Compile error in scala, why: val num =123;println(num.getClass()) - scala

I'm new to scala. I tried this code:
val name = "mike"
It's OK and printed java.lang.String
But, when I try:
val num = 123
There is such a compiler error:
type mismatch; found : Int required: ?{val getClass: ?} Note: primitive types are not implicitly
converted to AnyRef. You can safely force boxing by casting x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].
I remember scala said "Everything is object in scala", why can't I invoke num.getClass()? And how to fix it?

Yep, everything is an object, but not necessary an instance of a java class/something with a getClass() method :)
Java primitive values (and Unit) are AnyVals in scala (instances of so called value classes), and - whenever it's possible - they are compiled to Java primitives at the end. When it's not possible boxing is done (similar to auto boxing in Java). But - as the error reports - boxing did not happen ("implicitly") in your case. Value classes don't have a getClass() method -> compilation error.
Java classes are AnyRefs (an instance of a reference class = a class instance in Java). getClass will work fine on them: AnyRef is practically the same as java.lang.Object -> it also has a getClass() method that you can call.
As the error recommends you can force the boxing, then getClass() will work on it:
will print
class java.lang.Integer
If you want to avoid boxing (e.g. you want to differentiate between primitive and boxed values) have a look at HowTo get the class of _ :Any

The getClass method is only available for reference classes (i.e. scala.AnyRef). 123 is member of a value class (i.e. scala.Any) and thus does not have a getClass method.
See for the Scala object hierarchy. And for AnyRef.

Everything is object doesn't mean every object has a method getClass.
As the compiler says, 123.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass would work.


How are primitives types objects in Scala?

How are primitive types in Scala objects if we do not use the word "new" to instantiate the instances of those primitives? Programming in Scala by Martin Odersky described the reasoning as some enforcing by a "trick" that makes these value classes to be defined abstract and final, which did not quite make sense to me because how are we able to make an instance of these classes if its abstract? If that same primitive literal is to be stored somewhere let's say into a variable will that make the variable an object?
I assume that you use scala 2.13 with implementation of literal types. For this explanation you can think of type and class as synonyms, but in reality they are different concepts.
To put it all together it worth to treat each primitive type as a set of subtypes each of which representing type of one single literal value.
So literal 1 is a value and type at the same time (instance 1 of type 1), and it is subtype of value class Int.
Let's prove that 1 is subtype of Int by using 'implicitly':
implicitly[1 <:< Int] // compiles
The same but using val:
val one:1 = 1
implicitly[one.type <:< Int] // compiles
So one is kind of an instance (object) of type 1 (and instance of type Int at the same time because because Int is supertype of 1). You can use this value the same way as any other objects (pass it to function or assign to other vals etc).
val one:1 = 1
val oneMore: 1 = one
val oneMoreGeneric: Int = one
val oneNew:1 = 1
We can assume that all these vals contain the same instance of one single object because from practical perspective it doesn't actually matter if this is the same object or not.
Technically it's not an object at all, because primitives came form java (JVM) world where primitives are not objects. They are different kind of entities.
Scala language is trying to unify these two concepts into one (everything is classes), so developers don't have to think too much about differences.
But here are still some differences in a backstage. Each value class is a subtype of AnyVal, but the rest of the classes are subtype of AnyRef (regular class).
implicitly[1 <:< AnyVal] //compiles
implicitly[Int <:< AnyVal] // compiles
trait AnyTraint
implicitly[AnyTraint <:< AnyVal] // fails to compail
implicitly[AnyTraint <:< AnyRef] // compiles
And in addition, because of its non-class nature in the JVM, you can't extend value classes as regular class or use new to create an instance (because scala compiler emulates new by itself). That's why from perspective of extending value classes you should think about them as final and from perspective of creating instances manually you should think of them as abstract. But form most of the other perspectives it's like any other regular class.
So scala compiler can kind of extend Int by 1,2,3 .. types and create instances of them for vals, but developers can't do it manually.

Passing Scala objects as Java Object to Java methods

I have a Java method which takes in a java.lang.Object.
Now I'm trying to pass a Scala Int to it, but the compiler complains about type mismatch of Int and Object.
This feels quite strange as I suppose a Scala Int inherits from AnyRef and should be the same as java.lang.Object?
Scala Int is not extending AnyRef, though - it extends AnyVal, which is not cast-compatible with java.lang.Object, and is more like Java int. Scala also have Integer class, which is just an alias for java.lang.Integer - use that one if you need to pass it as an object.
There're two braches of Scala classes inherited from the Scala root class - Any:
AnyVal: All value based types, e.g. Int, Byte, Double... etc. This is the counterpart of Java raw value classes, i.e. int, float... etc.
AnyRef: All reference based types, e.g. String, List, including boxed Java types, such as java.lang.Integer... etc.
(See diagram in
The AnyRef is equivalent to java.lang.Object. Therefore, when calling Java methods taking Object, a AnyVal cannot be directly transferred before boxing. This can be done through explicit type declaration:
JavaClass.methodWithObject(10: java.lang.Integer)
More discussion refer to:
Result type of an implicit conversion must be more specific than AnyRef

Scala convert Map$ to Map

I have an exception:
java.lang.ClassCastException: scala.collection.immutable.Map$ cannot
be cast to scala.collection.immutable.Map
which i'm getting in this part of code:
val iterator = new CsvMapper()
while (iterator.hasNext) {
println([Map[String, String]])
So, are there any options to avoid this issue, because this:
val iterator = new CsvMapper()
doesn't help, because I get
[error] Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is expected.
[error] You can make this conversion explicit by writing `apply _` or `apply(_)` instead of `apply`.
Thanks in advance
As has been pointed out in the earlier comments, in general you need classOf[X[_,_]] rather than X.getClass or X[A, B].getClass for a class that takes two generic types. (instance.getClass retrieves the class of the associated instance; classOf[X] does the same for some type X when an instance isn't available. Since Map is an object and objects are also instances, it retrieves the class type of the object Map - the Map trait's companion.)
However, a second problem here is that scala.collection.immutable.Map is abstract (it's actually a trait), and so it cannot be instantiated as-is. (If you look at the type of Scala Map instances created via the companion's apply method, you'll see that they're actually instances of classes such as Map.EmptyMap or Map.Map1, etc.) As a consequence, that's why your modified code still produced an error.
However, the ultimate problem here is that you required - as you mentioned - a Java java.util.Map and not a Scala scala.collections.immutable.Map (which is what you'll get by default it you just type Map in a Scala program). Just one more thing to watch out for when converting Java code examples to Scala. ;-)

Scala: Passing Any to a method which takes java.lang.Object

I'm confused on how Scala's Any relates to java.lang.Object. I know that in scala, AnyRef corresponds to object, but it seems to make a difference whether the method (which takes java.lang.Object) is defined in a java class or a scala class):
the java class:
public class JavaClass {
public static void method(Object input) {
the scala application:
object ScalaObject extends App{
def method(input:java.lang.Object) = {}
val a:Any = null
method(a) // does not work
JavaClass.method(a) // does work
So if the method is in a java-Class, then the compiler allows me to pass a variable of type Any, why is that?
The compiler tries to "make up" for the difference between Scala's and Java's type systems. In Scala, Object =:= AnyRef (they're aliases) and AnyRef <: Any. Therefore, a Scala method that takes Object or AnyRef cannot take an Any or an AnyVal. If you wanted a method that worked on everything, well, then you would have written Any, right?
However, Java methods that take Object are normally meant to work on all values, whether they be actual Objects or primitives (int, long, etc.), and they work due to the boxing conversion of primitives into Objects. Primitives and Object do not have a common supertype like they do in Scala. The Java type system is not expressive enough to differentiate "I only want actual objects," from "I will take anything, be they object or primitive."
Therefore, the Scala compiler patches this up by turning Java methods of Object into methods of Any. This feature is simply to ease interop between the languages. It won't apply this transformation to Scala code though, because if you wanted that behavior then you would have actually written Any instead of Object.
The reason for that is that Any can be either AnyRef or AnyVal, while method can only accept objects which are AnyRef. If you modify the a type to be AnyRef, it is going to work:
def method(input: java.lang.Object) = {}
val a: AnyRef = new Object
In case of calling the static Java method, the Scala compiler will turn Any into Object, which also includes boxing of AnyVal values.

why scala value class#toString contains case class info?

value classes can be used to achieve type safety without the overhead of unboxing.
I had the impression that in runtime such types/classes would "not exist", being seen as simple types (for instance, a value class case class X(i: Int) extends AnyVal would be a simple Int on runtime).
But if you do call a .toString method on a value class instance it would print something like:
scala> val myValueClass = X(3)
myValueClass: X = 3
scala> myValueClass.toString
res5: String = X(3)
so I guess the compiler includes some information after all?
Not really. The compiler creates a static method (in Scala this corresponds to the class's companion object) which is called with your int value as a parameter in order to simulate calling a method on your value class-typed object.
Your value class itself only exists in the source code. In compiled bytecode an actual primitive int is used and static methods are called rather than new object instances with real method calls. You can read more about this mechanism here.
Value classes are designed so that adding or removing extends AnyVal (if legal) shouldn't change the results of calculations (except even non-case value classes have equals and hashCode defined automatically like case classes). This requires that in some circumstances they survive, e.g.
def toString(x: Any) = x.toString
but the situation in your question isn't one of them. explains more precisely how value classes are implemented and is useful to see in what cases they survive, though some details may have changed since.