which server I should go for JBoss or GlassFish - jboss5.x

I am project I will be using following tech. JSF 2.0, Hibernate, Spring, jBPM, JAX-WS so I am confused between chosing server and I am locked between JBoss and GlassFish please suggest me why I should use the one. I will be using Netbeans 6.8

From a Development Perspective:
If you are using NetBeans then I think the easiest to integrate with will be GlassFish, simply because they come both from Sun and you will get the best out-of-the-box experience. While not mandatory, the Java EE Tutorial from Sun also emphasizes the use of NetBeans with GlassFish.
Nonetheless if you happen to use JBoss, it won't be difficult to integrate it on NetBeans.

From a Deployment and Long-term Maintenance Perspective:
See my answer to a similar question here.


Is the GlassFish project still alive?

I wonder if the GlassFish project is dead or still alive? I am realy a fan of glassfish from the early first days. I started projects with GlassFish2 and have lot of customers using GlassFish3.
Since a few months I try to migrate some of my projects to GlassFish4. But I did not really have success. The problem for me is, that I can't find support form the community. It's hard enough to find a forum. To me it looks like Oracle had did a lot to stop any community driven development.
In the mean time I migrated my main project to Wildfly 9. In contrast to Oracle's GlassFish, RedHat's Wildfly is working perfect. There is a vital community, where you can ask questions and discuss open issues.
So I wonder what is the sense of the GlassFish project? Is it just the place where the 'reference' implementation can be hosted. A reference implementation which is (and maybe should not) be productive ready?
What did you think about this project?
GlassFish is absolutely still alive, there was a new minor release just a few days ago. It is still the reference implementation for Java EE, so you can expect GlassFish to be around for as long as Java EE is.
Oracle's other application server, WebLogic, still doesn't even fully support Java EE 7 - both they and IBM seem to have similar strategies of maintaining stability in their "full-fat" releases while being more "bleeding edge" with GlassFish for Oracle and the Liberty Profile for IBM's WebSphere.
It's also important to take note of the Payara project, which provides support for GlassFish, but also is actively looking for and fixing bugs in the upstream codebase. Some of the bugs which have been fixed in Payara have now also been incorporated to the latest GlassFish 4.1.1 release.
Finally, your point about whether or not GlassFish is "production ready" doesn't take into account the amount of GlassFish which is comprised of other projects, like Apache Catalina, Jersey, EclipseLink, Weld and others. These are the same technologies used in JBoss EAP, WebLogic, Tomcat etc.
It's difficult to get a good idea of activity in the GlassFish project, but it's easy to see how active Payara is.
Edit: David Delabassee has tweeted that the first nightly build of GlassFish 5.0 is now available to download
There do seem to be forums at www.java.net/forums/glassfish-0 and https://community.oracle.com/community/java/java-ee-java-enterprise-edition/java_ee_sdk but not very active as you've probably seen. There seems to be more information on the mailing list, the archive of which you can see here https://java.net/projects/glassfish/lists/users/archive
It is hard to find any information about the development plan is, so I think (especially as Oracle would like you to move to Weblogic and pay them lots of money) that its aiming to be a reference implementation.
Having said that, we've been using Glassfish for quite awhile and have been using Glassfish 4 in Production since April this year. What problems are you having migrating your projects?

JSF and Richfaces on JBoss AS 4

I need to develop a presentation layer for an existing Java EE application running on JBoss AS 4.2.1.GA. I have been reading on JSF, Facelets and RichFaces and tried a few examples - some things worked but others didn't because of the limitations of library versions I used, considering the outdated JBoss.
Can someone recommend the direction I need to be heading to get this done as quickly as possible by using the mentioned server? By this I mean the Eclipse tool (WTP, JBoss Tools, ...), type of project, dependencies, ... Also, to shorten development time, maybe also use JRebel?
I know I would be better off using the latest server, but unfortunately it is not an option.
Also, I have installed JBoss Tools for Eclipse Indigo, but for creating RichFaces Project, it requires JBoss EAP 6 or AS 7.1.
I had created applications using JSF 1.2, RichFaces 3.3.3, JBoss Seam 2.0.2 (not required) for JBoss AS 4.2.2.GA. For development was used Eclipse (3.4/3.5) IDE for Java EE Developers. Version of Eclipse is not important. Yes, you need WTP. In my projects seam-gen was used for generating project skeleton. If you don't use Seam you can create Web project.

WebLogic and OSGi

Is there a way to run an OSGi container in the Weblogic Application Server? I know that it works with JBoss, Glassfish and there are possibilities to add an Equinox servlet bridge to your OSGi project (implementation of the bridge is too old). But I want something similar to JBoss/Glassfish functionality where it is very easy to deploy your OSGi environment, because there are already OSGi implementations. Most of the articels I found were very old and there are no more recent ones. Can someone help with hints or better some links?
Maybe Bnd could create a .war file for me, but how can I achieve it. I read there is a possibility. Example would be great!
Just for those who still look into that case. Since version 12.1.2 Weblogic supports OSGi out-of-the-box.
I'd consider the Apache Felix Http bridge. It worked a lot better for me than the ancient Equinox bridge (I messed around with it for a while, but never got it to work well), after I switched to Felix I got something working pretty quickly.
If I understand you correctly, you want to make a 'plain' war file, that can be deployed in any Java EE server. If that's the case, there is nothing OSGi about your war file, so I don't think Bnd will do anything for you.
WebLogic now supports OSGi in version 12.1.2 . See this

reference for ejb jboss and eclipse development

is there a reference or book, maybe a tutorial that can get me started with ejb using the technologies that I have mentioned above?
thank you
You can take a look at the JBoss Tools if you're interested in developing Java EE applications in Eclipse.
If you already know EJB (and if you don't there is quite good Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 book) you know you can develop your EJB's as plain POJO's just with annotations. No need for fancy plugins here.
You would, however, need a plugin to easily deploy your application to the server. In this case, take a look at these JBoss Tools and this topic.

What's the ideal setup for a quick turnaround in Java EE development?

I'm currently struggling with the project setup while implementing a Java EE 6 application with Eclipse Indigo and JBoss 6. The application server and the IDE is pretty much set in the project. Maven 3 is used and was the base for the setup by using the WELD archetype and creating a WAR.
Now, the problem is, that I'm very disappointed about the development turnaround. I don't have a working automatic redeploying within eclipse and often need to restart JBoss since it gets confused with the new publishing and then is not able to redeploy correctly. This is very frustrating and time consuming. (Plus I feel the smirks behind me from the guys preferring script languages.)
From earlier projects we were using Seam 2 and the project created by seam-gen came with a somewhat decent republishing, although I still had to do a manual application restart whenever I changed Java classes. Then, from playing around with Netbeans 7 and the integrated GlassFish 3.1 I found that automatic redeployment was working ok. And since Java EE 6 is very wide spread, I assume, there must be a better setup than I have now.
So with this post I hope to get some more insight in having a good project setup for fluent development of Java EE 6 based WAR projects on JBoss and eclipse - who can share some best practices?
Thanks a lot!
You should use JBoss Tools plugins for Eclipse. JBoss Tools 3.3M2 is compatible with Indigo and JBoss AS 7 (which is 10 times faster than JBoss 6 for redeploy).
Regarding an equivalent to Seam Gen with CDI, you should really take a look to Seam Forge which is included in JBoss Tools 3.3 now.
Finally I'm using Jrebel to reload class and configuration without restarting the server. But for now it doesn't work yet with JBoss AS 7, so if you stick with JBoss AS 6 it's a goof combination.
This might not be the answer to your question, but if you want Java and fast turnaround look at http://www.playframework.org/ your script colleagues will be astounded.
For Eclipse to work well, use Eclipse Java EE edition and then add the JBoss server adapter.
The usual WTP-tooling then works for automatic deployments etc.