HSQL DB Conflicts with JBoss - jboss

I would like to use a custom version of the HSQL DB in an application that I am deploying in JBoss. However, JBoss already contains an HSQLDB.jar. The JBoss jar is being resolved by my application instead of the custom jar in my ear.
How can I use a different version of HSQL in my web application from the one that JBoss uses internally?
Can I remove the HSQLDB.jar included with JBoss without negatively impacting the Application Server?

The custom version it's just a newer version? If it's that the case than you can simply replace the jar in the Jboss lib folder. Jboss uses HSQLDB as far as I know for queue persistence.


Is it required to restart JBOSS after updating the module.xml?

I am a Siemens Teamcenter Implementation consultant and have limited knowledge of JBOSS.
I have a question-related to JBOSS module dependencies.
Before asking a question, I will quickly give the background.
JBoss version is EAP 6.1.0 installed in Linux.
For one of the POC in the Teamcenter application, we need to deploy the EAR file in JBOSS.
The company provided the shared JBOSS where other applications from the different departments also using the JBOSS.
JBOSS is used in domain mode.
For deploying the EAR file for Teamcenter application, I need to update the module.xml with JMX dependency. Since the JBOSS is shared by many applications of different departments, we need to get permission from each of them to restart the JBOSS. ( This restart point I want to confirm)
Is it required to restart the JBOSS for module.xml update?
Is there another way to add the dependency in classpath without restarting the JBOSS.
If you edit the module.xml of a module that's been loaded you'll need to restart the server.

Migration from JBOSS-3.3.2 to JBOSS EAP 7.1

I am in process of migrating one of our web application from JBOSS-3.3.2 to JBOSS EAP 7.1. As Jboss 3 will not support JDK1.8*. I was instructed to migrate the jboss to latest jboss version available in our repository.
I referred the following link but it confuses me as both the versions folder structures are different.
One thing I understood is I have to use standalone/deployments folder for my application(war) to be deployed.
In 3.x we have run.jar, run.sh, run.conf. But in newer versions these are not available instead we have jboss-eap.conf, jboss-eap-rhel.sh but no run.jar any where.
Is there any guide or steps available to be followed for migration.
I was not able to find in google.
In the latest JBoss EAP, you have to start the JBoss EAP server using standalone.sh (for standalone mode) or domain.sh(for domain mode) file.
The .sh file is located under $JBOSS_HOME/bin directory.
For configuration, you can configure using standalone.conf or standalone.xml file in standalone mode and for domain mode, you have to add configuration inside domain.xml file.
For migration please refer to the official document.

application migrating from weblogic 9.2 to weblogic 12c

I want to migrate an application from webLogic 9.2 server to webLogic 12 c. I'm newer for this process. Can someone help me for making this, please?
I don't know very much weblogic server.
First of install the binaries and create a new weblogic domain or upgrade the older domain.
if you are using third party jars with your application, you need to tell weblogic to use your application jars instead of its own jars.
This is done in weblogic.xml file. In older versions of weblogic. this tag is used
<prefer-web-inf-classes> true </prefer-web-inf-classes>
in weblogic 12c this is not the recommended way. You need to user
<prefer-application-packages> tag and specify the list of application packages that you want to be loaded from your application as opposed to weblogic12c own jars
more on this http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs103/programming/classloading.html
its not a very straight-forward thing to do, so good luck!

Autopatch with EAR applicaton on jboss

Has anyone deployed autopatch (the database upgrade tool) in an ear application (on jboss server). Autopatch supports war kind of applications out of the box but for ear kind of applications it would need some extensions.
Moreover I am unable to provide the .sql files inside the ejb jar inside the ear as the location to look for patches to autopatch. Jboss 5 uses VFS and hence there is no reliable way to know the full URL to the jars.
Thanks in advance.

Configuring Mojarra 2.1.X on Eclipse Indigo

The User Library download from Properties/Project Facets/Java Server Faces only lists Apache and Mojarra 2.0.X options. And setting up a user library manually, if I add javax.faces-2.1.11.jar, it doesn't error, puts the jar in the entry, then says \jarfiles\jaf (missing). So I see no way to use Mojarra 2.1.X.
I am unable to understand completely that what are you saying? But as much as I can I understood that "you want you use Mojarra 2.1.X" in your project. Now here is the thing You should mention the server that you are using.
If you are using glassfish 3.1.x then you have to replace your javax.faces.jar present in /glassfish/modules folder with javax.faces-2.1.11.jar as the glassfish built in jar javax.faces.jar enforce glassfish to use Mojarra 2.1.6.Now if it is Tomcat then it is up to you that you have to add all jsf compulsory jars in your lib folder :) One last thing that if you are using anyother server which has built in support for JSF and you are unable to find How to replace your jar from that server or you have issue with admin access over that server then you can also upgrade JSF by placing the newer javax.faces.jar file in webapp's own /WEB-INF/lib folder and editing the /WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml file to add the following two new entries: <class-loader delegate="false" /><property name="useBundledJsf" value="true" />.Keep in mind that you are only enforce Web servers to use your desired jars not the application servers because many applications servers are giving built in support for JSF. So Configuring Mojarra 2.1.X on Eclipse Indigo is somehow wrong to ask.You have to ask that how should I use Mojarra 2.1.x with my XXX server because eclipse is only IDE and these things are SOMEHOW managed by IDE but only in case of Webservers.Thanks :)