Two sets of constructor parameters in a scala class - class

What does this code do? Why is there two sets of constructor parameters?
class A(val x: Int)(val y: Int)
I can initialize an object and use both fields:
val a = new A(5)(7)
println(a.x + ", " + a.y)
If I make it a case class, I can match only by the first set of parameters.
case class A(x: Int)(y: Int)
val a = A(5)(7)
a match {
A(x) => println(x)
It's not possible to create 3 sets of parameters. It doesn't compile. So what is the meaning of the two sets of constructor parameters?

According to the scala specification (see section 5.3), the second set of parameters is dedicated to implicit parameters. Dividing the parameters in two sets allow you to define only non-implicit paameter and let the other be contextually defined.
It is quite strange actually that the compiler accpet non-implicit parameters in the second set.


How does Scala transform case classes to be accepted as functions?

I am trying to understand how a case class can be passed as an argument to a function which accepts functions as arguments. Below is an example:
Consider the below function
def !![B](h: Out[B] => A): In[B] = { ... }
If I understood correctly, this is a polymorphic method which has a type parameter B and accepts a function h as a parameter. Out and In are other two classes defined previously.
This function is then being used as shown below:
case class Q(p: boolean)(val cont: Out[R])
case class R(p: Int)
def g(c: Out[Q]) = {
val rin = c !! Q(true)_
I am aware that currying is being used to avoid writing the type annotation and instead just writing _. However, I cannot grasp why and how the case class Q is transformed to a function (h) of type Out[B] => A.
EDIT 1 Updated !! above and the In and Out definitions:
abstract class In[+A] {
def future: Future[A]
def receive(implicit d: Duration): A = {
Await.result[A](future, d)
def ?[B](f: A => B)(implicit d: Duration): B = {
abstract class Out[-A]{
def promise[B <: A]: Promise[B]
def send(msg: A): Unit = promise.success(msg)
def !(msg: A) = send(msg)
def create[B](): (In[B], Out[B])
These code samples are taken from the following paper:
Using a case class with multiple parameter lists and partially applying it will yield a partially applied apply call + eta expansion will transform the method into a function value:
val res: Out[Q] => Q = Q.apply(true) _
Longer explanation
To understand the way this works in Scala, we have to understand some fundamentals behind case classes and the difference between methods and functions.
Case classes in Scala are a compact way of representing data. When you define a case class, you get a bunch of convenience methods which are created for you by the compiler, such as hashCode and equals.
In addition, the compiler also generates a method called apply, which allows you to create a case class instance without using the new keyword:
case class X(a: Int)
val x = X(1)
The compiler will expand this call to
val x = X.apply(1)
The same thing will happen with your case class, only that your case class has multiple argument lists:
case class Q(p: boolean)(val cont: Out[R])
val q: Q = Q(true)(new Out[Int] { })
Will get translated to
val q: Q = Q.apply(true)(new Out[Int] { })
On top of that, Scala has a way to transform methods, which are a non value type, into a function type which has the type of FunctionX, X being the arity of the function. In order to transform a method into a function value, we use a trick called eta expansion where we call a method with an underscore.
def foo(i: Int): Int = i
val f: Int => Int = foo _
This will transform the method foo into a function value of type Function1[Int, Int].
Now that we posses this knowledge, let's go back to your example:
val rin = c !! Q(true) _
If we just isolate Q here, this call gets translated into:
val rin = Q.apply(true) _
Since the apply method is curried with multiple argument lists, we'll get back a function that given a Out[Q], will create a Q:
val rin: Out[R] => Q = Q.apply(true) _
I cannot grasp why and how the case class Q is transformed to a function (h) of type Out[B] => A.
It isn't. In fact, the case class Q has absolutely nothing to do with this! This is all about the object Q, which is the companion module to the case class Q.
Every case class has an automatically generated companion module, which contains (among others) an apply method whose signature matches the primary constructor of the companion class, and which constructs an instance of the companion class.
I.e. when you write
case class Foo(bar: Baz)(quux: Corge)
You not only get the automatically defined case class convenience methods such as accessors for all the elements, toString, hashCode, copy, and equals, but you also get an automatically defined companion module that serves both as an extractor for pattern matching and as a factory for object construction:
object Foo {
def apply(bar: Baz)(quux: Corge) = new Foo(bar)(quux)
def unapply(that: Foo): Option[Baz] = ???
In Scala, apply is a method that allows you to create "function-like" objects: if foo is an object (and not a method), then foo(bar, baz) is translated to foo.apply(bar, baz).
The last piece of the puzzle is η-expansion, which lifts a method (which is not an object) into a function (which is an object and can thus be passed as an argument, stored in a variable, etc.) There are two forms of η-expansion: explicit η-expansion using the _ operator:
val printFunction = println _
And implicit η-expansion: in cases where Scala knows 100% that you mean a function but you give it the name of a method, Scala will perform η-expansion for you:
Seq(1, 2, 3) foreach println
And you already know about currying.
So, if we put it all together:
First, we know that Q here cannot possibly be the class Q. How do we know that? Because Q here is used as a value, but classes are types, and like most programming languages, Scala has a strict separation between types and values. Therefore, Q must be a value. In particular, since we know class Q is a case class, object Q is the companion module for class Q.
Secondly, we know that for a value Q
is syntactic sugar for
Thirdly, we know that for case classes, the companion module has an automatically generated apply method that matches the primary constructor, so we know that Q.apply has two parameter lists.
So, lastly, we have
Q.apply(true) _
which passes the first argument list to Q.apply and then lifts Q.apply into a function which accepts the second argument list.
Note that case classes with multiple parameter lists are unusual, since only the parameters in the first parameter list are considered elements of the case class, and only elements benefit from the "case class magic", i.e. only elements get accessors implemented automatically, only elements are used in the signature of the copy method, only elements are used in the automatically generated equals, hashCode, and toString() methods, and so on.

Error in lifting method to function

I have a method that with the implicit parameter. i get a error when i convert it to function in 2 case :
def action(implicit i:Int) = i + " in action"
val f = action _
then i get a StackOverflowError.
def action(implicit i:Int) = i + " in action"
val f = action(_)
then i get a error: missing parameter type
I must write like this :
val f = (i:Int) => action(i)
that's ok. And if the parameter of 'action' is not the implicit , all case are right. So how to explain , and what i miss ?
If you specify a parameter to a function to be implicit, you are inviting the compiler to supply the value of that parameter for you. So how does the compiler find those values? It looks for values of the same type (Int in your case) that have been declared as implicit values in a variety of scopes.
(For simplicity, I'll just use a local scope in this example, but you might want to read up on this topic. Programming in Scala, 3rd Ed is a good first step.)
Note that the names of the implicit values are ignored and have no bearing on proceedings, the compiler only looks at the types of implicit values. If multiple implicit values with the required type are found in the same scope, then the compiler will complain about ambiguous implicit values.
For example, the following provides a function with an implicit parameter and a default value for that parameter within the current scope:
def greetPerson(name: String)(implicit greeting: String) = s"$greeting $name!"
implicit val defaultGreeting = "Hello" // Implicit value to be used for greeting argument.
val y = greetPerson("Bob") // Equivalent to greetPerson("Bob")(defaultGreeting).
val z = greetPerson("Fred")("Hi")
Note that y is just a String value of "Hello Bob!", and z is a string with the value "Hi Fred!"; neither of them are functions.
Also note that greetPerson is a curried function. This is because implicit parameters cannot be mixed with regular, non-implicit parameters in the same parameter list.
In general, it's bad practice to use common types (Int, Boolean, String, etc.) as values for implicit parameters. In a big program, there might be a lot of different implicit values in your scope, and you might pick up an unexpected value. For that reason, it's standard practice to wrap such values in a case class instead.
If you're trying to create a value that supplies some of the arguments of another function (that is, a partially applied function), then that would look something like this:
def greetPerson(greeting: String, name: String) = s"$greeting $name!"
val sayHello = greetPerson("Hello", _: String)
val y = sayHello("Bob") // "Hello Bob!"
val sayHi = greetPerson("Hi", _: String)
val z = sayHi("Fred") // "Hi Fred!"
In both cases, we're creating partially applied functions (sayHi and sayHello) that call greetPerson with the greeting parameter specified, but which allow us to specify the name parameter. Both sayHello and sayHi are still only values, but their values are partially applied functions rather than constants.
Depending upon your circumstances, I think the latter case may suit you better...
I would also read up on how the underscore character (_) is used in Scala. In a partially applied function declaration, it corresponds to the arguments that will be provided later. But it has a lot of other uses too. I think there's no alternative to reading up on Scala and learning how and when to use them.

Missing scodec.Codec[Command] implicit because of class with non-value fields

I'm trying to use discriminators in existing project and something is wrong with my classes I guess.
Consider this scodec example. If I change TurnLeft and its codec to
sealed class TurnLeft(degrees: Int) extends Command {
def getDegrees: Int = degrees
implicit val leftCodec: Codec[TurnLeft] = uint8or16.xmap[TurnLeft](v => new TurnLeft(v), _.getDegrees)
I get
Error:(x, x) could not find Lazy implicit value of type scodec.Codec[Command]
val codec: Codec[Either[UnrecognizedCommand, Command]] = discriminatorFallback(unrecognizedCodec, Codec[Command])
It all works if I make degrees field value field. I suspect it's something tricky with shapeless. What should I do to make it work ?
Sample project that demonstrates the issue is here.
shapeless's Generic is defined for "case-class-like" types. To a first approximation, a case-class-like type is one whose values can be deconstructed to it's constructor parameters which can then be used to reconstruct an equal value, ie.
case class Foo ...
val foo = Foo(...)
val fooGen = Generic[Foo]
assert(fooGen.from( == foo)
Case classes with a single constructor parameter list meet this criterion, whereas classes which don't have public (lazy) vals for their constructor parameters, or a companion with a matching apply/unapply, do not.
The implementation of Generic is fairly permissive, and will treat (lazy) val members which correspond to constructor parameters (by type and order) as being equivalent to accessible constructor arguments, so the closest to your example that we can get would be something like this,
sealed class TurnLeft(degrees: Int) extends Command {
val getDegrees: Int = degrees
scala> Generic[TurnLeft]
res0: shapeless.Generic[TurnLeft]{type Repr = Int :: HNil } = ...
In this case getDegrees is treated as the accessor for the single Int constructor parameter.

Strange implicit def with function parameter behaviour in Scala

I've written a simple code in Scala with implicit conversion of Function1 to some case class.
object MyApp extends App{
case class FunctionContainer(val function:AnyRef)
implicit def cast(function1: Int => String):FunctionContainer = new FunctionContainer(function1)
def someFunction(i:Int):String = "someString"
def abc(f : FunctionContainer):String = "abc"
But it doesn't work. Compiler doesn't want to pass someFunction as an argument to abc. I can guess its reasons but don't know exactly why it doesn't work.
When you use a method name as you have, the compiler has to pick how to convert the method type to a value. If the expected type is a function, then it eta-expands; otherwise it supplies empty parens to invoke the method. That is described here in the spec.
But it wasn't always that way. Ten years ago, you would have got your function value just by using the method name.
The new online spec omits the "Change Log" appendix, so for the record, here is the moment when someone got frustrated with parens and introduced the current rules. (See Scala Reference 2.9, page 181.)
This has not eliminated all irksome anomalies.
The rules for implicit conversions of methods to functions (§6.26) have been tightened. Previously, a parameterized method used as a value was always implicitly converted to a function. This could lead to unexpected results when method arguments were forgotten. Consider for instance the statement below:
where show is defined as follows:
def show(x: String) = Console.println(x)
Most likely, the programmer forgot to supply an empty argument list () to toString. The previous Scala version would treat this code as a partially applied method, and expand it to:
show(() => x.toString())
As a result, the address of a closure would be printed instead of the value of s. Scala version 2.0 will apply a conversion from partially applied method to function value only if the expected type of the expression is indeed a function type. For instance, the conversion would not be applied in the code above because the expected type of show’s parameter is String, not a function type. The new convention disallows some previously legal code. Example:
def sum(f: int => double)(a: int, b: int): double =
if (a > b) 0 else f(a) + sum(f)(a + 1, b)
val sumInts = sum(x => x) // error: missing arguments
The partial application of sum in the last line of the code above will not be converted to a function type. Instead, the compiler will produce an error message which states that arguments for method sum are missing. The problem can be fixed by providing an expected type for the partial application, for instance by annotating the definition of sumInts with its type:
val sumInts: (int, int) => double = sum(x => x) // OK
On the other hand, Scala version 2.0 now automatically applies methods with empty parameter lists to () argument lists when necessary. For instance, the show expression above will now be expanded to
Your someFunction appears as a method here.
You could try either
object MyApp extends App{
case class FunctionContainer(val function:AnyRef)
implicit def cast(function1: Int => String):FunctionContainer = new FunctionContainer(function1)
val someFunction = (i:Int) => "someString"
def abc(f : FunctionContainer):String = "abc"
object MyApp extends App{
case class FunctionContainer(val function:AnyRef)
implicit def cast(function1: Int => String):FunctionContainer = new FunctionContainer(function1)
def someFunction(i:Int): String = "someString"
def abc(f : FunctionContainer):String = "abc"
println(abc(someFunction(_: Int)))
By the way: implicitly casting such common functions to something else can quickly lead to problems. Are you absolutely sure that you need this? Wouldn't it be easier to overload abc?
You should use eta-expansion
println(abc(someFunction _))

Does Scala provide a way to make an anonymous val?

Can you make an anonymous val?
I'm thinking to do something like this:
case class NumIterations[A](num: Int)
case class Seed[A](seed: A)
case class Manipulate[A](f: A => A)
. . .
def funcWithGobsOfImplicitArgs[A](
implicit numIterations: NumIterations[A],
seed: Seed[A],
manipulate: Manipulate[A],
. . .
): A = . . .
def apply(): String = {
implicit val NumIterations[String](10) // This is where I want anonymous vals
implicit val Seed("xyz")
. . .
Okay, making all of the function's arguments implicit is probably going overboard, but I do have a real application where it's handy to stick some function parameters in scope and then re-use and override them. This makes experimenting with the function very convenient. I can play with one parameter at a time explicitly and let all the others be supplied implicitly.
In this situation, it would be nice not to name the val, since the name takes up space in your head, and the full meaning of the val is provided by its type alone. When I only had one of these vals, I named it _, thinking that Scala would treat it as a val that never gets referred to explicitly. But when I named two vals _, Scala complained.
No, you need to name your val. Generally I think your idea makes the code really hard to maintain and understand. If in a context, I have two functions both have an integer implicit parameter which the conceptual meaning of these two parameter are completely different, I will define two different value classes and change my function argument type to these value classes, so now I will define two different vals of type these value classes in the context.
class Arg1(arg: Int) extends AnyVal
class Arg2(arg: Int) extends AnyVal
def f1(implicit arg: Arg1)
def f2(implicit arg: Arg2)
implicit val arg1 = new Arg1(1)
implicit val arg2 = new Arg2(2)
f1 // will pick arg1
f2 // will pick arg2
But if the conceptual meaning of the arguments are the same (like ExecutionContext for example), then I name it executionContext and define it as an implicit in the context, so all the function requiring that argument will use that.
Scala 3 (Dotty) provides Anonymous Givens for example
given NumIterations[String](10)
given Seed[String]("xyz")
given Manipulate[String](identity)