Redeclaring/extending typedef defined in Objective-C protocol in class conforming to protocol - iphone

I have an Objective-C protocol:
typedef enum {
} ViewState;
#protocol ViewStateable
- (void)initViewState:(ViewState)viewState;
- (void)setViewState:(ViewState)viewState;
I'm using this protocol in the following class:
#import "ViewStateable.h"
typedef enum {
} ViewState;
#interface ViewController : UIViewController <ViewStateable> {
I won't go too far into the specifics of my application, but what I'm doing here is typedefing an enumeration in a protocol so that the protocol's methods can take an input value of that type.
I'm then hoping to redeclare or extend that typedef in the classes that conform to that protocol, so that each class can have their own view states. However, I'm running into the following two errors:
Redeclaration of enumerator 'ViewStateNone'
Conflicting types for 'ViewState'
I'm ashamed to admit that my knowledge of C (namely typedefs) is not extensive, so is what I'm trying to do here, firstly, possible and, secondly, sensible?
Cheers friends.

It is neither possible nor sensible. This comes from the fact that typedefs and enums are basically just defines. (Well, not really, but for this purpose, they are.) If you need to do things like this, you might want to review your design (see below).
More info
typedef type newtype;
is (almost) equivalent to
#define newtype type;
enum {
is basically the same as
#define ViewStateNone 1
There are a few finer points withe regards to differences between the two, and the most compelling argument for using enums and typedefs is of course compile time checking of integer constants.
However; once an typedef enum {} type; has been seen, it cannot be unseen, and once it has been seen, its name is reserved for it, and it alone.
There are ways around all of this; but those are paths rarely traveled, and generally for good reason. It quickly becomes incredibly unmanageable.
As a solution, you might want to create a new class, MyViewState, which represents a view state and associated information, which could easily just be a wrapper around an NSInteger.
In closing: Review your design. I fear you might be doing something overly convoluted.

It's certainly not possible in the form you have it, for reasons that the errors fairly succinctly explain. An enum constant can only be declared once in any scope, and similarly a typedef.
Moreover, there's a bit of a conceptual difficulty with defining a type in a protocol that implementors can then redefine. The implementors should be conforming to the type, not adding to it. If the class needs to be able to determine its own set of values, the protocol must use a type that is general enough to hold all those that might be wanted. In this case you could use int or, probably more sensibly, something readable like NSString. You might also add another method to the protocol that will report back the values supported by the implementing class.


In swift, why can't I instantiate a protocol when it has an initialiser?

I understand that generally I cannot instantiate a protocol.
But if I include an initialiser in the protocol then surely the compiler knows that when the protocol is used by a struct or class later, it will have an init which it can use?
My code is as below and line:
protocol Solution {
var answer: String { get }
protocol Problem {
var pose: String { get }
protocol SolvableProblem: Problem {
func solve() -> Solution?
protocol ProblemGenerator {
func next() -> SolvableProblem
protocol Puzzle {
var problem: Problem { get }
var solution: Solution { get }
init(problem: Problem, solution: Solution)
protocol PuzzleGenerator {
func next() -> Puzzle
protocol FindBySolvePuzzleGenerator: PuzzleGenerator {
var problemGenerator: ProblemGenerator { get }
extension FindBySolvePuzzleGenerator {
func next() -> Puzzle {
while true {
let problem =
if let solution = problem.solve() {
return Puzzle(problem: problem, solution: solution)
The line:
return Puzzle(problem: problem, solution: solution)
gives error: Protocol type 'Puzzle' cannot be instantiated
Imagine protocols are adjectives. Movable says you can move it, Red says it has color = "red"... but they don't say what it is. You need a noun. A Red, Movable Car. You can instantiate a Car, even when low on details. You cannot instantiate a Red.
But if I include an initialiser in the protocol then surely the compiler knows that when the protocol is used by a struct or class later, it will have an init which it can use?
Protocols must be adopted by classes, and there might be a dozen different classes that all adopt your Puzzle protocol. The compiler has no idea which of those classes to instantiate.
Protocols give us the power to compose interfaces without the complexity of multiple inheritance. In a multiple inheritance language like C++, you have to deal with the fact that a single class D might inherit from two other classes, B and C, and those two classes might happen to have methods or instance variables with the same name. If they both have a methodA(), and B::methodA() and C::methodA() are different, which one do you use when someone call's D's inherited methodA()? Worse, what if B and C are both derived from a common base class A? Protocols avoid a lot of that by not being directly instantiable, while still providing the interface polymorphism that makes multiple inheritance attractive.
I understand that I can't do it - I just want to understand why the
compiler can't do it?
Because protocols in Swift represent abstraction mechanism. When it comes to abstraction, you could think about it as a template, we don't have to care about the details of how it behaves or what's its properties; Thus it makes no sense to be able to create an object from it.
As a real world example, consider that I just said "Table" (as an abstracted level), I would be pretty sure that you would understand what I am talking about! nevertheless we are not mentioning details about it (such as its material or how many legs it has...); At some point if I said "create a table for me" (instantiate an object) you have the ask me about specs! and that's why the complier won't let you create object directly from a protocol. That's the point of making things to be abstracted.
Also, checking: Why can't an object of abstract class be created? might be helpful.
Unfortunately swift does not allow that even with such "hack"
You would need to use a class that confirms to that protocol as an object you refer to.
When you instantiate an object, the Operating System has to know how to allocate and deal with that kind of object in the memory: Is it a reference type (Classes)? Strong, weak or unowned reference? Or is it a value type (Structs, Strings, Int, etc)?
Reference types are stored in the Heap, while value types live in the Stack. Here is a thorough explanation of the difference between the two.
Only Reference and Value types (objects) can be instantiated. So, only the objects that conform to that protocol can then be instantiated, not the protocol itself. A protocol is not an object, it is a general description or schema of a certain behavior of objects.
As to Initialization, here what the Apple docs say:
Initialization is the process of preparing an instance of a class,
structure, or enumeration for use. This process involves setting an
initial value for each stored property on that instance and performing
any other setup or initialization that is required before the new
instance is ready for use.

Metatype of Metatype

In Swift we are able to write following construction:
class SomeClass {}
let metaMetatype: SomeClass.Type.Type = SomeClass.Type.self
Here metaMetatype does not conform to type AnyObject (SomeClass.Type does). Construction can be even longer, as long as we wish:
let uberMetatype: SomeClass.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type = SomeClass.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.self
Are this constructions have any sense? If SomeClass.Type.Type not an object, what is this, and why we able to declare it?
If SomeClass.Type.Type not an object, what is this and why we able to declare it?
I will try to dissect what you're asking.
SomeClass.Type.Type is a Metatype of a Metatype. Metatypes exist in Swift because Swift has types that are not classes. This is most similar to the Metaclass concept in Objective-C.
Lexicon.rst in the Swift Open Source Repo has a pretty good explanation:
The type of a value representing a type. Greg Parker has a good
explanation of Objective-C's "metaclasses" because Swift has types
that are not classes, a more general term is used.
We also sometimes refer to a value representing a type as a "metatype
object" or just "metatype", usually within low-level contexts like IRGen
and LLDB. This is technically incorrect (it's just a "type object"), but
the malapropism happened early in the project and has stuck around.
Why are we able to declare a type of a type of a type... and so on? Because it's a feature of the language called type metadata:
type metadata
The runtime representation of a type, and everything you can do with it.
Like a Class in Objective-C, but for any type.
Note that you can't do something like NSObject().class in Swift because class is a reserved keyword for the creation of a class. This is how you would get the type (or class in this case) of an NSObject in Swift:
let nsObj = NSObject()
nsObj.classForCoder // NSObject.Type
nsObj.classForKeyedArchiver // NSObject.Type
nsObj.dynamicType // NSObject.Type
Note that nsObj and nsObj.self are identical and represent the instance of that NSObject.
I don't see where in the Swift module or open source repo where types allow for .Type, but I'm still looking. It might have to do with the inheritance from SwiftObject, the Objective-C object all Swift classes inherit from (at least on Mac).
Type of a class is also represented in memory (it has for example their own methods). It's represented by singleton representing the Type. (It's not an instance of this type - that's something different). If you call self on a Type like this SomeClass.self you will take singleton instance representing the SomeClass Type.
For more info check this answer

What does id<Litigating> mean?

I know "id" type, but what does id<Litigating> mean ?
#protocol Litigating
-(int) sue:( id<Litigating> ) someone;
Think of Objective-C protocols as Java, C#, etc. Interfaces on speed.
This is a variable of any class, conforming to the protocol Litigation (this is as far as traditional OOP goes without jumping hoops):
id<Litigation> someone;
This is a variable of the class Company (and subclasses), that also conforms to Litigation:
Company<Litigation>* someone;
This is a variable of class Company, that also conforms to both Litigation and NSCopying**:
Company<Litigation, NSCopying>* someone;
implies that this object implements SomeProtocol. It must be implementing all the required methods belonging to SomeProtocol.
It means that the parameter is not only of type id but also conforms to the Litigating (formal) protocol, cf. The Objective-C Programming Language.

How to avoid superclass methods getting overridden by sub class in objective - c

Like in java:
A final class cannot be subclassed. This is done for reasons of security and efficiency. Accordingly, many of the Java standard library classes are final, for example java.lang.System and java.lang.String. All methods in a final class are implicitly final.
How can I achieve this behavior in objective-c?
You can't. Efficiency doesn't come into it. If you are that bothered about security don't use objective-c. There will always be a way to get around any measures you take.
As has been said a number of times, you can't.
However, if you are making a library (which is the only case in which I could see this being relevant, anyway) there are a few steps you can take. Well, one, really.
Write, in the documentation of the class, that "This class is not intended for subclassing." (ref. NSIndexSet) or "Do not override this method." (ref. +[NSApplication sharedApplication].
As a way of explanation, it is worth noting that (pretty much) everything that happens in Obj-C, and that separates it from C, happens at runtime, and the runtime is, so to speak "Right There". Any piece of code can inspect, mutate or pervert the runtime at their leisure, making Obj-C a terribly powerful language; especially with regards to its "meta-language" structure.
There is no final equivalent in objective-c. There are same patterns that might be good alternative, they'll give you better separation, but neither performance nor security:
If you only want to allow certain methods to be overwritten using delegate pattern might be a better choice.
If you do not want subclassing at all, then you can use the abstract factory pattern. Declare a public interface + factory methods, and hide the concrete implementation classes.
It seems that around 2019 objc_direct attributes are available, which can be used for final methods, and remove runtime limitations
You can read more about these attributes at NSHipster, or in the original Twitter thread
#interface Base: NSObject
- (void)cannotBeOverridden __attribute__((objc_direct)); // final
#implementation Base
- (void)cannotBeOverridden { }
#interface Child: Base #end
#implementation Child
- (void)cannotBeOverridden { } // Error here

Is it good style to declare methods in .h when they're intended to be overwritten by subclass?

I have a class which is intended to be abstract. This means: When someone subclasses it, a few methods MUST be overwritten.
But on the other hand, those methods are not intended to be called manually from anywhere except inside the abstract class (the superclass of the subclass).
Must I declare these methods in .h anyways or can I just add comments in .h which say "you must overwrite -foo and -bar"? Or is there a better pattern to make abstract methods?
Related: Is there a way to create an abstract class in Objective C?
Objective-C doesn't actually have a way to declare a class as abstract. From Apple's Docs:
Abstract Classes
Some classes are designed only or
primarily so that other classes can
inherit from them. These abstract
classes group methods and instance
variables that can be used by a number
of different subclasses into a common
definition. The abstract class is
typically incomplete by itself, but
contains useful code that reduces the
implementation burden of its
subclasses. (Because abstract classes
must have subclasses to be useful,
they’re sometimes also called abstract
Unlike some other languages,
Objective-C does not have syntax to
mark classes as abstract, nor does it
prevent you from creating an instance
of an abstract class.
The NSObject class is the canonical
example of an abstract class in Cocoa.
You never use instances of the
NSObject class in an application—it
wouldn’t be good for anything; it
would be a generic object with the
ability to do nothing in particular.
The NSView class, on the other hand,
provides an example of an abstract
class instances of which you might
occasionally use directly.
Abstract classes often contain code
that helps define the structure of an
application. When you create
subclasses of these classes, instances
of your new classes fit effortlessly
into the application structure and
work automatically with other objects.
So to answer your question, yes, you need to place the method signature in the header, and should implement the method in the base class such that it generates an error if called, like the related question's answer states.
You can also use a protocol to force classes to implement certain methods.
However you choose to implement the base class, clearly document in the header, as well as in your documentation, exactly what the class assumes and how to go about sub-classing it correctly.
Whenever possible write your code so that improper implementations fail to compile. If you cannot do that then you should try to generate a runtime error (at the very least in a debug build) if the subclass is not written correctly. Do not rely on comments because people will not read them.
You must declare your "protected" and "abstract" methods in a header file, but you can use separate categories to clearly indicate their purpose and intended use.
#interface MyBaseClass : NSObject {
- (void)foo;
#interface MyBaseClass(ProtectedMethods)
- (void)bar;
#interface MyBaseClass(AbstractMethods) // Subclasses must implement
- (void)internalBar;
You can put everything in a single header, or you could put your protected and abstract declarations in a separate "protected" header, say MyClassProtected.h, meant to be included only by your subclass implementations. It depends on how badly you want "hide" your protected methods.
Your base class can log, assert, or throw when an abstract/pure-virtual method is called.
As other people have said, Objective-C does not support pure virtual classes.
You can enforce pure virtual behaviour at runtime though. The cleanest way to do this is by using the Objective-C runtime's _cmd and NSObject's -doesNotRecognizeSelector:
- (void)iMustBeImplementedInaSubclass;
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; // Pure virtual
As ben says you are probably better served by using a protocol to get your API design right.