What methods are present to select elements in chrome extensions? - dom

I know about getElementById, getElementByNames ... and getElementsByTagName
What other methods are available to select an element or elements from the DOM ? What if an item does not have an Id or Name.
I have heard that I can use XPath expression to select a range of HTML elements. How do i do that using JavaScript? Is there a library that will help me achieve this?
Thanx a lot in advance :)

Why not just use jQuery?
If you need it in scripts you can inject jquery.js through manifest.json:
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["http://www.google.com/*"],
"js": ["jquery.js", "myscript.js"]
If you need it in html pages (background, options etc) you can use
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
or even
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>


how to select one dom which has not one specify property?

suppose i have some html dom elements like
<slot name='slotWithName'></slot>
how to find the first slot dom through querySelector() method?
i have tried document.querySelector("slot :not([name])")
just not work :(
ok, i find the anwser by myself
.filter(function(el){ return !el.name })
Try this:

FilteredTextBox in Lift?

I'm looking for a filteredTextBox in lift to block users from inserting wrong input types.
Something like this Ajax example: http://www.asp.net/ajaxLibrary/AjaxControlToolkitSampleSite/FilteredTextBox/FilteredTextBox.aspx
Someone knows something similar in lift or knows if SHtml.ajaxText has some Attribute to do that?
If you are targeting HTML5 capable browsers, SHtml has outputs for specific types - like SHtml.number(...) and SHtml.range(...). You can accomplish the same thing using SHtml.ajaxText(label, func, "type" -> "number") (or "type" -> "range", etc...).
To target other browsers (or for more robust functionality), JQuery might be your best bet. You could write your own validation function to get called, or googling quickly found this library which looks like it would work (though there must be others too). Based on their documentation, to use it, it looks like you'd just need to do this:
//add a class for the type (in this case to validate lowercase)
".lc-input" #> SHtml.ajaxText(label, func, "class" -> "validate-this-lowercase")
//Add this into a processed template - head_merge should add to the head of the document
<script type="text/javascript">
<span class="lc-input"></span>

Div as Ajax.ActionLink

Is it possible to create Ajax.ActionLink which has instead of text, the whole DIV?
I'd like to map div on Ajax.ActionLink
I don't think that this will work using the standard MVC Ajax scripts. I believe that the MVC javascript is created to use an <a> element by default. On a different note, embedding a div tag within an <a> is not valid XHTML. What are you trying to achieve?
Using Jquery is probably the easiet way you want to go. As an example:
<div onclick="SomeAjaxFunction()">some div content</div>
function SomeAjaxFunction()
$.get('<%= Url.Action("SomeAction", "InSomeController") %>', function(data) {
$('.result').html(data); // assuming a partial view
alert('Load was performed.');
However, if you are dead set on using MS Ajax, to work with divs, you need to possibly look at the Sys.Mvc.MvcHelpers._asyncRequest function and do some of your own re-wrapping to make it usable. I have not tried or tested this, so use at your own risk. (Stick with the Jquery, there is far better help and support available.)

How do autocomplete suggestions work?

For example, if you type something in upper-right google/yahoo search box in firefox there will be some kind 'suggested auto complete' sort of thing.
Another example is in youtube search box and Stackoverflow tags edit box just below this question preview. How do they work? What technology behind 'em?
What technology behind 'em?
In case you are wondering which data structure is being used underneath then its called "trie" and for using less space compared to tries you can use "DAFSA"
How do they work?
both are implemented as a tree, where each node of tree corresponds to one character in a string and the character which appears before is parent of character which appears later e.g. The strings "tap", "taps", "top", and "tops" stored in a Trie (left) and a DAFSA (right),so as you begin to type tap..the tree is traversed based on the characters typed and shows the suggestions based on some weight assigned to each word, weight may be assigned based on usage frequency of the word.
Looking up string in worst case is O(m) time where m is the length of string.
Image is being referenced from the wikipedia articel : DAFSA,trie
That's done with the use of AJAX, this site has a nice tutorial on it:
AJAX Suggest Tutorial, and the WaybackMachine version, as website seems down.
A database with keywords and a bit of code is all there is to it as far as I know.
I'm learning how to use it right now actually, for work. :)
Another resource is w3schools. They have covered it as well.
They use JavaScript to normally:
Look at a local array of all possible values
Request another page (i.e. /autocomplete.php?q=partialText) in the background.
Call a webservice.
When the JavaScript has the list of entries to show it modifies the page to show the autocomplete box.
If you want to put an autocomplete box on your website I have used and found the following to be very good. It is also based on the popular jQuery framework.
jQuery autocomplete plugin
It's quite simple.
Client side:
Grab keystrokes in form field
On keystroke make an AJAX request to server
If another keystroke is entered immediately, cancel current AJAX request as it is obsolete now
Make a new AJAX requested with updated characters in form field
Show server response to client
Server side:
All words are already bucketed alphabetically
If client request comes in for "ove" find all words starting with ove, ordered by popularity
Return top matches to client
There's an excellent open-source Country selector in the Smashing Magazine article (link below) which includes a discussion of the usability challenges with plain autocomplete solutions, and fixes them.
While I'm UX, not Dev, I'm certain a clever developer could adapt this open-source code to handle other kinds of selections—not just the names of countries. :)
The article that describes the usability issues that this selector resolves.
The demo and open-source download. Try it!
Disclaimer: I have no connection to the folks who made this Country selector. I just happen to know about it, and I like to share information about Usability with developers, FWIW.
There's as many answers to this as there are different implementations of them. Our AutoCompleter which you can see a sample of in Stacked works by raising an event which then is handled in the codebehind of the .ASPX page from which you populate a ControlCollection with whatever controls you wish. We're however in Stacked only using Literal controls with Text content being anchor links. But we could add up checkboxes or images if we wanted to...
If you're on ASP.NET our AutoCompleter is a great place to start. If you're on "something else" then probably ScriptAculous AutoCompleter is another nice place to start...
i also have been recently working on autocomplete feature and we used lucene to index the text to be shown in autocomplete. Searching is fast with lucene. Somethings to look at when working with autocomplete data:
Freshness of suggestions,
Dependency on the long term data,
Regional dependency,
Language dependency
Update 2022
The marked answer is a little outdated. Suggestions autocomplete seems like magic on the surface but really what it is under the hood is
fast asynch communication and
searching through a list of keywords
Send a string to your database then return response in JSON to loop/iterate through. Then repeat as user types.
One good example is done with YELP Fusion.
Below is example with small library autocomplete.js
$(function () {
var availableTags = [
source: availableTags
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.13.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css">
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.13.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/#tarekraafat/autocomplete.js#10.2.6/dist/autoComplete.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/#tarekraafat/autocomplete.js#10.2.6/dist/css/autoComplete.min.css">
<input class="sbx-custom__input" autocomplete="on" required="required" placeholder="autocomplete...">
here is the simple example from my code(using jquery + jquery ui). first i requested all data with ajax that i prefixed to inbox then i clicked one of them and so it redirects to another action succesfully.
source: function (request, response) {
var prefix = { Name: request.term};
url: '#Url.Action("FilterMastersByName", "JsonResult")',
data: JSON.stringify(prefix),
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
response($.map(data, function (item) {
return item;
error: function (response) {
failure: function (response) {
select: function (e, i) {
var abc=i.item.val;
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = `/Home/GetMasterById?masterId=${abc}`;
minLength: 1
Dont forget setFilterMastersByName action to httppost and GetMasterById to httpget
Here is one for MooTools.

How can I associate ".js.php" to JavaScript Syntax in the NetBeans 6.5 IDE?

When I generate CSS or JavaScript files using PHP I like to use .js.php or .css.php file extensions. so that I know what's going on.
Is there a way of associating these "compound" file extensions to their respective languages?
I don't use NetBeans or PHP, but the following trick helped me in a similar setting:
<?php if(0) { ?><script><?php } ?>
# code goes here
<?php if(0) { ?></script><?php } ?>
Simply surround the js code with <script> or <style> tags that don't get rendered. No need to configure any special associations, assuming the editor is smart enough about HTML.
What I usually do is condense such "compound" extensions into one, following the tradition of condensing .tar.gz into .tgz.