To bless or not to bless, that is my question! - perl

first post from a newbie-user. Every question I google seems to bring me here and I always get a great answer to what I'm looking for; so naturally this was my first stop when I began pondering the usage of blessing in Perl.
I've just gotten into Perl's OOP and just today read the post asking what bless does. I now understand that it references a scalar/hash/array to an object, 'attaching' it, if you will.
In most of the examples of classes I see in Perl, they don't seem to have properties like I'm used to seeing in other languages...
{ package Person;
my $property = "This is what I'm talking about :)";
sub new { ... }
So, I created a stupid class with a property to see what would happen. I gave the property the value 'NIL' right off the bat and then 'Not Nil!' in the constructor. Using a method LIST, I was able to print the property, and as I expected, it printed 'Not Nil!'
My question is, if properties work the same as I expected them to work (declared in the body) then why use bless at all? What is the added benefit of having that reference when you could simply create a scalar/hash/array as a property, or create whatever references you want as a property?
I hope I explained what I'm trying to ask well enough, very green with Perl :)

Well, that is not how you create classes in Perl.
Your $property variable is defined in package scope. Therefore, there will only one copy of it per class rather than each object having its own copy.
One might implement such a class using hash based objects the long and hard way as below:
package Person;
use strict; use warnings;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self => $class;
my ($arg) = #_;
for my $property ( qw( message ) ) {
if ( exists $arg->{$property} ) {
return $self;
sub message {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{message} unless #_;
my ($msg) = #_;
$self->{message} = $msg;
package main;
my $person = Person->new({
message => "This is what I'm talking about :)"
print $person->message, "\n";
Now, this gets tedious fast. So, there are modules that help you deal with this as well as helping you define your classes in way that is safe for inheritance.
Class::Accessor is one such utility module.
For programs where startup time is not an issue, you should consider Moose. With Moose, you can write the above as:
package Person;
use Moose;
has 'message' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
no Moose;
package main;
my $person = Person->new({
message => "This is what I'm talking about :)"
print $person->message, "\n";
You should read perldoc perltoot and Moose::Manual::Unsweetened for the standard way of doing things.

What you did with $property in this case is declared a variable in the "Person" package's scope. You change that inside (or outside using $Person::property) of the package, and any object that refers to it will see the updated variable, so it acts a lot like a "static attribute (Java)" without any real "private" scope. By convention, hidden things in Perl ("private" or "protected") are prefixed with an underscore, but of course this isn't enforced.
You don't actually make a new class, as you pointed out, with the "package" keyword; you can use "package" without OOP at all. That simply creates a separate "namespace".
The advantage of "blessing" a variable, almost always a hash reference from what I've seen, is that you can have methods, just like any other OOP language. Just remember to bless whatever you return in the new {} subroutine ("new" isn't actually a reserved word; just a convention). When you call a method on the "object" (a blessed data structure like a hashref), the first argument of the method is the data structure itself. So, if you have a hashref called $myobject, which is blessed to AwesomeClass, and you define a method in AwesomeClass called doSomethingAwesome, which needs to accept one variable, you would have to "shift" #_ (which is the argument list of the subroutine, or use $_[0]) to access the $myobject hashref. Python does something similar, and all languages pass the object reference to the method somehow. ("this" keyword in many, see also "thiscall" calling convention)
NB: I've seen lots Perl bashing in my time, which has only been a few years as a programmer. Perl is an awesome language that was made by a very smart linguist (Larry Wall) and has a fanatical following -- more fanatical at one time than Ruby, perhaps, but not as much as David Koresh). Perl does things very differently than lots of languages but if you look at code golf entries on this site and others, you can clearly see that much can be accomplished with very little Perl (no guarantees about code legibility, especially for newcomers!)

The value of bless'ing an object is getting to use the methods from a particular package.
package MyClass;
sub answer { my ($self)=#_; return $self->{foo} * 42; }
package main;
my $object1 = { foo => 1, bar => "\t" };
my $object2 = bless { foo => 2, bar => "\t" }, "MyClass";
$ref1 = ref $object1; # 'HASH'
$ref2 = ref $object2; # 'MyClass'
$answer1 = $object1->answer; # run time error
$answer2 = $object2->answer; # calls MyClass::answer, returns 2 * 42 = 84

Ugh... Sinan's answer is entirely too learned for my taste, at least past 12am :)
So I'll give a shorter and somewhat less Perly one, just for variety's sake.
Your question is not really about Perl as far as I can tell, and can be just as easily ased in another form: "Why bother using C++ and OOP in it when C already has structs?"
In other words, you seem to be asking what the point of using OOP paradigm is.
The answer is of course that it helps solving certain software engineering problems easier than pure procedural programming. Emphasis on certain - OOP is not a panacea for every problem, any more than ANY technique/approach/paradigm is.
Using OOP (in a form of packages as classes and blessed hashes as objects in Perl) allows you to enjoy the benefits of inheritance, polymorphism and other OOPyish mumbo-jumbo which you are probably already fairly familiar with from you non-Perl OOP experience.
Can you do 100% of what you'd have done with a blessed object with a pure data structure? Absolutely. Would 100% of it be just as easy/short/readable/maintainable code as you can achieve using objects? Most likely not, though it depends on how well your OOP code actually leverages the benefits that OOP provides (BTW, I have encountered supposedly OOP code (Perl and not) which wasn't really taking any advantage of OOP paradigm and could have been made easier to read and understand had it been stripped of its OOP chrome).


In Perl OOP, is there any official recommendations on initialisation within the constructor?

In Perl Object Oriented Programming, is there any official[1] recommendations for the separation or inclusion of initialisation in the "new" constructor?
I'm seeking references to Perl Best Practices or similar.
For example is there an official recommendation for the split or combined form of the following:
sub new {
my ( $obj_or_class ) = #_;
my $class = ( ref $obj_or_class ) ? ref $obj_or_class : $obj_or_class;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
} ## end sub new
sub init {
my ( $self, $arg ) = #_;
foreach my $key (#VALID_KEYS) {
if ( exists $arg->{$key} ) {
$self->{$key} = $arg->{$key};
} ## end sub _init
[1] I realise "official" within the Perl community is a pretty loose concept.
The latest word is to not roll your own object system, but instead to use Moose or one of it's derivatives.
Moose will automatically provide you with a constructor, and you can define initialization on a per field basis.
Basically, a constructor returns a blessed object, and a method operates on that object. An easy way to tell is to look at the first parameter. Is it named $class or $self?
It is common practice to call the subroutine that acts a constructor as new. This makes it easy to figure it out. Also, it's common practice to put the constructors first in your package before the methods.
In real Perl, you have nothing that enforces any of this. My favorite are inside-out classes which are popular because you can't cheat by using classes as references. It's Perl's answer to private methods. To me, it makes programming and debugging impossible to do, and maintain.
Of course, the latest way is to not roll your own, but to use Moose, or Mouse, or one of the many derivatives. of Moose. You can even use Class::Struct which unlike all of the other modules is a standard Perl module.

Query in Perl Subroutines

I've to use perl as a part of our internship, I've come across this piece of code and could not understand what this may mean.
$val->ReadSim($first_sim, \&DataProcessing);
In the script, subroutine DataProcessing is defined, but could not find ReadSim. I tried searching in our infrastructure but was not able to. This was given to me to understand a week ago and I can't ask the guide without losing credits...
Please help...
What you're seeing is not a mere subroutine, but a method on some object called $val.
I take it you might see something on top of the program like this:
use Foo::Bar; # Some Perl module
This Perl module will contain the method ReadSim. Somewhere in your code, you probably see something like this:
my $val = Foo::Bar->new; # If the people who wrote this followed standards...
This defines $val as an object of Foo::Bar. If you look in package Foo::Bar, you'd see something like this:
#! Foo/
package Foo::Bar;
use strict; # Because I'm an optimist
use warnings;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self; # May simply be bless {}, $class;
Then further down, you'll see:
sub ReadSim {
my $self = shift;
The $self = {} is a reference to a Perl hash. This is how most objects are defined. That's pretty much all the constructor does. It defines a reference to something, then blesses it as that object type. Then, the methods are merely subroutines that take the defined object and manipulate that.
$val-> ReadSim(...);
is equivalent to:
Foo::Bar::ReadSim( $val, ... );
So much for your introduction to Object Oriented Perl by Fire. You still have a question about what does ReadSim mean.
If all is right in the world, the developer of that module should have created built in Perl documentation called POD. First, determine the type of object $val is. Look where $val is defined (Something like my $val = Foo::Bar->new(...);). The Foo::Bar is the class that $val is a member of. You can do this from the command line:
$ perldoc Foo::Bar
And, if you're lucky, you'll see the documentation for Foo::Bar printed out. If you're really, really lucky, you will also see the what ReadSim also does.
And, if you're not so lucky, you'll have to do some digging. You can do this:
$ perldoc -l Foo::Bar
This will print out the location of where the Perl Module resides on your system. For example, in this case, the module's code is in /usr/perl/lib/perl5/5.12/Foo/ Now, you can use an editor on this file to read it, and search for sub ReadSim and find out what that subroutine ... I mean method does.
One final thing. If you're new to Perl, you may want to look at a few tutorials that come with Perl. One is the Perl Reference Tutorial. This tutorial will tell you about references. In standard Perl, there are three different types of variables: scalar, hashes, and arrays. To create more complex data structures, you can create hashes of hashes or hashes of arrays, or arrays of arrays, etc. This tutorial will teach you about how to do this.
Once you understand references, you should read the tutorial on Perl Object Oriented Programming. Object Oriented Perl uses references to create a simulated world object oriented programming design. (I say simulated because some people will argue that Object Oriented Perl isn't really object oriented since you don't have things like private methods and variables. To me, if you can think in terms of objects and methods as you program, it's object oriented).

Why do '::' and '->' work (sort of) interchangeably when calling methods from Perl modules?

I keep getting :: confused with -> when calling subroutines from modules. I know that :: is more related to paths and where the module/subroutine is and -> is used for objects, but I don't really understand why I can seemingly interchange both and it not come up with immediate errors.
I have perl modules which are part of a larger package, e.g. FullProgram::Part1
I'm just about getting to grips with modules, but still am on wobbly grounds when it comes to Perl objects, but I've been accidentally doing this:
instead of
so when I've been passing a hash ref to subroutine1 and been careful about using $class/$self to deal with the object reference and accidentally use :: I end up pulling my hair out wondering why my hash ref seems to disappear. I have learnt my lesson, but would really like an explanation of the difference. I have read the perldocs and various websites on these but I haven't seen any comparisons between the two (quite hard to google...)
All help appreciated - always good to understand what I'm doing!
There's no inherent difference between a vanilla sub and one's that's a method. It's all in how you call it.
This will call Class::foo. If Class::foo doesn't exist, the inheritance tree will not be checked. Class::foo will be passed only the provided arguments ('a').
It's roughly the same as: my $sub = \&Class::foo; $sub->('a');
This will call Class::foo, or foo in one of its base classes if Class::foo doesn't exist. The invocant (what's on the left of the ->) will be passed as an argument.
It's roughly the same as: my $sub = Class->can('foo'); $sub->('Class', 'a');
calls the subroutine subroutine1 of the package FullProgram::Part1 with an empty parameter list while
calls the same subroutine with the package name as the first argument (note that it gets a little bit more complex when you're subclassing). This syntax is used by constructor methods that need the class name for building objects of subclasses like
sub new {
my ($class, #args) = #_;
return bless $thing, $class;
FYI: in Perl OO you see $object->method(#args) which calls Class::method with the object (a blessed reference) as the first argument instead of the package/class name. In a method like this, the subroutine could work like this:
sub method {
my ($self, $foo, $bar) = #_;
# ...
which will call the subroutine do_something_with with the object as first argument again followed by the value of $bar which was the second list element you originally passed to method in #args. That way the object itself doesn't get lost.
For more informations about how the inheritance tree becomes important when calling methods, please see ikegami's answer!
Use both!
use Module::Two;
Note that this works but also protects you against an ambiguity there; the simple
will be interpreted as:
(calling the subroutine Two in Module and trying to call class_method on its return value - likely resulting in a runtime error or calling a class or instance method in some completely different class) if there happens to be a sub Two in Module - something that you shouldn't depend on one way or the other, since it's not any of your code's business what is in Module.
Historically, Perl dont had any OO. And functions from packages called with FullProgram::Part1::subroutine1(); sytax. Or even before with FullProgram'Part1'subroutine1(); syntax(deprecated).
Later, they implemented OOP with -> sign, but dont changed too much actually. FullProgram::Part1->subroutine1(); calls subroutine1 and FullProgram::Part1 goes as 1st parameter. you can see usage of this when you create an object: my $cgi = CGI->new(). Now, when you call a method from this object, left part also goes as first parameter to function: $cgi->param(''). Thats how param gets object he called from (usually named $self). Thats it. -> is hack for OOP. So as a result Perl does not have classes(packages work as them) but does have objects("objects" hacks too - they are blessed scalars).
Offtop: Also you can call with my $cgi = new CGI; syntax. This is same as CGI->new. Same when you say print STDOUT "text\n";. Yeah, just just calling IOHandle::print().

What's the best way to discover all subroutines a Perl module has?

What's the best way to programatically discover all of the subroutines a perl module has? This could be a module, a class (no #EXPORT), or anything in-between.
Edit: All of the methods below look like they will work. I'd probably use the Class::Sniff or Class::Inspector in production. However, Leon's answer is marked as 'accepted' since it answers the question as posed, even though no strict 'refs' has to be used. :-) Class::Sniff may be a good choice as it progresses; it looks like a lot of thought has gone into it.
sub list_module {
my $module = shift;
no strict 'refs';
return grep { defined &{"$module\::$_"} } keys %{"$module\::"}
ETA: if you want to filter out imported subroutines, you can do this
use B qw/svref_2object/;
sub in_package {
my ($coderef, $package) = #_;
my $cv = svref_2object($coderef);
return if not $cv->isa('B::CV') or $cv->GV->isa('B::SPECIAL');
return $cv->GV->STASH->NAME eq $package;
sub list_module {
my $module = shift;
no strict 'refs';
return grep { defined &{"$module\::$_"} and in_package(\&{*$_}, $module) } keys %{"$module\::"}
Class::Inspector allows you to get information about a loaded class. Most or all of this information can be found in other ways, but they aren't always very friendly, and usually involve a relatively high level of Perl wizardry, or strange and unusual looking code. Class::Inspector attempts to provide an easier, more friendly interface to this information...
Have a look at this:
The interface is rather ad-hoc at the moment and is likely to change. After creating a new instance, calling the report method is your best option. You can then visually examine it to look for potential problems:
my $sniff = Class::Sniff->new({class => 'Some::Class'});
print $sniff->report;
This module attempts to help programmers find 'code smells' in the object-oriented code. If it reports something, it does not mean that your code is wrong. It just means that you might want to look at your code a little bit more closely to see if you have any problems.
At the present time, we assume Perl's default left-most, depth-first search order. We may alter this in the future (and there's a work-around with the paths method. More on this later)...

Why shouldn't I use UNIVERSAL::isa?

According to this
I shouldn't use UNIVERSAL::isa() and should instead use $obj->isa() or CLASS->isa().
This means that to find out if something is a reference in the first place and then is reference to this class I have to do
eval { $poss->isa("Class") }
and check $# and all that gumph, or else
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
blessed $ref && $ref->isa($class);
My question is why? What's wrong with UNIVERSAL::isa called like that? It's much cleaner for things like:
my $self = shift if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__)
To see whether this function is being called on the object or not. And is there a nice clean alternative that doesn't get cumbersome with ampersands and potentially long lines?
The primary problem is that if you call UNIVERSAL::isa directly, you are bypassing any classes that have overloaded isa. If those classes rely on the overloaded behavior (which they probably do or else they would not have overridden it), then this is a problem. If you invoke isa directly on your blessed object, then the correct isa method will be called in either case (overloaded if it exists, UNIVERSAL:: if not).
The second problem is that UNIVERSAL::isa will only perform the test you want on a blessed reference just like every other use of isa. It has different behavior for non-blessed references and simple scalars. So your example that doesn't check whether $ref is blessed is not doing the right thing, you're ignoring an error condition and using UNIVERSAL's alternate behavior. In certain circumstances this can cause subtle errors (for example, if your variable contains the name of a class).
use CGI;
my $a = CGI->new();
my $b = "CGI";
print UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"CGI"); # prints 1, $a is a CGI object.
print UNIVERSAL::isa($b,"CGI"); # Also prints 1!! Uh-oh!!
So, in summary, don't use UNIVERSAL::isa... Do the extra error check and invoke isa on your object directly.
See the docs for UNIVERSAL::isa and UNIVERSAL::can for why you shouldn't do it.
In a nutshell, there are important modules with a genuine need to override 'isa' (such as Test::MockObject), and if you call it as a function, you break this.
I have to say, my $self = shift if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__) doesn't look terribly clean to me - anti-Perl advocates would be complaining about line noise. :)
To directly answer your question, the answer is at the bottom of the page you linked to, namely that if a package defines an isa method, then calling UNIVERSAL::isa directly will not call the package isa method. This is very unintuitive behaviour from an object-orientation point of view.
The rest of this post is just more questions about why you're doing this in the first place.
In code like the above, in what cases would that specific isa test fail? i.e., if it's a method, in which case would the first argument not be the package class or an instance thereof?
I ask this because I wonder if there is a legitimate reason why you would want to test whether the first argument is an object in the first place. i.e., are you just trying to catch people saying FooBar::method instead of FooBar->method or $foobar->method? I guess Perl isn't designed for that sort of coddling, and if people mistakenly use FooBar::method they'll find out soon enough.
Your mileage may vary.
Everyone else has told you why you don't want to use UNIVERSAL::isa, because it breaks when things overload isa. If they've gone to all the habit of overloading that very special method, you certainly want to respect it. Sure, you could do this by writing:
if (eval { $foo->isa("thing") }) {
# Do thingish things
because eval guarantees to return false if it throws an exception, and the last value otherwise. But that looks awful, and you shouldn't need to write your code in funny ways because the language wants you to. What we really want is to write just:
if ( $foo->isa("thing") ) {
# Do thingish things
To do that, we'd have to make sure that $foo is always an object. But $foo could be a string, a number, a reference, an undefined value, or all sorts of weird stuff. What a shame Perl can't make everything a first class object.
Oh, wait, it can...
use autobox; # Everything is now a first class object.
use CGI; # Because I know you have it installed.
my $x = 5;
my $y = CGI->new;
print "\$x is a CGI object\n" if $x->isa('CGI'); # This isn't printed.
print "\$y is a CGI object\n" if $y->isa('CGI'); # This is!
You can grab autobox from the CPAN. You can also use it with lexical scope, so everything can be a first class object just for the files or blocks where you want to use ->isa() without all the extra headaches. It also does a lot more than what I've covered in this simple example.
Assuming your example of what you want to be able to do is within an object method, you're being unnecessarily paranoid. The first passed item will always be either a reference to an object of the appropriate class (or a subclass) or it will be the name of the class (or a subclass). It will never be a reference of any other type, unless the method has been deliberately called as a function. You can, therefore, safely just use ref to distinguish between the two cases.
if (ref $_[0]) {
my $self = shift;
# called on instance, so do instancey things
} else {
my $class = shift;
# called as a class/static method, so do classy things
Right. It does a wrong thing for classes that overload isa. Just use the following idiom:
if (eval { $obj->isa($class) }) {
It is easily understood and commonly accepted.
Update for 2020: Perl v5.32 has the class infix operator, isa, which handles any sort of thing on the lefthand side. If the $something is not an object, you get back false with no blowup.
use v5.32;
if( $something isa 'Animal' ) { ... }