Running external commands in IPython - subprocess

I'd like to run a new command from IPython configuration and capture its output. Basically, I'd like to access the equivalent of !command via normal functions. I know I can just use subprocess, but since IPython already provides this functionality, I guess there must be a properly made wrapper included somewhere in the API.

Apparently, such wrapper can be called via ip.IP.getoutput("command").


Scripting option for CLI utilizing .NET System.Commandline

Just now starting to implement a command line interface utilizing the new System.Commandline package and using the approach of the SCL example project. Which I really like, thanks for that. The client more or less maps the console input to gRPC messages and should provide an interactive service interface utilizing the duplex capabilities gRPC brings. Since I do all the work implementing the gRPC interface for the console I would like to have a non interactive option beeing able to provide an option to automate all these commands within a script. I spend quite a while researching for options like pipe the stdin/out, C# REPL, determining if keyboard is available, overwriting IConsole, dotnet script CLI and finally writing cmdlets. To be honest I am not really happy with these options and I am wondering if I may missed something with System.Commandline? The requirement is simple: to provide a (typed) output/input to realize command chains within a script running in an MS Windows environment.

Missing Python file for models using pyCommunicator

My experience with Python is limited, but I just started looking at the new Python models included AnyLogic's examples. I am looking at the 1st one Passing Data Types. The model runs correctly with the set, modify and get functions working as expected. My question is there a python file somewhere that the communicator is working with? I only see the .alp file in the folder.
I'm also beginning to use this, but as I understand, the idea of the python helper here (among other things) is that you can run python commands with Anylogic, so you actually don't need a python file. Nevertheless it uses python installed in your computer to run the scripts, if you don't have python installed, your model won't work.

Using Saxon/C with Perl

The Saxon website says Saxon/C can be invoked from Perl, but I can't find any examples. The only thing I've found that interfaces to Saxon is one old Perl module (XML::Saxon::XSLT2) which uses Inline::Java and apparently is very slow. But I can find nothing that uses Saxon/C. Has anyone had any success in doing this who can share some tips?
we have not yet officially done the integration work needed to extend Saxon/C on perl it is still on our todo list. Therefore we currently don't support it. I don't know of anyone who has done this work as yet but I know it is can be done.
On the Saxon website we state that it is possible to create extensions in languages like Perl since Saxon/C has a C/C++ interface. Currently, we only have extensions for PHP and Python (available in the next release).
As a workaround you could run the transform command from Saxon/C using the exec function in Perl instead of the Java version, therefore avoiding the need to run Java VM.

memory command is not available even after compiled with TCL_MEM_DEBUG flag

I have memory related problem in my application on solaris9 environment where Tcl_DeleteInterp() function calls lot of free() and mutex_unlock() functions. To debug the problem i followed the below steps to compile tcl on solaris server (with TCL_MEM_DEBUG flag) but still i couldn't use the 'memory' command in my interpreter.
Ran configure script on server (./configure –prefix=<directory needs to be installed> --enable-symbols=mem)
Make clean all
Make install (tcl libraries and tlcsh exe is copied to the path specified in step1)
Compilation generated two libraries ( and libtclstub8.4g.a), I copied as to my app
Copied tcl8.4 directory as well.
I also copied the tclsh8.4 to $PROVHOME/bin and created soft link as tclsh-> tclsh8.4.
From my application i linked the debug symbol enabled libraries to the place where exactly i created the Tcl interpreter.
Initialized the Tcl interpreter to using Tcl_InitMemory() function (so that the memory command will be registered in the supplied(arg) interpreter.
When i used the interpreter exe (tclsh) separately i could execute the memory command, but when i used the same exe on my application its not working. Can someone help me what could be the possible reason for this problem ?
Also help me how can i cross verify the libraries that they are compiled with TCL_MEM_DEBUG flag.
Will the Tcl source code tar file contain Solaris directory where i have to build the libraries or should i use the unix source code for solaris platform as well ?
Are you using [mem] interactively (which does expansion of unambiguous short command names) and forgetting to use the full name ([memory]) in your scripts?
You're using Tcl embedded in your code? You need to call Tcl_InitMemory (passing in the handle to the interpreter where you want the memory command created) after creation of the interpreter and before you run user scripts, i.e., straight after the Tcl_CreateInterp gives you the handle (which should in turn come after the Tcl_FindExecutable call that initializes the shared parts of the library).
You must also make sure that everything is built with that flag set so that the correct memory allocation APIs are used in both your code when it integrates with Tcl, and you must make sure that you are linking against the debugging build. It's probably the linking that has gone wrong, but I've not done that level of development on Solaris for many years.
I think you'll find that “Getting a list of used libraries by a running process (unix)” is relevant to your problems.

How to make sphinx look for modules in virtualenv while building html?

I want to build html docs using a virtualenv instead of the native environment on my machine.
I've entered the virtualenv but when I run make html I get errors saying the module can't be imported - I know the errors are due to the module being unavailable in my native environment.
How can I specify which environment should be used when searching for docs (eg the virtualenv)?
The problem is correctly spotted by Mathijs.
$ which sphinx-build
I solved this issue installing sphinx itself in the virtual environment.
With the environment activated:
$ source /home/migonzalvar/envs/myenvironment/bin/activate
$ pip install sphinx
$ which sphinx-build
It seems neat enough.
The problem here is that make html uses the sphinx-build command as a normal shell command, which explicitly specifies which Python interpreter to use in the first line of the file (ie. #!/usr/bin/python). If Python gets invoked in this way, it will not use your virtual environment.
A quick and dirty way around this is by explicitly calling the sphinx-build Python script from an interpreter. In the Makefile, this can be achieved by changing SPHINXBUILD to the following:
SPHINXBUILD = python <absolute_path_to_sphinx-build-file>/sphinx-build
If you do not want to modify your Makefile you can also pass this parameter from the command line, as follows:
make html SPHINXBUILD='python <path_to_sphinx>/sphinx-build'
Now if you execute make build from within your VirtualEnv environment, it should use the Python interpreter from within your environment and you should see Sphinx finding all the goodies it requires.
I am well aware that this is not a neat solution, as a Makefile like this should not assume any specific location for the sphinx-build file, so any suggestions for a more suitable solution are warmly welcomed.
I had the same problem, but I couldn't use the accepted solution because I didn't use the Makefile. I was calling sphinx-build from within a custom python build file. What I really wanted to do was to call sphinx-build with the exact same environment that I was calling my python build script with. Fiddling with paths was too complicated and error prone, so I ended up with what seems to me like an elegant solution, which is to "manually" load the console script entry point and call it:
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
cmd = load_entry_point('Sphinx', 'console_scripts', 'sphinx-build')
cmd(['sphinx-build', basepath, destpath])