Need help in plotting lines between points - matlab

I need help in plotting lines between points.
Suppose, I start with creating 6 random points-
x = rand(6,1);
y = rand(6,1);
So my points are (x(1),y(1)), (x(2),y(2)), (x(3),y(3)), (x(4),y(4)), (x(5),y(5)), (x(6),y(6))
Now I want to draw straight lines between the points 1 & 5, 2 & 6, 3 & 4
and plot them in a single diagram. So I get 3 straight lines.
Any help would be highly appreciated.

You can do this with one call to PLOT. If you reshape your x and y data into matrices with each column containing a set of coordinates for one line, then PLOT will draw a different colored line for each column:
index = [1 2 3; 5 6 4]; %# The index to reshape x and y into 2-by-3 matrices
plot(x(index),y(index)); %# Plot the lines

Here are two ways to do this:
First way, using hold on. These lines are separate, i.e if you turn one red, the others will stay blue.
%# plot the first line
hold on %# this will prevent the previous plot from disappearing
%# plot the rest
Second way, making use of the fact that NaN does not get plotted. These lines are grouped, i.e. if you turn one red, all will be red.
%# create array for plotting
xy = NaN(8,2);
%# fill in data
xy([1 2 4 5 7 8],1) = x([1 5 2 6 3 4]);
xy([1 2 4 5 7 8],2) = y([1 5 2 6 3 4]);
%# plot


How to plot several vectors qith quiver3 in matlab

Im trying to plot the elements of a given matrix
A = [ 1 2 3; 3 4 5, 5 6 7];
using quiver3, so all of these are in the same figure using:
hold on;
with the next result
instead of something like this
How can tell to quiver3 that plots all the vectors at the same time, or is there anyother command that can do this?

convert a line plot to a matrix

I connect several points two by two by
plot([x1,x2],[y1,y2]) %create line
% x1,y1 = coordinates of point 1
% x2,y2 = coordinates of point 2
and I would like to know if it's possible to keep this different links into a matrix to display them subsequently with imagesc or imshow (this matrix will also be useful to me outside the display later)
As long as I understand, you are trying to plot multiple "lines" in one plot without using hold.
You can use concatenation for this purpose as shown below:
plot([1 ;2 ],[1;2] );
xlim([1 6]);
ylim([1 6]);
plot([3 ;4 ],[3;4] )
xlim([1 6]);
ylim([1 6]);
plot([5 ;6 ],[5;6] );
xlim([1 6]);
ylim([1 6]);
Finally if you want to plot these all lines into one plot you can use concatenation in the second dimension.
plot([1 3 5 ; 2 4 6 ],[1 3 5 ; 2 4 6] );
In order to save it and make it again plot table you can store in matrix with another dimension
matrixTest(:,:,1) = [1 3 5 ; 2 4 6 ];
matrixTest(:,:,2) = [1 3 5 ; 2 4 6 ];

Count occurrences and stretch array in matlab

input = [0 0 0 5 5 7 8 8];
I now want to transform this vector into the form
output = [3 3 3 3 5 5 6 8];
Which basically is a stairs plot.
The input vector is used to plot data points along the x-axis. The y-axis is thereby provided by 1:length(input). So the resulting plot shows the cumulative number of datapoints along the y-axis and the time of occurrence along the x-axis.
I now want to fit a model against my dataset. Therefor I need a vector that provides the correct value for a certain time (x-value).
The desired output vector basically is the result of a stairs plot. I am looking for an efficient way to generate the desired vector in matlab. The result of
[x, y] = stairs(input, 1:length(input));
did not bring me any closer.
It can be done with bsfxun as follows:
x = [0 0 0 5 5 7 8 8];
y = sum(bsxfun(#le, x(:), min(x):max(x)), 1);
This counts, for each element in 1:numel(x), how many elements of x are less than or equal to that.

drow cumulative distribution function in matlab

I have two vectors of the same size. The first one can have any different numbers with any order, the second one is decreasing (but can have the same elements) and consists of only positive integers. For example:
a = [7 8 13 6];
b = [5 2 2 1];
I would like to plot them in the following way: on the x axis I have points from a vector and on the y axis I have the sum of elements from vector b before this points divided by the sum(b). Therefore I will have points:
(7; 0.5) - 0.5 = 5/(5+2+2+1)
(8; 0.7) - 0.7 = (5+2)/(5+2+2+1)
(13; 0.9) ...
(6; 1) ...
I assume that this explanation might not help, so I included the image
Because this looks to me as a cumulative distribution function, I tried to find luck with cdfplot but with no success.
I have another option is to draw the image by plotting each line segment separately, but I hope that there is a better way of doing this.
I find the values on the x axis a little confusing. Leaving that aside for the moment, I think this does what you want:
b = [5 2 2 1];
set(gca,'Ylim',[0 1])
And if you really need those values on the x axis, simply rename the ticks of that axis:
a = [7 8 13 6];
Also grid on will add grid to the plot

MATLAB: Four-part color logo(polygon)

My task is to write MATLAB code to produce a 4-part logo as shown in the screenshot. The top left should be black and the bottom right should be white. The other
two colours should be chosen randomly by the program.
I have taken the following approach:
clear all
close all
x = [1 4 1 4 1 6.5 7 7];
y = [3 4 5.5 5 8 7 8 3];
which creates the upper left black part. I wonder if that approach is good enough and if it is, what is the next step. I thought of storing those two variables in a shape object or something (I'm not familiar with Matlab) and rotate it somehow. Could you help me with that?
You don't need to rotate, just use the symmetry
clear all
close all
x = [1 4 1 4 1 6.5 7 7];
y = [3 4 5.5 5 8 7 8 3]-3;
hold on;
The easiest way to do this all this, is to make sure that your center point (i.e. the point where the different colors meet), is positioned at [0,0]. Then a rotation of the figure (by multiple of 90°) boils down to changing the sign of either the x and/or y values of your contour.
If you need the figure to be at a point different from [0 0], just add these coordinates after you did the rotation.
So starting from your code, you can do this:
x = [1 4 1 4 1 6.5 7 7]-7;
y = [3 4 5.5 5 8 7 8 3]-3;
c = [5 6];
col = [0 0 0;
1 1 1];
fill( x+c(1), y+c(2),col(1,:)); hold on;
fill(-x+c(1), y+c(2),col(2,:));
fill( x+c(1),-y+c(2),col(3,:));
fill(-x+c(1),-y+c(2),col(4,:)); hold off;
edit: Clarification for the col and c variables.
The variable col contains the colors to be used in rgb style, where each row is a color. rand generates uniformly random numbers in the range [0,1], which is also where the values for the colors are expected to be. In the code above a 2x3 random matrix is generated, so that means 2 random colors which fits perfectly within the col matrix.
The variable c contains the center of your figure. If you look at the plot, the center will be at [5 6] (so 5 along the x axis and 6 along the y axis). You could use two variables instead, but I think that keeping both together in a variable is easier to deal with. I would personally do the same for your x and y variables, as that would allow you to use rotation matrices more easily, but that's just a matter of choice.