CF - Language directory missing after installing CAB on device - deployment

On some of the controls im using locatisation (language property).
Besides default (that is in english) im also using additional language (slovenian).
Other localisation is done with application resource file.
If i debug the app on emulator there is a directory (si-sl), but if i build a CAB and install the CAB on emulator there is no such directory there.
Does any one know why is that so?

I'd have to see your CAB's INF, but I have a theory. CAB files have a limitation that they can only have one instance of a source file name. If you have more than one instance, CABWIZ will not complain or give an error, it simply will use (IIRC) the last one referenced.
This means is you have source files like this:
If you build your CAB file, all instances of the resource.dll file in the target will be identical, not the separate file you think you're pushing. To get around this you have to rename them at the source side going into the CAB.
You can use the CAB to rename them coming back out to all have the same name (i.e. resource.dll), so hand-modifying the INF can still get you the desired output structure. You just have to modify the CAB build process to rename your duplicates.


How do I configure mplayer to use a default edl file name?

I want to configure mplayer to look for an edl when playing a video. Specifically, I want it to use "show.edl" when playing "show.mp4", assuming both are in the same directory. Very similar to how it looks for subtitles.
I can add a default edl in the config file by adding the following:
And this will look for the file "default.edl" IN THE CURRENT DIRECTORY, rather than in the directory where the media file is. And it isn't named after the media file either, and thus even if it did look in the right place, I'd have one single edl file for every media file in that directory.
Not really what I wanted.
So, is there a way, in the "~/.mplayer/config" file, to specify the edl relative to the input file name?
Mplayer's config file format doesn't seem to support any sort of replacement syntax. So there's no way to do this?
MPlayer does not have a native method to specify strings in the config file relative to the input file name. So there's no native way to deal with this.
There's a variety of approaches you could use to get around that. Writing a wrapper around mplayer to parse out the input file and add an "-edl=" parameter is fairly general, but will fail on playlists, and I'm sure lots of other edge cases. The most general solution would of course be to add the functionality to mplayer's config parser (m_parse.c, iirc.)
The simplest, though, is to (ab)use media-specific configuration files.
Doesn't require recompiling mplayer!
Well defined and limited failure modes. I.E. the ways it fails and when it fails are easily understood, and there aren't hidden "oops, didn't expect that" behaviors hidden anywhere.
Construction and updating of the edl files is easily automated.
Fails if you move the media around, as the config files need to full path to the edl file to function correctly.
Requires you have a ".conf" file as well as an EDL file, which adds clutter to the file system.
Malicious config files in the media directory may be a security issue. (Though if you're allowing general upload of media files, you probably have bigger problems. mplayer is not at all a security-hardened codebase, nor generally are the codecs it uses.)
To make this work:
Add "use-filedir-conf=yes" to "/etc/mplayer.conf" or "~/.mplayer/config". This is required, as looking in the media directory for config files is turned off by default,
For each file "clip.mp4" which has an edl "clip.edl" in the same directory, create a file "clip.mp4.conf" which contains the single line "edl=/path/to/clip.edl". The complete path is required.
Automatic creation and updating of the media-specific .conf files is left as an exercise for the student.

How to automatically delete Dymolas build files after simulation?

Every time I simulate in Dymola, a number of "useless" (for me) files are created in the working directory - i.e. dsfinal.txt, dsin.txt, dslog.txt, dsmodel.c, dymosim.exe. I find it annoying as it messes up my directory.
Is there a way to select only the desired output files to be kept after the simulations, without the need of manually deleting the undesired ones?
Those are temporary, but necessary files for Dymola. As far as I know there is no option to delete them automatically. Of course you could script that, but I don't see a real point to it and those files are used by some functionality - e.g. dsfinal.txt is used when as simulation is continued.
Some notes: Those files are created in the working directory - which should contain temporary files only. The working directory can be set via the GUI using File -> Options -> Settings:
A rather common problem is, that there is a Open and a Load function in Dymola:
As the description states, Load does not influence the working directory, whereas Open sets it to the directory from which a file is opened. The latter is also true for opening files e.g. via a double-click from the explorer. So usually it is better to go with Load.
My advice would be to separate the directories in which models/packages are stored and the working directory. This way the working directories content can be fully deleted basically anytime...

How to load .mat files onto Matlab? Basically what's wrong with my code?

For this project we have been given code, and will be changing some inputs and assumptions. Thus, I already possess the original codes, but just changing all the creator's file paths to match my own computer is yielding me a lot of trouble. The following, and many variations of, continually yield errors.
load \Users\myname\Library\Documents\...
The error is
Error using load
'Unable to read file
No such file or directory.
My files are stored in my Documents. Another person in my group on windows has used
load C:\Users\hisname\Desktop\...
Is there something I'm missing in my line, similar to the C drive but on Mac? Is my code just completely wrong, I'm able to load files in R quite easily, but Matlab is posing a huge hurdle. I have no experience with Matlab and have been asked simply to run this code.
On the Mac, path components are separated by /, not \. Thus, you should type
load /Users/myname/Documents/filename.mat
You can use the location bar at the top of the command window to change to the directory where your file is located, and then you can type
load filename
to load filename.mat.
Also, are you sure you have a Documents directory under Library? Why?
To run code from a file called "my_file.m", than just open your Matlab and type run my_file.m. This will run your script in the Command Window.
The load function is used, if you want to load a .mat file. These are normally files, where variables from your workspace are stored.

How to import files relative to main file, instead of current directory? ((Chez) Scheme)

For example, in my main.scm file I have (load "util.scm"). util.scm is a file in the same folder as main.scm. Both files are located in ~/documents/myproject/.
Now when I'm in this directory, and I run $ chez-scheme main.scm everything works fine. However, if I'm in my home directory and run $chez-scheme documents/myproject/main.scm it complains, not being able to find the file util.scm. I suppose this is the case because the current directory was my relevant home directory, and as such util.scm is indeed not there, it is actually in documents/myproject/. That being said, I'm used (in other languages) to the functionality of looking these paths up relative to the file containing the instruction to import, and I'd like to have that here as well. I've tried prefixing it by ./ or defining the file as a libary and doing (import (util)) but none of it works outside of documents/myproject/. Is there any way to get this to work as I intend it to?
I assume this is Chez-Scheme-specific. If not I'd prefer an answer that is implementation-neutral.
load is kind of awkward in R5RS since the report states that system interfaces are off topic in the report, but they include load which is a half hearted solution. The report does not say if the load is relative to the current directory or the file the load form originates from so in order to be portable I guess you are required to run your script from the current directory and have your loaded file relative to both.
Since Chez Scheme implements R6RS load is not really the right form to use. R6RS removed load in favor of libraries. You should make your file a library and consult how to install it. In some systems that is just placing the files in the right path, adding library location in configuration or running install script. How one uses the library is the same in all implementations, by using import.
According to Chez documentation you can pass --libdirs to it to give it one or more paths to consider for loading libraries. You can see the paths it scans by evaluating (library-directories)
There are several different ways to accomplish what (I think) you are trying to do, but eventually they all boil down to letting Chez know where to look for things. When given relative paths, include and load use the source-directories parameter to search for the requested file. Libraries have their path automatically prepended to source-directories while they are being loaded or compiled, so if your main.scm were a library definition then it would find util.scm as you expect.
However, it sounds like main.scm isn't a library, it's a top-level program. Unfortunately, Chez doesn't have a command line option to set the source-directories like it does for library directories. That leaves you with a bit less flexibility. Any of the following will work:
Make util.scm a library and invoke Chez with the --libdirs option to let it know where to look for libraries.
Set source-directories and load main.scm from inside the REPL rather than from the command line.
Write a wrapper shell script that does the above by echoing the commands into scheme so you don't have to type it yourself. (Only suitable if you don't also need to then type into the scheme session).
Write a wrapper shell script that cds into your project directory before running scheme (and presumably cds back to the original directory when it's done).

How can I add a custom package to the startup path in Dymola/Modelica?

I have a custom package that I find myself reusing repeatedly in Dymola models, and I'd like to put this package in a common directory that is automatically loaded whenever I start Dymola. My current strategy is to load the custom package when a model I'm working on is loaded and then save total. This is not elegant because the contents of the custom package end up saved in multiple locations across my hard drive, and if I change one of them, the changes are not reflected everywhere. I would like a more robust way of distributing this custom package to all of my models. Is there a way to tell Dymola to automatically load my custom packaged every time?
The trick is to add the following lines to settings.mos in c:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Dynasim:
Utilities.setenv("MODELICAPATH", "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Dymola");
The first line adds the directory to the path that Dymola uses to search for packages that have not been loaded prior to the first run of a model, and the second line loads the specified package. These two commands may be somewhat redundant, but I am doing both because I want to make sure my custom packages are on the path in addition to loading the UserDefined package.
Two suggestions. First, you need to add your package to the MODELICAPATH. You'll have to consult the Dymola documentation to figure out exactly what you need to do. But normally, what this means is that you have to set an environment variable that gives a list of directories (; separated) to be searched for your package. Now that will put it in your path so it can find it automatically, but it won't load it until it needs it.
If you want it to always appear in the package browser, you'll probably need to set up a .mos file (script) to load it. Dymola has that capability, but you'll have to read the manual to figure out what that script has to be called and where Dymola expects to find it.
I hope that helps.
In the instalation folder of Dymola 2018 -> insert -> dymola.mos
I've added the lines:
Utilities.setenv("MODELICAPATH", "C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\Dymola");
openModel(“C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\Dymola\Annex60 1.0.0\”);
Now I don't get the utilities sentence, as the DCOL package loads fine without it and the added 'utilities' package in the package menu is useless.
But it does not open the Annex60 package.
I've tried a lot of different combinations and can't get multiple packages to load. I doubt that "cd" and "Advanced.ParallelizeCode", which are also added in the text work.
The accepted answer does not work since Dymola 2017 FD01, as the file settings.mos is not used anymore. User settings are stored in the setup.dymx file instead, located in
In contrast to the setup.mos file you can not include custom lines with modelica script in setup.dymx.
The answer using dymola.mos still works, but you need admin privileges to modify this file.
Here is a simple solution which works with all Dyomola versions:
You can pass a .mos-script as first parameter to the dymola.exe.
This can e.g. be done like this:
Create a .mos script somewhere with commands like openModel(), etc.
Create a desktop shortcut to Dymola.exe
Open the properties of the shortcut and add the path to the .mos script in the Target text field. It will then look something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Dymola 2018 FD01\bin64\Dymola.exe" "C:\<some-path>\startup.mos"
Start Dymola with the desktop shortcut. The script will be executed and eventual errors or messages are displayed in the Commands window
Another suggestion where you don't need to hardcode your package into an environment variable of your operating system (and maybe more safe for inexperienced programmers):
Go to the folder where Dymola is installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\Dymola 2020).
Search for the Dymola.mos file in the insert-folder. 'insert' folder
Open the script (e.g., in notepad++)
Add the link(s) to your file(s) here with the openModel statement
e.g., openModel("C:/IDEAS/"); Dymola.mos script
Save the script. Now, every time you open Dymola, your libraries will be loaded automatically.