ModalView rotation with a thick border (like iBooks app) - iphone

controller.modalTransitionStyle = UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft;
[self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
Is there any way to make it flipping with a thick border/side? (like iBooks app, when you're switching between books view and the books store)

The code or API Apple used for this transition is not publicly available, so you would need to implement your own custom OpenGL transition. Lucky for you, someone else had the same idea and implemented a helper class that includes a thick-border flip transition: EPGLTransitionView. If this is not to your liking, check out this SO thread on custom view transitions.

EPGLTransitionView uses OpenGL. Try this project instead, fully done in CoreAnimation:


Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <GKModalRootViewController: 0xb7e450>

I give up on that point, I just can't figure out what is wrong and where...
Here is the problem: in my iPhone application using Cocos2d, I configured autorotation through a viewController; however, since, when Game center opens its view as the user taps on "Create new account" during the authentication, this view does not receive any touch, but the touch go to the game's view (which is hidden under the Game center view).
I have tried everything I thought about, but since I did not find any callback about this Game Center View, it is hard to find a way to correct this...
Here is the initialization of the game's view:
// Init the UI View Controller
viewController = [[SQViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
viewController.wantsFullScreenLayout = YES;
EAGLView *view = [EAGLView viewWithFrame:[window bounds] pixelFormat:kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8 depthFormat:GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_OES];
[director setOpenGLView:view];
[director setDeviceOrientation:kCCDeviceOrientationPortrait];
[view removeFromSuperview];
[viewController setView:view];
[window addSubview:viewController.view];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
I have tried many other things, commented every single line in this code, tried some others (such as setHidden:NO, bringSubviewToFront...), but the only results I could get were:
- Game display ok, Game Center ok, but no autorotate
- Game displayed in portrait (the view controller only allow landscape modes), Game Center ok, no autorotate
- Game not displayed (black screen), Game Center ok
And no way to make it all work together... The only clue I have is the title of this topic, "Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for ." But since I do not call the Game Center view myself, I don't know what to do with this...
Anyone, any idea?
I've had the same problem while displaying game center leaderboards in my cocos2d built App ever since moving up to iOS 5.0. I've seen references elsewhere to this being caused by a sub viewcontroller losing focus on the parent viewcontroller, but I've been unable to verify that or get this resolved in my app either.
Good news is that I've run this thru instruments - No Memory Leaks. Also executed the same action repetitively with no apparent failures or ill effects.
So while this message is an annoyance, it doesn't appear (at least for now) to adversely affect the App.
This Error occurs when you try to push a viewController before previous ViewController is finished . Means you are trying to push 2 ViewControllers at the same time.

Problem when adding Three20 PhotoViewer to my UINavigationViewController

I want a photo viewer in my iphone app and I liked the Three20 photo viewer. I found it somehow hard to integrate it in my own app where I have my typical UINavigationViewController. So far I succeeded in doing the following:
TTURLMap *map = [[[TTURLMap alloc] init] autorelease];
[map from:#"tt://appPhotos" toSharedViewController:[PhotoViewController class]];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:[map objectForURL:#"tt://appPhotos"] animated:YES];
The only problem is that wenn I click back to my original view, its navigation bar keeps the style of the photo viewer (transperant and shows the view under it).
How can I get back my original navigation bar?
My experience: I once used three20's PhotoViewer and every time I went back from the PhotoViewer to my other view. The system status bar remained black and transparent (while it should be with default style). I solved it by manually and programmatically changing the status bar style every time when the back action was triggered.
Yes, this is a bit of an issue for sure. A good solution, as #diwup says, is to implement a manual fix. I tend to subclass TTPhotoViewer when I need it. Not only does it help with this problem but it also makes it much easier to use I find.
If you decide to subclass, then you should use whatever variation of the following you require:
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
self.navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack;
self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = myTintColor;
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleDefault];
However, if you don't want to subclass, you can always put the code into the - [viewWillAppear:] method of any class that comes after the photo viewer.

Augmented reality iPhone with ARToolKit, Pb with UIImagePickerController and UINavigationController

I am currently working on an app with augmented reality. I chose to use the ARToolKit library (available on github).
I have a little problem to integrate my view in my project.
The problem is that I can not see my navigationbar when UIImagePickerController is launched
- (Void) displayAr
[RootViewController presentModalViewController: [self cameraController] animated: NO];
[DisplayView setFrames: [[[self cameraController] view] bounds]];
I guess the problem come from here. I can not view the UIImagePickerController that if I go through presentModalViewController.
By making a pushviewcontroller from my navigation controller it does not work either (after read documentation).
After some research on documentation should be implemented by the delegate access UIImagePickerController and UINavigationController. Even with that it does not work either (sniff).
I picked this version here:
I adapted a few things so that his running iOS 4.1 (actually this version is 3.1.3).
I do not know if there have been changes regarding the use of UIImagePickerController since.
If anyone has an idea, help or something. After half a day searching the internet I try many things in vain

What/How to triggers the close-iris animation of UIImagePickerController?

I'm using a custom overlay view and showsCameraControls = NO. When I'm done I dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES. What appears to happen is that the iris appears fully closed (ie. no closing animation - just poof and it's closed) and then immediately slides down off the screen.
As a test I manually called viewWillDisappear on the UIImagePickerController and that makes the closed iris appear, but again no smooth animation.
I also tried wrapping the dismiss in a long animation transaction and that just made the re-appearence of the underlying navigation toolbar slow down. The iris behaved just as above.
I don't want to have to make my own iris animation - that would be uncool!
PS: Using sdk 4.0
To partially answer my own question, the best I have been able to come up with so far is:
- (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController*)picker
[picker viewWillDisappear:YES];
[self performSelector:#selector(processPickerImage:)
withObject:[[info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] retain]
-(void) processPickerImage:(UIImage *)uiImage
// do stuff
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
// dismiss your custom overlay etc.
[uiImage release];
It doesn't actually animate the iris, but at least it is onscreen immediately so the user recognises that the photo taking is done. I'm also not super happy that viewWillDisappear gets called twice on the UIImagePickerController - I'm not sure it's guaranteed to be safe.
Also the status bar appears over the iris which is annoying.
I'm hoping someone else has a better solution?

How to make half curl animation in iPhone like the maps app?

I am using the following code for page curl animation
[UIView beginAnimations:#"yourAnim" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp forView:yourView cache:cacheFlag];
[UIView commitAnimations];
Is it possible to make the half curl animation like the on iphone/ipod ?
Any ideas how to make an similar effect ?
Apple does support this for the presentation of modal views as of 3.2. This makes sense: the page curl effect is intended to signal the user that a page of options or settings is being revealed, and when they are done changing things, they will be sent back to the original view. Apple doesn't want the animation to infer an ongoing change to the page hierarchy, just a modal one that must return to its starting place.
It's pretty straightforward to use; just be sure that you are starting from a full screen view, and loading with the UIModalPresentationFullScreen style, which I believe is the default.
There are animation transitions to use a similar effect in UIViews generally that were added as of 4.0, but this is a straightforward way to use the effect.
simpleVC * myModalVC = [[simpleVC alloc] init];
[myModalVC setModalTransitionStyle:UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl];
[myModalVC setDelegate:self];
[self presentModalViewController:myModalVC animated:YES];
[simpleVC release];
Link to Apple Docs on UIModalTransitionStyle constants
I too have been working on this issue and I settled in the short term on a PNG version of it placed within a button and using the curl to reveal animation. The only thing missing in my solution is the ability to interact (play) with the curling page the way you can in Maps.
The Method
First, I created a Page corner PNG in Photoshop based on a screenshot of Maps.
The Map Curl PNG
The Map - Options Hidden
The Map - Options Revealed
Then, I added it to a UIButton that does a partial page curl transition.
Complete Source Code Available on GitHub
The complete working project is available at GitHub. Updated for iPhone 5.
Use the undocumented animation types mapCurl and mapUnCurl