary" with absolutely no explanation why.
I have searched all over for answers there is non. I even re-installed XCode and App loader.
Note that App Loader doesn't give any errors whatsoever.
I build with XCode 3.2.3 iPhone 4 GM Seed iPhone 4 based SDK iPhone/iPad as a target family

I had the same INVALID BINARY error from iTunes Connect even if Application Loader accepted my binary. The solution was very simple...
Open your info.plist, right-click and check Show Raw Key/Values:
CFBundleIconFile = Icon.png (my iPhone 57x57 PNG icon)
CFBundleIconFile~ipad = Icon-72.png (my ipad 72x72 PNG icon)
CFBundleIconFiles = array
Item 0 = Icon.png
Item 1 = Icon#2x.png (my iPhone 4 114x114 PNG icon)
Item 2 = Icon-72.png
Save, clean all targets, build and analyze, compress in Finder and resubmit!
The error was caused because I typed the key "Icon Files". In Raw view, this has mapped to "Icon Files" instead of CFBundleIconFiles. I have Xcode 3.2.3, I guess Xcode 3.2.4 better maps this key identifier.
Good Luck everybody!
Source: Technical Q&A QA1686: App Icons on iPad and iPhone

The "invalid Binary" did cost me 4 days to figure out. and because I stumbled over this helpful page, I want to help saving you the valuable time. In my case, in the provisioning portal, a colleague revoked the distribution cetrificate, built a new one and did not let me know. You can use the new certificate for making new prov files, and in the build process, xcode "thinks" everything is all right. which of course is not. Only after uploading to the itunes connect you see the "Invalid Binary" note without further explanantions. The solution was to revoke the certifikate (again) with the whole certificate request procedure and make a new one. Use this as the certificate, and you will be fine - no more uncommented "Invalid Binary" - and if you share tzh eteam agent access to the portal with others, make sure, you let them know and hand over your new .p12 key file.

The topic is old but i had the same problem today and maybe my explanation will help somebody in future.
While submitting app by Xcode 4 organizer you have to choose distribution profile. Make sure this is exactly the same profile which you set in build settings (project and target). For almost all my projects i didn't have to change build settings from development to distribution and it was fairly enough to choose distribution only in organizer while submitting. But in one case this resulted "Invalid Binary" error in iTunes Connect.

Apple has improved the error reporting on this recently and now you will get an email that highlights the problem accordingly. Just be patient it may take a few minutes to come in. I received the following email which highlighted the problem:
Dear Developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent binary submission for "XXX.APP". Before your app can be reviewed, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Icon Path - No icon found at the path referenced under key "CFBundleIcons": xxxIcon.png
Once these issues have been corrected, go to the Version Details page and click Ready to Upload Binary. Continue through the submission process until the app status is Waiting for Upload and then use Application Loader to upload the corrected binary.
The iTunes Store Team

I had this same problem and here is how I resolved it:
The CFBundleIconFile is not listed instead Icon File and Icon Files. Change the Icon File to the Icon Files selection. Now click the left arrow next to the Icon Files label to expand the list. You will see Item 0, select Item 0 and then click the plus button to the right to add another item. You should then see Item 1. Enter your 56x56 icon file name in Item 0 and your 72x72 icon file name in Item 1. Save the info list
Since I want this app to be both Iphone/Ipad I choose:
Architecture as Standard (you will get a warning but if you change to only armv7 for a no warning build, the binary will be rejected by itunesconnect)
Base sdk as 3.2
Target Device family as Iphone/iPad
iOS Deployment Target as 3.2
Now build for app store distribution, compress and upload to itunes connect.

I had the same problem. App stucks in "Upload Received" status for more than 5 days. After contacting the Itunes Connect Support with the topics "Manage Your Applications" and "Upload received" and answering unnecessary questions, the App Status changed back to "Invalid Binary". After searching for solutions which recommended to check the icons files I found another tip to check the certificate.
That was my solution: I recreated a distribution certificate with Mac's KeyChaining tool and now used a RSA private key instead of DSA. That helped. I re-uploaded the App and the status changed to "Waiting for Review" few minutes later.

I came here for the same issue, tried the App Launcher update, et cetera. I tried rebooting and resubmitting a dozen times, manually editing the info.plist again and again. For me the solution was noticing that there is now an "Icon files" AND and "Icon files (iOS5)" entry. Check both of these for a bad reference to moved icons.

Did you zip the binary? Might want to try that.
From the iTunesConnect Developer Guide:
Application Binary and Small App Icons
Keep the file size as small as
possible, both for ease of upload
through iTunes Connect, and for the
end-user’s purchase experience. The
binary must be a zipped file, and pass
a code sign check upon upload in
iTunes Connect.
iPhone and iPod touch:
If you are uploading an app to run on
iPhone and iPod touch, the binary must
include an icon that is 57x57 pixels,
which will be displayed on the home
screen and the App Store when viewed
from the iPod touch and iPhone. You
can also optionally include a hi-res
icon that is 114x1144 pixels to take
advantage of the Retina display on
iPhone 4.
iPad: If you are uploading
an app to run on iPad, the binary must
include two icons: one that is 50x50
pixels and one that is 72x72 pixels,
which will be displayed on the iPad
home screen and the App Store when
viewed on the iPad.

If all else fails, reboot, reboot, reboot. I ended up rebooting and resubmitting five times (making no other changes, honestly) before my app was accepted.

A couple of other things to try.
if you have an old xcode 3.2 Entitlements.plist file hanging around.
Delete it and recreate > New File > Code Signing > Entitlements.
Check the configuration for Archiving
Product > Edit Scheme > Archive > Build Configuration
Make sure the correct one is selected. (for me Release was selected but I needed Distribution profile - yours may vary)

your Binary final rejected because of some basic reasons.
1)Check For 'icon files' option in info tab of project.
if your app is Universal icon files should be 4 or <4 *must not more then.
if your app is for one device only the icon file should be 2 or <2. *must not more then.
Icon files should be as per itunes Guide. itune guide Link
2)Must check that for splash screen if your app does not have any splash then also give blank splash universal set for both device.
3) if you are updating app then check for binary version of previous uploaded app and your app.your app must have grater version then uploaded.
4) check for Bundle name and version also.


iOS App being rejected by apple straight after upload - Invalid Image

Going crazy about this, getting the following message straight after upload.
I've checked the icons, the icon file names in the info.plist, launch images, image compression etc
Any ideas what i've missed?
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "APP X". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Image - For iOS applications, icons included in the binary submission must be in the PNG format.
If your application supports the iPhone device family, you must include a square icon of exactly 57x57 pixels.
If your application supports the iPad device family, you must include a square icon of exactly 72x72 pixels.
For Mac OS X applications, icons included in the binary submission must be in the ICNS format and must include a square 512x512#2x image.
Once these issues have been corrected, go to the Version Details page and click "Ready to Upload Binary." Continue through the submission process until the app status is "Waiting for Upload." You can then deliver the corrected binary.
The App Store team
Any help would be great!
Check the complexity/file size of your images. It sounds strange, but I've experienced this problem myself today.
Our 1024x1024 large app icon that had previously been fine was suddenly rejected. The icons we're using are quite simple (black and white company logo), so I added a little complexity to bring up the file size, and then the icon was accepted.
As the only difference was file size (dimensions, DPI, RGB format hadn't changed), I assume Apple is now checking for a minimum size for this icon, and it wouldn't surprise me if the same was being applied to the in-app icons.
I've seen images go corrupt sometimes, it is worth removing all of your app icons and adding them back to your project from the original source.
Also check your target's Info plist under the "Icon files" and "Icon files (iOS 5)" sections. Make sure they contain the correct filenames
Set Architecture to "Standard (armv7, armv7s)", Base SDK to "Latest iOS (iOS 6.1)" and Deployment Target to "4.3", or more recent.
Binaries are now rejected if using armv6, SDK 5.1 and target below 4.3.
At time of writing Xcode version is 4.6.3.
Open up your .ipa file and look for any extra images that may have been included. The .ipa is just a zip file, so from the terminal, unzip it, eg:
unzip /path/to/myapp.ipa
You can also check your project in Xcode. Select the project in the navigation pane, select the app target in the content pane, then go to the "build phases" tab and look at the "copy bundle resources" section. Browse through it to find your "rogue" image.
I just ran into the same error message earlier today and in my case it turned out that when your icon is completely in grayscale (has no colored pixels), it will automatically get rejected. Unfortunately the message gives zero indication that this might be an issue. Once I adjusted the color balance slightly towards red, I got to the next stage in review.
I ran into the same thing when I had submitted my "big icon" (1024x1024). That was a little less mysterious, as they at least mentioned "RGB" color requirements. Of course in normal language that still doesn't mean that grayscale is verboten, but there you go.
It was today exactly the same issue.
I tried to make the app with support iOS target 3.1.3 and support 6.1 using SDK 5.1 and 6.1 together. It was my usual success way.
So, my solution: to use the standard way with target iOS 4.3 without SDK 5.1.
Now it's in order. Well, sometimes it is not the problem with icons, but the using old SDK.

How to generate .app file for an iPhone/iPad project on Xcode

I want to know the size of my app before sending and validating it on app store. I use 250 viewcontrollers in this project and about 120 Mo of images in resources.
I fear that Apple does not validate because of it size, it is possible? How to create the .app version of this project?
Thanks in advance.
You will not be rejected by Apple unless your app is larger than 2GB. However if your app is smaller than 50MB you will get more downloads, since users can download it via iPhones/iPads connected through 3G. If it is larger, only Wi-Fi will work. Users trying to download your app via 3G will get this message:
The fastest way to get a hint of the appstore size is to build the project for device and locate your .app file. Usually it is in the bottom of your project navigator. Right-click it and select "show in finder" and check it's size there. This will give a hint of the final value, but it is usually a bit bigger than the final size.
The most accurate way to check your final app store size is to install a valid Ad Hoc distribution certificate for your app, then in Xcode choose Product > Archive.
When your archive is done, you should end up in the Organizer > Archives view. Select your newly created archive.
OBSERVE! There is a value in the Organizer called "Estimated App Store Size: XX MB". DO NOT trust this value, it has been discussed in many other questions on SO and it is not accurate.
Click Distribute... and select to distribute as Enterprise or Ad-Hoc Deployment. Save the file and then browse to the newly save .ipa file in finder. The size of that file will be slightly smaller than your final AppStore size.
To submit your app you need to install and select your App Store distribution certificate, then you choose Archive in the same way as I mentioned above, only now when you have clicked "Distribute", you select AppStore instead.
If you don't have an Apple developer account or know where to get or install your certificate, here is a guide that takes you all the way from registration to submit to appstore:
You can follow app store review guidelines for requirements of app to upload app store. For that follow review guideline link .
I think as per apple documents app that has size more than 2GB will be rejected.

Itunes Connect Invalid Binary

I submitted my app in the App Store. First I validated it, and turns out successful. Then I submitted it and succesfully uploaded to iTunes Connect. After a minute, it says that the file is Invalid binary. I am uploading an update of an existing app which is already published in the App Store. (previous version uploaded by other developer). I tried every solution that I found in google search but no luck.
Just for information.
Today I faced the same problem of Invalid Binary while uploading new version of existing application.
I got following email from apple
iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Your binary is not optimized for
iPhone 5. As of May 1, all new iPhone apps and app updates
submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5. All apps must
include a launch image with the -568h size modifier immediately
following the portion of the launch image's filename.
Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your
bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your
launch images. Learn more about iPhone 5 support and app launch images
by reviewing the iOS Human Interface Guidelines and iOS App
Programming Guide.
Once these issues have been corrected, go to the Version Details page
and click "Ready to Upload Binary." Continue through the submission
process until the app status is "Waiting for Upload." You can then
deliver the corrected binary.
Added 4inch app screen shots in iTunesconnect meta data
Added Default-568h#2x.png image in my application for iPhone 5
After these changes application successfully submitted.
Need to add arm64
I faced the same problem of Invalid Binary while uploading new version of existing application.
The reason are from February 2015 itself we need to Add arm64 to our app. i added this then my app successfully upload to app store.
Try to check the provisioning you made for the itunes store are correct with your application.
Remove the old binary which has been rejected then add the new one.
If you can do try to make fresh provisioning and also check in the xcode as well.
And do check the mode,is that debug or distribution as you need to make the build for distribution.
Hope it man help you.
You cannot submit an app that uses the same bundle ID or the same app name of any app (even the "same" one) submitted by another developer account.
Make sure you have choosen "App Store" as distribution method in distribution provisioning profile, not "Ad Hoc".
I have faced this issue many times.My app got passed validation and submitted
successfully to iTunes Connect.But It shows invalid binary in prerelease
options.I saw one awesome post in Apple discussions and finally solved my
issue.App bundle id was changed in config file of my web app.I have changed
old bundle id in config.xml and app uploaded for review.
Try using the Application Loader under /Developer/Applications/Utilities. Make sure you have created a New App in iTunesConnect...under Manage Applications, select the application you are going to create an update for... when that loads on the right you will see Add a New Update.

Ad-hoc distribution odyssey - not valid signer

I am totally aware of billions how to and forum discussions out there about this issue. Because I could not find the solution I'm writing here.
Typical situation: I want a co-worker to test my App. I thought on Ad-Hoc distribution. I followed every kind of tutorials. But I receive always a "valid signer" issue in iTunes.
1) have a distribution certification which works like a charm to upload apps to iTunes;
2) add UUID number of my friend's iPhone in the portal
3) use the same App ID I used till now for the AppStore xxxxxx.* so that in the Bundle Identifier I can insert, like always for the appstore, com.mydomain.nameoftheapp
4) create a provisioning file, Distribution, where I check my and my friend's iPhone
5) add it to xCode, dragging it to icon in the dock
6) create the Entitlements.plist and uncheck the only field in it
6) create a copy of Release, named Distribution and set it active
7) leave untouched the parameters in the PROJECT
8) in the TARGET, add the Entitlements.plist in Code Signing Entitlements and the provisioning file (which is present and black, not gray) under Any OS Device, leaving blank Code Signing Identity
9) Add an icon, like always, PNG 57x57
Now, I clean all the targets and then I build. Drag both the mobile provisioning file and the .app to iTunes. Rather than to send it to my friend, I try with my iPhone. But the error is always the same. Can't install because of not valid signer...
Can you help me? I can provide you with screenshots and everything it may help...
Thank you so much!
I had the same problem, the process described in this post from the Apple developer forums solved it for me:
Remove any versions of the
application from iTunes.
Drag the mobile provision file to iTunes (it seems like nothing happened but continue on)
Sync the iPhone (again nothing should appear any different)
Drag the app to iTunes
Sync the iPhone a second time.
Good luck!

Recognizing my App in iTunes

i am newbie to this forum. I have created my first iPhone application and created a distribution provision for executing in iPhone device.
While Sync my application to iPhone from iTunes, the icon of application is gud. After sometime the icon in iTunes gets changed into an square image. I have followed the following steps to create my iTunes artwork file.
Steps followed:
The iTunes artwork your testers see should be your application’s icon. This artwork must be a 512 x 512 JPEG or PNG file named iTunesArtwork. Note that the file must not have an extension.
After generating the file of your application’s icon, follow these steps to add it to your application:
Open your project in Xcode.
In the Groups & Files list, select the Resources group.
Choose Project > Add to Project, navigate to your iTunesArtwork file, and click Add.
In the dialog that appears, select the ”Copy items” option and click Add.
Note that the PNG or JPEG file is just 'iTunesArtwork', with no suffix.
Can anyone please suggest me how to make app icon in iTunes to be same as the one which is in my iPhone device ?
Thanks for any Help !
As per the suggestion of Chris Garrett, i have created the same png file for app icon in device and in iTunes. It looks fine when it is installed but when i restart the machine the the app icon in iTunes gets changed as square icon.
please suggest me to solve this !
The app icon on your devices is a 57x57 png file located in your project directory. The one you are uploading to iTunes Connect is a different 512x512 png file. You'll want to make sure these two icons are basically the same (other than scaling effects). It sounds like the icon in your project directory is different than the one you are uploading to iTunes.
Assuming that this is about Ad Hoc builds:
Make sure that there is no extension, you may need to Get Info and remove the ".jpg" extension there.
Also see msg 173247:
How can I make my ad hoc iPhone application's icon show up in iTunes?