What does the "...parameterless constructors and initializers are supported..." error mean? - entity-framework

I'm getting this error:
Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities.
When trying to run this code (found this code here and made test database to play around with):
XElement xml = new XElement("contacts",
from c in db.Contacts
orderby c.ContactId
select new XElement("contact",
new XAttribute("contactId", c.ContactId),
new XElement("firstName", c.FirstName),
new XElement("lastName", c.LastName))
where db is the auto created entities object. Any ideas on how to get this to work?

I believe it's objecting to the fact that you're using an XElement constructor that takes parameters in your "select" clause. Since XElement doesn't have a parameterless constructor, you might need to change your code to select an anonymous type, and initialize the XElement collection after the fact.
var els = from c in db.Contacts
orderby c.ContactID
select new { c.ContactID, c.FirstName, c.LastName };
var xml = new XElement("contacts",
.Select(e => new XElement("contact",
new XAttribute("contactID", e.ContactID),
new XElement("firstName", e.FirstName),
new XElement("lastName", e.LastName))));
That's untested, but hopefully gives you the idea. I'm doing the EF query first, and then calling ToList() on it so that I can select the XElement collection using Linq to Objects rather than EF.

I would rewrite it like this:
XElement xml2 = new XElement("contacts",
from c in
((IEnumerable<Contact>)(from c in Contacts
orderby c.ContactId
select c))
select new XElement("contact",
new XAttribute("contactId", c.ContactId),
new XElement("firstName", c.FirstName),
new XElement("lastName", c.LastName))
The point is to separate LINQ execution tree from XElement instantiation. By casting LINQ query from IQueriable to IEnumerable, you will separate code LINQ will use to get data from code that is going to create your XElements.


EF deferred execution using SQLquery as input

I am trying to get an entity with EF by having an initial sql as input.
I tried the context.Entities.SQLQuery method but this returns a DBSet when I require an IQueriable.
I learned that I cannot transform DBSet to IQueryable because the first is already a result of data while the second is the container for the results of a "query" (executed yet or not). Correct me if i'm wrong :)
So I thought that when I write the following lambda I get the resulting query:
db.MyTable.Where(x => x.id == "123")
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE id = '123'
With this I thought if I can set directly my query without needing to set my lambda...
Is that an option?
Or an alternative?
It's a bit unclear what you mean:
I am trying to get an entity with EF having an initial sql as input.
I'd interpret this, as that you have an SQL statement as input of something and you want to get an entity framework entity that would have this statement (whatever having a statement means)? Not understandable!
I learned that I cannot transform DBSet to IQueryable because the
first (the DbSet) is already a result of data while the second (the IQueryable) is the container for the results of a "query"
Every DbSet<T> implements IQueryable<T>, meaning that if you have an object of class DbSet<t>, this object implements all functionality of IQueryable<T>. Just using this IQueryable does not execute the query. The query will only be executed once the first element of the sequence if requested.
using (var dbContext = new MyDbcontext())
var result = dbContext.MyItems
.Where(item => ...)
.Select(item => new
X = item.Property1,
Y = item.Property2,
Until here, the first element of the sequence is not asked, the query is not performed yet. No communication with the database was needed (except to create the dbContext object)
Only if you use execution functions like ToList(),Count(), First(), Max(), etc, the query is performed.
You can check this, because you get exceptoin if you do these kind of functions after the using block:
IQueryable largeItems;
using (var dbContext = new MyDbcontext())
largeItems = dbContext.MyItems
.Where(item => item.Size > 1000);
// query not executed yet
int nrOfLargeItems = largeItems.Count();
// exception, query executed after dbContext is disposed
int nrOfLargeItems;
using (var dbContext = new MyDbcontext())
var largeItems = dbContext.MyItems
.Where(item => item.Size > 1000);
// query not executed yet
nrOfLargeItems = largeItems.Count();
// the query is performed
Conclusion: users of a DbSet<T> inside a dbContext can use the DbSet<T> as if it was an IQueryable<T>, the query will not be executed until you perform any function that needs the first element of the query.
This includes complex functions like Join, GroupBy, OrderBy, etc. You can recognize these functions because MSDN add the following to the remarks section
This method is implemented by using deferred execution. The immediate return value is an object that stores all the information that is required to perform the action. The query represented by this method is not executed until the object is enumerated either by calling its GetEnumerator method directly or by using foreach.

JPA EntityManager TypedQuery -- Return a Different Class (ViewModel/DTO) than entity model?

Coming from a Entity Framework Background I can cast my ORM results to a class that contains a subset of the full back-end model's data.
I have a JAX-RS REST Service where I am usually returning something like
MyEntity result = em.createQuery(select e from MyEntity e ... blah blah blah).
I know I can do this:
Object result = em.createQuery(select e.Title, e.Version, e.Date from MyEntity e... blah blah blah).
But can I either a:
Cast my result to a separate class or B name my fields in my createquery such that they are named when returning my JSON?
For example in .Net Land I could do something like....
(select new {Title = e.Title, Version = e.Version})
and then cast this to another type. I tried using a typedquery and casting but I get a "Type X is incompatible with return type Y" type error.
My goal is to return a specific subset (view model/ DTO)of my information for consumption in a specific scenario.
E.g My model is huge and I don't want to return a large amount of the data every time.
Yes, creating non-entity types is possible, using JPA constructor expressions i.e. the NEW keyword:
List<DTO> dtos = em.createQuery("SELECT NEW com.example.DTO( o.title, o.version) FROM Entity o").getResultList();
The DTO must have a constructor with all the relevant fields.
There is no need for casting.

Why do Entity Framework queries not return unsaved entities

Consider the following code:
var Products_First = (from Entities.Product p in myContext.Product
select p);
Entities.Product newProduct = new Entities.Product();
newProduct.Name = "New Product";
var Products_Again = (from Entities.Product p in myContext.Product
select p);
Notice here that Products_Again is queried without saving the context, that is myContext.SaveChanges() is not called.
Products_Again contains the same number of products as Products_First. Why is this? A new Product is added and tracked by the same context object. Why can not I see the new product in the new query results?
After adding new object to the context is there a way to reach the new object without saving changes?
Properties of type ObjectQuery<T>, like myContext.Product, always query the DB. That's what they do.
In EF 4.1 you can use DbSet<T>.Local to query memory.
In EF < 4.1 you would use:
ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Added).Select(o => o.Entity).OfType<Product>()

Execute StoredProcedure in CodeFirst 4.1

I understand stored procedures mapping is not supported by my understanding is that I should be able to call stored procedures.
I have quite a few complex stored procedures and with the designer I could create a complex type and I was all good.
Now in code first let's suppose I have the following stored procedure, just put together something silly to give an idea. I want to return a student with 1 address.
In code I have A Student and Address Entity. But no StudentAddressEntity as it's a link table.
I have tried the following but I get an error
Incorrect syntax near '."}
System.Data.Common.DbException {System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException}
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[GetStudentById]
#StudentID int
FROM Student S
left join StudentAddress SA on S.Studentid = sa.studentid
left join Address A on SA.AddressID = A.AddressID
where S.StudentID = #StudentID
C# code:
using (var ctx = new SchoolContext())
var student = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<Student>("GetStudentById,#StudentID",
new SqlParameter("StudentID", id));
Any examples out there how to call sp and fill a complexType in code first, using out parameters etc.. Can I hook into ADO.NET?
Trying just an SP that returns all students with no parameters I get this error
System.SystemException = Cannot create a value for property
'StudentAddress' of type
'CodeFirstPrototype.Dal.Address'. Only
properties with primitive types are
Is it because I have in a way ignore the link table?
Any suggestions?
I believe that your exception actually is:
Incorrect syntax near ','.
because this is invalid statement: "GetStudentById,#StudentID". It should be without comma: "GetStudentById #StudentID".
The problem with stored procedures in EF is that they don't support loading navigation properties. EF will materialize only the main entity and navigation properties will not be loaded. This is solved for example by EFExtensions. EFExtensions are for ObjectContext API so you will have to check if it is also usable for DbContext API.
Using EFExtentions it will look something like
using (var context = new SchoolContext())
var command = context.CreateStoreCommand("GetStudentById", CommandType.StoredProcedure,
new SqlParameter("StudentID", id));
using (command.Connection.CreateConnectionScope())
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
// use the reader to read the data
// my recommendation is to create a Materializer using EFExtensions see
// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/meek/archive/2008/03/26/ado-entity-framework-stored-procedure-customization.aspx
// ex
var student = Student.Materializer.Materialize(reader).SingleOrDefault();
return student;

Cast IEnumerable<T> to ObservableCollection<T> without constructor injection the IEnumerable<T>

How can I do that?
thats a no go:
ObservableCollection obsCol = new ObservableCollection(myIEnumerable);
var query = from c in customers
select new Customer()
Products = from p in products
where p.Id = c.Id
select p
Products is a ObservableCollection so it can not take the IEnumerable result from the select above...
How to cast?
Like this:
ObservableCollection obsCol = new ObservableCollection(myIEnumerable.ToList());
Note that the ObservableCollection instance will not reflect changes to the customers list.
EDIT: The Select extension method returns an instance of a compiler-generated iterator class. Since this class does not inherit ObservableCollection, it is impossible to cast it to one.