WebKit CSS transformations and animations in Javascript - iphone

I'm working on a IPhone web application. I just starded playing with the webkit-transform and webkit-animation CSS rules. I've some questions: for example, is there real advantage in using these instead of, say, jQuery.animate(...)? The resulting animations don't seem to be that much accelerated and fast. Let's explain better: I've a series of images I have to move on the screen, like a gallery... I set each image CSS rules like this:
-webkit-transition-property: left, top, right, bottom, width;
-webkit-transition-duration: 200ms;
then I change the style.left and style.top of each element I want to move with new coordinates. The result is not so fast as I expected. It is fast more or less as jQuery is (not fluid at all). I've seen there is even -webkit-animation and -webkit-transform but I still don't understand how to use them properly. The first one lets me move things around, but doesn't generate an animation, I use the following code:
var trans = "translate(" + x + "px," + y + "px)";
ELEMENT.style.webkitTransform = trans;
with this the element moves around, but without an animation. If I create dynamically an animation with:
var lastSheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1];
lastSheet.insertRule("#-webkit-keyframes "+ "animX" + "{ from { top: "+oy+"px; left:"+ox+"px;} to {top: " + y + "px; left: " + x + "px; } }",lastSheet.cssRules.length);
ELEMENT.style.webkitAnimationName = "animX";
this way the element will move once, not so fludly, and well be back to it's old position. Repeating this code doesn't lead to anything.
What do you think, is there a real advantage in terms of fluidity of movement in using those? And if yes, how to use them properly?

Something like this should do what you want, and runs quite smoothly in Safari on my iPhone 4:
<style type='text/css'>
#element {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
-webkit-transition-property: top, left, bottom, right;
-webkit-transition-duration: 300ms;
-webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-in;
<script type='text/javascript'>
document.querySelector('#element').style.left = '300px';


Ag-grid "Size to Fit" on desktop and "Auto-Size" on mobile

I need ag-grid to be responsive on all devices. When I tried this.gridApi.sizeColumnsToFit() It looks nice on desktop, but in mobile screen column width gets zero
as shown in this image.
When I give this.gridColumnApi.autoSizeColumns(allColumnIds, false); it leaves a blank space if there are less number of columns like shown in this image.
Is there a way to autoFit in desktop and autoSize in smaller screens?
you can call them after another. I'd suggest to first call the autoSizeColumns.
Afterwards you calculate the actual tableWidth with something like
const tableWidth = grid.columnApi.getAllColumns()
.reduce((i, current) => i += current.getActualWidth(), 0);
and then you calculate the actual container width
const {left, right} = grid.api.getHorizontalPixelRange();
const containerWidth = right - left;
and only if the tableWidth is smaller than the container width you call `sizeColumnsToFit``
if (tableWidth < containerWidth) {

Infinite Background problem with division SpriteKit

I've been trying to implement an infinite background animation, which should change between 4 images of equal height and then repeat the sequence. However, it does not seem to work properly.
Note anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0)
func updateBackground(currentTime: TimeInterval){
var delta: CGFloat = 0.0
if lastUpdate != nil {
delta = CGFloat(currentTime - lastUpdate)
//First increment position
activeBackground1.position.y += delta*backgroundVelocity
activeBackground2.position.y += delta*backgroundVelocity
//Detect bounds surpass
if activeBackground1.position.y > activeBackground1.size.height + screen.height/2 {
lastSky = (lastSky + 1)%4
sky1 = SKTexture(imageNamed: "sky" + String(lastSky))
activeBackground1.texture = sky1
//Reposition: background1 new position is equal to minus the entire height of
//background2 + its y size.
activeBackground1.position.y = -abs(activeBackground2.size.height-activeBackground2.position.y)
if activeBackground2.position.y > activeBackground2.size.height + screen.height/2 {
lastSky = (lastSky + 1)%4
sky1 = SKTexture(imageNamed: "sky" + String(lastSky))
activeBackground2.texture = sky1
activeBackground2.position.y = -abs(activeBackground1.size.height-activeBackground1.position.y)
The update algorithm works fine, but when it is needed to reposition one of the two background, it seems there is an offset of about 10.0 CGFloat from one background to another. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: It turned out that the error was located in my image, which presented some blank rows and therefore generated visualisation glitches. So my code works perfectly.
I do the test and most likely you should use something like:
activeBackground2.position.y = activeBackground1.size.height + activeBackground1.position.y
instead of
activeBackground2.position.y = -abs(activeBackground1.size.height-activeBackground1.position.y)
I did this example and it works correctly: https://github.com/Maetschl/SpriteKitExamples/tree/master/InfiniteBackground/InfiniteBackground
Feel free to see and use.
Your problem is floating point math causing rounding errors. I am on a phone right now so I can’t wrote code, but what you want to do is have 1 parent SKNode to handle your entire background.
Add your background slivers to the parent node.
You then place the moving action on the parent only.
As each sliver leaves the screen, you take the sliver, and move it to the end of the other slivers.
This jumping should always be done with integer math, leaving no holes.
The floating point moving math is done on the parent node.
The integer based tile jumping is done on each of the slivers.

Drag and drop with pinch zoom doesn't work as expected

In the zoomed mode for pinch-zoom the drag doesn't align properly with the mouse pointer.
I've detailed the problem here:https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-t7hwqg
I expect the drag to work same way irrespective of the zoom.
I saw in version 8 of angular material they have added #Input('cdkDragConstrainPosition')
constrainPosition: (point: Point, dragRef: DragRef) => Point, which will solve my problem as in the zoomed mode I can write a custom logic to map the drag properly with pointer, but I can't upgrade to version 8 as there are other parts of the application with version 7.
So if someone can suggest what can be done? Either somehow the drag can be modified and take into account the current amount of zoom, or if I can take 'cdkDragConstrainPosition' from version 8 of material and integrate into my current packages.
I had to manually calculate the updated coordinates something like this:
Here imageHeight is the width/height of the DOM element and height is the actual image height that was loaded into the DOM element.
item is the DOM element to be moved around.
this.zoomFactorY = this.imageHeight / this.height;
this.zoomFactorX = this.imageWidth / this.width;
// to be called at every position update
const curTransform = this.item.nativeElement.style.transform.substring(12,
this.item.nativeElement.style.transform.length - 1).split(',');
const leftChange = parseFloat(curTransform[0]);
const topChange = parseFloat(curTransform[1]);
and then update the DOM item's location:
item.location.left = Math.trunc(
item.location.left + leftChange * (1 / this.zoomFactorX)
item.location.top = Math.trunc(
item.location.top + topChange * (1 / this.zoomFactorY)

Dojox Datagrid, add span to every cell to make css nowrap to work in IE7

Since nowrap on td element doesn't seems to work in IE, see this question, I am in desperate need of help how to add a span element with nowrap to every cell in a Dojox Datagrid without having to define field formatters to accomplish this.
See jsfiddle here http://jsfiddle.net/HkxHZ/4/
Using this css I get what I want in Chrome and FF, i.e. no word wrap and overflow hidden. But it doesn't work in IE..
<style type="text/css">
.dojoxGridRowTable {
table-layout: fixed;
width: 0px;}
.dojoxGrid .dojoxGridCell {
text-align: left;
This method is like auto-size in that is will make the width of each column in the DataGrid big enough to show your data with no wrapping.
What you should do is calculate the proper width for each column of the grid layout based on PX size of the text in the column description and data for that column. This should be done before creating the grid layout.
Here is how you get the proper width in px. Add the following html to your page:
position: absolute;
visibility: hidden;
height: auto;
width: auto;
<div id="test"></div>
1) Get the font size used in your DataGrid
2) Get the div object and set the font size to what is used in the grid
<div id="test"></div>
var tst_item = window.document.getElementById("test");
tst_item.style.fontSize = grid_fnt_sz;
3) Place each column description and data item intended for your DataGrid into the hidden div:
tst_item.innerHTML = "Your data";
var widthPX = (tst_item.clientWidth + 1); //Width of text in PX
Store this widthPX in an array for each column keeping only the largest found for the column.
4) When creating the layout for your grid, set the width for the column to the largest width from your column description and data for that column.
This method ensures that width of each column will be big enough to show your data without wrapping. Depending on your needs, you can tweek the logic to do what you need. This might not be feasible with large amounts of data. But, it works great for me.

gwt firefox getAbsoluteLeft()

I'm seeing a truly weird behavior while trying to set a popup relative to another element in GWT. It seems like setting the popup position (an independent, floating element) changes the answer I get from calls like getAbsoluteRight() or getAbsoluteLeft() for a completely different element, which is static on the page and does not move visually.
I added some print statements to check what was going on, so here is the code:
int position = item.td.getAbsoluteRight()-offsetWidth;
System.out.println("left/right:" + item.td.getAbsoluteLeft() + "/" + item.td.getAbsoluteRight() + ". sent:" + (item.td.getAbsoluteRight() - offsetWidth) + "=" + position);
popup.setPopupPosition(position, item.td.getAbsoluteBottom());
System.out.println("left/right:" + item.td.getAbsoluteLeft() + "/" + item.td.getAbsoluteRight() + ". sent:" + (item.td.getAbsoluteRight() - offsetWidth) + "=" + position);
System.out.println("left/right:" + item.td.getAbsoluteLeft() + "/" + item.td.getAbsoluteRight() + ". sent:" + (item.td.getAbsoluteRight() - offsetWidth) + "=" + position);
Here is the result on Chrome
Menu displayed, widths: 81/340=340
<td class="hover">Daniel?</td>
left/right:1104/1185. sent:845=845
left/right:1121/1202. sent:862=845
left/right:1121/1202. sent:862=845
<td class="hover">Daniel?</td>
Here is the result on Firefox
Menu displayed, widths: 81/340=340
<td class="hover">Daniel?</td>
left/right:1254/1335. sent:995=995
left/right:1273/1354. sent:1014=995
left/right:1273/1354. sent:1014=995
<td class="hover">Daniel?</td>
so the left/right coordinates of the fixed element suddenly change (X coordinate goes from 1254 to 1273) after calling setPopupPosition(), while the relevant element actually stays in the same place (visually). I really have no idea how it happens as the popup doesn't even know of the existence of that element. Even more, while I can reproduce the error consistently, it does not happen if I switch the popup content...
... incidentally, I compared the coordinates given by firefox with a screenshot of the page, and the return values are not only wrong, but impossible given my screen size (1366x768) and no scrolling.
I could probably try setting the position twice, as the second value is actually the correct one, but I would really like to understand what is going on here...
Many thanks!
The differ is exactly 150 pixels. (May be total of 75 pix in left side)
Have you checked page against: http://validator.w3.org/
There's often differences within the margin/padding (also borders in IE).
As i get out of your getAbsoluteRight()-offsetWidth code, you using the td to get absolute right. But setting the position on the popup. This should mean that you have some borders/margins/padding between the popup and the td content.
The getAbsoluteLeft() and getAbsoluteRight() (as well as Top and Bottom) are all calculated based on their parental element's scroll and offset positions.
Also an empty object can often end up in a default width. But as soon as you enter a content, the size adapts to its content.