my own epub rendering application in iphone possible? - iphone

I am required to make a app that renders epub format book in iPhone. Is it possible ? I know I can render PDFs using webView. how can I render epub formats ? is there any apple restrictions ?

Its is possible I have been working on one for about a month now.
Take a look at:


How to convert epub into a format readable on Android based Phones/operating system

I have made and ebook (in epub format to post on apple ibookstore), is there a way I can convert epub into a format readable on Android based phones/operating system ?
your reply will be highly appreciated, Thanks a lot in advance :-)
Android devices are able to open ePub books/documents. There are several ePub applications available in the Android Market.
Take a look here:
Which means you don't actually need to convert your ePub to any other format. Hope this helps.
The only way to convert a epub in to readble form is this - first compress epub then open it again it will generate some meta data related to epub files and you can fetch the data from the generated files because these files will be in the html and xml.In the generated file you will get the all infroamtion of the epub from content.opf , meta.inf(xmlfiles),toc.ncx.

iPhone ePub Reader and eBook development

I want to develop E-Book application in iphone by using ePub format with page turn animation. How can i used ePub format in iphone?I have to also break ePub page dynamically for page turn animation like Stanza. If anybody worked on ePub ebook app please guide me how to start.I wasted too many days in research. :-(

Convert PDF book to IPhone App

Can any one suggest me the best way to convert PDF to IPhone App?
Learn objective c
Get an iPhone developer license
Carefully break up your pdf into images and text
Write code to display the images and text in an attractive way
Design some cool icons
Publish to the App store
Wait for approval

Any suggestion IF I need to write an iPhone/iPad app to show HTML5 content?

Is there any reference about writing an application on iPad/iPhone to show HTML5 content ?
Any reference book
Sample source codes
Which components should I use ?
Million Thanks.
There already is an app on the iPad and iPhone for showing HTML5 content: Safari.
If you want to show specific HTML5 content within an app, just use a UIWebView.
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

SVG images in an iPhone application

I'm looking for a small tutorial that can help me use svg images in iphone application. I'm trying to learn about svg format, and would love to know if there is relevant material from apple out there? particularly, w.r.t. iPhone.
Are there any open source libraries, or frameworks in iPhone SDK 3.0+ for SVG?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
The UIWebView class will render SVG files.
To demonstrate this, put your SVG file on the web somewhere and view it with Mobile Safari.
If you need a tutorial on how to use UIWebView, search Google on "UIWebView tutorial".
You might want to check out this project:
It enables you to at least get past UIWebView.