iPhone native media player - customization - iphone

I am building an application that implements a custom view on iPhone's native media player. I want your help in deciding directions to lay this effort. At present I have find out that iPhone SDK doesn't support APIs to customize media player.
I need these things in the player:
I would like to have custom views i.e. want to change all control buttons on player like Play/Pause, seek bar etc. The background of player will also need to be different. The player has to play audio or video file from local/remote location. Can i use MPMoviePlayerController if it can be customized (How to do it ??). However, any other third party player approved by iPhone which has an ability to download and play the media file from local/remote location is also fine.
It will be great to have an access to media player buffer so that it can be encrypted.
I have following questions:
Any help in building/customizing player.....
Do you see issues in signing of application?
Does Apple have any restrictions on customizing media player?
Any sample iPhone application where media player is customized
Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.


How to show video player when the application is in minimised

I am making a video streaming application. I want my application to show the video player in a tiny window when the app is minimised while playing like amazon prime app.Is there any way to implement this
This feature is known as pictures in picture mode. I used this plugin pip_flutter to implement this feature.

Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player in Jwplayer on iPhone

I came across this ans to avoid fullscreen video player in iPhone.Can we use this module to create video player custom controls.
I have using jwplayer and have own custom video controls (fast forward/backward, transcript, slow/fast, volume control, fullscreen).This controls gets hidden in iPhone and native iPhone video player is shown.
Is there any way to avoid this iphone fullscreen and still bring own custom controls.
Can this module be used for jwplayer? to bring own custom video control with jwplayer.
I have not seen that particular library in use with our player, so you're more than able to try it - but I cannot guarantee any success, nor can we provide support for its use.
With that being said, iOS 10 is slated to bring inline video playback to Safari for iPhone and the good news is our player is already set up in the way it needs to take advantage of this. Obviously, iOS 10 is in beta and not final yet so things are subject to change, but this is good news for those customers looking for inline video playback in Safari on iPhone.

How to make a media player application for iPhone?

I don't have good idea about where to start. Any way, most of us have use a DVD player, what we do is to put an disc in that and it plays video(or Audio, but my concern is video). All controls like play pause, forward, rewind can be handled at DVD player end. With remote or buttons on the player. These effect reflect on TV screen.
Now, what I need to do is create a same application for iPhone. In that iPhone will be the DVD player and system monitor connected to that will behave like TV screen, all controls on iPhone screen will be equally effective on playing monitor. But my point is video content should be stream, not screen, of playing iPhone.
Please tell me from where should I start?
You can do this with Airplay and an AppleTV as secondDisplay (DVD playingScreen) and specifying another external screen (video) than your internal one (control)

Graphical Audio player in iOS

Is there a library or built in graphical player to represent a playing audio file in iOS.
I dont want a full screen player, but a small inline player that can be embedded into a UIView.
Does this exist in iOS?
Apple has a good example of this, avTouch. I have successfully adapted parts of their code to display audio levels in the past.

Playing video in a Customview like iPad feature

When we call MPMoviePlayerController.play method, the movie player is opened and the video is played in a separate full screen. is it possible to play a video in a custom view, that is I have an image added on a view, when this image is clicked, the image has to be removed and the video has to play there itself as the feature in iPad.
Non-full screen playback of video is possible in iPhone OS 3.2 for iPad.
If you are porting an application that uses the MPMoviePlayerController class of the Media Player framework, you must change your code if you want it to run in iPhone OS 3.2. The old version of this class supports only full-screen playback using a simplified interface. The new version supports both full- and partial-screen playback and offers you more control over various aspects of the playback.
On the full-screen question, see this section of the iPad Programming Guide for further information, and this property of MPMoviePlayerController specifically.
Bear in mind that you can still only play one video at a time, and that this is only currently possible for iPad.
Not using MPMoviePlayerController, no.
You might be able to achieve this using a custom movie player, but I haven't seen one in the wild yet, and I don't know how it would be done.