Add alert or action sheet to UITableView during swiping to delete - iphone

I want to pass an object to the action sheet from the declaration of the UIActionSheet, how to do it?
-(void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger) buttonIndex{

Create a property in your header.
Set it whenever you create your
Then reference it in the
didDismissWithButotnIndex you
Easy. Peasy. Japanesy.


how to pass data through #selector upon custom button click?

I'm making a button via code.
I have the following line of code to trigger a method when the button is clicked:
[imagesButton addTarget:self action:#selector(photoClicked:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown ];
The problem is that I can't pass data to the method through the #selector;
If the button had a background image name "background.png" how would I go about sending the name of the background image to the method when the button is clicked?
This all HAS to be through code.
there must be a way to comment on an answer, but I don't know what it is. Anyway, Gobot above me forgot to write (id) before sender in the method declaration. Otherwise Gobot's example is ok.
Well if you're trying to change a property of the button whose sending the message, your selector should have a parameter of sender, which is a pointer to the object that called it, which is your button in this case. For example:
- (void)photoClicked:(id)sender {
UIImage bg = [sender currentBackgroundImage]

iPhone: IBAction vs Selector

I have a Button1 which has IBAction. Also I set target and action for my button
- (void)setTarget:(id)target action:(SEL)action {
[self.Button1 addTarget:target action:action
So when I pressed the button firstly IBAction did what he should, and than action that I set to button. Is that order always be like that ?
If you are loading you view or view controller from a nib file then yes the pattern will always be the IBAction even first followed by the target you have added to the button.
In effect adding an IBAction in Interface Builder is really just telling IB to call ["UIControl" addTarget:"id" forControlEvents:"UIControlEvent"], and you can add multiple targets to a UIButton.
In effect your code will load everything from the NIB file first (if you are using initWithNib:named:), so this will call the addTarget function on the button first with the action you have specified in Interface Builder, then at some later point the setTarget function you have above will get called, which will add another target action to the button. A UIControls targets are stored in an array which is accessed in order and will trigger if control events are met in the order they were created in.
If you look in the header file for UIControl (the super class for UIButton) you will see that NSMutableArray* _targetActions is an array. So the order is guaranteed to fire like this unless you reorder this array after it is created at some point.

Several Buttons using the same UIActionSheetDelegate methods

I have a view that contains 5 buttons. When each button is tapped the UIActionSheetDelegate method is called: -(void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
I have each buttons tag property set 0-4. I'm having a hard time with the delegate method finding out which button.tag was sent. Is the sender.tag information passed along to the action sheets delegate methods?
For the delegate method I use a case statement to find out which button was pressed on the action sheet and I guess I'll use an if statement to determine which sender.tag == 0 etc. I'm just a little confused at this point and need a little assistance if at all possible.
As always thanks in advance!
You use the buttonIndex that is passed to actionSheet:clickedButtonAtIndex: to determine which button was pressed. The buttons are indexed starting at 0.

how to modify this code

I read the post Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?
I want to add data to the uipicker view from nsarray , specially I have two buttons that they will call different two uipickerview , so I cannot use the delegate of uipickerview
also what is the code to clise this uipickerview
any suggestion please
– pickerView:titleForRow:forComponent:
If you use that method you are acctually being passed the appropriate pickerview... so you can work out what pickerview you are dealing with from that. Its the same with most of the other delegate methods. So use that to work out what picker view you are dealing with and change the content accordingly.
To get rid of the actionsheet you can do:
[actionSheet dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:0 animated:YES];

UIALertView customization

I am developing an iPhone application, in which I want to use customized alert sheet. The customization is required since I want to set image for Alert-Sheet buttons, change the size of these button etc.
I have done the following things:
Created UIView with customized controls that I wanted.
Created and displayed UIAlertView
In the delegate method of UIAlertView (UIAlertViewDelegate) i.e
- (void)willPresentAlertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView
I am removing all the subviews of UIAlertView and adding my customized view as subview.
Everything works fine till here. Since I have used customized buttons, I need to remove the alert sheet explicitly in the Action Method of the button by calling dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated: on UIAlertView.
Even though the UIALertView gets dismissed, it takes around 0.5 second to get dismissed.
Can someone help me out to solve the problem of this delay in dismissing OR some other way of customization of Alert View buttons.
Thanks and Regards,
I could get it worked by passing YES to dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated: call i.e [alertView dismissWithClickedButtonIndex: 0 animated: YES]. Initially I was passing the flag as NO. But, I don't know whey it takes less time if we pass the animation flag as YES.
Anyone knows this?
Instead of doing this
1. Created UIView with customized controls that I wanted.
2. Created and displayed UIAlertView
3. In the delegate method of UIAlertView (UIAlertViewDelegate)
do this:
Create a class like this:
#interface CustomAlertView : UIAlertView
//For ex:
UIButton *myCustomButton;
//and other custom controls
Implement it in following method:
In the above method use:
[self addSubView: myCustomButton];
I have given just the idea. I have code but not presently to share with you.
If you are not able to implement the above I will provide later.
Here is the library which can solve your UIAlertView Customisation issue. It can also work as UIActionSheet. It has very good customisation options.