Getting Incoming Phone Numbers - telephony

Is it possible with some hardware to get the incoming calls and phone numbers from an ADSL line (in a windows application) ?
I guess I need a driver program of a specific hardware doing this but I don't even know any term to make a search about this.

You can use a USRobotics modem for this.


"Emulating" HID Gamepad

Since we are still struggling with sending and receiving bluetooth data, we want to try a different way, ignoring bluetooth for now.
Is it possible to write a software, which Windows or Linux is recognizing as a Hardware Gamepad for simulating (so we only need to change the input of that tool to bluetooth input later)?
And if it is possible, what do I need to know for achieving that? Thank you!
(We are using C/C++)

How to send data to iPhone from external device

I have an external device that we manufacture that basically monitors 4 voltages, converts them to a 16 bit digital number then streams this info back to a PC every 100mS or so, using a serial over USB style chip. Basically a data logging system.
We would now like to collect this information on an iPhone and I am wondering what is the best way to get the data into the iPhone?
I am assuming there is no way we can physically connect directly to the iPhone dock connector as the protocol to do this is not available to iOS developers?
Obviously we could do it over a WiFi network but there will not always be one and we want to keep the external hardware fairly simple, i.e. no need for a computer or Wireless router etc.
If we add Bluetooth connectivity to our hardware would this work? I read that only 'Made for iPod' type Bluetooth devices will connect, in which case how can we achieve 'made for iPod' status? It would be relatively easy to add the necessary Bluetooth chips to get the system up and running.
In an ideal world we would like to do this without having to use a 3rd party interface.
I have been thinking about trying to digitise data as an audio signal – like a modem, and send it into the line input jack, but I don’t think it will be fast enough – this would be new territory for me.
Anyway all suggestions gratefully received!

iPhone to RS-232 via Bluetooth

I'm looking to connect my iPhone to an RS-232 serial device via Bluetooth. Has anyone implemented this successfully and can offer advice on hardware to use? It's kind of tricky because of the need for the Apple Authentication Processor with the device. The best potential device I've found is this guy but it only comes in an embedded package, its serial port interface is just logic-level UART rather than line-level RS-232, and I can't find a supplier with it in stock.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I'm considering just using WiFi to serial instead, but please ignore that possibility for the purposes of this question.
most of the question was answered by yourself already.
Basically you have 5 (+2) choices.
Join the MFi program. This might be hard to impossible if you are not part of a at least mid-size company.
Buy the OEM Bluetooth Module. I'm not sure if this is even allowed by the apple policies.
Use WiFi. Keep in mind that you want to use a wifi chipset that can act as at least ad-hoc access point. Those chipsets are quite expensive, and you have to think of a way to join existing networks (customers don't want to leave their home network to use your product). This will add a lot of cost to the BOM of your device.
Jailbreak might be an option. I never tried to use accessories with a jailbreak, so I don't know if it's possible to use bluetooth without authentication.
Work with a company that is member of the MFi program.
(Maybe an option, and depending of the speed you want to have via RS232: Eventually you can convert the audio output of the head-phone jack to RS232 levels and vice versa)
(Not really an option: develop for Android and do whatever you want)
If you jailbreak your device, you can use (disclaimer: I'm the author of BTstack) to connect to a Bluetooth device that supports the Serial Port Profile. You can get Bluetooth Modules that implement SPP and provide UART level output. As David R. above points out, you then need a UART to RS232 converter, e.g. the MAX232.
Ok. Another option. There are one or two companies that sell RS232 cables for iOS, eg. Skywire here:
Then, you could uses a Bluetooth RS232 extender, which consists of a RS232-to-SPP and a SPP-to-RS232 pair. Ugly, but within Apple's rules.
Well. It seems like my answer could be something you didnt ask for.
But the guy you referred to is the answer. Buy his product and you are good to go, all you need is a MAX232 chip. Converts logic level UART to RS232.
the diffrence high + voltage low zero voltage is converted to high +~10volts low -~10volts.
I use the MAX232 chip with my microprocessor, that uses logic level USART to communicate over RS232.
There is a lot of tutorials out there explaining how to hook things up.
This product works:
The only downside is that the adapter requires power.
It should be possibly I would think to create something in the middle that accept the bluetooth commands and convert them to serial, similar to what this does with TCP connections:

iPhone proximity detection using wifi

As my iPhone automatically joins my home network once I get home and press the main button, I thought this could be used as a trigger for some home automation ideas I have,
especially disarming the alarm system for example.
I could detect the iPhone by pinging the broadcast address with a script and then look for it's MAC address in the arp cache, but this would have to be done every 15 seconds or so
to be of any use. This really doesn't seem like the most elegant solution though.
Can anyone think of a better way to implement a check like this? I suppose one could assign an IP address dependent on my MAC address, then I would know what to ping, and could thereafter check the MAC address to keep things secure.
Just suppose I cannot assign a DHCP IP based on MAC address, as the problem
of being able to find the MAC address on the network is the part that really interests me.
Secondly I noticed with tcpdump that the iPhone seems to talk to itself all night, but only some sort of Ethernet frames:
23:59:59.740097 00:26:08:ae:ed:eb > 00:26:08:ae:ed:eb, 802.3, length 70: LLC, dsap Null (0x00) Individual, ssap Unknown (0x20) Command, ctrl 0x33: Unnumbered, 23, Flags [Poll], length 56
This happens every 2 minutes.
How could I monitor this traffic so that my "home" knows I am still there using a program? Could be good to automatically alarm the house when I am no longer there...
I think your router here should be the point of control... If you can log the devices that are logged on to the router you can disable your security based on that info.
If you have an openWrt compatible router you can certainly extend to get the functionality you want.
Here is a link plugin for the indigo home automation server that does what you want to do bij logging the info from his router.
Note: it's really easy to spoof a mac address so might be interesting to have some other verification too :-)

Send messages to Iphone/Blackberry/Android on local Wifi without knowing number

I would like to send a messages to all iphones or blackberries or androids that are using my local wifi. Whether it be a bbm or a flash sms etc.... I am even willing to pay for texting etc....
Can I do so without knowing their number? Can I determine their number from their information (ie: mac address and or phone id) being sent a request for phone information?
I appreciate any help. I have a feeling like it is not possible for many reasons, but I am curious....
Overall there is a way to do it, it's called "broadcasting" (or UDP broadcasting). Your wi-fi AP should support and allow it. You also must make sure Android, iOS and BB support this (but there is no reason why they shouldn't).
It looks something like this:
Install your custom app on all devices.
When device is connected to specific wi-fi access point, you send broadcast message "device X is connected, my address is XA, send messages to port XP" every several minutes. You also start listening for such notifications from other device.
If another device is connected, it will send "device Y is connected, my address is YA, send messasges to port YP". Device X will receive message from device Y, and device Y will receive message from device X.
When third device is connected, it sends "device Z is connected, my address ZA, send messsages to port ZP". This Z device will eventually receive messages from X and Y, while X and Y will become aware of Z device as well.
You'll probably need to implement simple TCP protocol in order to actually send messages from one device to another.
To summarize, you'll need to make discovery via UDP and communication via TCP. Those would be two different custom protocols. And it shouldn't be hard to implement. But you'll need to implement this for all mobile platforms you are interested in.
No, it's not possible (not for the Blackberry at least unless you're the NSA, since the BBMs are encrypted and operate on RIMs internal proprietary network before they even get out to any other carriers).
For the iPhone and the non-military Android phones, you'd just need to purchase your own private cell phone repeater/tower. That at least is feasible (although quite unpractical and highly risky), one guy did it successfully at a security conference with every participant's signed consent and with an independent auditor present, but he was lucky he didn't get himself arrested.
You see, by saying that you want to send an SMS, you're automatically implying that you wish to use the SMS infrastructure (which by definition doesn't even operate on wifi, it operates on the cell phone infrastructure).
That being said, if you control the wifi hot spot, you could do something else that might get you 60% of the way there. You could force everyone who utilizes your hot spot to go through an initial web page, and through that, you could communicate to them (although, please be aware, this is highly annoying to the user, at least it is to me especially on a phone).