How can I programmatically create an iCal event in the default calendar? - iphone

How can I use Objective-C to programmatically create an iCal event in the default calendar? I want to check whether the event already exists and set the button state accordingly.

An example of how to programmatically create an iCAL event in the default calendar, using Objective-C. The code checks if the event already exists, and sets the button state accordingly. Here is the code by #codeburger:
-(void)initCalendar {
// An array of 1 dictionary object, containing START and END values.
NSMutableArray* pvDict = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:PV_URL ]];
// Check if the private view event already exists in the default calendar.
// Then set the calendar button state.
// Get a entry point to the Calendar database. = [[EKEventStore alloc ] init ];
// Get an array of all the calendars.
NSArray *calendars = store.calendars;
// Get the default calendar, set by the user in preferences.
EKCalendar *defaultCal = store.defaultCalendarForNewEvents;
// Find out if this calendar is modifiable.
BOOL isDefaultCalModifiable = defaultCal.allowsContentModifications ;
// Create an event in the default calendar.
self.event = [ EKEvent eventWithEventStore:store ];
self.event.title = CHELSEA_SPACE ;
self.event.location = CHELSEA_ADDRESS ;
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S"];
NSString *startString = [[ pvDict objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:#"starts" ];
NSDate *dateStart = [dateFormatter dateFromString:startString];
NSString *endString = [[ pvDict objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:#"ends" ];
NSDate *dateEnd = [dateFormatter dateFromString:endString];
self.event.startDate = dateStart;
self.event.endDate = dateEnd;
self.event.calendar = defaultCal ;
// Alternative code to add 2.5 hours to start time.
// [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:9000 sinceDate:event.startDate];
// Search for events which match this date/time start and end.
// Compare the matched events by event TITLE.
NSPredicate *predicate = [store predicateForEventsWithStartDate:event.startDate
endDate:event.endDate calendars:calendars];
NSArray *matchingEvents = [store eventsMatchingPredicate:predicate];
self.calendarButton.enabled = NO;
if( ! isDefaultCalModifiable ) {
// The default calendar is not modifiable
return ;
if ( [ matchingEvents count ] > 0 ) {
// There are already event(s) which match this date/time start and end.
// Check if this event is the PV
EKEvent *anEvent;
int j;
for ( j=0; j < [ matchingEvents count]; j++) {
anEvent = [ matchingEvents objectAtIndex:j ] ;
if([ CHELSEA_SPACE isEqualToString: anEvent.title ]) {
// PV event already exists in calendar.
[ anEvent release ];
self.calendarButton.enabled = YES;
[ pvDict release ];
-(void)addEventToCalendar:(id)sender {
NSError *error;
BOOL saved = [ saveEvent:self.event span:EKSpanThisEvent error:&error];
NSLog(#"Saved calendar event = %#\n", (saved ? #"YES" : #"NO"));
self.calendarButton.enabled = NO;
I've seen this question with no answer and felt like it should be edited giving full credit to #codeburger.

EKEventStore *eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init];
EKEvent *event = [EKEvent eventWithEventStore:eventStore];
NSDate *date = [[NSDate alloc ]init];//today,s date
event.title = #"remainder";//title for your remainder
event.startDate=date;//start time of your remainder
event.endDate = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:1800 sinceDate:event.startDate];//end time of your remainder
NSTimeInterval interval = (60 *60)* -3 ;
EKAlarm *alarm = [EKAlarm alarmWithRelativeOffset:interval]; //Create object of alarm
[event addAlarm:alarm]; //Add alarm to your event
[event setCalendar:[eventStore defaultCalendarForNewEvents]];
NSError *err;
NSString *ical_event_id;
//save your event
if([eventStore saveEvent:event span:EKSpanThisEvent error:&err]){
ical_event_id = event.eventIdentifier;
for more info check this link
sample for EKEvent


iPhone - How to import native calendar events to my iphone app?

I am doing one simple application using iPhone calendar, where I need to import the iPhone native calendar events into my iPhone app. How can I do this. I have a piece of code but it doesn't seems to be working. I have added some events into my iPhone native calendar. But when i retrieve it's not fetching anything. Here is the piece of code.
NSArray *caleandarsArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
caleandarsArray = [[eventStore calendars] retain];
NSLog(#"Calendars from Array : %#", caleandarsArray);
for (EKCalendar *CalendarEK in caleandarsArray)
NSLog(#"Calendar Title : %#", CalendarEK.title);
you can fetch all the calendar events like this.
import these 2 framworks (add if not exists into your project).
1 EventKit/EventKit.h
2) EventKitUI/EventKitUI.h
call this function on button click
EKEventStore *eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init];
NSDate *startDate = [[NSDate alloc] init];
NSDate *endDate = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:3600 sinceDate:startDate];
NSArray *calendars = [eventStore calendars];
NSPredicate *predicate = [eventStore predicateForEventsWithStartDate:startDate
endDate:endDate calendars:calendars];
NSArray *matchingEvents = [eventStore eventsMatchingPredicate:predicate];
EKEvent *anEvent;
NSLog(#"Total Events >> %d",[matchingEvents count]);
for (int j=0; j < [ matchingEvents count]; j++) {
anEvent = [matchingEvents objectAtIndex:j];
NSLog(#"Title >>>%#",anEvent.title);
NSLog(#"start date is %# \n End Date is >>> %#",anEvent.startDate,anEvent.endDate);
And set the startDate and EndDate as per your Requirement.
so you can get all the detatils you want.
Best Luck..

how i use iPhone calendar add event?

I want use iPhone calendar add Event.
I try module from github but in this module only save startTime EndTime, Title and details.
but, not use allDay repeat or not reminder.
How i use this. in calendar?
I also user notification for reminder. but, after delete event. the notification is not delete.
any suggestion is appreciated
bellow is peace of code. date for alarm is using to match work hours (users don't like to wakeup to do job :)
eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init];
EKEvent *newEvent = [EKEvent eventWithEventStore:eventStore];
newEvent.calendar = eventStore.defaultCalendarForNewEvents;
NSString *titleForEvent = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"In country:%# will be:\n%# event",[mo valueForKey:#"name"],[mo valueForKey:#"necessaryData"]];
newEvent.title = titleForEvent;
newEvent.allDay = YES;
NSDate *date = [mo valueForKey:#"date"];
NSDate *dateAlarm = [mo valueForKey:#"dateAlarm"];
EKAlarm *alarm = [EKAlarm alarmWithRelativeOffset:[dateAlarm timeIntervalSinceDate:date]];
if (dateAlarm < [NSDate date]){
dateAlarm = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:+18000];
NSDateFormatter *dateForm = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[dateForm setDateFormat:#"%HH"];
NSString *hourOfAlarm = [dateForm stringFromDate:dateAlarm];
[dateForm release];
NSNumberFormatter *numberForm = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
NSNumber *hour = [numberForm numberFromString:hourOfAlarm];
[numberForm release];
int difference = 0;
if ([hour intValue] < 9) difference = (9 - [hour intValue]) *3600;
if ([hour intValue] > 17) difference = (17 - [hour intValue]) *3600;
if (difference != 0) {
NSTimeInterval interval = 18000 + difference;
dateAlarm = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:interval];
alarm = [EKAlarm alarmWithRelativeOffset:[dateAlarm timeIntervalSinceDate:date]];
newEvent.startDate = date;
newEvent.endDate = date;
//EKAlarm *alarm = [EKAlarm alarmWithRelativeOffset:[dateAlarm timeIntervalSinceDate:date]];
newEvent.alarms = [NSArray arrayWithObject:alarm];
NSError *error;
BOOL saved = [eventStore saveEvent:newEvent span:EKSpanThisEvent error:&error];
if (!saved && error) {
NSLog(#"%#",[error localizedDescription]);
} else [mo setValue:newEvent.eventIdentifier forKey:#"eventIdentifier"];

EKRecurrenceRule - add recurring events but exclude weekends

I have this method which adds events to native iphone calendar.
It is already adding monthly reminders successfully - but I want to force any monthy reminders to fall into week days (not weekends).
The NSDictionary model is simply
Payment_Interval__c = Monthly
- (void)addRecurringEventsForPartnership:(NSDictionary *)dict{
NSError *error = nil;
EKEvent *startEvent = [EKEvent eventWithEventStore:self.eventStore];
startEvent.calendar = self.defaultCalendar;
startEvent.availability = EKEventAvailabilityFree;
startEvent.startDate = [NSDate dateWithLongFormatString:[dict valueForKey:#"Start_Date__c"]];
startEvent.allDay = YES;
// startEvent.endDate = [startEvent.startDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:30*60];
startEvent.title = [dict theNameValue];
if ([startEvent.startDate isEqualToDate:startEvent.endDate]) {
startEvent.endDate = [startEvent.startDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:30*60];;
// if
if ([[dict valueForKey:#"Payment_Interval__c"] isEqualToString:#"Monthly"]) {
EKRecurrenceFrequency freq = EKRecurrenceFrequencyMonthly;
int recurrenceInterval = 1;
EKRecurrenceRule *rule = [[EKRecurrenceRule alloc] initRecurrenceWithFrequency:freq interval:recurrenceInterval end:nil];
startEvent.recurrenceRule = rule;
startEvent.notes = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Id:%#",[dict valueForKey:#"Id"]];
// [self.eventStore removeEvent:startEvent span:EKSpanThisEvent error:&error];
[self.eventStore saveEvent:startEvent span:EKSpanThisEvent error:&error];
if (error != nil)
// TODO: error handling here
// DLog(#"startEvent.endDate:%#",startEvent.endDate);
EKEvent *finishEvent = [EKEvent eventWithEventStore:self.eventStore];
finishEvent.calendar = self.defaultCalendar;
finishEvent.availability = EKEventAvailabilityFree;
finishEvent.startDate = [NSDate dateWithLongFormatString:[dict valueForKey:#"Finish_Date__c"]];
finishEvent.allDay = YES;
finishEvent.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# - Finish",[dict theNameValue]];
finishEvent.notes = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Id:%#",[dict valueForKey:#"Id"]];
[self.eventStore saveEvent:finishEvent span:EKSpanThisEvent error:&error];
if (error != nil)
// TODO: error handling here
Couldn't you use NSDateFormatter to get the numeric day of the week and then adjust by subtracting or adding 1 or 2 depending on which day it returned?
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"c"];
Will return numeric (1-7) day of the week, I believe
Here's something that works (at least in iOS7, didn't test on other systems):
EKRecurrenceRule *er = [[EKRecurrenceRule alloc] initRecurrenceWithFrequency:EKRecurrenceFrequencyMonthly interval:1
daysOfTheWeek:#[[EKRecurrenceDayOfWeek dayOfWeek:2], // Monday
[EKRecurrenceDayOfWeek dayOfWeek:3], // Tuesday
[EKRecurrenceDayOfWeek dayOfWeek:4], // Wednesday
[EKRecurrenceDayOfWeek dayOfWeek:5], // Thursday
[EKRecurrenceDayOfWeek dayOfWeek:6]] // Friday
daysOfTheMonth:#[#1, #2]
monthsOfTheYear:nil weeksOfTheYear:nil daysOfTheYear:nil setPositions:nil end:nil];
event.recurrenceRules = #[er];

Google calender event description retrieval in objective c [duplicate]

I am retrieving google calendar events using gdata library in objective c for an iphone application, I am doing it like this,
- (void)eventsTicket:(GDataServiceTicket *)ticket finishedWithEntries:(GDataFeedCalendarEvent *)feed error:(NSError *)error
if( !error ){
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary;
for( int section=0; section<[data count]; section++ ){
NSMutableDictionary *nextDictionary = [data objectAtIndex:section];
GDataServiceTicket *nextTicket = [nextDictionary objectForKey:KEY_TICKET];
if( nextTicket==ticket ){ // We've found the calendar these events are meant for...
dictionary = nextDictionary;
if( !dictionary )
return; // This should never happen. It means we couldn't find the ticket it relates to.
int count = [[feed entries] count]; // count for the number of events for the callendar
daily_trackAppDelegate *controller =(daily_trackAppDelegate *) [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
NSMutableArray *events = [dictionary objectForKey:KEY_EVENTS];
for( int i=0; i<count; i++ ){
[events addObject:[[feed entries] objectAtIndex:i]]; //loads the array with events
for( int i=0; i<count; i++ ){
NSMutableArray *temporary=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[temporary removeAllObjects];
GDataEntryCalendarEvent *event = [events objectAtIndex:i];
// [controller.googlearray addObject:event];
GDataWhen *when = [[event objectsForExtensionClass:[GDataWhen class]] objectAtIndex:0];
if( when ){
NSDate *date1 = [[when startTime] date];
NSDate *date = [date1 dateByAddingTimeInterval:18000.0];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"yy-MM-dd-HH-mm"];
[temporary addObject:date];///1 date
NSDate *date11=[[when endTime] date];
NSDate *date2 = [date11 dateByAddingTimeInterval:18000.0];
// [controller.array_objject.google_events insertObject:date atIndex:i];///2 date
[temporary addObject:date2];///1 date
[dateFormatter release];
//[controller.array_objject.google_events insertObject:[[event title] stringValue] atIndex:i]; /////3 title
[temporary addObject:[[event title] stringValue]];///1 date
GDataWhere *addr = [[event locations] objectAtIndex:0];
if( addr )
//[controller.array_objject.google_events insertObject:[addr stringValue] atIndex:i];///// 4 location
[temporary addObject:[addr stringValue]];
[controller.googlearray addObject:temporary];///// 4 location
NSURL *nextURL = [[feed nextLink] URL];
if( nextURL ){ // There are more events in the calendar... Fetch again. FETCHING*********************************
GDataServiceTicket *newTicket = [googleCalendarService fetchFeedWithURL:nextURL delegate:self didFinishSelector:#selector( eventsTicket:finishedWithEntries:error: )]; // Right back here...
// Update the ticket in the dictionary for the next batch.
[dictionary setObject:newTicket forKey:KEY_TICKET];
} else
[self handleError:error];
now I am retrieving the start and ending time, title, location etc. of the event here, but I also want to retrieve the description of the event, means if user enters any description while creating event, so in that case I want to retrieve that description or details of event too, I tried hard but in vain.
The description of an event is available as [[eventEntry content] stringValue]

How to Programmatically Create new Calendars on iPhone that will sync to iCal

I'm looking for a way to create a new Calendar on the iphone device programatically. I have been looking at Event Kit and it clearly states how to create a new event in a calendar and there is also a convenient way of gathering all the calendars in code, What I can't find is how to create a new one that is saved to the device.
Any ideas'
Check this kal repository for creating programmatically iphone calendar same as iCal
Check this method for creating programmatically event:
-(void)initCalendar {
// An array of 1 dictionary object, containing START and END values.
NSMutableArray* pvDict = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:PV_URL ]];
// Check if the private view event already exists in the default calendar.
// Then set the calendar button state.
// Get a entry point to the Calendar database. = [[EKEventStore alloc ] init ];
// Get an array of all the calendars.
NSArray *calendars = store.calendars;
// Get the default calendar, set by the user in preferences.
EKCalendar *defaultCal = store.defaultCalendarForNewEvents;
// Find out if this calendar is modifiable.
BOOL isDefaultCalModifiable = defaultCal.allowsContentModifications ;
// Create an event in the default calendar.
self.event = [ EKEvent eventWithEventStore:store ];
self.event.title = CHELSEA_SPACE ;
self.event.location = CHELSEA_ADDRESS ;
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S"];
NSString *startString = [[ pvDict objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:#"starts" ];
NSDate *dateStart = [dateFormatter dateFromString:startString];
NSString *endString = [[ pvDict objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:#"ends" ];
NSDate *dateEnd = [dateFormatter dateFromString:endString];
self.event.startDate = dateStart;
self.event.endDate = dateEnd;
self.event.calendar = defaultCal ;
// Alternative code to add 2.5 hours to start time.
// [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:9000 sinceDate:event.startDate];
// Search for events which match this date/time start and end.
// Compare the matched events by event TITLE.
NSPredicate *predicate = [store predicateForEventsWithStartDate:event.startDate
endDate:event.endDate calendars:calendars];
NSArray *matchingEvents = [store eventsMatchingPredicate:predicate];
self.calendarButton.enabled = NO;
if( ! isDefaultCalModifiable ) {
// The default calendar is not modifiable
return ;
if ( [ matchingEvents count ] > 0 ) {
// There are already event(s) which match this date/time start and end.
// Check if this event is the PV
EKEvent *anEvent;
int j;
for ( j=0; j < [ matchingEvents count]; j++) {
anEvent = [ matchingEvents objectAtIndex:j ] ;
if([ CHELSEA_SPACE isEqualToString: anEvent.title ]) {
// PV event already exists in calendar.
[ anEvent release ];
self.calendarButton.enabled = YES;
[ pvDict release ];
-(void)addEventToCalendar:(id)sender {
NSError *error;
BOOL saved = [ saveEvent:self.event span:EKSpanThisEvent error:&error];
NSLog(#"Saved calendar event = %#\n", (saved ? #"YES" : #"NO"));
self.calendarButton.enabled = NO;