I'm trying to get facebook's stream.publish to make a wall post that includes some custom text and a dynamically generated image from the site. The Image is only available as Base64 as it is drawn by the user before the publish action is initiated. Facebook doesn't seem to like the src being passed in as a Base64 string. Does anyone know a workaround or will I be forced to save the image to server first and then provide a link (I'd really rather not do this).
You cannot pass base64 image to Facebook in JavaScript. You'll need to send it to your server and convert it to a png/jpeg or something and upload it to Facebook from there (this will need user permissions of some sort). Either that, or store it on the server and then use the URL that will serve a png/jpg in JavaScript.
You can do as follow in PHP :
function base64_to_jpeg( $base64_string, $output_file ) {
$ifp = fopen( $output_file, "wb" );
fwrite( $ifp, base64_decode( $base64_string) );
fclose( $ifp );
return( $output_file );
$image = base64_to_jpeg( $your_base64_string, 'tmp.jpg' );
$args = array('message' => 'Some message');
$args['image'] = '#' . realpath( $image );
$data = $facebook->api('/your_user_id/photos', 'post', $args);
Has anyone successfully uploaded media to Twitter, ie posted a tweet with an image using Perl?
I would like to upload images from my blog without doing it all manually.
update_with_media(status, media[]) is deprecated, and crashes. Twitter says to use plain update(), passing a media id. However it is first necessary to upload the media to get the id, and I can find no code examples.
Any experience in this area?
I thought I'd add an update here even though the thread is quite old. I too was looking for an answer to how to use Perl to upload media to twitter.
Net::Twitter is perfectly capable of sending PNG images up to Twitter, though the documentation is poor. The OP is correct that update_with_media is deprecated and crashed for us.
You do need to use the $nt->upload AND $nt->update methods combined. You upload the RAW PNG file encoded with base64, I could not get the RAW PNG file upload to work but no issues when base64 encoded. The upload method returns, on success, a JSON structure which has the media_ids in. These id's are then passed with the $nt->update method. Here's some actual code
use Net::Twitter;
use File::Slurp;
use MIME::Base64;
use Data::Dumper;
my $nt = Net::Twitter->new(
ssl => 1,
traits => [qw/API::RESTv1_1/],
consumer_key => $config->{twitter}{api_key},
consumer_secret => $config->{twitter}{api_secret},
access_token => $config->{twitter}{access_token},
access_token_secret => $config->{twitter}{access_token_secret},
my $filename = "<somelink to a PNG file>";
my $file_contents = read_file ($filename , binmode => ':raw');
my $status = $nt->upload(encode_base64($file_contents));
print "SendTweet: status = ".Dumper($status);
my $status2;
eval {
$status2 = $nt->update({status => $s , media_ids => $status->{media_id} });
print "status2 = ".Dumper($status2);
if ($#)
print "Error: $#\n";
The code is pulled directly from our working test code so should work. This code is purely proof of concept so you will need to add in all your twitter authentication etc.
We have only done PNG files but I see no reason why video etc shouldn't work fine as we simply followed the Twitter docs.
In the end I used readpipe with twurl. Had I known about twurl in the first place I likely would not have bothered with Net::Twitter! twurl works great, and returns a full json string to tell you what went wrong, if anything.
Pre-requisite: you need to get the Oauth keys for your twitter account. (See here - https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/guides/access-tokens.html). There are some step by step online exmaples elsewhere also that can help.
Here's the code I ended up with.
First call the tweet module (and these are not valid keys by the way - just insert yours)
use Jimtweet;
my $tweet=Jimtweet->new();
my $res = $tweet->update_status($message, $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}.$li);
Jimtweet is a free module I found online (I forget where), but I had to modify it to do the image upload. It follows below.
$message is the text status message to send
$li contains the local path to the file I want to upload. This is a file local on the server. $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT} contains the server path to the public HTML files on my website.
$res contains a JSON reply from twitter you can look at if you need to.
If you want to use this, cut & paste everything from 'package Jimtweet;' and on into a file called Jimtweet.pm which the above code should use. If your perl installation can't find the module try adding the line use lib "/home/your/path/to/jimtweet/directory;" before the use Jimtweet; line.
Twitter requires an image to be uploaded, it then returns a media_id, then you include the media_id in a regular message you want to post. See Jimtweet package below:
package Jimtweet;
#####JimTweet 0.1 By James Januszka 2010
#####Modifications by John Bell to include image upload. Twitter: #BellUkcbajr
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP;
use HTTP::Headers;
use URI::Encode qw(uri_encode);
use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape);
use Digest::HMAC_SHA1;
sub new {
my $self={};
#Use this for status updates
#Use this for image upload
$self->{BROWSER}=LWP::UserAgent->new(agent =>$self->{AGENT});
return $self;
sub consumer_key{
my $self=shift;
if (#_) { $self->{CONSUMER_KEY}=uri_escape(shift) }
return $self->{CONSUMER_KEY};
sub consumer_secret{
my $self = shift;
if (#_) { $self->{CONSUMER_SECRET}=uri_escape(shift) }
return $self->{CONSUMER_SECRET};
sub oauth_token{
my $self = shift;
if (#_) { $self->{OAUTH_TOKEN}=uri_escape(shift) }
return $self->{OAUTH_TOKEN};
sub oauth_token_secret{
my $self = shift;
if (#_) { $self->{OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET}=uri_escape(shift) }
return $self->{OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET};
sub update_status(#){
my $self = shift;
if (#_) { $self->{STATUS}=uri_escape(shift) }
if (#_) { $self->{MEDIAurl}=shift }
#Got parameters. Now create the POST to upload an image
my $seconds = time();
#Use this for uploads. Parameters have to be in alphabetical order!
my $query=qq(oauth_consumer_key=$self->{CONSUMER_KEY}&oauth_nonce=$self->{OAUTH_NONCE}&oauth_signature_method=$self->{OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD}&oauth_timestamp=$self->{OAUTH_TIMESTAMP}&oauth_token=$self->{OAUTH_TOKEN}&oauth_version=$self->{OAUTH_VERSION});
my $sig="POST&";
$sig .=uri_encode($self->{URL},1);
$sig .="&";
$sig .=uri_encode($query,1);
my $sig_key=$self->{CONSUMER_SECRET};
$sig_key .="&";
$sig_key .=$self->{OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET};
my $hmac = Digest::HMAC_SHA1->new($sig_key);
my $oauth_signature_base64=$hmac->b64digest;
$oauth_signature_base64 .="=";
my $utf8_oauth_signature_base64=uri_escape($oauth_signature_base64);
my $header=qq(OAuth oauth_nonce="$self->{OAUTH_NONCE}", oauth_signature_method="$self->{OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD}", oauth_timestamp="$self->{OAUTH_TIMESTAMP}", oauth_consumer_key="$self->{CONSUMER_KEY}", oauth_token="$self->{OAUTH_TOKEN}", oauth_signature="$utf8_oauth_signature_base64", oauth_version="$self->{OAUTH_VERSION}");
my $res = $self->{BROWSER}->post(
'Authorization' => $header,
'content-type' => 'form-data',
'Content' => [ media => ["$self->{MEDIAurl}"] ]
use JSON;
my $response = decode_json ($res->content);
my $media_id = $response->{'media_id'};
$seconds = time();
my $queryx=qq(media_ids=$media_id&oauth_consumer_key=$self->{CONSUMER_KEY}&oauth_nonce=$self->{OAUTH_NONCE}&oauth_signature_method=$self->{OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD}&oauth_timestamp=$self->{OAUTH_TIMESTAMP}&oauth_token=$self->{OAUTH_TOKEN}&oauth_version=$self->{OAUTH_VERSION}&status=$self->{STATUS});
my $sigx="POST&";
$sigx .=uri_encode($self->{URLx},1);
$sigx .="&";
$sigx .=uri_encode($queryx,1);
my $hmacx = Digest::HMAC_SHA1->new($sig_key);
my $oauth_signature_base64x=$hmacx->b64digest;
$oauth_signature_base64x .="=";
my $utf8_oauth_signature_base64x=uri_escape($oauth_signature_base64x);
my $headerx=qq(OAuth oauth_nonce="$self->{OAUTH_NONCE}", oauth_signature_method="$self->{OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD}", oauth_timestamp="$self->{OAUTH_TIMESTAMP}", oauth_consumer_key="$self->{CONSUMER_KEY}", oauth_token="$self->{OAUTH_TOKEN}", oauth_signature="$utf8_oauth_signature_base64x", oauth_version="$self->{OAUTH_VERSION}");
#And done generating content. Now to POST to twitter.
$res = $self->{BROWSER}->post(
'Authorization' => $headerx,
'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content' => qq(media_ids=$media_id&status=$self->{STATUS})
return $res;
1; #so the require or use succeeds
I'm trying to make a very simple game.
a) I let the user input his name;
b) I put this name in a canvas;
c) I generate an image (base64) whit canvas.toDataRL() and I create an image file sending the base64 URI to a php file. I'm doing it with this code:
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 0.2);
// post the dataUrl to php
type: "POST",
url: "upload.php",
data: {image: dataURL}
}).done(function( respond ) {
if ( isset($_POST["image"]) && !empty($_POST["image"]) ) {
$dataURL = $_POST["image"];
$parts = explode(',', $dataURL);
$data = $parts[1];
$data = base64_decode($data);
// create a temporary unique file name
$file = "img/" . UPLOAD_DIR . uniqid() . '.png';
// write the file to the upload directory
$success = file_put_contents($file, $data);
print $success ? $file : 'Unable to save this image.';
d) Now I'd like to use this image that I've created to set the og:image tag (to share it on Facebook)! How can I do? I've honestly no idea.
Thank you!
Maybe in the OG you can put the link with <?php echo $file; ?>
I've found out the solution.
I pass the respond via get to another php page that catch the get parameter and put it in the og:image'content part.
You can debug your OG markup here: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
General information about open graph markup: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters#markup
I have developed a page for a client, and I have to do a newsletter. I already have the template of the mail and what I want is to insert a picture in those emails.
The code :
foreach($customer as $customer)
$mail = $customer->getMailcustomer();
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance();
array('form' => $form->createView())
This code works and I have a nice email page but what I don't know is how to insert a picture in it.
I tried to insert a picture in the email.html.twig but it didn't work.
Here is the example from http://swiftmailer.org/docs/messages.html:
You can embed files in two stages if you prefer. Just capture the return value of embed() in a variable and use that as the src attribute.
// You can embed files from a URL if allow_url_fopen is on in php.ini
'<html>' .
' <head></head>' .
' <body>' .
' Here is an image <img src="' .
$message->embed(Swift_Image::fromPath('http://site.tld/logo.png')) .
'" alt="Image" />' .
' Rest of message' .
' </body>' .
Put your images on a server. Then link them with an absolute url path in the html of the newsletter. The images will simply be requested from that server.
I'm trying to use Perl's WWW::Mechanize to download a file. I have to login the website before and then, after having validated the form, download the file.
The thing is, after hours, I didn't succeed doing what I want. At the end, the script save a file which is not a zip file but a html file with nothing interesting in it.
Here is the script I've done :
use WWW::Mechanize;
use Crypt::SSLeay;
my $login = "MyMail";
my $password = "MyLogin";
my $url = 'http://www.lemonde.fr/journalelectronique/donnees/protege/20101002/Le_Monde_20101002.zip';
$bot = WWW::Mechanize->new();
file => "cookies.txt",
autosave => 1,
ignore_discard => 1,
$response = $bot->get($url);
$bot->field('login', $login);
$bot->field('password', $password);
$response = $bot->get($url);
my $filename = $response->filename;
if (! open ( FOUT, ">$filename" ) ) {
die("Could not create file: $!" );
print( FOUT $bot->response->content() );
close( FOUT );
Could you help me finding what mistakes I've done?
There are some hidden input fields which I assume are filled in when you navigate to the download using a browser rather than using a URL directly.
In addition, they are setting some cookies via JavaScript and those would not be picked up by Mechanize. However, there is a plugin WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::JavaScript which might be able to help you with that (I have no experience with it).
Use LiveHTTPHeaders to see what gets submitted by the browser and replicate that (assuming you are not violating their TOS).
The problem you mention is well known in Mechanize. The simplest solution is to use the Raspo library.
I am trying to write a Perl script to connect to me YouTube account but it doesnt seem to work. Basically I just want to connect to my account but apparently it is not working. I don't even have an idea on how I could debug this! Maybe it is something related to https protocol?
Please enlighten me! Thanks in advance.
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use strict;
my $login="test";
my $pass = "test";
my $res = "";
my $ua = "";
# Create user agent, make it look like FireFox and store cookies
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20051213 Firefox/1.0.7");
$ua->cookie_jar ( {} );
# Request login page
$res = $ua->request(GET "https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=youtube&hl=en_US&passive=true<mpl=sso&uilel=3&continue=http%3A//www.youtube.com/signup%3Fhl%3Den_US%26warned%3D%26nomobiletemp%3D1%26next%3D/index");
die("ERROR1: GET http://www.youtube.com/login\n") unless ($res->is_success);
# Now we login with our user/pass
$res = $ua->request(
POST "https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth?service=youtube",
Referer => "http://www.youtube.com/login",
Content_Type => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Content => [
currentform => "login",
next => "/index",
username => $login,
password => $pass,
action_login => "Log+In"
# YouTube redirects (302) to a new page when login is success
# and returns OK (200) if the login failed.
#die("ERROR: Login Failed\n") unless ($res->is_redirect());
print $res->content;
what i am doing is learning the web features of perl, so i dont want to use any library except wwwlib or mechanize to get the job done.
how can i just connect to my account using a perl script? this is my objective for now
hope someone can post a script or correct mine.
thank you guys for you help.
i am testing Webscarab now..
What data are you trying to grab? Why not just using an existing implementation like WebService::YouTube
Some comments on your code: I always avoided the shortcut $ua->request(GET/POST) method since I always ended up needing more flexibility that only the use of HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response allowed. I always felt the code was cleaner that way too.
Why is your code not working? Who knows.
Make sure your cookiejar is adding your cookies to the outgoing HTTP::Request. I'd suggest dumping all your headers when you do it in a browser and compare with the headers and data that libwww is sending. There may be some additional fields that they are checking for that vary for every hit. They may be checking for your UserAgent string. If you are just looking to learn libwww I'd suggest using a different site as a target as I'm sure YouTube has all sort of anti-scripting hardening.
Are you using YouTube's stable documented API?
Use an HTTP proxy such as WebScarab to watch the data flow.
Trey's suggestion to use somebody else's CPAN package for the mechanics is a good idea too.
Right right by and large, what you want to do is define a cookiejar for most of these websites that have a redirection login. This is what the package has done. Also the package tunes a lot of the lookups and scrapes based on the youtube spec.
Ajax content for example will be rough since its not there when your scraping
You just picked a somewhat rough page to start out with.
I'm actually working on this issue myself. Before, I would suggest read over this the API guide from Google as a good starting reference. If I'm reading it correctly, one begins with passing user credentials through a REST interface to get a Authentication Token. To handle that, I'm using the following:
sub getToken {
my %parms = #_;
my $response = LWP::UserAgent->new->post(
Email => $parms{'username'},
Passwd => $parms{'password'},
service => "youtube",
source => "<<Your Value Here>>",
my $content = $response->content;
my ($auth) = $content =~ /^Auth=(.*)YouTubeUser(.*)$/msg
or die "Unable to authenticate?\n";
my ($user) = $content =~ /YouTubeUser=(.*)$/msg
or die "Could not extract user name from response string. ";
return ($auth, $user);
And I call that from the main part of my program as such:
## Get $AuthToken
my ($AuthToken, $GoogleUserName) = getToken((
username => $email, password => $password
Once I have these two things -- $AuthToken and $GoogleUserName, I'm still testing the LWP Post. I'm still writing this unit:
sub test {
my %parms = #_;
## Copy file contents. Use, foy's three param open method.
my $fileSize = -s $parms{'File'};
open(VideoFile, '<', "$parms{'File'}") or die "Can't open $parms{'File'}.";
binmode VideoFile;
read(VideoFile, my $fileContents, $fileSize) or die "Can't read $parms{'File'}";
close VideoFile;
my $r = LWP::UserAgent->new->post(
Host => "uploads.gdata.youtube.com",
'Authorization' => "AuthSub token=\"$parms{'auth'}\"",
'GData-Version' => "2",
'X-GData-Key' => "key=$YouTubeDeveloperKey",
'Slug' => "$parms{'File'}",
'Content-Type' => "multipart/related; boundary=\"<boundary_string>\"",
'Content-Length' => "<content_length>",
'video_content_type'=> "video/wmv",
'Connection' => "close",
'Content' => $fileContents
print Dumper(\$r->content)
And that is called as
&test((auth=>$Auth, user=>$user, File=>'test.wmv'));