iTunes Connect uploading issue - iphone

Too bad that iTunes Connect changed its behavior recently. I'm providing an update to an existing app. I submitted new binary using the Loader without problem on the first try. Then I discovered that different from before, one has to reject the binaries in order to change screenshots.
Too bad that the update is in the status of "In Review". Well, I have to rejected my binaries and begin to upload new screenshots, because I don't want to display screenshots of previous version. The new screen shots are uploaded but I'm stuck in "Developer rejected" status. Meaning I cannot upload the binaries and not able to change screenshots from that time on. The following error will appear when click Save Changes in either situations.
"There was an error saving changes. Please try again later or contact
iTunes Connect Support at"
I checked the source of the error page and think it's this error
action="/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/wo/" errorId="ajaxContainerError"
I have reported iTune Connect via the "Contact us" link on this issue but not get any response back for 2 days already. Very disappointing.
Did anybody experience similar issue? How did you resolve this?


XCode 5 hangs with a timeout error when validating/uploading a "ready to be uploaded" app

I've been developing and uploading apps for some months. Whenever they needed being uploaded to the app store, I could do it without problem, but now, I'm stuck with one that doesn't want to be validated/uploaded. XCode says "the request timed out" after MANY minutes with a spinwheel on screen.
The differences between my old updates to the app store and the one I'm trying right now are:
-Xcode 4.X before, Xcode 5 now.
-I had to recreate the app store certificate/provisioning profiles, because they just expired.
-I inherited this project from other coworker (not here anymore) and maybe my "developer profile" is somewhat conflicting with some certificates, etc... (Still many dark areas for me).
I've kind of tried "everything". Erasing provisioning/profiles, closing Xcode, resetting, cleaning my project. But no luck. My current Xcode 5 is able to compile my app perfectly, I'm even able to select the distribute option before uploading (the app is ready to be uploaded onto itunes connect), I even login with my client credentials onto itunes connect, I can even select the correct provisioning profile (app store profile, not a developer one), but no luck:
If I choose to upload or validate, Xcode just complains with some kind of "dull" timeout error.
Any hints? Any way to debug what happens behind the curtains?
Greetings, I'm at a loss.
EDIT: Apparently, the timeout failing event appears in the validation process. If I try to upload, the status log says "Failed Validation". If I try to validate, obviously there's also a "Failed validation" error. Where can I find some log to see what part of the validating process is failing?
Well, apparently: "Problem solved".
After 2 boring days trying to upload my app (via Xcode 5, and via Application Loader), I've discovered that Apple upload servers seem to be overloaded (unless a better explanation arises).
I'm in Europe, and from 9 to 14 h my app was ALWAYS rejected. But once I tried it after 16h, the upload and validation processes worked like a charm (both with Xcode 5 and with Application Loader).
Why this? No idea, but I didn't change anything in my upload process, so it's sad, but the solution is:
"Have patience, and wait to upload your app on a time slot where Apple upload servers are not overloaded". The sad part is: No one knows WHEN is that time :)
I solved it by switching Internet provider.
I simply connected my laptop to my iPhone via Personal Hotspot and used LTE network to upload the app.
It worked for me twice.
for Xcode 13 and Mac OS Big Sure
Install the "Transporter" app from the MacOS app store.
From Xcode's organizer, select your archive and press "Distribute App"
Instead of "Upload", select "Export" and proceed as usual.
Drop the exported .ipa into the transporter and press "Deliver".
In my case I changed the dns server from my provider to the google dns server (8.8.8. and
I think you can try any other, if your providers dns or what ever doesn't work
Faced the error many times, not sure why.
Try this
Export the ipa after the archive
Add and upload in Transporter
I get 100% success in uploading and feel a little quicker than Xcode's upload.
I actually called Apple Developer Support about this and they solved the problem!
It turned out that my recovery email address in my Apple ID (not the main email address but the recovery one) was not verified. They had me go to, login with my Apple ID, and then go to the 'Password and Security' section (on the left).
After answering my security questions I was able to resend the verification email, and once verified I was able to log in on Xcode straight away!
I have the observation that with Mavericks and App Nap enabled, a hidden Organizer window within XCODE will cause the network connection to be dropped.
Even if the window is occulated (hidden) for just a second).
Make sure the window is always visible and the problem does NOT occur.

"Unable to process application Info.plist validation at this time due to a general error" [duplicate]

I am creating a newsstand application. the application is ready, now i am trying to upload the app in apple store using Application Loader. While uploading the zip file its showing the error message as
Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error (1095)
I googled this in the net, but did not find the solution still.
This is clearly an Apple server issue, not an Xcode/iOS/OSX issue. Just wait patiently and Apple's servers will catch up to the traffic, or solve whatever issues they're having at their end.
If you're anxious, feel free to just sit there and restart Xcode until it works - but it's not restarting Xcode, only the time you waste that's solving the issue.
While you're waiting, run your apps in Instruments and solve some performance issues ;)
I just had this error. I waited an hour and tried again with the exact same build and it was all good. Vote for it being Apple's temporary glitch.
I had the same problem. I closed Xcode, restart my computer and it worked.
One possible problem to this is corrupted png files. The png files should not be interlaced
I found a solution to the problem.
If you're using Xcode 4+, you don't have to use Application Loader anymore. Instead you should archive your project in Xcode (Product->Archive). It will then open the organizer, where 3 buttons are displayed. Hit the submit button.
If you've created an entry for your app with Itunes Connect, you should be able to choose that from the list, and then select your distribution profile. Then hit the next button, and you should get a message, that tells you, that your app has been submitted.
At least that worked for me.
Use Application Loader.
I'm getting this a lot today.
Application Loader worked.
XCode > Project > Archive
XCode > Organizer > Distribute > Enterprise/add Hoc > Save As
Saves as YOURAPP.ipa.
Make sure Save for Enterprise Deploy remains UNCHECKED.
Download latest Application Loader.
tap 'Deliver Your App'
make sure new version in itunes connect in WAITING FOR UPLOAD state
Click on Activity... button
TIP: open to see XCode Validation errors
Click on ALL MESSAGE on list of logs on right.
Then in search enter 'XCode' or 'Application Loader'
to monitor any errors with your upload.
I did all this and still got email about missing 120x120 icons.
Forgot to update them in Build Target > General Tab
List of new icon requirements for iOS7
Another reason why this can happen is the duplicate product name. Despite your app names, executable names, display names or bundle IDs are different, if the product name exists in your current apps this error is gonna occur.
"The server returned an invalid response. This may indicate that a network proxy is interfering with communication, or that Apple servers are having issues. Please try your request again later.""
Reset The internet connection.
Reopen the xcode.
Set the profile again.
Clean build.
And Archive the build.
Works perfect for me (With in 5 minutes no need to wait).
It's just the time, because you can't control Apple's Server's traffic problem, We all merely become the victim of that..So cut the long story short...
By restarting XCODE may work but everyone as in my case, i tried by restarting XCODE, SYSTEM, ROUTER and anything and everything possible, only error name had changed from "The network connection was lost" to "The request timed out" and vice Versa..!
Just think at what time less people would be accessing the sever...
PS: Only perseverance can help you in this way..keep redialing..And WAIT and WATCH:P
I solved ... :)
Please remove all your icons and splash image also remove icon Files and icons File( IOS 5 ) from info.plist and then add all your icons to app bundle ...
After this update info.plist iconFiles field add desired name of icons....
And last but not least remove Provisioning profile from developer portal and recreate it ...
Clean your build and Archive it and using Application Loader submit it to AppStore ...
it work for me and i think it may help you...
Not every time not it is Apple server issue,sometime we did some bad linking according to me :)

Application Loader Error 1095 [duplicate]

I am creating a newsstand application. the application is ready, now i am trying to upload the app in apple store using Application Loader. While uploading the zip file its showing the error message as
Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error (1095)
I googled this in the net, but did not find the solution still.
This is clearly an Apple server issue, not an Xcode/iOS/OSX issue. Just wait patiently and Apple's servers will catch up to the traffic, or solve whatever issues they're having at their end.
If you're anxious, feel free to just sit there and restart Xcode until it works - but it's not restarting Xcode, only the time you waste that's solving the issue.
While you're waiting, run your apps in Instruments and solve some performance issues ;)
I just had this error. I waited an hour and tried again with the exact same build and it was all good. Vote for it being Apple's temporary glitch.
I had the same problem. I closed Xcode, restart my computer and it worked.
One possible problem to this is corrupted png files. The png files should not be interlaced
I found a solution to the problem.
If you're using Xcode 4+, you don't have to use Application Loader anymore. Instead you should archive your project in Xcode (Product->Archive). It will then open the organizer, where 3 buttons are displayed. Hit the submit button.
If you've created an entry for your app with Itunes Connect, you should be able to choose that from the list, and then select your distribution profile. Then hit the next button, and you should get a message, that tells you, that your app has been submitted.
At least that worked for me.
Use Application Loader.
I'm getting this a lot today.
Application Loader worked.
XCode > Project > Archive
XCode > Organizer > Distribute > Enterprise/add Hoc > Save As
Saves as YOURAPP.ipa.
Make sure Save for Enterprise Deploy remains UNCHECKED.
Download latest Application Loader.
tap 'Deliver Your App'
make sure new version in itunes connect in WAITING FOR UPLOAD state
Click on Activity... button
TIP: open to see XCode Validation errors
Click on ALL MESSAGE on list of logs on right.
Then in search enter 'XCode' or 'Application Loader'
to monitor any errors with your upload.
I did all this and still got email about missing 120x120 icons.
Forgot to update them in Build Target > General Tab
List of new icon requirements for iOS7
Another reason why this can happen is the duplicate product name. Despite your app names, executable names, display names or bundle IDs are different, if the product name exists in your current apps this error is gonna occur.
"The server returned an invalid response. This may indicate that a network proxy is interfering with communication, or that Apple servers are having issues. Please try your request again later.""
Reset The internet connection.
Reopen the xcode.
Set the profile again.
Clean build.
And Archive the build.
Works perfect for me (With in 5 minutes no need to wait).
It's just the time, because you can't control Apple's Server's traffic problem, We all merely become the victim of that..So cut the long story short...
By restarting XCODE may work but everyone as in my case, i tried by restarting XCODE, SYSTEM, ROUTER and anything and everything possible, only error name had changed from "The network connection was lost" to "The request timed out" and vice Versa..!
Just think at what time less people would be accessing the sever...
PS: Only perseverance can help you in this way..keep redialing..And WAIT and WATCH:P
I solved ... :)
Please remove all your icons and splash image also remove icon Files and icons File( IOS 5 ) from info.plist and then add all your icons to app bundle ...
After this update info.plist iconFiles field add desired name of icons....
And last but not least remove Provisioning profile from developer portal and recreate it ...
Clean your build and Archive it and using Application Loader submit it to AppStore ...
it work for me and i think it may help you...
Not every time not it is Apple server issue,sometime we did some bad linking according to me :)

Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error (1095)

I am creating a newsstand application. the application is ready, now i am trying to upload the app in apple store using Application Loader. While uploading the zip file its showing the error message as
Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error (1095)
I googled this in the net, but did not find the solution still.
This is clearly an Apple server issue, not an Xcode/iOS/OSX issue. Just wait patiently and Apple's servers will catch up to the traffic, or solve whatever issues they're having at their end.
If you're anxious, feel free to just sit there and restart Xcode until it works - but it's not restarting Xcode, only the time you waste that's solving the issue.
While you're waiting, run your apps in Instruments and solve some performance issues ;)
I just had this error. I waited an hour and tried again with the exact same build and it was all good. Vote for it being Apple's temporary glitch.
I had the same problem. I closed Xcode, restart my computer and it worked.
One possible problem to this is corrupted png files. The png files should not be interlaced
I found a solution to the problem.
If you're using Xcode 4+, you don't have to use Application Loader anymore. Instead you should archive your project in Xcode (Product->Archive). It will then open the organizer, where 3 buttons are displayed. Hit the submit button.
If you've created an entry for your app with Itunes Connect, you should be able to choose that from the list, and then select your distribution profile. Then hit the next button, and you should get a message, that tells you, that your app has been submitted.
At least that worked for me.
Use Application Loader.
I'm getting this a lot today.
Application Loader worked.
XCode > Project > Archive
XCode > Organizer > Distribute > Enterprise/add Hoc > Save As
Saves as YOURAPP.ipa.
Make sure Save for Enterprise Deploy remains UNCHECKED.
Download latest Application Loader.
tap 'Deliver Your App'
make sure new version in itunes connect in WAITING FOR UPLOAD state
Click on Activity... button
TIP: open to see XCode Validation errors
Click on ALL MESSAGE on list of logs on right.
Then in search enter 'XCode' or 'Application Loader'
to monitor any errors with your upload.
I did all this and still got email about missing 120x120 icons.
Forgot to update them in Build Target > General Tab
List of new icon requirements for iOS7
Another reason why this can happen is the duplicate product name. Despite your app names, executable names, display names or bundle IDs are different, if the product name exists in your current apps this error is gonna occur.
"The server returned an invalid response. This may indicate that a network proxy is interfering with communication, or that Apple servers are having issues. Please try your request again later.""
Reset The internet connection.
Reopen the xcode.
Set the profile again.
Clean build.
And Archive the build.
Works perfect for me (With in 5 minutes no need to wait).
It's just the time, because you can't control Apple's Server's traffic problem, We all merely become the victim of that..So cut the long story short...
By restarting XCODE may work but everyone as in my case, i tried by restarting XCODE, SYSTEM, ROUTER and anything and everything possible, only error name had changed from "The network connection was lost" to "The request timed out" and vice Versa..!
Just think at what time less people would be accessing the sever...
PS: Only perseverance can help you in this way..keep redialing..And WAIT and WATCH:P
I solved ... :)
Please remove all your icons and splash image also remove icon Files and icons File( IOS 5 ) from info.plist and then add all your icons to app bundle ...
After this update info.plist iconFiles field add desired name of icons....
And last but not least remove Provisioning profile from developer portal and recreate it ...
Clean your build and Archive it and using Application Loader submit it to AppStore ...
it work for me and i think it may help you...
Not every time not it is Apple server issue,sometime we did some bad linking according to me :)

Application Loader: No eligible applications were found

I am trying to upload my application to the apple app store, but! I've set my application ID, certificate etc... then build signed application step by step according to apple howtos. In iTunes Connect I've registered my application record and yes! I've pressed the blue button: "Ready to upload binary" and my application status is: "Waiting for upload". I've even received an email, that I can now upload my binary. But! Even if I try to run setup wizard and enter correct info in Application loader I still get the message:
No eligible applications were found.
WHY!? I'm getting desperate about this. I've spent more than 5 days with trying to repeat, making everything step by step again, even trying to validate my application via XCode 4.0.2 fails, but with the message: No suitable application records were found.
please anybody help! I've written about this problem to apple tech support 4 days ago, but they haven't replied till now! I'm starting regret the money for this "Apple developer gibberish".
Make sure your status isn't "Prepare for Upload" and is actually "Waiting for Upload."
On the app's page in iTC, you have to click "Ready to Upload binary" and it'll ask you about encryption. After that you should be good to go.
I was having the same problem and I went back, and I noticed the "load binary" button at the bottom of the page rather than the top. I guess I thought I had already clicked that but hadn't. There's a chance you might have over looked that like I did.
Make sure the version number in your plist file matches that of the Application on iTunes Connect. Also, confirm matching Bundle Indentifiers.
Make sure you are logging in with the same account. I know, that sounds silly, but I manage multiple accounts for different clients and have done that before.
From Apple's website:
Troubleshooting: If Xcode doesn’t find an iTunes Connect application record for your application, the “No suitable application records were found” dialog appears. This dialog also appears when the application record state is not at least Waiting for Upload.
Ensure an application record exists for your application in iTunes Connect.
Ensure the application record status is at least Waiting to Upload.
You can find the link here:
This kind of thing occur when you upload a binary files via Application Loader.
After Submitted Itunes said "Invalid binary". and you again Upload an application at that time , then Application Loader said Application Loader: No eligible applications were found
for solve this Issue:
1) Log in
2) go to -> manage your application
3) you see that red button with "Invalid Binary" click on It.
4) scroll down and you will see "Upload Binary" option. click it.
5) Itunes ask that did you change any encryption in previous binary give the answer appropriate.
6) then click "done".
7) now Again you try with Application Loader It will work normally.
I try to upload my application 4-5 times i had go through this steps. i hope that will help you.