NotesSession.GetDataBase method is returning null value - c#-3.0

I have a c# class which was written to read the lotus emails for any attachments and save it to the local drive. It was working fine when I pass "" as first parameter to GetDataBase method and full path of .nsf file of my local system as second argument. But, if I remove "" and I specify my local system full name as first argument it is returning null value.
Is it problem with any permissions? If so, it should not work even when I pass "" as first parameter. Otherwise, should I have any other permissions at system/server level?
Please help me in this issue.

Finally, I could do it in the following way. And I thought of posting it to some one can atleast not to suffer again.
Following code is to read the attachment from the lotus emails and save it to the physical location.
string lotusServerName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Lotus_Server"].ToString();
string lotusDBFilePath = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Lotus_DB_File_Path"].ToString();
string password = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Password"].ToString();
string sourceFolder = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Source_Folder"].ToString();
string targetFolder = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Target_Folder"].ToString();
string documentsFolder = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Documents_Folder"].ToString();
//Creating the notes session and passing password
NotesSession session = new NotesSession();
//Getting the DB instance by passing the servername and path of the mail file.
//third param "false" will try to check the DB availability by opening the connection
//if it cannot open, then it returns null.
NotesDatabase NotesDb = session.GetDatabase(lotusServerName, lotusDBFilePath, false);
//Get the view of the source folder
NotesView inbox = NotesDb.GetView(sourceFolder);
//looping through each email/document and looking for the attachments
//if any attachments found, saving them to the given specified location
//moving the read mails to the target folder
NotesDocument docInbox = null;
int docCnt = inbox.EntryCount;
for (int currDoc = 0; currDoc < docCnt; currDoc++) {
docInbox = inbox.GetFirstDocument();
object[] items = (object[])docInbox.Items;
foreach (NotesItem nItem in items) {
if (nItem.Name == "$FILE") {
NotesItem file = docInbox.GetFirstItem("$File");
string fileName = ((object[])nItem.Values)[0].ToString();
NotesEmbeddedObject attachfile = (NotesEmbeddedObject)docInbox.GetAttachment(fileName);
if (attachfile != null) {
attachfile.ExtractFile(documentsFolder + fileName);
docInbox.PutInFolder(targetFolder, true);//"true" creates the folder if it doesn't exists
//releasing resources
if (session != null)
session = null;
if (NotesDb != null)
NotesDb = null;
if (inbox != null)
inbox = null;
if (docInbox != null)
docInbox = null;
Following is values read from .config file.
The above code will work properly if you alredy have lotus mail client in your system and you are able to access mails from your mail server. You don't require any other previliges.


How to allow users to upload files with Google Form without login?

Where can I find code and instruction on how to allow users to upload files with Google Form without login?
I searched all over here and couldn't find any information.
Thanks in advance.
The user will be uploading the files to your drive. So, google needs to verify the user. If there is no verification, someone can fill your drive in no time.
It is for your safety to know who has uploaded, so, login is must.
There's a workaround, I'm in a hurry to write the code now, but if you're interested let me know and I'll edit later.
Basically, you set up a web app with apps script, then you setup a custom HTML form, you'll have to manually collect the file, convert is to base64 then json, then when you catch it in apps script you reverse the process and save it wherever you want in your drive.
Since the user will be executing the script as you, there's no verification required
These functions basically go through a file array and reads the files first as binary string (in second function), then converts the files to base64 string (func 1) before stringifying the files (after putting their base64 content into an object with other metadata attached; mime, name e.t.c);
You pass this stringified object into the body part of fetch(request,{body:"stringified object goes here"})
see next code block for how to read in apps script and save the files to google drive
N.B. The body data will be available under doPost(e){e.postData.contents}
async function bundleFilesForUpload(){
let filesDataObj = [];
let copy = {fileInfo:{"ogname":"","meme":""},fileData:""};
for(let i = 0 ; i < counters.localVar.counters.filesForUploadArr.length ; i++){
let tempObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(copy));
let file = counters.localVar.counters.filesForUploadArr[i];
tempObj.fileInfo.ogname =; = file.type;
tempObj.fileData = await readFile(file).then((file)=>{
file = btoa(file);
return file;
return file;
return filesDataObj;
async function readFile (file){
const toBinaryString = file => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result);
reader.onerror = error => reject(error);
let parsedFile = null;
parsedFile = await toBinaryString(file);
return parsedFile;
/*From doPost downward, we read the file Array convert the base64 to blob and make a file in google drive using the blob and metadata we have, you may also see some sheet code, I'm using sheet as db for this */
//in buit function doPost in
const myDataObj = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents);
//the actual object structure might look different from yours, console log around
function mainFileFunc(fileArr) {
let myArrObj = [{"madeit":"toFileF"}];
let copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(myArrObj[0]));
for(let i=0 ; i < fileArr.length ; i++){
let blob = doFileStuff(fileArr[i].data,fileArr[i].info[0].mime,fileArr[i].id);
myArrObj[i] = uploadFileOne(blob,fileArr[i].id);
myArrObj[i].mime = fileArr[i].info[0].mime;
myArrObj[i].realName = fileArr[i].name;
// sheet.getRange("A"+(i+1)).setValue(myArrObj[i].name);
// sheet.getRange("B"+(i+1)).setValue(myArrObj[i].url);
// sheet.getRange("C"+(i+1)).setValue(myArrObj[i].mime);
// sheet.getRange("D"+(i+1)).setValue(myArrObj[i].size);
return myArrObj;
function doFileStuff(filedata,filetype,filename){
var data = Utilities.base64Decode(filedata, Utilities.Charset.UTF_8);
var blob = Utilities.newBlob(data,filetype,filename);
return blob;
function uploadFileOne(data,filename) {
let myObj = {}
myObj["name"] = "";
myObj["realName"] = "Story_Picture";
myObj["url"] = "";
myObj["mime"] = "";
myObj["size"] = "";
myObj["thumb"] = "nonety";
var folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName("LadhaWeb");
while (folders.hasNext()) {
var folder =;
var files = DriveApp.getFilesByName(filename);
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file =; = file.getName();
myObj.url = file.getUrl();
myObj.mime = file.getMimeType();
myObj.size = file.getSize();
return myObj;
You can view the full frontend code for this project here and the backend here.
Hope this helps someone.

Send Email fields not rendering in Sitecore Web Forms For Marketers

I have an issue with the WFFM Send Email Message save action (Sitecore 6.5.0). I'm trying to send an email that includes the form placeholders from the "Insert Field" dropdown in the Send Email editor. Sometimes the fields will render correctly, but most times the email will include the placeholder text instead of the field's actual value.
For example, this is the email that is coming through:
First Name: [First Name]
Last Name: [Last Name]
Email: [Email Address]
Company Name: [Company Name]
Phone Number: [Phone Number]
I think it has to do with the Send Email editor using a rich text editor for the email template, but I've tried adjusting the message's HTML to no avail. This is what the markup looks like: (the <p> tags and labels used to be inline, but that didn't work either)
<p>First Name:
[<label id="{F49F9E49-626F-44DC-8921-023EE6D7948E}">First Name</label>]
<p>Last Name:
[<label id="{9CE3D48C-59A0-432F-B6F1-3AFD03687C94}">Last Name</label>]
[<label id="{E382A37E-9DF5-4AFE-8780-17169E687805}">Email Address</label>]
<p>Company Name:
[<label id="{9C08AC2A-4128-47F8-A998-12309B381CCD}">Company Name</label>]
<p>Phone Number:
[<label id="{4B0C5FAC-A08A-4EF2-AD3E-2B7FDF25AFA7}">Phone Number</label>]
Does anyone know what could be going wrong?
I have encountered this issue before, but was using a custom email action. I managed to fix it by not using the deprecated methods in the SendMail class and instead using the
Sitecore.Form.Core.Pipelines.ProcessMessage namespace's ProcessMessage and ProcessMessageArgs classes.
My use case was a little more complicated than yours, as we were also attaching a PDF brochure to our message (which is why we were using the custom email action in the first place), but here is the code:
public class SendBrochureEmail : SendMail, ISaveAction, ISubmit
public new void Execute(ID formId, AdaptedResultList fields, params object[] data)
var formData = new NameValueCollection();
foreach (AdaptedControlResult acr in fields)
formData[acr.FieldName] = acr.Value;
var senderName = formData["Your Name"];
var emailTo = formData["Recipient Email"];
var recipientName = formData["Recipient Name"];
var documentTitle = formData["Document Title"];
if (documentTitle.IsNullOrEmpty())
documentTitle = String.Format("Documents_{0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyy"));
Subject = documentTitle;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailTo))
BaseSession.FromName = senderName;
BaseSession.CatalogTitle = documentTitle;
BaseSession.ToName = recipientName;
var tempUploadPath = Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.GetSetting("TempPdfUploadPath");
var strPdfFilePath =
HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(tempUploadPath + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".pdf");
//initialize object to hold WFFM mail/message arguments
var msgArgs = new ProcessMessageArgs(formId, fields, MessageType.Email);
var theDoc = PdfDocumentGenerator.BuildPdfDoc();
FileInfo fi = null;
FileStream stream = null;
if (File.Exists(strPdfFilePath))
fi = new FileInfo(strPdfFilePath);
stream = fi.OpenRead();
//attach the file with the name specified by the user
msgArgs.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(stream, documentTitle + ".pdf", "application/pdf"));
//get the email's "from" address setting
var fromEmail = String.Empty;
var fromEmailNode = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetConfigNode(".//sc.variable[#name='fromEmail']");
if (fromEmailNode != null && fromEmailNode.Attributes != null)
fromEmail = fromEmailNode.Attributes["value"].Value;
//the body of the email, as configured in the "Edit" pane for the Save Action, in Sitecore
//The from address, with the sender's name (specified by the user) in the meta
msgArgs.From = senderName + "<" + fromEmail + ">";
msgArgs.Recipient = recipientName;
msgArgs.Host = Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.MailServer;
msgArgs.Port = Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.MailServerPort;
msgArgs.IsBodyHtml = true;
//initialize the message using WFFM's built-in methods
var msg = new ProcessMessage();
//change links to be absolute instead of relative
//replace the field tokens in the email body with the user-specified values
//no longer need the file or the stream - safe to close stream and delete delete it
if (fi != null && stream != null)
Log.Error("Email To is empty", this);
throw new Exception("Email To is empty");
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error("Test Failed.", ex, (object) ex);
BrochureItems.BrochureItemIds = null;
public void Submit(ID formid, AdaptedResultList fields)
Execute(formid, fields);
public void OnLoad(bool isPostback, RenderFormArgs args)
It is very possible that the Email Action that WFFM ships with is using the deprecated methods, which could be your problem. I do not have time to look into it, but you can decompile the DLL and look to see what their Email Action is doing. Regardless, the above code should work out of the box, save for updating the fields to those that you are using and removing the code for attaching the PDF, should you choose to not have attachments.
Good luck, and happy coding :)
If you change a field on the form in any way (caption, name, type, etc) the link will change and you need to re-insert the placeholder and move it up to its location in your expected email. This is also true if you duplicate a form. You'll have to reinsert all the fields in the email or you will just get the outcome you show above.
Reinserting upon a change will ensure the value is collected!

How do I Show a SPList item Name in an Email sent by a timerJob?

I need to send an Email with a list items name of the rows my caml query picks out. I have this code:
SPQuery filter = new SPQuery();
filter.Query = string.Format("<Where><Leq><FieldRef Name=\"Revisionsdatum\" /><Value Type=\"DateTime\">{0}</Value></Leq></Where>", DateTime.Today.AddDays(14).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ"));
SPListItemCollection items = yourList.GetItems(filter);
foreach (var i in items)
string from = string.Empty;
string smtpAddress = string.Empty;
string to = "";
string subject = "Dudate is coming";
string body = "<h1>Hello!</h1><p>In to weeks an importent dudates comes({0}) with the name {2}.";//Here I would like to ad the dudate and the ListItems Name but how?
// get a reference to the current site collection's content database
SPWebApplication webApplication = this.Parent as SPWebApplication;
SPContentDatabase contentDb = webApplication.ContentDatabases[contentDbId];
// get a reference to the "Tasks" list in the RootWeb of the first site collection in the content database
SPWeb rootWeb = contentDb.Sites[0].RootWeb;
SPList listjob = rootWeb.Lists.TryGetList("Tasks");
// Get sender address from web application settings
from = rootWeb.Site.WebApplication.OutboundMailSenderAddress;
// Get SMTP address from web application settings
smtpAddress = rootWeb.Site.WebApplication.OutboundMailServiceInstance.Server.Address;
// Send an email if the news is approved
bool emailSent = SendMail(smtpAddress, subject, body, true, from, to, null, null);
I would bee greatfull for your answer!
You can get it as follows:
foreach (SPListItem item in items) \\ items is your SPListItemCollection
var fieldValue = item["Field Name"].ToString();
To convert DateTime object to CAML query use SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime() method.
Fields you need are referenced by i["Title"] and i["DueDate"].
Use StringBuilder object in foreach loop to construct the body of your mail and send the email after the loop. Your code will send one mail for each task.

How to force the Plugin on Post-Operation to Submit?

I have a plugin in post-operation witch need to create a folder on sharepoint via webservice, to do that, my plugin calls a webservice to execute a FechXML to get the info from the entity, but the problem is that entity still not exist, and it give me Null.
How do i force the plugin to submit/save the data to my FechXml to work?
Entity entity;
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
if (entity.LogicalName != "fcg_processos")
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Ocorreu um erro no PlugIn Create Folder.");
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Ocorreu um erro no PlugIn Create Folder.");
processosid = (Guid)((Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"])["fcg_processosid"];
string processoid2 = processosid.ToString();
PluginSharepointProcessos.ServiceReference.PrxActivityResult result = log.CreateFolderSP("Processo", processoid2);
string resultado = result.xmlContent;
if (result.retCode > 0)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Ocorreu um erro na criação do Folder do Processo.");
PrxActivityResult Processo = ProcessoFetch2("", "", guid);
string stxml;
stxml = Processo.XmlContent;
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("resultset/result");
List<string[]> lista = new List<string[]>();
string[] strs = new string[7];
if (nodeList.Count != 0)//verificar o numero de registos
foreach (XmlNode xmlnode in nodeList)
if (xmlnode.SelectSingleNode("//fcg_numero") != null)
strs[2] = xmlnode.SelectSingleNode("//fcg_numero").InnerText;
strs[2] = "";
if (xmlnode.SelectSingleNode("//Concurso.fcg_numero") != null)
strs[3] = xmlnode.SelectSingleNode("//Concurso.fcg_numero").InnerText;
strs[3] = "";
IwsspClient FmwSharepoint = new IwsspClient();
PrxActivityResult folderresult = new PrxActivityResult();
List<ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave> arrayfields = new List<ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave>();
ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave nprocesso = new ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave();
nprocesso.Key = "FCG_Numero_Processo";
nprocesso.value = strs[2];
ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave npconcurso = new ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave();
npconcurso.Key = "FCG_Numero_Concurso";
npconcurso.value = strs[3];
ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave npguid = new ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave();
npguid.Key = "FCG_Guid_CRM";
npguid.value = guid;
folderresult = FmwSharepoint.CreateFolder("http://localhost/folder", "Processos", strs[2], arrayfields.ToArray());
res = folderresult;
When a plugin runs on the Post-Operation, it is still within the database transaction, and it hasn't actually been committed to the database. Any calls done with the service reference passed in as a part of the Plugin Context will be executed within the context on the database transaction and you will be able to retrieve the newly created/updated values. If you create a brand new OrganizationServiceProxy (Which I'm guessing is what you're doing), it will execute outside of the database transaction, and will not see the newly created / updated values.
As #AndyMeyers suggests in his comment (which really should be an answer IMHO), grabbing the data from the plugin context either via a pre/post image or the target is ideal since it eliminates another database call. If you're having to lookup records that may have been created by another plugin that fired earlier, you'll need to use the IOrganizationService that is included in the plugin context.
I had no option and I used this code to run webservice based on image and forget the FecthXml, as mentioned, i get all info from the Image on the post operation and send back to the WebService. Thanks, here is the code:
entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
concursid = (Guid)entity.Attributes["fcg_concursid"];
guid = concursid.ToString();
string npconcurs = (string)entity.Attributes["fcg_numer"];
nconcurs= npconcurs;
EntityReference nprograma = (EntityReference)entity.Attributes["fcg_unidadeorganica"];
program = nprogram.Name;
if (entity.LogicalName != "fcg_concurs")

dynamic connection string with EF4, get metadata path is not valid

Here is my problem.
I use a dynamic connection string for my Entity Framework context.
//In Web Config
add key="DataSource" value="WIN-QBRH0MJL8IT\ISS" />
//In my EntityFactory.cs
public static DBEntities GetEntity()
var scsb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
scsb.DataSource = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataSource"];
scsb.InitialCatalog = "db1";
scsb.MultipleActiveResultSets = true;
scsb.IntegratedSecurity = true;
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["DBName"] == null)
scsb.InitialCatalog = HttpContext.Current.Session["DBName"].ToString();
var builder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.Metadata = "metadata=~/bin/Models/DBModel.csdl|~/bin/Models/DBModel.ssdl|~/bin/Models/DBModel.msl";
builder.Provider = "System.Data.SqlClient";
builder.ProviderConnectionString = scsb.ConnectionString;
DBEntities db = new DBEntities(builder.ConnectionString);
return db;
I Know the problem is for this line :
builder.Metadata =
I check and the csdl, ssdl, msl are in /mvcinfosite/bin/Models/.csdl,.ssdl,.msl
The configuration for my edmx is:
Metadata Artifact Processing : Copy to Output Directory
Here is the full error
The specified metadata path is not valid. A valid path must be either
an existing directory, an existing file with extension '.csdl',
'.ssdl', or '.msl', or a URI that identifies an embedded resources
Try to remove ~ character and use valid relative path to your app root. I think it is not able to work with this special character used on in ASP.NET application.