How to check if a variable is set to what in elisp/emacs? - emacs

Let's say I have the following line in .emacs file.
(setq-default default-directory "~/Desktop/mag")
How can I check the value for `default-directory' in elisp?
I asked this question as I need to check the value of default-directory based on this question.
The elisp code should change the default directory when I click C-x C-f, but I still get ~/, not ~/Desktop/mag. So, I need to check what value the default-directory has.

If you're at the console you can type C-h v, which will prompt you for a variable name. Type in default-directory (or any other name) and you'll get a buffer with some info about that variable, including its value.
The elisp function you're running is describe-variable:
(describe-variable VARIABLE)
I figured this out by C-h k C-h v. C-h k shows you what function the next key or key sequence would call.

If you just want to check the value, you can run the following from the *scratch* buffer:
(print default-directory) <ctrl-j>
The *scratch* buffer allows you to evaluate lisp on the fly. You must hit ctrl-j after to evaluate.

As previously stated, C-h v is the easiest way to find out a variables value. To make it even better, place your cursor on the variable you want to know about, and then run C-h v, and it will default to the word under the cursor. Really handy.

(print default-directory)
write the above code in one line inside of emacs, got to the end of the line and hit C-x C-e

If you just want to see the variable value in the echo
area (less of a mess), try:
(defun describe-variable-short (var)
(interactive "vVariable: ")
(message (format "%s: %s" (symbol-name var) (symbol-value var))) )
(global-set-key "\C-hV" 'describe-variable-short)


How to set a keybinding to create and jump to the next line in emacs?

I have the following code that attempts to create a new line and then jump to it. The idea is that move-end-of-line will jump to the end of the current line, and ["C-m"] would act as return/enter. Yet executing this command gives the error: "wrong number of arguments". How do I fix this?
(global-set-key (kbd "C-.") 'new-line)
(defun new-line ()
I think you need to read the Emacs & elisp manuals: these questions are pretty easy to answer. Here's one way to do it.
(defun insert-line-after-line (&optional n)
(interactive "p")
(end-of-line 1) ;end of current line
(open-line n) ;open n new lines
(forward-line 1)) ;go to start of first of them
But seriously: Emacs has very extensive self-documentation, it is easy to find out how to do these things.
An option is to record a macro and use that.
M-x kmacro-start-macro
M-x kmacro-end-macro
If you don't care about the macro persisting, just run it:
C-x e
But if you want it to persist you would save it:
M-x name-last-kbd-macro new-line
M-x insert-kbd-macro new-line
and paste the output into your initialisation file (with your shortcut definition):
(global-set-key (kbd "C-.") 'new-line)
(fset 'new-line
[end return])
["C-m"] is like the way you specify a key for doing a key binding, but this is not the same as how you programmatically tell Emacs to insert a character into a document. You could use (insert-char ?\^M) (see ref here), but that would result in a literal ^M character (try it; another way to do the same thing interactively is Ctrl-Q followed by Ctrl-M). (insert "\n") seems to be what you're looking for.
Also, the reason you're getting the message "wrong number of arguments" is because (move-end-of-line) requires an argument when called out of interactive context. (move-end-of-line 1) works.
That said, possibly an easier way to achieve the result you're looking for is with the following setting:
(setq next-line-add-newlines t)
This will allow you to just do C-n at the end of the file and not worry about the distinction between moving and inserting.

A quick way to repeatedly enter a variable name in Emacs?

I was just typing in this sort of code for Nth time:
menu.add_item(spamspamspam, "spamspamspam");
And I'm wondering if there's a faster way to do it.
I'd like a behavior similar to yasnippet's mirrors, except
I don't want to create a snippet: the argument order varies from
project to project and from language to language.
The only thing that's constant is the variable name that needs to be
repeated several times on the same line.
I'd like to type in
and with the point between the quotes, call the shortcut and start typing,
and finally exit with C-e.
This seems advantageous to me, since there's zero extra cursor movement.
I have an idea of how to do this, but I'm wondering if it's already done,
or if something better/faster can be done.
UPD The yasnippet way after all.
Thanks to thisirs for the answer. This is indeed the yasnippet code I had initially in mind:
(defun yas-one-line ()
(insert "$")
(let ((snippet
"\\$" "$1"
(yas/expand-snippet snippet)))
But I'm still hoping to see something better/faster.
yasnippet can actually be used to create a snippet on-the-fly:
(defun yas-one-line ()
(let ((snippet (delete-and-extract-region
(yas-expand-snippet snippet)))
Now just type:
and call yas-one-line. The above snippet is expanded by yasnippet!
You could try
(defvar sm-push-id-last nil)
(defun sm-push-id ()
(if (not sm-push-id-last)
(setq sm-push-id-last (point))
(text-clone-create sm-push-id-last sm-push-id-last
t "\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)*")
(setq sm-push-id-last nil)))
after which you can do M-x sm-push-id RET , SPC M-x sm-push-id RET toto and that will insert toto, toto. Obviously, this would make more sense if you bind sm-push-id to a convenient key-combo. Also this only works to insert a duplicate pair of identifiers. If you need to insert something else, you'll have to adjust the regexp. Using too lax a regexp means that the clones will tend to overgrow their intended use, so they may become annoying (e.g. you type foo") and not only foo but also ") gets mirrored on the previous copy).
Record a macro. Hit F3 (or possibly C-x (, it depends) to begin recording. Type whatever you want and run whatever commands you need, then hit F4 (or C-x )) to finish. Then hit F4 again the next time you want to run the macro. See chapter 17 of the Emacs manual for more information (C-h i opens the info browser, the Emacs manual is right at the top of the list).
So, for example, you could type the beginning of the line:
Then, with point at the end of that line, record this macro:
F3 C-SPC C-left M-w C-e , SPC " C-y " ) ; RET F4
This copies the last word on the line and pastes it back in, but inside of the quotes.

How to find the location, where an an Emacs Lisp function is bound to a key?

I'm trying to figure out where M-m is bound to back-to-indentation function. When I issue C-h k M-m (describe-key), I get the following output
M-m runs the command back-to-indentation, which is an interactive
compiled Lisp function in `simple.el'.
It is bound to M-m.
Move point to the first non-whitespace character on this line.
When I look at simple.el, I'm seeing only the definition of function back-to-indentation. I searched throughout the file and I didn't see any keybinding done for that function using define-key. I'm assuming that it happens elsewhere.
How can I identify the location where the function is bound to M-m key?
Emacs version: GNU Emacs 24.2.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.2.0, NS apple-appkit-1187.34)
I don't know if that's possible in general, but my guess would be that Emacs doesn't remember where the code was that defined a given key.
C-hb will show the current bindings, from which you can establish which keymap you're interested in, and work from there. For most major or minor mode maps, it won't be too difficult to find the code.
Your specific example is a global binding which Emacs configures in bindings.el.
Adding this at the beginning of my .emacs did the trick for me:
(let ((old-func (symbol-function 'define-key))
(bindings-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Bindings*")))
(defun define-key (keymap key def)
(with-current-buffer bindings-buffer
(insert (format "%s -> %s\n" key def))
(mapbacktrace (lambda (evald func args flags)
(insert (format "* %s\n" (cons func args))))))
(funcall old-func keymap key def)))
The idea is that I redefine the define-key function (which is used to bind key within keymap to def) to first log its arguments to a buffer *Bindings*, together with the stacktrace of where it's being called from. After that it calls the old version of the function.
This creates a closure to store the old value of define-key, so it depends of lexical-bindings being t. In retrospect, I think it would have been possible to use function advising instead; but using a closure felt simpler.
Since I had this at the beginning of my .emacs, this recorded all calls to define-key during initialization. So I just had to switch to that buffer once initialization finished, find the call where the particular key was bound, and then inspect the backtrace to find the site from which that happened.

How to find which file provide(d) the feature in emacs elisp

Currently i am using the load-history variable to find the file from which a feature came from.
suppose to find the file the feature gnus came from.
I execute the following code in scratch buffer which prints filename and the symbols in separate lines consecutively.
(dolist (var load-history)
(princ (format "%s\n" (car var)))
(princ (format "\t%s\n" (cdr var))))
and then search for "(provide . gnus)" and then move the point to the start of line(Ctrl+A).
The file name in the previous line is the file from which the feature came from.
Is there any thing wrong with this method, or does a better method exist.
I don't really know what you're trying to do with this, but here are some notes.
Your method is fine. Any way to hack your own solution to a problem is good in my book.
#Tom is correct that you shouldn't really need to do this, because the problem is already solved for you by the help system. i.e. C-h f
But that's not so interesting. Let's say you really want an automatic, more elegant solution. You want a function -- locate-feature with this signature:
(defun locate-feature (feature)
"Return file-name as string where `feature' was provided"
Method 1 load-history approach
I'll just describe the steps I took to solve this:
You've already got the most important part -- find the variable with the information you need.
I notice immediately that this variable has a lot of data. If I insert it into a buffer as a single line, Emacs will not be happy, because it's notoriously bad at handling long lines. I know that the prett-print package will be able to format this data nicely. So I open up my *scratch* buffer and run
M-: (insert (pp-to-string load-history))
I can now see the data structure I'm dealing with. It seems to be (in pseudo code):
((defun|t|provide . symbol)|symbol)*)
Now I just write the function
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(defun locate-feature (feature)
"Return file name as string where `feature' was provided"
(interactive "Sfeature: ")
(dolist (file-info load-history)
(mapc (lambda (element)
(when (and (consp element)
(eq (car element) 'provide)
(eq (cdr element) feature))
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(message "%s defined in %s" feature (car file-info)))
(return (car file-info))))
(cdr file-info))))
The code here is pretty straight forward. Ask Emacs about the functions you don't understand.
Method 2 help approach
Method one works for features. But what if by I want to know where any
available function is defined? Not just features.
C-h f already tells me that, but I want the file-name in a string, not all of the verbose help text. I want this:
(defun locate-function (func)
"Return file-name as string where `func' was defined or will be autoloaded"
Here we go.
C-h f is my starting point, but I really want to read the code that defines describe-function. I do this:
C-h k C-h f C-x o tab enter
Now I'm in help-fns.el at the definition of describe-function. I want to work only with this function definition. So narrowing is in order:
C-x n d
I have a hunch that the interesting command will have "find" or "locate" in its name, so I use occur to search for interesting lines:
M-s o find\|locate
No matches. Hmmm. Not a lot of lines in this defun. describe-function-1 seems to be doing the real work, so we try that.
I can visit the definition of describe-function-1 via C-h f. But I already have the file open. imenu is available now:
C-x n w M-x imenu desc*1 tab enter
Narrow and search again:
C-x n d M-s o up enter
I see find-lisp-object-file-name which looks promising.
After reading C-h f find-lisp-object-file-name I come up with:
(defun locate-function (func)
"Return file-name as string where `func' was defined or will be autoloaded"
(interactive "Ccommand: ")
(let ((res (find-lisp-object-file-name func (symbol-function func))))
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(message "%s defined in %s" func res))
Now go have some fun exploring Emacs.
There is locate-library for that.
M-: (locate-library "my-feature")
eg: (locate-library "gnus")
Just use symbol-file. It scan load-history which has format:
Each entry has the form `(provide . FEATURE)',
`(require . FEATURE)', `(defun . FUNCTION)', `(autoload . SYMBOL)',
`(defface . SYMBOL)', or `(t . SYMBOL)'. Entries like `(t . SYMBOL)'
may precede a `(defun . FUNCTION)' entry, and means that SYMBOL was an
autoload before this file redefined it as a function. In addition,
entries may also be single symbols, which means that SYMBOL was
defined by `defvar' or `defconst'.
So call it as:
(symbol-file 'scheme 'provide) ; Who provide feature.
(symbol-file 'nxml-mode-hook 'defvar) ; Where variable defined.
(symbol-file 'message-send 'defun) ; Where function defined.
(symbol-file 'scheme) ; Look for symbol despite its type.
There is nothing wrong with it, but why is it simpler than getting help on a key or a function? If you use a gnus command for example and you want to know where it comes from then you can use C-h k and it tells you from which elisp file its definition comes.

Usage of current-buffer in emacs?

I'm using emacs and I have written a script which uses "current-buffer". However the emacs system doesn't recognise "current-buffer". When I try "M - x current-buffer" i get the response:
no match
: Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
current-buffer is not an interactive function. That is, can't be invoked interactively via M-x as you've tried to do. You can execute non-interactive lisp-code directly by using eval-expression as follows:
M-: (current-buffer) RET
Notice that you have to enter a proper lisp expression. If you want to capture the value in a variable, something like this
M-: (setq xyzzy (current-buffer)) RET
will store the current buffer into the variable xyzzy.
Do I interpret you correct that you have created a function named current-buffer that you want to be available with M-x current-buffer?
To enable functions to be called by M-x function-name the function needs to be marked as interactive.
A sample from the emacs manual:
(defun multiply-by-seven (number) ; Interactive version.
"Multiply NUMBER by seven."
(interactive "p")
(message "The result is %d" (* 7 number)))
The (interactive "p") part makes the function callable from the minibuffer (through M-x).
I sounds like you would (also) like to know how to get the name of the current buffer interactively. Use M-: (buffer-name).