Sort items in a table view in iphone - iphone

I am developing an application in which i am displaying the result of web service in table view, now i want to display according to the selection.
for example.
there are certain items such as price, description, title.
now if i want to display all the result according to price how should i display.
I have used XML parsing to display the result in table view.
Please give me the proper solution for this.
Awaiting for your positive reply.

Create an NSSortDescriptor for each way you want to sort the data in the tableview. Each time your choose a different way to sort, your datasource is going to have to refresh.
More details here as this questions has been answered many times.


Tableau Multiple Value Filter delay update

I have a large tableau dashboard including a number of charts and Summary views and attached to these I have a number of multiple value text filters all non calculated fields.
I am trying to improve the update speed and wonder if there is a method of setting these specific filters so that the views update after the full selection is made and the user has toggled off the filter option. Currently the views update each time a option is selected from the tickbox list.
Does anyone know a method of doing this?
Thanks in advance.
Simply click the drop down arrow on the filter menu > go to “customize”, then click “show apply button”.
Abhishek Boorugu answer should work for you Dan. If you want data to be filtered before the dashboard is loaded, try Context Filters. More explanation on the same can be found here

auto complete a search

I have searched the questions so far, and it seems that most auto complete questions are about the console.
How can we auto complete a search and load it like the image below. I am new to xcode, so if you have instructions on what I need to do to get it to look like this, then I will appreciate it.
Basically I have an empty table cell, when i touch it to edit, a search box should come up (at the top), and as soon as I type a, all the values for a show up below in individual cells. I can select a cell when I see the value, and it will take me back to the original table and input that value into that cell.
What is the structure after i click the initial cell to bring up the search box
Auto complete with cells?
After this, I imagine I store the value of the variable, and assign it to the cell it originated from.
Attached is an image for reference.
Thank you in advance.
PS - The list to auto complete from has a few thousand values.
For several thousand entries it's unlikely Core Data will give you good performance. Instead you'll need to load the data as a Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG). See other answers on this for further info.
Directed acyclic graph
Best way to implement address book autocompletion on iPhone?

Alternatives for picker in iphone/iOS app?

I am showing a form the user fills in my iPhone app. One of the fields is a set of 2 or 3 dates from which the user has to pick one. Putting a picker, or bringing up a table view just for this takes up too much space, leaving no room for the other fields. Is there any simpler way to do this?
To do this you can put two or three arrowed label with text like "Select Date" upon click of it you can show one view that allow user to select the date; once selected you can back to the original view. You can do this for all three (or two) dates and get those date on form view.
I am giving you idea of how you can design apps; if you want code i can assist that too but from your question it seems you want design ideas.
You can go for your custom drop down/combo box, but their is no inbuilt functionality present for this.
Also following is mentioned in apple HIG guideline, you need to consider those as well-
Use a picker to make it easy for people to choose from a set of values. It’s often best to use a picker when people are familiar with the entire set of values. This is because many, if not most, of the values are hidden when the wheel is stationary. If you need to provide a large set of choices that aren’t well known to your users, a picker might not be the appropriate control.
Consider using a table view, instead of a picker, if you need to display a very large number of values. This is because the greater height of a table view makes scrolling faster.
Use the translucent selection bar to display contextual information, such as a unit of measurement. Do not display such labels above the picker or on the wheel itself.
On iPad, present a picker only within a popover. A picker is not suitable for the main screen.

iPhone tableview pagination

First, please believe me when I say I did search for this answer first... a lot. I found many examples, but none performing similarly to what I need. Though I could have been searching using the wrong key words, I don't believe so.
Here is my issue:
I have a table view being populated by a query that is returning a huge amount of data. The data is for a list of restaurants, a price rating, and id. But there are so many restaurants in the database that it fills memory and crashes the app most time. (I am assuming this is what is going on, as the code works just fine if the query is limited, and has always worked on other pages I query things that don't have as much data returned.)
What I would like to do is make pagination for the application's table view for this page. I don't see how I could use the "Show More" method, or the auto load when scrolled to the bottom, simply because if you scroll down to the end of the list, you will still have the same issue: filling memory. Is there a way to do web-like pagination where (if they are not on the first page) they have a "Previous" cell at the top and (if not on the last page) a "Next" cell at the bottom? These would have to clear the cells out in the current view and drop the data so we're not just adding data which would cause the same issue, then do a new query to populate the cells.
Of course, I do not expect someone to sit here and write all that code for me. The main part I would need is just how to set up the cells for the next and previous cells. I should be able to figure the rest out after that, but I don't know how to go about clearing the data from the current table view.
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
I think you can do with a show more method or loading as you scroll, you say the problem is that you still load a bunch all the data and youll run out of memory, but you can avoid that... One option is, save to disk or just release data that isnt being shown on the table view, you can use indexPathsForVisibleRows method of UITableView to see which cells are visible, and with that info you should know which data you can safely release... You can do this either when you receive memory warnings, or maybe as cells are scrolled off the screen (up to you)...
Hope this helps

Two UITableViewControllers and One UISearchDisplay

I'm new to iPhone programming and is faced with a task to show data on of Books where the first table view shows the books in my library using the title of the book to sort and another table view to show the authors. There is a need to have a search bar on both of the table views and when used to search will show results categorized as certain results is returned according to the author and the others returned according to the title. Something similar to the search results returned by the iPod App.
Thanks in advance to all who can shed light.
From what I gather, it sounds like you need to organize this somehow. I recommend you try a tabbed-based application. Create three tabs with the first two having navigation controllers for your tables. The first tab will have the tableView that sorts by book title. The second tab will have the tableView that sorts by the author. The third tab can do the search for either case. Hopefully, that points you in the right direction.