Why does Instruments say this code is leaking? - iphone

I have this snippet of code from a class created by Erica Sadun, that Instruments says is leaking:
- (void)cacheBeginPointForTouches:(NSSet *)touches
if ([touches count] > 0) {
for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
CGPoint *point = (CGPoint *)CFDictionaryGetValue(touchBeginPoints, touch);
if (point == NULL) {
point = (CGPoint *)malloc(sizeof(CGPoint));
CFDictionarySetValue(touchBeginPoints, touch, point);
*point = [touch locationInView:self.superview];
Instruments is pointing to
point = (CGPoint *)malloc(sizeof(CGPoint));
as the leaking line.
As this malloc stuff is not familiar to me. I know that it allocates memory, but as I never worked with C, C++ and other flavors of C, malloc and I are not acquaintances.
Another question I don't understand is why she put an asterisk before "point" on
*point = [touch locationInView:self.superview];
So, do you see something wrong with the code and why instruments are saying it is leaking there? An explanation about the asterisk is a bonus! :)

The rules for malloc are quite simple. Once you're done with the memory, you should free it, using free(pointer). So at some point in your code, the dictionary will be used to get the CGPoints. If your program does nothing after this with the CGPoints (and the pointer is removed from the dictionary), you should call free(point) on them.
The line
*point = ...;
means to say: put ... in the location in memory, pointed to by point. The dictionary contains these pointers to your CGPoint values, and as you see you can easily first store the pointer, and only then fill the memory pointed to (although, I must admit, this is not very intuitive)

The code snippet is leaking, because it is not complete. What it does is to allocate memory for a CGPoint object. This has to be free'd when it is no longer in use. You have omitted that part.
In this case, the CGPoint object seems to be used in the CFDictionary. So there should be code to determine when it is safe to free it again.

At a guess, you have probably not created the dictionary properly. A regular dictionary thinks you'll be using the CFRetain/CFRelease pattern to hold on to objects - however, you can attach alternate handlers that use your own memory mamagement scheme.
You should check the CFDictionaryNew() call in your code and make sure it matches the one in Erica's. I suspect she has a custom value for valueCallbacks while you probably don't.

Without knowing the context, I'm guessing the compiler doesn't like that the there is no check to see whether or not malloc fails (malloc = memory allocation, it grabs available memory and assigns it to your program variable). Also, this snippet by itself does not free the malloc'd memory (although I'm assuming this is done elsewhere).
Also, the "*" dereferences the value. For example, in standard C, if I write:
int val = 1;
int *p = &val;
*p = 2;
I'd get:
The * allows you to reference the object to which the pointer is pointing. In the example above, "p" is a pointer, but "*p" is the actual value the pointer is referencing ("val").

malloc() and free() are like [NSObject alloc] and [NSObject release] in Objective-C. malloc() allocates memory and returns a pointer. free() tells the OS that the memory is no longer needed. A malloc() without a free() is then, by definition, a memory leak.
It's not clear here whether there is an actual memory leak, since the pointer is being stored in a dictionary. When the dictionary is destroyed, or when the value for that key is overwritten, the memory must be freed.
As for the line:
*point = [touch locationInView:self.superview];
It takes the return value of locationInView: and stores it at the address pointed to by point. The "*" there is the dereferencing operator.

I am purely guessing here, given that the function is named "cache"BeginPointForTouches, it would appear that the purpose of this function is to create a dictionary of touches and cache them for fast lookup. Being a cache, it looks like it is the kind that keeps its memory around throughout the lifetime of the program and never frees itself. So to make sure, does this leak happen during the program or after the program exits? If after, then what I described is likely and isn't really a leak.


Does passing an object as a parameter for a method increment its retain counter under ARC? [duplicate]

When compiling with ARC, method arguments often appear to be retained at the beginning of the method and released at the end. This retain/release pair seems superfluous, and contradicts the idea that ARC "produces the code you would have written anyway". Nobody in those dark, pre-ARC days performed an extra retain/release on all method arguments just to be on the safe side, did they?
#interface Test : NSObject
#implementation Test
- (void)testARC:(NSString *)s
[s length]; // no extra retain/release here.
- (void)testARC2:(NSString *)s
// ARC inserts [s retain]
[s length];
[s length];
// ARC inserts [s release]
- (void)testARC3:(__unsafe_unretained NSString *)s
// no retain -- we used __unsafe_unretained
[s length];
[s length];
// no release -- we used __unsafe_unretained
When compiled with Xcode 4.3.2 in release mode, the assembly (such that I'm able to understand it) contained calls to objc_retain and objc_release at the start and end of the second method. What's going on?
This is not a huge problem, but this extra retain/release traffic does show up when using Instruments to profile performance-sensitive code. It seems you can decorate method arguments with __unsafe_unretained to avoid this extra retain/release, as I've done in the third example, but doing so feels quite disgusting.
See this reply from the Objc-language mailing list:
When the compiler doesn't know anything about the
memory management behavior of a function or method (and this happens a
lot), then the compiler must assume:
1) That the function or method might completely rearrange or replace
the entire object graph of the application (it probably won't, but it
could). 2) That the caller might be manual reference counted code, and
therefore the lifetime of passed in parameters is not realistically
Given #1 and #2; and given that ARC must never allow an object to be
prematurely deallocated, then these two assumptions force the compiler
to retain passed in objects more often than not.
I think that the main problem is that your method’s body might lead to the arguments being released, so that ARC has to act defensively and retain them:
- (void) processItems
[self setItems:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]]];
[self doSomethingSillyWith:[items lastObject]];
- (void) doSomethingSillyWith: (id) foo
[self setItems:nil];
NSLog(#"%#", foo); // if ARC did not retain foo, you could be in trouble
That might also be the reason that you don’t see the extra retain when there’s just a single call in your method.
Passing as a parameter does not, in general, increase the retain count. However, if you're passing it to something like NSThread, it is specifically documented that it will retain the parameter for the new thread.
So without an example of how you're intending to start this new thread, I can't give a definitive answer. In general, though, you should be fine.
Even the answer of soul is correct, it is a bit deeper than it should be:
It is retained, because the passed reference is assigned to a strong variable, the parameter variable. This and only this is the reason for the retain/release pair. (Set the parameter var to __weak and what happens?)
One could optimize it away? It would be like optimizing every retain/release pairs on local variables away, because parameters are local variables. This can be done, if the compiler understands the hole code inside the method including all messages sent and functions calls. This can be applied that rarely that clang even does not try to do it. (Imagine that the arg points to a person (only) belonging to a group and the group is dealloc'd: the person would be dealloc'd, too.)
And yes, not to retain args in MRC was a kind of dangerous, but typically developers know their code that good, that they optimized the retain/release away without thinking about it.
It will not increment behind the scenes. Under ARC if the object is Strong it will simply remain alive until there are no more strong pointers to it. But this really has nothing to do with the object being passed as a parameter or not.

Malloc() creates space for single struct, not array of structs

I've been banging my head against this problem all day, I would be very grateful to anyone who could help out.
Here's the deal - I'm trying to create a dynamic C array using malloc(). This array will hold CGPoint structs, which I start building and assigning right after the array is built. Here's the code:
CGPoint* tempVertices = malloc(sizeof(CGPoint) * 4); //defining a collision frame
tempVertices[0] = CGPointMake(37, 46);
tempVertices[1] = CGPointMake(69, 40);
tempVertices[2] = CGPointMake(48, 6);
tempVertices[3] = CGPointMake(17, 10);
//Then I pass the pointer to my array off to a setter...
[self setVertices: tempVertices];
However, when tempVertices gets created, it seems that I'm only getting space for one CGPoint:
int test1 = sizeof(CGPoint); // 8
int test2 = sizeof(tempVertices); // 4
int test3 = sizeof(*tempVertices); // 8
When stepping through with the XCode debugger, it shows that tempVertices is a pointer to a CGPoint. When I set tempVertices[0], the CGPoint that tempVertices points to recieves that value, which is reflected in the debugger. Where did my other 3 slots go? tempVertices seems to be pointing to a singe CGPoint instead of an array. I want the array.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? I know that there are other ways to fix this using C++ or other objects, but I want to stick to C if possible.
Thanks in advance!
Update :
To answer zpasternack, setVertices: is a custom written setter. And I don't know how / if it knows how big the incoming array is. I'm trying to understand straight C stuff better, so insights/explanations regarding the proper way of passing a dynamic C-array as an argument are highly appreciated. Here's what the setter looks like :
- (void) setVertices:(CGPoint*) val {
_vertices = val; //_vertices is a member variable of the type CGPoint*
//...calculate a centroid, other stuff...
If needed, I could wrap my CGPoints in NSValue objects and use an NSArray instead, but I sure would like to know the right way of doing it in plain ol' C.
Thanks to everyone who has commented - you guys are great :)
On your 32 bit machine, you're getting exactly what you expect. sizeof(tempVertices) is the size of the pointer, while sizeof(*tempVerices) gives you the size of a CGPint (probably two ints). You can't get the size of an allocated array with sizeof(). The value is only known at run-rime, and sizeof() is a compile time operator.
OK, after your edit I think I see what's going on. That code, exactly as you've written, should work OK. Xcode won't show you the values of any of those CGPoints, because it doesn't know it's an array, just a pointer to a single CGPoint. But it's there. Set a breakpoint right after you call setVertices:. At the gdb prompt, print some of those values.
(gdb) print _vertices[1]
$2 = {
x = 69,
y = 40
(gdb) print _vertices[3]
$3 = {
x = 17,
y = 10
Correct, see?
That's not to say there aren't issues here. For one thing, setVertices: is leaking that memory. You're allocating memory for tempVertices, holding onto that pointer, but not freeing it anywhere. The next time you call setVertices:, you'll have a leak.
A bigger issue is that nobody knows how many CGPoints are in that array, except the code that allocated the memory for it. Will it always be 4 CGPoints? What happens if somebody accesses _vertices[5] or _vertices[27]? Bad things, if you didn't allocate that much space for them.
Is there a requirement that this be a plain C array? Like, these points are going to get passed to OpenGL or cocos2d or something? If not, you might consider using some kind of array class for it. Because these aren't NSObject-derived objects you're storing, you can't use an NSArray. You could use a std::vector, if you don't mind dragging in a buncha C++. I probably would not do that.
If you're set on sticking with a C array, you should probably do some work to try to make the interface less error prone. Like I mentioned before, you'll need to track the size of the array. Perhaps you could add a parameter to setVertices: representing the number of CGPoints that the array holds. Then other parts of the code that access _vertices could check that to make sure they're not walking off the end of the array. And, like I mentioned before, make sure you free that memory before you reassign the pointer.
Messing about with pointers is fraught with danger. Tread carefully, there be dragons there.
The malloc is allocating enough space for 4 GCPoint structs and returning a pointer to the allocated space.
The first is at tempVertices + 0. It's tempVertices[0].
The second is at tempVertices + 1. It's tempVertices[1].
The third is at tempVertices + 2. It's tempVertices[2].
The fourth is at tempVertices + 3. It's tempVertices[3].
I would not use sizeof() to determine the size of an array allocated at runtime.
Have you actually had trouble assigning new CGPoint objects into your array? Does CGPointMake() perform any allocation of its own?

releasing variables to save memory

I have a beginner's question about releasing variables and not wasting memory...
I don't quite understand when to release variables. I understand that I should always do this if I have assigned them in my header file (in my #interface section and my #property commands). I release them in my -(void)dealloc function.
However, what am I supposed to do with variables that I happen to use in some of my methods, e.g.:
for (int temp = 0; temp < 3; temp++) {
// do something...
[temp release];
This is obviously wrong (at least xCode tells me so), as 'temp' is undeclared. But why? I've declared it as an int and temp thus takes up space in my memory, I'm sure. How do I tell the program to free up the space temp has taken after I don't need it anymore? I'm sure this is obvious, but I simply don't get it.
I'd be very happy for any suggestions for a beginner of how not to be a memory pig and to have 'memory leaking' everywhere in my apps...
You declared it as an int in the scope of the loop. Once the loop is done, it goes out of scope.
Also, you can not release an int, which is a primitive type. You can only release a subclass of NSObject. A good rule of thumb is that you eventually have to release anything that you called alloc or retain on.
Edit: For your edification, memory management only applies to objects allocated from the heap. That would be NSObjects obtained via "alloc" or must C-level memory allocated with something like "malloc()". Declaring a variable like "int x" is called an "auto" variable in that is is created on the stack and will AUTOmatically disappear then that block ends (the end of a "block" being the end of the function or perhaps the end of a {} pair or even the end of a for/if/while block.
Since Objective-C is basically just a special version of C (with messages), it does not create permanent objects unless you explicitly tell it to. This is different form languages like Python or Javascript.
You only need to release objects, and temp is an int, not an object.
As far as when to release objects, Apple's docs explain that better than I can: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/MemoryMgmt/MemoryMgmt.html
You do only release objects, and not primitive types. For example you create an array with
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
This initialization allocated memory which you have to free after your done using your array, it's your responsibility, else there will be memory leaks. You can do that in the dealloc section of a controller, or at the end of a method, or even after you've enumerated through the array and no longer need it.
If you create instances of objects with other methods than alloc, copy or new(rarely used) you have to release them. If you call retain yourself on an object you have to release it as well.
Please refer to apples memory management rules, which have been posted earlier.
There are two ways to store information in RAM in C and c like things, primitives which are allocated automatically by the compiler, and memory chunks allocated by you in your program.
Variables allocated for you by the compiler are called "automatics" and can be marked by the essentially unused (because it is the default) "auto" keyword. Automatics are bound to the scope in which they are declared and go away when it ends. Regular variables, like "int x" are automatic.
Notably, pointers are typically automatic. However, the things they point to are not. Those would be the thing you asked to be allocated.
In objective-c, things are allocated with the alloc message. However, sometimes a class will call this for you, so you might not see it. To help make it clear what you should do, there is a tradition: If you get an object where you alloc'ed it, got it from a class method with the word "copy" in the method name, or sent it a "retain" message, then you own a share of it, and it won't go away until you send it a release message.
If you didn't get the object through one of those means, you must not release it, because you don't have a share in it.
So, in summary: regular variables (int, short, char, double, float, long) are automatic, no need to allocate it. Pointers are also automatic, however, the things they are pointing to are not. In obj-c, you own a share if you alloc'ed it, copy'ed it, or sent it a retain message.
You can't release an integer...
Release works only with instance of Objective-C classes.
Variables such as integers are placed on the stack, and they does not persist after a function/method call, unless allocated explicitely.
You only release objects. If you use the alloc, init procedure to create an object you must release it. If you retain an object you must release it. If you use a method that has the word "create" in it, you must release it. Anything else, the system will handle for you.
Primitives do not need to be released, only objects.
Biggest thing to keep in mind is that whenever you "alloc" or "retain" an object, put a corresponding "release" or "autorelease".
you see an error on the line [temp release]; because temp is not in scope. temp will not be seen outside of the for loop you created.
you do not need to clean up the memory of temp, since you have not claimed ownership of it(see Memory Management Rules): http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/general/conceptual/DevPedia-CocoaCore/MemoryManagement.html
examples of objects where you do not need to release/manage memory:
NSArray *myArray = [NSArray array];
NSNumber *myNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:5];
NSString *myString = #"Hello World";
NSInteger i = 5;
int x = 2;
examples of objects where you do need to release/manage memory:
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"Hello", #"World", nil];
NSNumber *myNumber = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:5];
NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Hello World"];
typically, when your completely done using an object you own, you clean up its memory
see apple's docs for explanations on properties: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjectiveC/Chapters/ocProperties.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30001163-CH17-SW1
setting a property with assign or readonly: you should not worry about releasing its memory, as you don't own it
property with retain or copy: you claim ownership of the object and need to release it at some point
this answer won't answer/solve all memory management questions/concerns, but it may shove you in the right direction

iOS Memory Management: ivars, static, and NSStrings

I have managed to get myself confused about some elements of memory management. I am new to objective-c, and memory managed languages generally.
I have read the memory management guidelines, but I remain confused about a couple of things.
1) Is there any need to clean up ivars, and method variables that are not retained by any object. For instance
-(void) someMethod{
int count = 100;
for (int i=0; i <count; i++) {
NSLog(#"Count = %d", i);
What happens to the "count" var after the method is complete?
If a method allocates lots of temporary variables, do those get removed from memory as long as they are not unreleased, alloc'd objects? Or do i need to set them to nil in some way?
2) If i have a static variable, for instance an NSString, do I have to do anything for that to be removed from memory when the class is dealloced?
3) I have noticed that NSStrings seem to have a retainCount of 2147483647 which wikipedia tells me is the max value for a 32 bit signed integer.
myString retainCount = 2147483647
-(void) someMethod{
NSString *myString = #"testString";
NSLog(#"myString retainCount = %d", [myString retainCount]);
// logs: myString retainCount = 2147483647
What happens to this at the end of the method? Does this memory ever get emptied? The string is not being referenced by anything. My understanding is that the #"" convenience method for NSString returns an autoreleased object, but whats the point of autoreleasing something with a retainCount of 2147483647 anyway? In that case, whats the point of retaining or releasing ANY NSString?
I am well aware that retainCount should be ignored, but it just bugs me not to know what's going on here.
4) Does this matter at all? I know that the memory associated with an NSString isn't much to write home about, but I want to be a good memory management citizen, and I'm more interested in best practices than anything else.
Retain/release only matters for objects, not int, bool, float, double or other built-ins. So use it for id or other classes that you hold a pointer to an object. In your example, count doesn't need to be retained or released. It is allocated on the stack which is automatically cleaned up when the function returns.
You do need to deal with any local objects you alloc. Those are created with a retainCount set to 1, so you need to either hold on to them for later or release them. Most Cocoa functions (that don't start with copy or alloc) return an object that is autoreleased. This means that they will have release called on them later -- you can only hold these after the function if you call retain on them. If you want them to be cleaned up, you don't need to do anything (calling release would result in too many release calls).
If you have a static variable pointing to an object, then it is not touched when objects of that class are dealloced. If you want it to be released, you have to call release on it. If the static is an int, bool, or other built-in, you don't (can't) call release on it. That's part of the global memory of your app.
NSStrings that are set to string literals should not have release called on them. The retainCount is meaningless for them. That value is also -1 for signed int values.
If you do this -- [[NSString alloc] initCallHere:etc] -- you have to call release on it. Most of the time you get strings, you don't use alloc, so you don't need to call release. If you retain one, you need to call release.
Yes, it does matter. Over time leaks will cause the iPhone to kill your app.
You don't need to worry about count cause it's an integer, a primitive data type, not an object.
I've read that those just go away upon app termination or if you explicitly release them.
You are right in that you should not worry about the retain count in that way. Cocoa automatically gives #"" (NSConstantString objects) the absolute highest retain value so that they cannot be de-allocated.
You are over complicating the subject. The point of the three guidelines is so that you know that you only have to worry about memory management in three specific situations. Apple gives you these guidelines so that one doesn't have to worry about the specific internals for every single class (like manually tracking retainCount), not to mention that sometimes Cocoa does things differently (as with NSConstantString). As long as you remember these guidelines, you really don't have to know the very gritty details of what's going on underneath (of course, an understanding of the retain count concept helps, but compare this to manually tracking it).
I don't know which guide you read specifically, but if you haven't given this one a try, I highly recommend it. It summarizes the three guidelines in a concise and direct manner.
The Cocoa memory management rules only cover Objective C objects.
Local variables (non-static) are cleaned up when any subroutine or method exits (actually the stack memory is just reused/overwritten by subsequent subroutines or methods in the same thread). Constants which require memory (strings) and static variables are cleaned up when the app is torn down by the OS after it exits. Manually malloc'd memory is cleaned up when you manually free it.
But any object you alloc or retain: (whether assigned to an ivar, local, global, static, etc.) has to managed like any other object. Be careful assigning objects to global variables, unless you are really good at retain count management.

iPhone cocos2d sprites in array, memory problems

I'm trying to keep track of my sprites in an array, add and remove
them from layers, and then finally clear them out of the array.
I'm using the following code:
Sprite * Trees[50];
Layer * Forest;
Forest = [Layer node];
Forest.isTouchEnabled = YES;
[self addChild:Forest z:30];
// do this a bunch of times
Trees[0] = [[Sprite spriteWithFile:#"mytree.png"] retain];
[Trees[0] setPosition:cpv(240,160)];
[Forest addChild:Trees[0] z:5];
And then when I want to destroy a tree I use:
[Forest removeChild:Trees[0] cleanup:YES];
[Trees[0] release];
My problem is that when I look in Instruments, I'm never reclaiming
that memory, there is never a drop back down. I thought that by
releasing the sprite it would free up the memory. Am I doing this
completely wrong?
I know that when you are using the simulator with cocos2d, the memory doesn't look like it's being released, so you have to run it on the device to get an accurate picture of what's going on.
There is a good discussion here about cocos2d and memory.
What I've noticed is that everything that you create and retain must be released, but it isn't released from memory until I do this:
[[TextureMgr sharedTextureMgr] removeAllTextures];
That will release the memory.
Here's a bigger example:
Sprite * sPopup = [[Sprite spriteWithFile:#"popup.png"] retain];
sPopup.position = cpv(240,440);
[self addChild: sPopup z:2];
[sPopup release];
Then, when I'm done with sPopup in another function I have this:
[[TextureMgr sharedTextureMgr] removeAllTextures];
and the memory is freed.
My suspicion is that you are "over" retaining:
Trees[0] = [[Sprite spriteWithFile:#"mytree.png"] retain];
If Trees is a local variable in a function you do not have to retain in that case if spriteWithFile is returning a Sprite with an autorelease.
The section on delay release in the apple documentation discusses this further. The long and short of it is that the receiver of the autorelease is guaranteed to have the object be valid for the duration of its scope. If you need the object beyond the scope of the function (e.g. Trees is a property of a class) then yes, in that case you need a retain (or just synthesize a property configured to retain).
By issuing the extra retain, it is likely that your retain count is always too high (never reaches 0) and hence your object is not garbage collected.
For good measure, I'd suggest reviewing this paragraph as well that talks about the validity of objects.
Even though you call [Trees[x] release], I believe you still need to 'delete' the item from the array, like Trees[x] = nil or something, as the array itself is still containing the object.
The 'retain' in the Sprite creation is also not necessary, as [Forest addChild:z:] will place a retain on it as well (afaik).