IIS Manager can't configure .NET Compilation on .NET 4 Applications - web-config

i tried to configure the .NET Compilation Settings in the IIS Manager but all i see is an Error Message that tells me that there is an unrecognized element in the web.config file in C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v.4.0.30319\config\.
A little bit strange for me is, that i get this error message on my Windows 7 System and also on a Windows Server 2008 R2.
While googling around a little bit all i found is this blog entry http://olegtarasov.me/2010/09/nastrojka-iis-7-5-i-asp-net-4/.
I tried the aspnet_regiis -i -enable command but that was not the solution for me.

Ok, i've got it.
The Problem is, that my systems a 64 Bit systems and the aspnet_regiis i've called was the 32 Bit Version. After calling aspnet_regiis from the Framework64 Directory everything was fine.
Thanks to Scott Hanselman http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ASPNET4BreakingChangesAndStuffToBeAwareOf.aspx

Yes, it worked. To be precise executed:
aspnet_regiis -iru
As Scott says:
If you are already in this state, drop to the command line and navigate to the FX install directory. Then run "aspnet_regiis –iru".
Note if you are on a 64-bit machine, run this command from the 64-bit FX install directory – not the 32-bit installation directory.

For my x64 Win7 machine worked the following command:
aspnet_regiis -i -enable

I have to used command below to get it working. For more detail see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2015129
aspnet_regiis.exe /iru
When I used aspnet_regiis.exe -iru (with a hyphen instead of forward slash) it didn't do anything. See below.


libtorrent error on Windows XP

I'm trying to run a program on Windows XP using libtorrent 1.1.5 (compiled via boost 1.65.1) and get the error "The entry point to the CreateSemaphoreExW procedure was not found in the KERNEL32.dll DLL.". On Windows 7+ this works fine. How can I fix this error?
_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 solved the problem
The answer is simple- you can not fix it. Take a look at the official documentation.
Minimum supported client: Windows Vista. You can try to download a kernel32.dll from windows 7 and put it into the application directory, but I doubt it would work.

pgAdmin 4 not starting on Windows 10 64bit

After a fresh install of postgres for Windows 10 64bit I am not able to get pgAdmin 4 starting.
First it throws an fatal error message:
After OK, that message appears:
Is there anything wrong? because after OK - the program won't start.
What can I do to get pgadmin 4 running? What should I enter in Python Path and what in Application Path?
I have found now the problem, it was the Java installation on which pgadmin 4 depend heavily.
In Windows when installing Java 8 (Java SE in this case) you do not have to use JAVA_HOME and JAVA_JRE anylonger and you can install java with default path settings (with the version number)
So I installed JAVA SDK 8 32 and 64bit and pgadmin start up normally.
The PATH variable includes only C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath, thats all and let you use allways the latest version of java you installed.
In my case, I installed pgAdmin 4 v4.25 (released Aug. 20, 2020) . It solved my issue .
I had the same problem. I think, the installation of Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable is the source.
I fixed it uninstalling pgAdmin 4 and installing it again.
It tried to install Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable again, but it was already installed and now it works.
Hope this helps.
Try to install pgamin 4.5.1, it works for me (w10 x64) pgadmin 4.1.5
After struggling for weeks with this problem I found a solution. In my case I have Anaconda installed and maybe it affects PgAdmin in some way, I don't know. In order to start PgAdmin I followed these steps:
Open cmd and move to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4\web
Run pgAdmin4.py with your Python distribution. I had to install several libraries.
In my case, an error appeared, I needed to change Line #32 of C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4\web\pgadmin\browser\__init__.py. More precisely:
from flask_security.views import _security, _commit, default_render_json, _ctx to
from flask_security.views import _security, _commit, _render_json, _ctx
Last, I needed to edited line socket module from Python libraries, gethostbyaddr(name) found non-ASCII symbols in the host name of my computer, I don't have any of them :S. Well, I changed line #687
hostname, aliases, ipaddrs = gethostbyaddr(name) to
hostname, aliases, ipaddrs = gethostbyaddr("")
After all of these steps I run pgAdmin4.py again and it worked.
Hope it helps.
For me there was no way to make it work (pgAdmin4 Version 4.21 that comes with Postgres 11.8 on Windows 10 x64). I really tried every possible solution.
So I gave up and found pgAdmin3 Redux: https://tokavuh.com/pgAdmin3Redux/ that supports Postgres 11, too.
You will probably have problems starting it, because of missing dll's from some Visual C++ Redistributable version I could not find out, but fortunately you will find these missing dll's on https://www.dll-files.com, just search them there as errors pops up.

Error talking to the Parse servers;please try again Windows 7

I'm using 64 bit Windows 7. I have downloaded the latest version of Parse.exe and ParseConsole.exe into a folder. When I run ParseConsole.exe and key in parse new command I'm getting this error:
Error talking to the parse servers;please try again
When I key in the command parse help I'm getting info.
Am I missing something? Do I need to install any other plugins? How should I get it to run without errors?
I also struggled a lot facing the same issue.
I was however able to solve the same.
Download the CLI from the website.
Go here and check if you have same version of parse.exe as downloaded or else replace the older one with this.
copy both of the files ( parse.exe and parseconsole.exe) into c:\windows\system32 for 32 bit operating system and into c:\windows\syswow64 for 64 bit operating system
open windows power shell and run it as administrator , test all your commands.
It should be working fine now :)

Installing a driver (.inf) file from command line

I am working in Windows 8.1.
I need to install a driver file (.inf file) from command line. Which command do I need to use?
I know I have many other method for installing a .inf file, but I must install this from command line.
Please help me
Thanks in advance...
Granger's comment works in Windows 7 too. According to MS, PnPUtil (PnPUtil.exe) is included in every version of Windows, starting with Windows Vista.
It is useful for device drivers that do not have default install (right-click "Install" does not work for them).
pnputil -i -a <driverinf>
The default way for device drivers is:
pnputil -i -a <driverinf>
Legacy Drivers can´t be installed with pnputil and have to use LaunchINFSectionEx-Call
I tested the following and it works with several drivers from Windows 2000 up to Windows 10, 2012R2, 2016, 2019.
rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx ykmd.inf,Yubico64_Install.NT,,4,N
Pay attention to use the correct section
The correct section of the inf-File must be used, when there is no [DefaultInstall]-Section. This lacks in most answers. Look it up in your drivers inf-File and use the correct section (in my example "Yubico64_Install.NT"). Using the wrong section wont prompt an error. Im my example I use Quiet mode, no UI (4) and Never reboot (N) to install the driver automated via GPO. All options are documented in detail here:
There are many variants ... and many complications with newer versions of Windows.
But for starters, try something like this:
rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx myinf.inf,,c:\temp\mydata.cab,36
Programmatic driver install via .inf causing reboot
Note: beware older links that suggest "setupapi" instead of "advpack". You definitely want advpack.dll.

Unable to register dll using regsvr32:The module "*.dll" failed to load

There is a similar question from stackoverflow. But I didn't find that the answer is helpful. I also used Google searched the websites, I have watched here and here.
I have tried the method they told to solve this problem but not got a satisfied answer.
My operating system is 32-bit Window 7. Noncircle.dll is generated by Matlab version 2010a in another machine which installed Matlab. I tried to add Noncircle.dll as a reference in a project written in C#(I didn't install Matlab on my computer), but Visual-Studio 2010 told me the error:
So I doubt that Noncircle.dll maybe have to be registered. So I put Noncircle.dll in C:\Windows\System32 and started Cmd.exe as a administrator and typed:
regsvr32 Noncircle.dll
Then I got an error:
"The module "Noncircle.dll" failed to load.Make sure the binary is sorted at the
specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or depenedent
.DLL files.The specified module coudl not be found."
Could you give me some hints, Thanks in advance!
Updated on 2012/10/18
But if I have installed Matlab version 2010a on my machine, this problem is solved.
I just had the same issue.
If you're running 64-bit Windows and you've placed the 32-bit DLL in Windows\System32\ then it'll give you this error.
Simply place the DLL into Windows\SysWOW64\ and register it from there.
Here's where I found the fix:
First of all try to use RegDllView, to see whether there is actually a COM server registered in the system.
Also check whether this DLL is a COM component.
I know its too late... but I am adding my solution for others because I faced the same error after following above mentioned answers:
"I just had the same issue.
If you're running 64-bit Windows and you've placed the 32-bit DLL in Windows\System32\ then it'll give you this error.
Simply place the DLL into Windows\SysWOW64\ and register it from there."
If you are facing same error after placing DDL to SysWOW64, then you need to turn on MSMQ feature.
Go to Start ->
Search "Turn Windows features on or off" ->
Find "Microsoft Message Queue(MSMQ) Server" and Enable it.
Now, register the same DLL again and this time it will be registered