SSRS report parameters - ssrs-2008

In my SSRS report there are 2 parameters called DataSourceIDList and ReporterIDlist.
DataSourceIDList : is a drop down list and this will populate based on SQL query.
ReporterIDlist : is a drop down list and this will populate reporters based on selected Datasourceid from DataSourceIDList and this is also a SQL query.
both parameters are optional fields but when i am running the report i am getting error called "Please select value for DataSourceID" but i set the property for that parameter as allow NULL values
and same problem for ReporterIDlist also.
Please suggest your suggestion....
Thanks in advance...

I think that SSRS will not allow you NULL value if parameter have datasource.
Trick that I do when I need all values that is: I change data source for parameters that is in list have
null, or ( 0) value, and option select ALL, and after that I set default value to null so users do not have to touch parameters before it call it
Something like this,
Select 1,null as ValueOfParam,'All values' as TextOfParam
union all
select 2,id,name from myDatasourceThatHaveParamValues
order by 1,name

to verify date, you can use this method too:
make two rectangle; insert table/matrix in first rectangle
in second rectangle insert msg like
"Selected Date is not valid, please select correct date"
or "Start Date should be less less than End Date"
put appropriate msg, and make condition in 1st rectangle where all tables/matrix is there
iif( Parameters!StartDate.Value < Parameters!EndDate.Value,false,true)
in second rectangle where Error msg is inserted write this:
iif( Parameters!StartDate.Value < Parameters!EndDate.Value,true,false)


how to avoid cascading in ssas parameters in ssrs report and load default "all" when report loads?

i have a ssrs report which uses ssas data source and all of the parameter in report also come from ssas data source. the problem is parameters are acting as cascading parameters. i can not have values in parameter drop-down until i select parameter from previous drop-down.
i wanted to have default value "All" selected when report loads instead of waiting for selecting first parameter and then load subsequent?
i have removed #parameters from parameter data source and now here is how my MDX looks like:
[Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [Category].[Category ID].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION MEMBER
[Measures].[ParameterValue] AS [Category].[Category ID].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME MEMBER
[Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS [Category].[Category ID].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL
[Category].[Category ID].ALLMEMBERS
( SELECT ( [OwningEntity].[Entity ID] )
( SELECT ( [Organization].[Organization] ) ON COLUMNS FROM [PerformanceScores]
Create Additional data source , point your first parameter with default value "from query" to that data source - This parameter need to be on the top of the list as in SSRS order of parameters is important.
- Let me know if you got any problems.
Create hidden parameter with IIF statement in default value.
in IIF put dummy date - this will not execute the report but will fill all the other parameters.
Use this hidden parameter as your "Main" data range but default value will depend on visible parameter value in IIF statement when user can choose the range
This should work...

Parameter to find all records or exclude NULL

I have found several articles on how to accomplish the reverse of what I want to do with several methods (IS NULL, CASE, COALESCE), but I think at this point I am more confused than ever after reading all this and probably making solution harder than it needs to be. I am new to T-SQL and I am currently using VS 2005 to build a basic medical report.
I have the Date Range parameter working properly by using a convert command to ignore time stamp giving me all records for the day or date range. I am now wanting to filter SSRS reprot by perliminary report date to find records with preliminary report, or, all records in table.
The database has NULL if no preliminary report was created
The database has time stamp if preliminary report was created. (showing date and time it was created)
I need to find all records not NULL, or all records. (using a parameter)
I have a parameter "Display Prelim Reports only?" #PrelimOnly with a YES or NO answer.
If I use the following it will show all records correctly (all records not NULL showing only records with Prelim report/time stamp present)
LIS_Results.Prelim_Report_Date <> '#PrelimOnly' ----User selects YES it passes NULL
however, if user selects NO, how would I get it to display all records including NULL?
Thank you for any help
Thank you both for your help, it was ultimately a combination of both that got it going. Syntax is as follows.
WHERE (#PrelimOnly = 'NO') AND (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), LIS_Results.Final_Report_Date, 101) BETWEEN #ReportStartDate AND #ReportEndDate) OR (LIS_Results.Prelim_Report_Date IS NOT NULL) AND (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), LIS_Results.Final_Report_Date, 101) BETWEEN #ReportStartDate AND #ReportEndDate)
Use an if statement in tsql to say if parameter is yes select records from table where conditions are true.
If no select records from table where conditions are true and date field is not null.
Since #PrelimOnly can only be YES or NO, use:
WHERE #PrelimOnly = 'NO' or LIS_Results.Prelim_Report_Date is not null
If the parameter is NO, the left hand condition of the OR is satisfied and all rows are returned, otherwise only those non-null rows will be returned, as required.
here exist small trick:
((LIS_Results.Prelim_Report_Date <> '#PrelimOnly') OR (1=#AllowNull))
if user selected NO - set AllowNull argument to 1, other way set it to 0
NOTE: AllowNull - it is custom additional argument, you should add the same way as #PrelimOnly
another possible approach:
((LIS_Results.Prelim_Report_Date <> '#PrelimOnly') OR ('NO'='#PrelimOnly'))
for you full query you should do like this:
(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), LIS_Results.Final_Report_Date, 101) BETWEEN ReportStartDate AND ReportEndDate) AND
LIS_Results.Prelim_Report_Date is not null
('#PrelimOnly' = 'NO') // if instead of NO VS sends empty string replace it here
It was a combination of Iiya and Ian that got me the solution however the syntax was not complete and is as follows.
WHERE (#PrelimOnly = 'NO') AND (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), LIS_Results.Final_Report_Date, 101)
BETWEEN #ReportStartDate AND #ReportEndDate) OR (LIS_Results.Prelim_Report_Date IS NOT NULL)
AND (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), LIS_Results.Final_Report_Date, 101) BETWEEN #ReportStartDate AND
It requeired the Date and Time paramater to be repeated so that both paramters would still work, and the #PrelimOnly = 'NO' had to be first.

SSRS null parameter to return values

I have two reports bound to each other. On the first report when I choose a field I am lead to a second report showing only data from the row I selected in the first report. The second report is used for updating, therefore it takes in parameters. I have three text-boxes which allow a null value and a dropdown list.
First when I created the dropdown list and specified the values, and added a null value the report returned the row I selected in the first report with all the data. Now I tried to assign the values of the parameter to a database, but each time I get to this report it first asks to select a value from the dropdown and then it will display the data.
How can I add a Null value to the items retrieved from the DB so when null is selected as default then all values would be returned without any problems, and without any selection needed?
You would need to add a condition to your Dataset query to handle the NULL parameter.
For example:
WHERE #Parameter is NULL or ColumnValue = #Parameter
Working with NULL valued parameters, I usually use this syntax:
WHERE ColumnValue = COALESCE(#Parameter, ColumnValue)

disable/disregard a second parameter based on the first parameter

I have 2 multi-value parameters in my report. When we generate the report using only one of them a problem arises. If I select a value for parameter 1 and keep parameter 2 unselected I get an error:
Please select a value for the parameter Param2
This happens even if I check "allow blank value" in the parameter's properties.
In addition: is there a way to make a set a parameter to be enabled/disabled based on a another parameter's value? For example:
if I create another parameter having values Param1, Param2;
if I select a value for Param1 the report will be generated based only on values selected in Param1, disabling or disregarding Param2
The short answer is no.
My workaround for this scenario is to fiddle with the Dataset driving the Available Values list for Param2. You need to set it up so that when the particular Param1 value is selected, the only row that will match will be a dummy row (e.g. 'N/A'). This might involve a UNION ALL to generate that dummy row.
I use the same dataset for Default Values so that the dummy row will be automatically selected when the Param1 value is selected.
You then need to cater to that dummy Param2 value in the other datasets that refer to Param2, e.g. SELECT ... WHERE ( #Param2 = 'N/A' OR Column2 = #Param2 ).

SSRS no data in report

I have a single tablix on the SSRS report which fetches data from a stored procedure.
I am trying to show a meesage to the User when no data is present say, "** There is no data for this report*". I can do this easily by specifying this message in the **NoRowsMessage property of the tablix. But I want to show the headers of the tablix along with this message.
If I don't set the NoRowsMessage property, I get the headers but no message, but if I do, I get the message but no headers.
I need some help with this.
Note: I am using SSRS 2008.
I can also put up a textbox with the relevant text message below the tablix and set it visible only if the tablix contains no rows. But I am not able to figure out as to how do I find out from the Visibility expression of the textbox whether the tablix contains any rows or not.
A tablix object is related to the underlying dataset, so if there's no data, there's no table in the output.
Other than using the NowRowsMessage property, the only other way I can think of to enforce this would be to ensure your query returns an empty value placeholder when there are now rows returned. This way you would have, in essence, a single data row.
You could then try and add a conditional expression on the table (i.e. on the Visibility property of the details row) to prevent any rows containing your placeholder from showing up.
So in your query you could have:
'[IAMEMPTY]' as [Col1]
,'[IAMEMPTY]' as [Col2]
,'[IAMEMPTY]' as [Col3]
And then in the Visibility property of your table's detail row:
=Iif(Fields!Col1.Value = "[IAMEMPTY]",True,False)
EDIT: Alternatively, to check if the DataSet is empty in SSRS and show a rectangle containing your message/headers (as mentioned in TooSik's comment), you could set up a rectangle with this in the Visibility expression:
=Iif(Rownumber("Dataset_Name")=0, False,True)