Moq : How to mock a class which is not visible? - interface

I've the following simplified code which describes my problem:
public interface IMyUser
int Id { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
Which is used in the dataccess layer like this:
public interface IData
T GetUserById<T>(int id) where T : IMyUser, new();
The userlogic class is defined as follows:
public class UserLogic
private IData da;
public UserLogic(IData da)
this.da = da;
public IMyUser GetMyUserById(int id)
return da.GetUserById<MyUser>(id);
The userlogic uses a MyUSer class which is only visible internally.
I want to use Moq to mock the call to the dataaccess layer. But becuase I cannot access the MyUser class from my unit test code (which is as designed) , I don't know how to setup moq?
The Moq code should be something like:
var data = new Mock<IData>();
data.Setup(d => d.GetUserById<MyUser ???>(1)).Returns(???);
var logic = new UserLogic(data.Object);
var result = logic.GetMyUserById(1);
How to solve this?

Let me just expand on Sjoerd's answer. The problem you are facing is due to not being able to access MyUser type from the test assembly. That problem is easily fixed with InternalsVisibleTo assembly attribute.
I would however recommend to rethink your design and get rid of IMyUser interface and instead just use MyUser class (which should be public). Normally you put services behind interfaces, not entities. Are there any good reasons for providing multiple implementations of IMyUser?
Have a look at how much cleaner this implementation is:
public interface IData
MyUser GetUserById(int id);
public class UserLogic
private IData da;
public UserLogic(IData da)
this.da = da;
public MyUser GetMyUserById(int id)
return da.GetUserById(id);
internal class MyUser {
int Id { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
There is another solution, if you insist on having IMyUser interface and its internal implementation. Your existing solution, if I infer the contents of IData.GetUserById<T> correctly, goes something like this:
public class UserData : IData {
T GetUserById<T>(int id) where T : IMyUser, new(){
T returned = new T();
//fill in properties
returned.Name = "test";
return returned;
The above code is a slight violation of SRP(warning, PDF) and mixes two responsibilities - retrieving an entity from persistent storage and creating an instance of the entity. Not only that, it also puts the creation responsibility on the interface, which is even worse.
Decoupling those responsibilities using Abstract Factory and Dependency Injection(PDF) patterns will lead to much cleaner design that does not suffer from the same problem as before.
public interface IMyUserFactory {
IMyUser Create();
public interface IData
IMyUser GetUserById(int id);
internal MyUserFactory : IMyUserFactory {
public IMyUser Create() {return new MyUser();}
internal class UserData : IData {
IMyUserFactory m_factory;
public UserData(IMyUserFactory factory) {
m_factory = factory;
public IMyUser GetUserById(int id) {
IMyUser returned = m_factory.Create();
//fill in properties
returned.Name = "test";
return returned;
//and finally UserLogic class
public class UserLogic
private IData da;
public UserLogic(IData da)
this.da = da;
public IMyUser GetMyUserById(int id)
return da.GetUserById(id);
//The test then becomes trivial
public void Test() {
var data = new Mock<IData>();
data.Setup(d => d.GetUserById(1)).Returns(new Mock<IMyUser>().Object);
var logic = new UserLogic(data.Object);
var result = logic.GetMyUserById(1);

Can't you use
instead of

If I want to hide functionality but let it be testable, I'll declare the functions as internal, and then at the top of the file I add the [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyAssemblyName")] attribute, where MyAssemblyName is the unit test assembly that you want to grant access to. Thanks, Stef, for pointing out my previous mistake.


ASP MVC EF6 Multi Tenant based on host

Sorry, another multi tenancy post. I can't find a good solution to site, I have read tons of great posts on multi tenancy for ASP MVC but I still need some good advice.
I have an ASP MVC Entity Framework 6 Code First web application. This app has to work for many different clients using a single database for all of them.
I have an entity for all the clients, and each client can have different hosts.
public class Client
public int ClientId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public ICollection<ClientHost> Hosts { get; set; }
public class ClientHost
public int ClientId { get; set; }
public Client Client { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
I have added a column "ClientId" to all the entities I need to filter, so I can separate data from different clients.
public class SomeEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public int ClientId { get; set; }
First thing I need is, base on the host, retrieve the ClientId to work with.
private static int GetClientId()
var currentClient = Convert.ToInt32(HttpRuntime.Cache[CacheClient]);
if (currentClient != null) return currentClient;
lock (Synclock)
using (var dataContext = new MyDataContext())
var urlHost = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;
currentClient = dataContext.Clients
.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Hosts.Any(h => h.Name == urlHost));
if (currentClient == null) return null;
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(CacheClient, currentClient, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), CacheItemPriority.Default, null);
return currentClient;
As you see I get the clientId from DB and store it in cache, so I don't have to call DB every time I need it.
I don't know if there is a better approach to get the client Id or, better, to store it.
After investigation I have created a variable in DbCOntext and initialize it in the Startup.cs file.
public class MyDataContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser, CustomRole, int, CustomUserLogin, CustomUserRole, CustomUserClaim>
public static string ClientId { get; set; }
public MyDataContext() : base("MyDataBase") { }
public static MyDataContext Create()
return new myDataContext();
In Startup.cs
public partial class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
MyDataContext.ClientId = ClientConfiguration.GetCurrentClientId();
Once I have the ClientId, I need to add a filter to every query that needs it. Doing this manually can take you to make many errors or forget to do it in some places.
I need a way that the application can add the filter to all queries automatically (only those entities that need it), so I don't have to worry about a client getting other client's data. Also I need to add the ClientId to all the Insert and Update commands.
I have read about filtering and/or use EF Interceptors, but after reading some posts about that I can't figure out how to do it. Need some help here.
Thanks in advance.
In order to solve QUESTION 2 I have followed this great post by Xabikos:
I have changed it a little bit, since I don't use Users to get the current tenant and instead I use the host. This is part of the program I don't know yet how I'm going to solve but, assuming I already have the ClientId I can add filters to all the queries without realizing that is happening:
I have replaced all the user logic:
private static void SetTenantParameterValue(DbCommand command)
if (MyDataContext.ClientId == 0) return;
foreach (DbParameter param in command.Parameters)
if (param.ParameterName != TenantAwareAttribute.TenantIdFilterParameterName)
param.Value = MyDataContext.ClientId;
Same in all the places...
Than I only have to mark the entities that have to filter with TenantAware, indicating the property. In this case I do in my base class and then apply that base class to all the entities I need.
public abstract class ClientEntity : Entity, IClientEntity
public int ClientId { get; set; }
public Client Client { get; set; }
Here are a couple of things I have done in the past that might help.
Question 1:
I am not a big fan of session as the web is supposed to be stateless. However, it is sometimes necessary. Your approach is reasonable. You could also use cookies as well. What I use are Json Web Tokens (JWT) via my authentication provider ( For each request as it is authenticated, I look for this client id. Here is an example. This is MVC 6 as well. You could do the same type of things w/ cookies.
public class Auth0ClaimsTransformer : IClaimsTransformer
private string _accountId = AdminClaimType.AccountId.DefaultValue;
private string _clientId = AdminClaimType.ClientId.DefaultValue;
private string _isActive = AdminClaimType.IsActive.DefaultValue;
public Task<ClaimsPrincipal> TransformAsync(ClaimsTransformationContext context)
foreach (var claim in context.Principal.Claims)
switch (claim.Type)
case "accountId":
_accountId = claim.Value ?? _accountId;
case "clientId":
_clientId = claim.Value ?? _clientId;
case "isActive":
_isActive = claim.Value ?? _isActive;
.AddClaims(new Claim[]
new Claim(AdminClaimType.AccountId.DisplayName, _accountId),
new Claim(AdminClaimType.ClientId.DisplayName, _clientId),
new Claim(AdminClaimType.IsActive.DisplayName, _isActive)
return Task.FromResult(context.Principal);
Then in my Startup.cs Configure method I plug in my claims transformer.
app.UseClaimsTransformation(new ClaimsTransformationOptions
Transformer = new Auth0ClaimsTransformer()
Next I use a base authentication controller that parses out my claims into properties I can use in my controller.
public class BaseAdminController : Controller
private long _accountId;
private long _clientId;
private bool _isActive;
protected long AccountId
var claim = GetClaim(AdminClaimType.AccountId);
if (claim == null)
return 0;
long.TryParse(claim.Value, out _accountId);
return _accountId;
public long ClientId
var claim = GetClaim(AdminClaimType.ClientId);
if (claim == null)
return 0;
long.TryParse(claim.Value, out _clientId);
return _clientId;
public bool IsActive
var claim = GetClaim(AdminClaimType.IsActive);
if (claim == null)
return false;
bool.TryParse(claim.Value, out _isActive);
return _isActive;
public string Auth0UserId
var claim = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
return claim == null ? string.Empty : claim.Value;
private Claim GetClaim(AdminClaimType claim)
return User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == claim.DisplayName);
Finally in my controller it is trivial to extract which tenant is making the call. e.g.
public FooController : BaseController
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(int id)
var foo = await _fooService.GetMultiTenantFoo(ClientId, id);
return Ok(foo);
Question 2:
One of the ways I have used in the past is create a BaseMultiTenant class.
public class BaseMultiTenant
public int ClientId {get;set;}
public virtual Client Client {get;set;}//if you are using EF
public class ClientHost : BaseMultiTenant
public string Name {get;set;}
Then simply create an extension method for multi-tenant based entities. I know this doesn't "do it automatically" but it is an easy way to ensure each multi-tenant entity is being called only by its owner.
public static IQueryable<T> WhereMultiTenant<T>(this IQueryable<T> entity, int clientId, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
where T : BaseMultiTenant
return entity.Where(x => x.ClientId == clientId)
Then when someone calls for their resource you can:
var clientHost = _myContext.ClientHosts
x => x.Name == "foo")
Hope this is helpful.
Also found a similar example using an interface.

Entity Framework 6 Programmatically Connect to Postgres

I'm working on programmatically establishing a connection to PostgresSQL using Entity Framework 6. I have this class:
public class ClearspanDatabaseContext : DbContext
with this constructor:
public ClearspanDatabaseContext()
: base(buildConnectionString())
Here's the static method that makes the connection string programmatically:
private static string buildConnectionString()
RegisterDbProvider("Npgsql", ".Net Framework Data Provider for Postgresql", "Npgsql Data Provider", "Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory, Npgsql");
EntityConnectionStringBuilder entityConnectionStringBuilder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder();
entityConnectionStringBuilder.Provider = "Npgsql";
entityConnectionStringBuilder.ProviderConnectionString = "host=;Port=5432;username=ClearspanDevLogin;password=*******;database=ClearspanWebServerDev";
return entityConnectionStringBuilder.ToString();
And here's the method that registers Npgsql as a database provider, taken from this source:
public static bool RegisterDbProvider(string invariant, string description, string name, string type)
DataSet ds = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("") as DataSet;
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
if (row["InvariantName"].ToString() == invariant)
return true;
ds.Tables[0].Rows.Add(name, description, invariant, type);
return true;
return false;
This generates a string like this:
"provider=Npgsql;provider connection string=\"host=;Port=5432;username=ClearspanDevLogin;password=********;database=ClearspanWebServerDev\""
But I get an ArgumentException:
Keyword not supported: 'provider'.
I think I am close to the programmatic connection, but am missing something small. What can I do to resolve this exception and properly setup this connection programmatically? No app.config answers, I'm working in a class library, which ignores app.config (see the comments of the accepted answer to this question). This program must remain this way because it is used as a plugin - it does not (nor should it) run on its own. Thanks in advance.
Ok, here is working example for you which I verified is working.
Using dummy code-first EF 6 model + custom DbConfiguration class:
public class Enrollment {
public int EnrollmentID { get; set; }
public int CourseID { get; set; }
public int StudentID { get; set; }
[DbConfigurationType(typeof (NpgsqlConfiguration))]
public class SchoolContext : DbContext {
public SchoolContext(string cs) : base(cs) {
public DbSet<Enrollment> Enrollments { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) {
class NpgsqlConfiguration : System.Data.Entity.DbConfiguration
public NpgsqlConfiguration()
SetProviderServices("Npgsql", Npgsql.NpgsqlServices.Instance);
SetProviderFactory("Npgsql", Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory.Instance);
SetDefaultConnectionFactory(new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnectionFactory());
Then, instead of your buildConnectionString(), just pass postgre connection string in constructor:
using (var ctx = new SchoolContext("host=;port=5432;...")) {
And that is all. Config file is completely empty during that, and it works.
Have you looked at Code-Based Configuration? Create a DbConfiguration class with a public parameterless constructor in the same assembly as your DbContext
class MyConfiguration : System.Data.Entity.DbConfiguration
public MyConfiguration()
SetProviderServices("Npgsql", Npgsql.NpgsqlServices.Instance);
SetProviderFactory("Npgsql", Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory.Instance);
Now I think the DbContext should use that provider factory by default, and you can construct the DbContext with just the connection string. But if it's in a different assembly, then you have a bit more work to do, but that can be found in the link above.
A potential problem with the above solution is that any configuration in the config file will take precedence, so maybe it would be safer to use the option described in here:
var conn = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("MY_CONN_PROVIDER").CreateConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "MY_CONN_STR";
new DbContext(conn, true);
where your provider is "Npgsql", which was registered in RegisterDbProvider above.
Also see

Inherits from DbSet<T> with the purposes to add property

Is there a way to inherits from DbSet? I want to add some new properties, like this:
public class PersonSet : DbSet<Person>
public int MyProperty { get; set; }
But I don't know how to instantiate it in my DbContext
public partial MyContext : DbContext
private PersonSet _personSet;
public PersonSet PersonSet
_personSet = Set<Person>(); // Cast Error here
_personSet.MyProperty = 10;
return _personSet;
How can I achieve this?
I have found an answer that works for me. I declare my DbSet properties as my derived interface in my context, e.g.:
IDerivedDbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
IDerivedDbSet<CustomerOrder> CustomerOrders { get; set; }
My implementation includes a private IDbSet which which is assigned in the constructor e.g.:
public class DerivedDbSet<T> : IDerivedDbSet<T> where T : class
private readonly IDbSet<T> _dbSet;
public DerivedDbSet(IDbSet<T> dbSet)
this._dbSet = dbSet;
My implementation of a derived DbContext interface hides the Set<>() method like so:
new public IDerivedSet<TEntity> Set<TEntity>() where TEntity : class
//Instantiate _dbSets if required
if (this._dbSets == null)
this._dbSets = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
//If already resolved, return stored reference
if (this._dbSets.ContainsKey(typeof (TEntity)))
return (IDerivedSet<TEntity>) this._dbSets[typeof (TEntity)];
//Otherwise resolve, store reference and return
var resolvedSet = new GlqcSet<TEntity>(base.Set<TEntity>());
this._dbSets.Add(typeof(TEntity), resolvedSet);
return resolvedSet;
The derived DbContext returns a newly constructed IDerivedSet or picks it's reference cached in a Dictionary. In the derived DbContext I call a method from the constructor which uses type reflection to go through the DbContexts properties and assigns a value/reference using it's own Set method. See here:
private void AssignDerivedSets()
var properties = this.GetType().GetProperties();
var iDerivedSets =
properties.Where(p =>
p.PropertyType.IsInterface &&
p.PropertyType.IsGenericType &&
p.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("IDerivedSet") &&
p.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().Count() == 1).ToList();
foreach (var iDerivedSet in iDerivedSets)
var entityType = iDerivedSet.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault();
if (entityType != null)
var genericSet = this.GetType().GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(m =>
m.IsGenericMethod &&
m.Name.StartsWith("Set") &&
m.GetGenericArguments().Count() == 1);
if (genericSet != null)
var setMethod = genericSet.MakeGenericMethod(entityType);
iDerivedSet.SetValue(this, setMethod.Invoke(this, null));
Works a treat for me. My context class has navigable set properties of my set type that implements a derived interface inheriting IDbSet. This means I can include query methods on my set type, so that queries are unit testable, instead of using the static extensions from the Queryable class. (The Queryable methods are invoked directly by my own methods).
One solution is to create a class that implements IDbSet and delegates all operations to a real DbSet instance, so you can store state.
public class PersonSet : IDbSet<Person>
private readonly DbSet<Person> _dbSet;
public PersonSet(DbSet<Person> dbSet)
_dbSet = dbSet;
public int MyProperty { get; set; }
#region implementation of IDbSet<Person>
public Person Add(Person entity)
return _dbSet.Add(entity);
public Person Remove(Person entity)
return _dbSet.Remove(entity);
/* etc */
Then in your DbContext, put a getter for your Custom DbSet:
public class MyDbContext: DbContext
public DbSet<Person> People { get; set; }
private PersonSet _personSet;
public PersonSet PersonSet
if (_personSet == null)
_personSet = new PersonSet( Set<Person>() );
_personSet.MyProperty = 10;
return _personSet;
_personSet = value;
I solved this using another variable to instantiate the "regular" DbSet.
private DbSet<Person> _persons { get; set; }
public PersonDbSet<Person> Persons { get { return new PersonDbSet(_persons); } }
This way entityframework recognizes the Entity but I can still use my own DbSet class.
I know this is really old and the OP has probably moved on but I was just wondering the same thing myself. EF populates the DbSets inside your MyContext at run time.
I just created MyDbSet<T> that inherits from DbSet<T> and the replaced all references to DbSet<T> with my derived class in MyContext. Running my program failed to instantiate any of the properties.
Next I tried setting the properties to IDbSet<T> since DbSet<T> implements this interface. This DOES work.
Investigating further, the constructors for DbSet are protected and internal (the protected one calls the internal one anyway). So MS have made it pretty hard to roll your own version. You may be able to access the internal constructors through reflection but chances are that EF will not construct your derived class anyway.
I would suggest writing an extension method to plug the functionality into the DbSet object, however you're stuck if you want to store state.

Autofac property injection with ValidationAttribute

I've got a ValidationAttribute that looks like this:
public class RegistrationUniqueNameAttribute : ValidationAttribute
public IRepository<User> UserRepository { get; set; }
public override bool IsValid(object value)
//use UserRepository here....
In my container setup (in app start) I have this:
builder.Register(c => new RegistrationUniqueEmailAttribute
UserRepository = c.Resolve<IRepository<User>>()
However, when debugging, the value of UserRepository is always null, so the property isn't getting injected.
Have I set up my container wrong?
I'd really rather not have to use DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IRepository<User>>() as this isn't as testable...
No, Autofac v3 doesn't do anything special with ValidationAttribute and friends [Autofac.Mvc does lots of powerful things e.g., with filter attributes].
I solved the problem indirectly in this answer, enabling one to write:
class MyModel
[Required, StringLength(42)]
[ValidatorService(typeof(MyDiDependentValidator), ErrorMessage = "It's simply unacceptable")]
public string MyProperty { get; set; }
public class MyDiDependentValidator : Validator<MyModel>
readonly IUnitOfWork _iLoveWrappingStuff;
public MyDiDependentValidator(IUnitOfWork iLoveWrappingStuff)
_iLoveWrappingStuff = iLoveWrappingStuff;
protected override bool IsValid(MyModel instance, object value)
var attempted = (string)value;
return _iLoveWrappingStuff.SaysCanHazCheez(instance, attempted);
(And some helper classes inc wiring to ASP.NET MVC...)

EntityFramework 5 Code First - lookup table gets duplicate records

I am trying the EF5 CodeFirst and cannot get the simple setup to work ;(
I have two classes Foo and Bar where Bar represent lookup table.
public class Foo
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual Bar Bar { get; set; }
public class Bar
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
static MyDbContext()
public MyDbContext(): base("testEF"){}
public DbSet<Foo> Foos { get; set; }
public DbSet<Bar> Bars { get; set; }
Now I have created a static class that serves as DataAccess Layer - in real-world application it will be on different physical tier
public static class DataAccess
public static Bar GetBarById(int id)
using (var db = new MyDbContext())
return db.Bars.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Id == id);
public static Foo InsertFoo(Foo foo)
using (var db = new MyDbContext())
return foo;
I am initializing the DB with seed method:
internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<testEF.MyDbContext>
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
protected override void Seed(testEF.MyDbContext context)
new Bar { Description = "Bar_1" },
new Bar { Description = "Bar_2" }
This creates two records in Bars table. So far so good...
Here is my Main function
static void Main(string[] args)
var bar1 = DataAccess.GetBarById(1);
var foo = new Foo
Name = "Foo_1",
Bar = bar1
After the app runes there is a record in the Foos table:
Id Name Bar_Id
1 Foo_1 3
Why Bar_Id is 3? The EF actually inserted new record to Bars table!
Id Description
1 Bar_1
2 Bar_2
3 Bar_1
What I am doing wrong?
I have found a workaround - to attach Bar property prior to inserting the record:
public static Foo InsertFoo(Foo foo)
using (var db = new MyDbContext())
return foo;
It is working now but this is more like a hack than a valid solution...
In real-world application the complexity of the objects could become a huge problem.
I am open to better solutions
The problem is that bar1 comes from a different data context. Your InsertFoo method implicitly adds it to the second context by building a relationship with the Foo. You want these two to share a context. So use a single context for the whole scope of the Main method.
The complexity you mention (which I agree with you) is caused by using a static class for your data access component. It forces you to separate your DBContext's across method calls. Instead of doing it that way, why not create a normal class, and build the context in the constructor.
With this, you don't need to attach foo.Bar anymore.
public class DataAccess
private MyDbContext _context;
public DataAccess(){
_context = new MyDbContext();
public Bar GetBarById(int id)
return _context.Bars.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Id == id);
public Foo InsertFoo(Foo foo)
return foo;
There are many ways you can build on and enhance this. You could create an interface for MyDbContext called IDbContext and using a DI framework inject it into this class. Similarly, you could do the same for the DataAccess class and inject that into wherever it's needed.