Resizing a UIView on iPhone at run-time - iphone

I'm trying to resize my app's view whenever an iAd is scrolled down from the top.
The problem is that in run-time, when i set the resized frame size of the relevant view, the resizing doesnt happen 9so the iAd is draw on top of the top 50 vertical pixels).
If I set the UIView size at design-time, then I see that the view is resized (when i run the app).
So what am i doing wrong at run-time that is causing my resizing to not occur?
The structure of my controller's NIB looks like this:
> > View
> > View (associated with IB 'contentView')
> > CustomView (UIView)
> - ScrollView
> - Toolbar (top)
> - Toolbar (bottom)
In code the adBannerView is added like this:
[self.view addSubView:adBannerView];
conteView's origin.y and size.height is what im updating (to make it y = 50, and height = original height - 50). This should scale it down so that enough room is made to dispaly the banner on top (50 pixels in height).

Are you sure the view is not nil? Did you hook it up in Interface Builder? If you're calling -setFrame on the view and nothing is happening, it's likely the view is not valid.

I resolved my issue, though in a work-around way.
I think the problem was that my view layout tree was quite complicated. Ex, i had a scrollviewer within a custom UIView. The scrollviewer was adding a UIView as its content at run-time. And on top of all this I was trying to resize various views.
But for some reason, the view(s) never managed to be bottom-justified (its always top-justified).


UIScrollView Scroll issue in Xcode 7.2 size classes

I have to design a screen for all the devices, so I have decide to use Size Classes + Auto Layouts in Xcode 7.2, but it has been 2 days to make it work, but all in vain.
I have googled and learnt a number of tutorials but even then not able to figure out what is wrong with my scroll view.
Here is what I am doing:
Dragged a UIScrollView into my UIViewController Class.
Resized scrollview to frame (0,0,600,600) viewcontroller's size.
Selected ScrollView and press on pin icon to add following constraints:
Unchecked constraints to margins checkbox.
Leading - 0, Trailing - 0, Top - 0, Bottom - 0.
Dragged a new UIView into scrollview and added following constraints:
Unchecked constraints to margins checkbox.
Leading - 0, Trailing - 0, Top - 0, Bottom - 0.
Now Dragged from my content view to main view(View controller's View) and selected "Center Horizontally in View" and "Center Vertically in view".
Now added some UI objects to my content view like UIImageView, UILabel, UItextFields and UIButtons and put constraints on them as well. My top most object is attached to content view's top and bottom object is not attached with content view's bottom as if I will do that it will shrink my objects to fit in the screen.
If I run this code everything is looking fine, except that on iPhone 4S I am unable to scroll.
I have tried a lot of things, but nothing worked for me. Could anyone help me on the same.
You have to give the height and a low priority.
Control drag the content view on to the view of the view controller as select the 'Equal Heights' option.
See around 35 secs at this video

How to use UIScrollView in IB? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
steps for creating UIScrollView with Interface Builder
I am using UIScrollView for one of my view. I have added view first and then scroll view, then some controls over scroll view, all are added through IB. Every things works fine until the page is fit, some controls need to be added down that is exceeding the UIView length, I am not sure, how to add controls in IB in that case, So I have added programmatically, but my scrollview is not scrolling down, it is scrolling upto my view height, I have tried setting the new view height, scrollview's frame and content size nothing works, Can anyone please suggest me what to do now...
i) how to add control in IB more than its view length.(view height are disabled).
ii) How to make my scrollview which covers full view.
Create the view for the UIScrollView separately.
Technically, UIScrollView can hold controls directly in it. But that is not the point of it. You should always (if using IB) design the view separately and then place it inside the UIScrollView and set the contentSize property to the size of that view.
So, instead of putting contents directly in the UIScrollView in the main view, drag a separate view from the IB objects library on the nib (not on the main view).
Set the width of this view to the width of UIScrollView. Start placing controls on it and extend the height of view. For every new control to be placed, the height must be increased so as to hold that control. You should not place control outside a view from IB. (Although you can).
After designing the view, drag the view inside the UIScrollView and set the Y value of this view to 0. (When you drag a view inside UIScrollView it seems to upset it's Y value).
Now programmatically set the contentSize of UIScrollView to the size of this view. For this you'll need to create an IBOutlet for the UIView you just created.
myscrollview.contentSize = myview.frame.size;
And you're done.
it is so simple. Follow the steps I'm giving you below you will get what you want.
decide the actual size that is the size in which you want your scroll view to display. say it is 100 * 5o.
set your UIView size also 100 * 50.
Now increase the scrollview hieght in nib.
add what you want
Now check upto what size you have reached.
Suppose it is reached upto 300
So set your contentsize 100 * 300 or 100 * 310 programmatically
In nib set scrollview size 100 * 50
Enjoy programming.
It's very simple, first remember your UIScrollView Frame and then just change UIScrollView frame's Y-position by subtracting 100 (e.g 0 to -100) and add same to height(460 to 560). Then simply add you controls at your required position by continuing this steps...
For eg:
ScrollView Frame (0,0,320,460)
after CHANGE:
After finishing with controls adding simply set previous frame like:

UIScrollView won't scroll!

In IB I have my UIView. Then I have a sub-UIView with a UIScrollView as a sub view. Then the UIScrollView has a sub-UIImageView. The UIScrollView and UIImageView are the same size. They're much bigger than the UIView of which they are subviews. I assumed this would make scrolling work. It doesn't. Is some sort of code required for scroll views to work?
You need to set UIScrollView.contentSize to match the total scrollable size, which is your subview frame size in this case.
As mentioned in the accepted answer, you must set the UIScrollView's contentSize property.
This can be done in Interface Builder.
Select the scroll view
Select the 'identity inspect' in Utilities pane on the right
Under 'User Defined Runtime Attributes' click the '+' button
Set the 'Key Path' value to 'contentSize'
Set the 'Type' value to 'Size'
Set the 'Value' value to '{width, height}' (eg: '{320, 600}')
Build and run and your scroll view will scroll.
The content inset does not affect scrolling. See What's the UIScrollView contentInset property for?
To scroll, you have to make the scrollview's frame smaller than its content, the contained image or view.
This might be obvious to most, but I spent ages wondering why my UIScrollView wouldn't scroll so I'm posting what was stopping me in case it helps anyone else:
The UIScrollView has to be of the dimensions of the visible area in which you wish it to be presented and not the size of it's contents.
Ridiculous on my behalf I know, but just in case it helps someone.
I placed all the content of my scrollview in IB. (buttons, labels, text fields, etc). The full size is 500 tall.
I then resized it to 436 tall in IB.
Then in code, I put this is viewDidLoad:
optionsScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(320,500);
So that leaves 64 pixels that I can scroll. It works perfectly.
I also placed "UIScrollViewDelegate" in the <> braces of #interface for my .h file and tied the delegate outlet of the scrollview to File's owner in IB.
I could solve the scrolling problem with the following answer:
By me the trick was:
You now need to set the height of the content UIView. You can then either specify the height of the content view (blech) or use the
height of the controls contained within by making sure the bottom
control is constrained to the bottom of the content view.
I have set the height and width of the view inside the scrollView with center vertical and horizontal alignment and that was the reason, why it did not work!
After deleting this constraints, I need to add equal width (scrollView and the view inside the scrollView) AND I set the height of the view inside the scrollView directly with the content. Which means: The last element in the view must have a bottom constraint to the view!!
The other important thing that I don't see mentioned here is that UIScrollView does not play nicely with AutoLayout. If it seems like you've done everything correctly, check if your ViewController has autolayout turned on and, if so, turn it off.
(Every time you scroll, the views are re-laid-out. Gak!)
Make sure scrollview's contentSize is bigger than its frame.size
Make sure AutoLayout for the ViewController is turned off.
more, did you enable scrolling?
look at the property
#property(nonatomic, getter=isScrollEnabled) BOOL scrollEnabled
Make sure 3 things,
checking scrollView frame & contentView frame, u may find the answer
scrollView.isScrollEnabled = true
contentView of scrollView height didn't constraint with scroll view height
UIScrollView won't scroll!
reason: contentSize is same as (sub) view
should: contentSize is large than (sub) view
-> UIScrollView can scroll
how set UIScrollView contentSize?
two method:
in code
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
//[(UIScrollView *)self.view setContentSize:CGSizeMake(375, 1000)];
CGSize curScreenSize = UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size;
CGFloat scrollWidth = curScreenSize.width;
CGFloat scrollHeight = curScreenSize.height * 2;
[(UIScrollView *)self.view setContentSize:CGSizeMake(scrollWidth, scrollHeight)];
in UI (Storyboard)
Storyboard-》Identity Inspector-》User Defined Runtime Attributes-》 add new attribute:
Value:{375, 1000}
Scroll view works with this:
views or objects etc...
If your frame is set to your content size then it won't scroll.
So set your frame ( in IB right panel -> second last tab 'Size Inspector") to the length of your app ( in my case it is 367 as i have a navbar and a tab bar) then programatically set the contentSize to - yup you guessed it ... more than your frame so it can scroll.
Happy days!!

iPhone : TabBar overlaps above UIScrollView

I have created an iPhone UI programmatically but I just can't figure out how to fit a view so that it doesn't get overlapped by the TabBar. Here's the ownership hierarchy:
- AppDelegate
UINavigationController x
UIViewController (with XIB)
UIScrollViewController (in the same XIB as parent)
The problem is that my TabBar hides a part of my UIScrollView (and my tableviews as well, but that's not important). I tried manipulating the scrollview content size and the view frame size but with no luck.
So far the best I could do was to add a 60px padding on the scrollview's content size like this:
[scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height+60)];
Thanks for your help!
Sounds like you may have to make sure your scrollView's frame is set properly first. The contentSize will determine the dimensions of the content of the scrollView. In other words how far you can scroll in each direction. Take a look at the scrollView in your nib and make sure the frame is the right size you need to fill.

iPhone UIScrollview: Button does not respond when located below 480 pixels on Scroll View's child UIView

I have built a view for an iPhone app in Interface Builder. It is a UIScrollview with a UIView and a UIButton on the UIView. The only code I have is setting the scroll view's contentSize to 320x550 in the viewDidLoad method of the xib's File Owner class. When the button is within the normal view area (320x480) the button responds as normal, but if is placed outside of those boundaries in Interface Builder the button will not respond when I scroll to it and click the button.
What am I missing? I figure it might be something I need to set on the UIView. But I am not sure what that is.
Your UIButton won't response even it's visible because it's not in the boundary of parent view. You can see object outside the boundary of its parent view because it's a default behavior of UIView to draw all subview (clipsToBounds = NO)
To see the truth, try this code.
UIView *yourUIView = ...
yourUIView.clipsToBounds = YES;
yourUIView.backgroundColor = [UIColor cyanColor];
You will no longer see your UIButton.
To fix this, enlarge your UIView.
I had the same problem as the person who posted the question. Thanks to the first answer, I had a hint as to what to do. I increased the height of the view by adjusting the frame. This, apparently must be done in code. Once this was done, however, the toolbar at the bottom was no longer visible. So before I adjust the height of the view, I grab the position of the tool bar. Then after adjusting the height of the view, I reset the position of the tool bar. Now all is good.